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A pleasant day to everyone that is present today I have come before you to talk about one
problem that is serious and needs immediate attention because it threatens the very
foundation of our society. Recently, there has been an alarming increase in incidents where
journalists, who are supposed to be the defenders of truth, are targeted and silenced in the
course of their duties. This unpleasant trend not only infringes upon our freedom of speech
and press but also undermines our democratic pillars. We cannot understand how serious
this issue is until we see the importance of journalists in society. They tirelessly investigate,
uncover, and report real facts for accountability purposes by keeping those who make
decisions in power in check. They speak on behalf of those without power by bringing out
issues like unfairness and corruption within systems. The world would be much worse off if
not for hard-working reporters who risk their lives every day investigating political scandals
or military crimes. However, despite their critical role as the eyes and ears of the public,
journalists are increasingly being attacked by those with authority trying to hide the truth.
Increased violence against journalists not only limits their freedom of reporting but also
causes fear among them. Society as a whole suffers when journalists become afraid to tell us
what’s happening around us in terms of news facts; as a result, we all suffer together with
them. The frequent flow of information, so crucial for an informed public, is obstructive,
leaving us susceptible to manipulation and deceit. It is our moral duty to ensure the safety
and protection of journalists. We must unite and demand justice for those attacked,
harassed, or even killed for pursuing the truth. The perpetrators of such acts must be held
accountable, and governments worldwide must enact laws to safeguard the rights and
security of journalists. Further, we, as individuals, can play a significant role in this fight. It is
our responsibility to support independent journalism, seek diverse sources of information,
and question the narratives presented to us. In doing so, we empower journalists and boldly
resolve to reveal the truth, regardless of the obstacles they face. It is also vital that we raise
awareness about the importance of practicing freedom and the dangers journalists confront.
We must engage in open discussion, organize events, and live on social media to amplify their
voices and spotlight the attacks they face. Together, we can build outgoing support that
cannot be ignored, sending a clear message to those who aim to spread the truth. In closing,
the assault on journalists is an attack not just on individuals but on the fundamental tenets of
democracy. We cannot remain passive while those who exhibit corruption are silenced. Let us
unite to protect journalists, defend the truth, and uphold the essence of our democratic
societies. Only then can we ensure a future where the pursuit of facts is controlled and not
met with fear and violence. Thank you.

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