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As Per New Syllabus

By Pragya Rajvanshi Ma’am

Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Idea of Algorithm and Programming Basics
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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

What is digital computer? Also explain block diagram of digital computer in AKTU (2022-
Q1 detail. 23,2021-22(odd
OR +even),2018-
Discuss the major components of a digital computer· with suitable block 19,2017-18,2014-
diagram. Also discuss the functions of these components. 15, 2013-

What is an operating system? Give name of any four operating systems.

Q2 Write any five important features of any one type of operating system. AKTU (2018-
OR 19,2014-15, 2013-
What is an operating system and what is its purpose? Name four popular 14,2011-12)
operating system.
What are the functions of operating system? Explain.

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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

Q3 What is meant by classes of a variable? Define all types of storage classes AKTU (2017-18,2020-
with example. 21, 2018-19. 2006-
OR 07,2010-11, 2013-
Differentiate between static and register class in C language 14,2014-15)

Q4 What are different data types in c language and explain range, memory AKTU( 2022-23,2020-
size of each with its format specifier. 21,17-18,2014-15,2010-
11, 2008-09,2010-
11, 2006-07)
Q5 What are the differences between compiling and interpreting a computer AKTU (2020-21
program? (odd+even), 2013-
OR 14,2011-12, 2018-19)
What is translator? Explain different types of translator.

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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

Q6 Write short notes: AKTU (2020-21,2018-19.2013-

(i) Compiler (ii) Interpreter (iii) Linker (iv) Loader 14,2011-12, 2005-2006)

Q7 Explain the memory hierarchy of a computer system. AKTU (2021-22,2017-18, 2014-

Q8 For a digital computer explain briefly the following: AKTU (2018-19,2017-18,2014-
(i) Cache Memory 15,)
(ii) Control Unit
(iii) ALU
Q9 Difference between algorithm and flowchart. AKTU(2022-23,2021-
or 22(odd+even), 2018-19,
What are characteristics of algorithm. 2015-16,
or 2013-14)
Write down the symbol used in making flowchart.

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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

Q10 Difference between- AKTU(201617,

1.RAM and ROM 2015-16)
2.Static RAM and dynamic RAM
3. Primary storage and Secondary storage

Q11 Difference between high level language and low level language AKTU 2021-22

Q12 describe the generation of programming language AKTU 2020-21

Q13 Explain the c component in detail AKTU 2018-19

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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

Q14 Why RAM called volatile memory AKTU 2021-22

Q15 Difference between void and int data type AKTU 2021-22
void can be used as a data type that represents no data. Int data
type used to store integer type value

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Unit – 1 : Most Imp. Questions

 Solutions of these Questions are covered in ONE SHOT Revision Video.

 ONE SHOT Revision Video Links in Description below.

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 Application link in Description below.

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Best of Luck !

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GateWay Classes Helpline Number 7455961284 Follow Us
As Per New Syllabus
By Pragya Rajvanshi Ma’am

Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Arithmetic Expression and Precedence
and Conditional Branching
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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

Q1 Differentiate between implicit and Explicit type conversion. AKTU ( 2022-23, 2019-
OR 20, 2018-19, 2015-16,
What is type conversion ?why it is needed? Explain different type of type 2013-14)

Q2 Define all Arithmetic operators. AKTU 2019-20

Q3 Explain the need of break statement in switch statement with example AKTU (2019-20, 2017-
18, 2021-22)
Q4 Differentiate assignment and equality operators in C. AKTU 2018-19

Q5 Explain operator precedence and associativity AKTU (2021-22,2020-

21, 2018- 19, 2015-16,

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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

Q6 Write a program that prints the real roots of a quadratic equation. Also draw AKTU ( 2020-21,
flowchart and algorithm for the same 2021-22)

Q7 What are different conditional statements in C programming? Explain with AKTU 2020-21
proper example of each.

Q8 if three sides of triangle are input through keyboard, draw a flowchart to check AKTU 2020-21
whether a triangle is isosceles, equilateral, scalene or right-angled triangle. Also write
a program in C for the same.

Q9 What are different escape sequences characters? AKTU 2019-20

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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

Q10 What do you mean by flowchart? Draw a flowchart to find whether the given AKTU 2012-13
year is a Leap year or Not.


Write a C program to test whether a given year is Leap year or Not.

