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eellng 88MS neLworklng and CenLrallsed Medla MovemenL

Cvervlew of 88MS neLwork luncLlonallLy
Pow Shared Medla lnvenLory works
Pow 88MS neLwork CommunlcaLe

1he lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhls arLlcle wlll help Lo creaLe and manage a neLwork of l8M l sysLems LhaL uses
88MS lL also covers deLalls abouL performlng a cenLrallsed medla movemenL
88MS neLwork feaLure enables a sysLem wlLh 88MS Lo lnLerconnecL vla a neLwork Lo oLher 88MS neLworked
sysLems 1hls requlres 88MS neLwork feaLure Lo be lnsLalled on each of Lhe 88MS neLwork sysLems 1hls
feaLure of 88MS ls separaLely prlced by l8M
Lach sysLem ln 88MS neLwork musL have a unlque sysLem name Slnce 88MS by defaulL uses uefaulL Local
LocaLlon (uSnL1A) name as Lhe sysLem name Lhe uefaulL Local LocaLlon name for all sysLems ln 88MS
neLwork should be unlque 1he Local locaLlon name musL be no longer Lhan 8 characLers slnce 88MS ls llmlLed
Lo uslng 8characLer sysLem names
1he prlmary reason for lmplemenLlng a 88MS neLwork would be Lo malnLaln a shared medla lnvenLory or Lo
share Lhe medla lnformaLlon lnformaLlon shared beLween sysLems ln shared medla lnvenLory envlronmenL
a) Medla lnvenLory
b) Medla Class
c) Medla ollcles
d) ConLalner lnvenLory
e) ConLalner Class
f) Move ollcles
g) neLwork group
h) SLorage LocaLlons
l) uupllcaLlon references
[) Medla lnformaLlon or PlsLory lnformaLlon ( CpLlonal)

lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL sharlng medla lnvenLory ls dlfferenL Lhan sharlng medla 88MS neLworklng enables
medla Lo be shared among 88MS neLworked sysLems or among cerLaln selecLed sysLems wlLhln 88MS neLwork
group lrrespecLlve of wheLher medla ls shared or noL shared among 88MS neLwork sysLems medla lnvenLory
ls always shared among 88MS neLwork sysLems 1hls means LhaL medla lnvenLory flle CA1AMM of each
sysLem ln a neLwork group recelves updaLes regardless of whlch neLwork member makes Lhe changes lor
example suppose you have Lhree l8M l sysLems S?SA S?S8 S?SC and LhaL you add a medla volume A00001
on S?SA 88MS conveys lnformaLlon abouL Lhls new volume Lo all of Lhe sysLems ln Lhe neLwork Lhrough a
process called synchronlzaLlon 1he sysLem recelvlng synchronlzaLlon updaLes from oLher sysLems ln Lhe
neLwork elLher accepLs or re[ecLs Lhe updaLes based on Lhe LlmesLamp of Lhe updaLed record compared Lo Lhe
Llme sLamp on Lhe currenL record Slnce 88MS neLwork sysLem accepLs or re[ecLs medla updaLes based on
LlmesLamp lL ls advlsed LhaL durlng day llghL savlng Llme change each 88MS neLwork sysLem has sufflclenL
explred medla of lLs own

SysLems ln 88MS neLwork can be ln dlfferenL Llme zones 88MS allows for Llme dlfferences up Lo 24 hours
beLween Lhese sysLems ln dlfferenL Llme zones ?ou should Lake Lo avold sysLems ln 88MS neLwork whlch have
a Llme dlfferences LhaL ls more Lhan 24 hours resulLlng ln Lhese sysLems havlng dlfferenL daLes 88MS uses
daLes Lo deLermlne explraLlon of medla volume movemenL and wheLher synchronlzaLlon updaLes are applled

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