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• Fate is such a philosophical multi-dimension! As humans, we see fate as a strong possibil ity, a creative canvas for the thinker, a dark
I profoun dly rememb er how one of my Guru- Swami Gaur
slither for the pessimist, and an endless opportunity for the action taker.
Gopal Das recited in his Ted talk about how thought s manifest into an intentio nal future.
• He advised, "Watch your thought s, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into
well, it all begins with a thought !
habits. Watch your habits, they turn into charact er. Watch your charact er, it turns into your destiny"
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• I am a staunch believer in taking well-planned and structurally devised action. Knowing that everything won't go as per my plans and I
element of destiny, blessings, and obstacles. Hence I have
have to be prepared for any last moment drift, I have grown to respect the have an impact on society at large, if we have
always strived for being integrally honest with my inner self, I believe that we can never
, of honesty, but humility from within.
not changed ourselves, after all, great change-makers and influencers are all people of integrity
y to catch a glimpse of our tomorrow. The
• No matter how beautiful or ugly today is, humans will always be driven by an innate curiosit ways to peek into the future. But
human mind yearns to know what the unknown holds. To satiate this curiosit y, man has explored in the world of fortune-telling.
can something help us see the future? The answers to these questions and many others lie
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• Fortune telling, palmist ry, and astrology cannot predict anything beyond intention, choices , charact er, and action. We may underst and
the map to the future, but we won't achieve anything if we refuse to drive towards the destinat
• Besides, we can never change destiny as it is bought to us by an unplanned enactmtent of the almight y, but how we respond to that
clear of her WHY in life and I decisively
destined incident devices our upcoming fate and future. I'm an unshakable optimis who is
trust that astrological predictions are based on karma.
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• If we choose to rewire our inner architecture, we simply can trigger a cascading impact youon our fate, our choices create our reality. If
could sit at home and do nothing. At first,
we make powerful choices, we can change our destiny. If everything was about fortune,
it may seem we make our choices, but in the longer run, our choices make us!
• Man makes a choice, enacts action in the choice, processes a result, and then analyzes the consequences of the process.
the destined outcom e and no other
Holistically observed and dissected, it is our thought s and actions that determined what is
implem entation will work inverse to the same results.
self-reliant people have an iron will and
• Only through self-det ermined action and refined intent can we finally be at our greatest glory,ntly. In essence, we just tailored our fate,
a strong determination to overcom es all hurdles and achieves success by striving incessa
we undoubt edly are the architects of our fate.
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the future is to create it" I feel its high
• and as the great ex-President of USA- Mr. Abraham Lincoln mentions "The Best way to predict
time we take the remote control in our hands.
Some examples
• Man is distinct from other living beings because of his willpower and intellect. God has bestowed the immense power
of rationality and determination upon humankind. Man, if wills with all his heart, can achieve whatever he wishes for.
Determination is a pathway to success. If one wants to achieve his/her goals then he/her must adhere to the plan
even after countless confrontations with failure. Failure does not depend upon fate. Indeed, fate is just an imagination
of the human mind to console the heart after every failure. The truth is that man can make his own fate.
• Nothing is impossible in this world. Humankind has accomplished many tasks that were considered impossible in the
past. Tommy Lasorda has rightly said that “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s
determination.” Failures do affect our aims, but people who swap their aims just because of one failure are the most
cowardly ones. When determination combines with hope then success is guaranteed. Fate has nothing to do with the
failures and the success. It is the man alone who has to decide which path to choose.
• Joyce Alcantara’s poem “You Will Never See Me Fall” perfectly sketches the feelings of a determined person. A
determined person does not care about his potential; rather he focuses on the goal he set for himself. Life is not easy,
everyone has to confront failures, but such unwanted failures must not shake the determination. If one keeps
struggling despite the hard times he/she soon will reach the destination. The poem has very strong lines:
• “You may see me struggle…
• but you will NEVER see me fall.”
• An Oscar-winning film Hollywood, Cast Away (2000), is also an amazing depiction of an endless struggle for life and
goal. The film portrays a FedEx executive who was deserted on an island due to a plane crash. He, after many years
of struggles and hurdles, returns to his hometown. He kept on trying to go back and finally succeeded in his task.
• People with unshaken determination and strength to keep trying until they meet the end are always destined to be
successful. In all aspects of life, every person yearns to get the best. Everyone wants to struggle for the betterment of
life. For this, everyone is bound with endless struggle. Therefore, if the struggle is an important aspect of life then it
must be done with all strength and will. Shuddering back from difficulties and hurdles of life are the habits of non-
successful people. Such people can never attain anything in their life. e are still using at present. The industrial
revolution has played an important role in extending an individual’s potential.

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