Q11 Write a program to find out the greatest number out of three numbers and also AKTU ( 2021-22,
draw flowchart and algorithm 2019-20, 2017-
Q12 Write a program to check whether the given character is upper case, lower case or AKTU ( 2018-19,
non-alphabetic character 2015-16)

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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

Q13 Explain Logical, Unary and Bitwise Operators in detail. AKTU(2020-21,

2021-22, 2019-
OR 20,2014-15,
What is the use of bitwise operators? Describe any two bitwise operators with 2008-09)
What is different type of operator in C? Explain its type with example.

Q14 Explain switch statement with example and explain need of break and default AKTU ( 2020-21,
statement in switch and simulate the calculator using switch statement 2019-20, 2016-

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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

Q15 Difference between the switch statement and if else statement with AKTU(2021-22,19-
example 20,18-19,17-18)

Q16 Explain various bitwise operator with example . When precedence of two AKTU(2022-23,19-
operator in an expression is same how associativity help in identifying 20,18-19
which operator is evaluated first .
Discuss various operators in C programming with examples. Also draw the
precedence table showing Rank of operator and their Associativity

Q17 Describe the syntax and working of ternary operator? AKTU 2021-22

Q18 Define operator and operand AKTU 2021-22

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Unit – 2 : Most Imp. Questions

 Solutions of these Questions are covered in ONE SHOT Revision Video.

 ONE SHOT Revision Video Links in Description below.

 ONE SHOT Revision PDF Notes are available in Application for FREE.

 Application link in Description below.

 Please go to Study Material and get notes.

Best of Luck !

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As Per New Syllabus
By Pragya Rajvanshi Ma’am

Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Iteration and loops and array
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Unit – 3 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.1 Write program and algorithm and draw a flowchart to reverse an integer AKTU ( 2018-19)
number entered by the user. AKTU ( 2017-18)
AKTU (2012-13)
AKTU (2010-11)

Q.2 write an program and algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a AKTU (2021-22)
number is Armstrong or not AKTU (2020-21)
AKTU ( 2019-20)
Q3 write an program and algorithm and draw a flowchart to check whether a
number is palindrome or not

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Unit – 3 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.4 write an program and algorithm and draw a flowchart to find out the factorial of a AKTU (2020-21)
number AKTU ( 2019-20)
AKTU ( 2017-18)

Q.5 Difference between- AKTU (2022-23)

1 while and do-while AKTU(2021-22)
2 break and continue AKTU(2017-18)

write an program and algorithm and draw a flowchart to count the sum of digit in a AKTU(2015-16)

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Unit – 3 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.7 Write a program to count the even and odd numbers in a array. AKTU (2020-21)
AKTU (2019-20)
Q8 Write a program to find out the maximum and minimum in an array. AKTU (2018-19)
AKTU (2017-18)
AKTU (2013-14)

Q.9 Write a program to print matrix multiplication AKTU (2022-23)

Q10 Write a program to find of sum of diagonal element AKTU(2017-18)

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Unit – 3 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.11 Write a program to transpose of a matrix AKTU 2021-22

AKTU 2018-19

Q.12 write a short note on multidimensional array AKTU 2017-18

AKTU 2015-16
Q. 13 Write a short note on enumerated data type AKTU 2017-18

Q.14 Explain the string manipulation function in detail. AKTU 2014-15

Explain strlen(), strrev(), strcpy(), strcmp()

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

 Solutions of these Questions are covered in ONE SHOT Revision Video.

 ONE SHOT Revision Video Links in Description below.

 ONE SHOT Revision PDF Notes are available in Application for FREE.

 Application link in Description below.

 Please go to Study Material and get notes.

Best of Luck !

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As Per New Syllabus
By Pragya Rajvanshi Ma’am

Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Function and Searching and Sorting
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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.1 Implement sorting technique using bubble sort on the following sequences AKTU (2022-23)
34,78,12,5,3,98,101,15. AKTU ( 2020-21)
OR AKTU (2019-20)
Write a program in ‘C’ to sort list of 10 integer in an ascending order. AKTU (2018-19)
OR AKTU (2014-15)
Define sorting algorithm.

Q.2 What is a searching? Write a program to implement the linear search. AKTU (2021-22)
AKTU (2013-14)
OR AKTU ( 2009-10)

Write a C program to sequentially search a given integer element from a given

list of numbers.

