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Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.

January 2024
St. Francis Xavier and St. Wendel Religious Education Program

Shape children’s hearts with virtues

A key element of Catholic parenting is faithfulness or fidelity means to act
to shape the hearts of our children, not in a way that honors a commitment.
just manage their behavior. One way Children may not always hear what
to shape a child’s we say, but they are influenced
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys heart is to offer by what they see us do.
Born at Troyes, France in 1620, St. opportunities to Meekness: Meekness
Marguerite desired grow in virtue: is not timidity. It fuels
early on to become Modesty: self-control. St.
a missionary. “Modesty protects Thomas Aquinas
A friend the intimate center cautioned against
introduced her to of a person. It expressing physical
the mayor of Ville means refusing to anger because it
Marie (now unveil what makes anger outsized.
Montreal, should remain Guide and model how
Canada) and, at his invitation, St. hidden” to use meekness to
Marguerite traveled to Canada to (Catechism of the manage anger. Meekness
teach the children of the colony. Catholic Church will help prevent evil
She was later joined by several (CCC), #2521). from ruling actions.
women – all consecrated to God Modesty awakens in Charity: “If I…have not
and devoted to teaching and Works youngsters a respect for the human love, I gain nothing”
of Mercy. In 1676, she gained person. Teach them to dress, speak, (1 Corinthians 13:3). Charity
approval for her order, the and take in entertainment that is is giving love without an
Congregation of Notre-Dame de wholesome, uplifting, and respectful of expectation of receiving in return.
Montreal. themselves and others. Teach children to put others’ needs
Faithfulness: When children see that first. They will find that as they grow
Fishers of Men their parents are faithful to one in charity, they will be happier and
Some of the first apostles were another, for example, they intuit that more joy-filled.
fishermen working in the Sea of
Galilee. The fish there were known
for their quality and commanded a
high price. Next time you eat fresh
fish, remember Peter and Simon,
Why do Catholics have
James and John, the hard-working infants baptized?
fishermen who left their boats to
follow Jesus.
As a Sacrament, Baptism be condemned” (Mark
“Therefore, if anyone conveys grace and the 16:16).
is in Christ, he is a “washing away” of sin and Catholic parents,
new creation; the the “rebirth” of the desiring the best for
old has passed baptized as a child of their children, baptize
away, behold, the God. It starts us on the them as infants, believing
new has come” surest path to salvation: it will give them the best
(2 Corinthians “Whoever believes and is chance of true joy in this
5:17). baptized will be saved; life and eternal life in the
whoever does not believe will next.
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January 2024 Page 2

If the saints had social media, what would they post?

Is there a “holy” way to use social media? Consider feathers were like rumors – impossible to take back.
these suggestions from the saints: Today, he would warn us to be careful what we post;
To friend or unfriend? St. Teresa of Ávila cautioned who knows how many will see it.
that parents “be very careful whom they allow to mix Disagree, but charitably: St. Thomas Aquinas
with their children when young.” Although socially debated often and won admiration, if not
outgoing and fun-loving, she didn’t try to be liked by agreement, from his adversaries for his respectful
everyone, but sought the close friendships with those conduct. “We must love [those who agree and
who encouraged her in holiness. disagree]…for they help us in the finding of [the
“Kind comments, only.” St. Philip Neri advised truth].” For those in online debates, he would
someone who gossiped to pluck a chicken and advise all to respond with charity and humility
scatter the feathers in the wind. Those far-flung while still seeking the Truth.

Mark 1:21-28, Jesus

is no ordinary teacher
In this Gospel reading, we read that Jesus no ordinary teacher!
Our busyness was crowding out
entered the synagogue at Capernaum Jesus showed His authority again
family time. Between homework,
with His apostles to teach. Most when he performed an exorcism on
practices, and playdates, we hardly
teachers would draw from the the man. The unclean spirits had
ever had family dinner or
writings of other scholars for no choice but to obey Him
attended Mass together.
authority, and would begin, when he commanded
One Sunday when my
“Thus says the Lord…” but them to depart,
daughter expected to
Jesus said, “I tell you…” As despite their
skip Mass for a soccer
God, He already knew what reluctance.
tournament, I realized
the Scriptures meant What can a parent
we needed a reboot.
without leaning on someone do? Jesus shows us
That Saturday night
else’s teaching. that God’s power and
we gathered around
Jesus taught as one who had the love are greater than any
the table. I lit a candle
authority of God and that astonished evil. Teach children that they can talk
and announced that
His listeners. Even the unclean spirits to Jesus about anything that happens,
Family Day had
who were torturing a man at the good or bad. At the same time, stress
begun. I said that God wants us to
synagogue recognized Jesus as “the that Jesus is God and deserves to be
keep Sunday holy, so Family Day starts
Holy One of Israel.” Clearly, this was worshipped and obeyed.
at sundown on Saturday and goes
through Sunday.
Agnes consecrated herself to God. Now Sunday morning begins with
Reportedly she was betrayed for church music while we dress for Mass.
being a Christian by a suitor whom There are muffins or coffee cake made
she refused to marry. She maintained the night before so we can enjoy them
January 3 – Feast of the Most Holy her faith and was executed as a result. and still observe the Communion fast.
Name of Jesus. “…At the name of Jesus January 25 – The Conversion of St. Then we attend Mass together and
every knee should bend, of those in heaven Paul. Formally called “Saul” he have a meal afterwards.
and on earth and under the earth” persecuted the Christians until Jesus Then, whatever we do during the
(Philippians 2:10). Today, a deep bow appeared to him on the road to day, we do together. After dinner we
of the head at the Name is an accepted Damascus, saying, “I am Jesus, blow out the “Sunday Candle” and
form of respect. whom you are persecuting” feel ready to face the week.
January 7 – Epiphany of Our Lord. (Acts 9:5). After that,
Epiphany is Greek for “manifestation.” Saul became Paul
When they honored the infant Jesus, and traveled To help parents raise faithful Catholic children
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the three wise men bore witness to the around the Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™
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savior. preaching the
(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from
January 21 – St. Agnes (304). St. Faith. the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible.)

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