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O Jesus, King of Glory


Martin Behm, 1557–1622 Melchior Teschner, 1584–1635, alt.
Tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827–78, alt. Setting: Lutheran Book of Worship: Select Hymns, 1985
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1 O Je - sus, King of Glo - ry, Both Da - vid’s Lord and Son!
2 The east - ern sa - ges, bring - ing Their trib - ute gifts to Thee,
3 Thou art a might - y mon - arch, As by Thy Word is told,
œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ
4 Yet art Thou decked with beau - ty, With rays of glo - rious light;
?b ˙ œ œœ ˙ œ œ œ ˙
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Thy realm en - dures for - ev - er, In heav’n is fixed Thy throne.
Bear wit - ness to Thy king - dom And hum - bly bow the knee.
Yet car - est Thou but lit - tle For earth - ly goods or gold;
œ œœ œ œœ œ œœ
Thy works pro - claim Thy good - ness, And all Thy ways are right.
?b ˙ œ œœ ˙˙ œœ œ œ ˙˙
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& b Œ œœ œ œ œœ
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œ n œ œœ œœ œœ ˙˙
Help that in earth’s do - min - ions, Through - out from pole to pole,
To Thee the star is point - ing And the pro - phet - ic Word;
On no proud steed Thou rid - est, Thou wear’st no jew - eled crown
Vouch- safe to shield Thy peo - ple With Thine al - might - y arm
œ œ œœ œœ ˙˙ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ ˙˙
? b b Œ œœ œ œ œ œ
œ œ
& b Œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ̇ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ ˙
Thy reign may spread sal - va - tion To each be - night - ed soul.
Hence joy - ous - ly we hail Thee: Our Sav - ior and our Lord!
Nor dwell’st in lord - ly cas - tle, But bear - est scoff and frown.
œ œœ œ œœ œ. œj ˙˙
That they may dwell in safe - ty From those who mean them harm.
? bb Œ œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œœ
œ œ̇ œ œ œ œ
5 Ah, look on me with pity 6 And bid Thy Word within me
Though I am weak and poor; Shine as the fairest star;
Admit me to Thy kingdom Keep sin and all false doctrine
To dwell there, blest and sure. Forever from me far.
I pray Thee, guide and keep me Help me confess Thee truly
Safe from my bitter foes, And with Thy Christendom
From sin and death and Satan; Here own Thee King and Savior
Free me from all my woes. And in the world to come.
Text and music: Public domain
Reproducible Congregational Pages Reproducible Congregational Pages

O Jesus, King of Glory O Jesus, King of Glory

Martin Behm, 1557–1622 VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN Martin Behm, 1557–1622 VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN
Tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827–78, alt. Melchior Teschner, 1584–1635, alt. Tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827–78, alt. Melchior Teschner, 1584–1635, alt.
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1 O Je - sus, King of Glo - ry, Both 1 O Je - sus, King of Glo - ry, Both
2 The east - ern sa - ges, bring - ing Their 2 The east - ern sa - ges, bring - ing Their
3 Thou art a might - y mon - arch, As 3 Thou art a might - y mon - arch, As
4 Yet art Thou decked with beau - ty, With 4 Yet art Thou decked with beau - ty, With
> › › Å > › › Å
> › › > › ›
Da - vid’s Lord and Son! Thy Da - vid’s Lord and Son! Thy
trib - ute gifts to Thee, Bear trib - ute gifts to Thee, Bear
by Thy Word is told, Yet by Thy Word is told, Yet
rays of glo - rious light; Thy rays of glo - rious light; Thy
> › Å › › > › Å › ›
> › › › > › › ›
realm en - dures for - ev - er, In realm en - dures for - ev - er, In
wit - ness to Thy king - dom And wit - ness to Thy king - dom And
car - est Thou but lit - tle For car - est Thou but lit - tle For
works pro - claim Thy good - ness, And works pro - claim Thy good - ness, And
> › Å š › > › Å š ›
> › › › > › › ›
heav’n is fixed Thy throne. Help heav’n is fixed Thy throne. Help
hum - bly bow the knee. To hum - bly bow the knee. To
earth - ly goods or gold; On earth - ly goods or gold; On
all Thy ways are right. Vouch - all Thy ways are right. Vouch -
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> › Å › › > › Å › ›
that in earth’s do - min - ions, Through - that in earth’s do - min - ions, Through -
Thee the star is point - ing And Thee the star is point - ing And
no proud steed Thou rid - est, Thou no proud steed Thou rid - est, Thou
safe to shield Thy peo - ple With safe to shield Thy peo - ple With

Text and tune: Public domain Text and tune: Public domain
O Jesus, King of Glory—page 2 O Jesus, King of Glory—page 2

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out from pole to pole, Thy out from pole to pole, Thy
the pro - phet - ic Word; Hence the pro - phet - ic Word; Hence
wear’st no jew - eled crown Nor wear’st no jew - eled crown Nor
Thine al - might - y arm That Thine al - might - y arm That
> >
> › › › › Å › › > › › › › Å › ›
reign may spread sal - va - tion To reign may spread sal - va - tion To
joy - ous - ly we hail Thee: Our joy - ous - ly we hail Thee: Our
dwell’st in lord - ly cas - tle, But dwell’st in lord - ly cas - tle, But
they may dwell in safe - ty From they may dwell in safe - ty From
> >
> › › > › ›
each be - night - ed soul. each be - night - ed soul.
› › Å › › Å
Sav - ior and our Lord! Sav - ior and our Lord!
bear - est scoff and frown. bear - est scoff and frown.
those who mean them harm. those who mean them harm.

5 Ah, look on me with pity 5 Ah, look on me with pity

Though I am weak and poor; Though I am weak and poor;
Admit me to Thy kingdom Admit me to Thy kingdom
To dwell there, blest and sure. To dwell there, blest and sure.
I pray Thee, guide and keep me I pray Thee, guide and keep me
Safe from my bitter foes, Safe from my bitter foes,
From sin and death and Satan; From sin and death and Satan;
Free me from all my woes. Free me from all my woes.

6 And bid Thy Word within me 6 And bid Thy Word within me
Shine as the fairest star; Shine as the fairest star;
Keep sin and all false doctrine Keep sin and all false doctrine
Forever from me far. Forever from me far.
Help me confess Thee truly Help me confess Thee truly
And with Thy Christendom And with Thy Christendom
Here own Thee King and Savior Here own Thee King and Savior
And in the world to come. And in the world to come.

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