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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V - Bicol

Direction: Write a Movie Analysis on the movie "Beowulf".

I. Setting & Cinematography:

A motion-capture recreation of the same-named Old English epic poem, "Beowulf" was
released in 2007 and is a fantasy-action movie directed by Robert Zemeckis. Viewers
are taken to a world of towering cliffs, foggy forests, and perilous seas in medieval
Scandinavia by the film. With its attention to detail and realistic portrayal of the
characters and their surroundings, the motion-captured cinematography provides an
amazing visual experience.

II. Characterization & Acting:

Beowulf, who appears in the movie, is portrayed by Ray Winstone among a stellar cast.
King Hrothgar is portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, and Grendel's mother is portrayed by
Angelina Jolie. The performers give great performances in which they vividly bring their
characters to life for the viewers. Beowulf is portrayed by Winstone in a particularly
memorable way because he captures the hero's courage, power, and weaknesses,
making him a nuanced and likeable lead.

III. Plot (Summary):

The movie tells the tale of the legendary Geatish warrior Beowulf, who helps King
Hrothgar, whose realm is being terrorized by the evil Grendel. Beowulf sets out to slay
Grendel and defend the country, escorted by his devoted companions. The journey,
however, takes an unexpected turn when Beowulf comes across Grendel's alluring
mother, sparking a conflict with far-reaching repercussions. The story examines themes
of bravery, destiny, and the effects of one's deeds.

IV. Lessons Learned:

"Beowulf" imparts a number of insightful teachings. The significance of overcoming

one's concerns and accepting responsibility for one's actions is one of the main lessons.
Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Region V - Bicol
The voyage of Beowulf shows the results of his earlier decisions and his eventual
atonement. The movie also looks at the perils of giving in to temptation and the
destructive power of unrestrained appetites. It also emphasizes the passing nature of
glory and the certainty of death.

V. Theme:

The idea of heroism and the duality of human nature are important to the story
"Beowulf’s subject. It explores the complexity of heroism and questions whether heroes
are genuinely motivated by selflessness or by selfish interests. Along with exploring the
hazy boundaries between good and evil, the movie also questions conventional ideas of
heroism and villainy through the use of figures like Grendel's mother.

VI. Special Attraction:

Its innovative use of motion-capture technology makes "Beowulf" one of its unique
attractions. Using this technology, the movie creates an immersive and visually
spectacular experience that both makes the characters and the mythological realm
seem real and fantastical. By seamlessly fusing live-action performances with
computer-generated graphics, motion-capture technology enables attention to detail
that is astounding.

VII. Personal Opinion/ Views:

"Beowulf" is, in my opinion, a visually arresting and thought-provoking movie. By making

the narration more visually appealing and enabling the investigation of challenging
issues, motion-capture technology improves storytelling. Characters are given depth
and authenticity through the cast's performances, especially Ray Winstone's Beowulf.
Although some purists could claim that the movie strays from the original poetry, it gives
a new and contemporary interpretation that makes the epic story more accessible to a
wider audience. All things considered, "Beowulf" is a captivating cinematic experience
that combines gorgeous vistas, potent performances, and a timeless narrative.

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