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latter part of the year (2nd half) - determine sino yung pwede maging chair ng committee (joint with


Ask for volunteers muna then if meron, siya na yung vice chair.

-Create a charter. We can still use the same wordings with D-team.

Just update the process of selection of the next chairs, succession planning and the other officers.

-November 2024 dapat may budget na for 2025.

-Update with a little bit more detail on the activities.

(Feasible timeline of the Charter Update: February 16, 2024).

Agenda #2: Expectations and format of the meetings

Monthly meetings - we can set that already as a recurring one if what day and date everymonth. Last
Wednesday of the month (February 28, 2023)

Prepare agenda a week before. Specific topics (Not just People Com Updates - be specific on the agenda)

Budget monitoring - monitor monthly (Check what's spent and what's left)

We can cascade the budgets already if we like to.

We can meet before the announcements.

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