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this dude
Before you read: here is me!

1. What do you know about Prague?

2. When you think ‘Czech Republic’, what
comes to your mind?
3. If you were going to Prague, what would
you like to see there?

Although I’d never been really keen on travelling, I can’t say I did not enjoy visiting the capital of the Czech Republic. The
decision to go there was made overnight, as I found a real bargain – c.a. 200 PLN ($45) for three nights. Additionally, the
location of the flat we stayed in was really close to the centre which allowed us to stay in the city until late hours without
having to worry about overpaying for a cab.

The city was bustling everywhere you went. Museums, all kinds of attractions, pubs, bars – Prague has it all. One might
argue that it is standard to expect such things from a city (not to mention the capital) and I am in no position to disagree. What
I would like to add here is only this: the atmosphere that I’d experienced in Prague was like no other.

Surprising as it was, the sheer hospitality and kindness of the people there brought me down to my knees. It is quite frankly
upsetting that what once was a no-brainer now became a ‘service’ that might or might not be delivered. Upon a visit in a
restaurant we were treated with utmost respect and trust, even though we sat right by the door. Though I did have intrusive
thoughts of just leaving at a moment’s notice, they did not prevail. I’m sure that they are aware of this risk, but they choose to
ignore it by giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Hours later I was already sitting in my car, driving back to Poland. How I felt knowing that I’m leaving the place was quite
novel and bizarre to me. There was a certain sense of achievement, albeit also chagrin in me. I reckon that what started sinking
in was that I actually enjoyed the experience despite my previous hostility towards travelling as I am a creature of habit and
don’t like changes more than your regular neighbour round the block. And with this thought I’d driven through the border.

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