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.3 Write a function in C that finds the reverse of a given integer AKTU (2010-11)
number. AKTU ( 2016-17)

Q.4 What do you mean by sorting? Write a program in C to sort the elements of an AKTU (2020-21)
array in ascending order using selection sort. AKTU(2018-19)

Explain the concept of sorting and list out any three sorting techniques.
Write a function in C for selection sort.

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.5 Define recursive function? Write a program to find the factorial of AKTU (2020-21)
a number with recursive function AKTU (2019-20)
AKTU (2018-19)
AKTU (2017-18)
AKTU (2013-14)

Q.6 What is a searching? Write a program to implement the binary search AKTU (2014-15)

Write a C program to divide and conquer a given integer element from a given list of

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.7 Compare linear and binary search in terms of complexity. AKTU 2021-22

Q.8 What is the advantage of using functions in a program? AKTU 2017-18

Q.9 Distinguish between actual arguments and formal arguments with the help of AKTU 2017-19
Q.10 Define recursion. Write a program to find sum of Fibonacci series AKTU 2014-22
using recursion (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 . . . ).
Q.11 Difference between function definition, function declaration( function AKTU 2017-20
prototype), function call.
What is function? How many types of function available in c

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.12 What do mean by passing parameters? Discuss various types of parameter passing AKTU (2022-23)
mechanism in C with example. AKTU (2018-19)
OR AKTU (2017-18)
What do you mean by call by value and call by reference? Write algorithm for AKTU (20116-17)
swapping two numbers using call by reference technique. Also write a C program for
AKTU (2015-16)
the above stated algorithm.
OR AKTU (2014-15)
Explain/Difference call by value and call by reference mechanism for function call AKTU (2011-12)
using proper example.
What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Write a program
to swap two floating point numbers using call by reference method

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Unit – 4 : Most Imp. Questions

 Solutions of these Questions are covered in ONE SHOT Revision Video.

 ONE SHOT Revision Video Links in Description below.

 ONE SHOT Revision PDF Notes are available in Application for FREE.

 Application link in Description below.

 Please go to Study Material and get notes.

Best of Luck !

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As Per New Syllabus
By Pragya Rajvanshi Ma’am

Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

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Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.1 Define dynamic memory allocation. AKTU (2022-23)

Differentiate between malloc () and calloc () with proper example. AKTU (2021-22)
AKTU ( 2020-21)
or AKTU (2019-20)
Difference between realloc() and malloc() AKTU (2018-19)
or AKTU (2014-15)
Explain malloc() ,calloc(), realloc(), free() in detail with example in c.

Q.2 What is the role of preprocessor ? Explain all the preprocessor in detail ? AKTU (2022-23)
or AKTU (2021-22)
What is macro? How macro used as a variable or as a function with example ? AKTU ( 2020-21)
or AKTU (2019-20)
Difference between file inclusion and conditional compilation. AKTU (2018-19)
or AKTU (2017-16)
Difference between macro and function. AKTU (2016-17)

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Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.3 What are various file operation. AKTU (2021-22)

Write a program to copy the content of one file to another. AKTU ( 2020-21)
or AKTU (2019-20)
What are various file opening modes ? AKTU (2018-19)
Write a program to copy the content of one file to another AKTU (2017-18)
Explain file handling ? ( you will explain file operation and modes if come in long
Q.4 What are various file operation and file opening modes ? AKTU (2022-23)
Write a program to count the number of spaces, tabs, spaces and chars in a file . AKTU(2018-19)
or AKTU(2016-17)
What are various file operation and file opening modes AKTU (2015-16)
Write a program in C to read content of an existing file and display the number of
words and line in that file.

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Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

Q.5 What is pointer? How pointer are initialized? AKTU2019-20

What is void and null pointer
Q.6 What is pointer arithmetic? AKTU 2019-20
Q.7 Define the structure of node in linked list AKTU 2022-23
Q.8 What is file handling? AKTU 2019-20
The process of file handling refers to how we store the available data or info in
a file with the help of a program
Q.9 What is significance of end of file (EOF). AKTU 2021-22
Indicates the end of input.

Q.10 What are advantages of linked list. AKTU 2020-21

Dynamic growth, easy implementation, no space overhead

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Unit – 5 : Most Imp. Questions

 Solutions of these Questions are covered in ONE SHOT Revision Video.

 ONE SHOT Revision Video Links in Description below.

 ONE SHOT Revision PDF Notes are available in Application for FREE.

 Application link in Description below.

 Please go to Study Material and get notes.

Best of Luck !

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