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 Jenis dan perbedaan sampah organic dan non-organic
a. Organic trash : sampah yang berasal dari sisa-sisa makhluk hidup
- Left-over food : makanan sisa
- An egg shell : cangkang telur
- Fruit skin : kulit buah

b. Non-organic trash : sampah yang berasal dari olahan kimiawi

- Plastic bottle : botol plastik
- Glass bottle : botol kaca
- Cardboard : kardus
- Can : kaleng
- Snack wrapper : bungkus cemilan
- Plastic bag : kantong plastic

 Tanda (sign) yang biasa digunakan untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan

We must recycle (kita harus mendaur ulang)

Tambahan dibuku hal. 90-92


 Jenis-jenis teknology
 Kegunaan-kegunaan teknology

Types of Technology
No Fucntions (Kegunaan)
(Jenis-jenis teknologi)
1 Computer People use it to taking data,
processing it, returning results and
storing it.
2 Smartphone People use it to talk to other people
and to send text, pictures and videos.
3 Laptop People use it to taking data,
processing it, returning results and
storing it. Laptops are easy to carry
4 Tablet People use it to browse the internet,
rea e-book, and watch movies.
5 Drone People use it to monitor traffic and
6 Telephone People use it to talk to other people
in different places.
7 Telescope People use it to look at something
far away.
8 Windmill People use it to produce electricity.
9 Electronic car People use it to transport people.
10 Airplane People use it to move people and
cargo from one place to another.
11 Virtual reality headset People use it to watch movies.
12 Game console People use it to play video games.

2. Contoh-contoh soal US

1. “Tong sampah” in English is ….

A. trash C. organic
B. dustbin D. compost

2. Which of the following below includes the organic rubbish ?

A. Can C. Left-over-food
B. Plastic bag D. Fresh fruits

3. Which of the following below includes the non-organic rubbish ?

A. Egg shell C. Banana skin
B. Can D. Water

4. We can make a compost from ….

A. water C. can
B. trash D. organic trash

5. We can make a pencil holder from ….

A. Paper C. cardboar
B. Organic trash D. Mirror

6. What is the meaning of the sign below?

A. We must use plastic bag
B. We must save water
C. We must not use plastic bag
D. We must recycle

7. What is the meaning of the sign below?

A. We must switch off the light
B. We must not recycle
C. Organic trash
D. We have to recycle

8. We must ….
A. not cut trees
B. not litter
C. not use plastic bag
D. recyle

9. We must ….
A. not smooking
B. keep the area clean
C. not cut trees
D. pluck the flower

10. What is the meaning of “we must not throw trash into the sea”?
A. Kita tidak boleh buang sampah
B. Kita harus mendaur ulang
C. Kita tidak boleh membuang sampah ke laut
D. Kita tidak boleh membuang sampah ke sungai

11. It is a ….
A. laptop
B. computer
C. camera
D. airplane

12. It is a ... . People use it to talk to other people in defferent places.

A. table C. camera
B. airplane D. smartphone

13. People use it to transport people. What is it ?

A. a smartphone C. a tablet
B. an electronic car D. a drone

14. People use it to play a video game. What is it ?

A. a telescope C. a windmill
B. a game console D. a t-shirt

15. It is a telephone. People use it to talk to other people in ….

A. different places C. living room
B. monitor traffic D. classroom

16. It is a virtual reality headset. People use it to ….

A. produce electricity C. read e-book
B. watch movie D. taking data

17. It is a ….
A. smartphone
B. drone
C. computer
D. VR headset

18. It is a … . People use it to produce electricity.

A. tablet C. windmill
B. airplane D. drone

19. It is a ….
A. game console
B. smartphone
C. telephone
D. drone

20. It is a drone. People use it to … and weather.

A. transport C. move people
B. monitor traffic D. read e-book

- Soal US terdiri dari Pilihan Ganda yang berjumlah
40 soal
- Soal yang di ujikan tidak akan keluar dari kisi-kisi
yang telah diberikan
- Baca dan pelajari lagi soal-soal dari PTS dan PAT
sebagai bahan simulasi
- Tidak ada soal yang menggunakan Bahasa

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