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Future Forms
Be gotng to
Fuiture Simple
We use the future simple: We use be going to:
for the
a) in predictions about the a) for plans, intentions or ambitions we have
future usuaily with the future.
verbs think, believe,
expect, etc., I'm going to become a
the expressions be sure, famous violinist one day.
be afraid, etc., and the
adverbs probably,
perhaps, I'm afraid we
certainly, etc. won't be on time for Now that they've won the
the meeting. lottery, they are going to buy
a big house. (intention/plan)
to do in the
b) for on-the-spot b) for actions we have already decided
decisions. near future.
They are going to get
married in three months.
(They have already decided
to do it)
I'l take
this leg of lamb. BUT: They're getting
married next month.
(They have decided and
arranged to do it.)

promise, swear,
c) for promises (usually with the verbs hopes
c) in predictions when
guarantee, etc.), threats, warnings, requests, there is evidence that
(usuaily with the verb hope) and offers.
something will happen
in the near future.
Idon't Look at the clouds! It's
understand this going to rain.
exercise. Will you help me
with it? (request)
Note: 1) We normally use be going to to talk about
something we intend to do and will to give
details or make comments.

Of course!
e.g. A: I'm going to have a party next week
invite all my friends.
Il explain it to you. B: That'l be great.
(offer) 2) We normally use the present continuous rather
than be going to with verbs which express
movement, especially the verbs go and come.
d) for actions/events/situations which will definitely e.g. Sarm is going to the market in a few minutes
happen in the future and which we cannot control. Sheila is coming to my house for tea this
The temperature will reach 40°C tomorrow. afternoon.

The future simple and be going to are used with the following time expressions: tomorrow, the day after tomorro
tonight, soon, next week/monthlyear, in aweek/month/year, in two/three days/weeks, etc.

Future ContinuOus Future Pertect
We use the future continuous: We use the future perfect:
a) for an action which will be in progress at a stated for an action which will be
future time. finished before a stated future

She willhave delivered all the

newspapers by 8 o'clock.

This time The future perfect is used with the following time
next week, we'll be cruising expressions: before, by, by then, by the time, until/till.
round the islands.
Note: Until/tillare only used in negative sentences.
a) She willhave finished the report by tomorrow.
(NOT: ...Until/till temerrow)
b) for an action which will definitely happen in the b) She won't have completed the report until/till 5
future as the result of a routine or arrangement. o'clock.

Future PeiectContinuous
We use the future perfect continuous:
to emphasise the durationA
Don't of an action up to a certain
call Julie. I'l be time in the future. A

seeing her later, so By the end of next month, she

'l pass the
message on. will have been teaching for
twenty years.

c) when we ask politely about someone's plans for the The future perfect continuous isused with: by ...for.
near future (what we want to know is if our wishes
fit in with their plans.) Note: After the time expressions by the time, until,
before, we use the present simple because they
introduce time clauses. The future pertect and
Will you be the future perfect continuous may come either
(using the photocopier before or after the time clause.
for long? Study the following examples:
a) Iwon't have finished cleaning the house until you
Ineed to make come back.
some photocopies.
No. Why?
b) By the time they reach York, they will have been
travelling for four hours.
Note: We can use the future simple, future continuous or future pertect to make a prediction about the present or
past, that is to say what we belleve may be happening or have happened.
Study the following examples:
e.g. a) There's somebody on the phone for you.''That 'llbe my mother.'"
b) Don't callher now - she'llbe sleeping.
c) It's seven o'clock. Dad will have left the office by now.

6 A: Are you having a party next weekend?
PLesent Simple
B: Yes. Ihope l .......
decorating the house by then. (finish)
We use the present simple for future actions when we 7 A: What are your plans for
B: Well, I (meet) Steve at eight
refer to programmes, timetables, etc. o'clock.
e.g. The bus arrives in Liverpool at 7:30. 8 A: Imust buy some bread.
B: You'd better hurry. The shops
(close) half an hour.
Present ContinuoUS tomorrow?
9 A: Shall Icall you at ten o'clock
B: No.I (leave) for work by then.
We use the present continuous for actions we have to the disco on Friday night?
10 A: Are you coming
decided and arranged to do in the near future. (study) for my
B: I can't. I
e.g. I'm flying to Lisbon tomorrow morning. exam then.
11 A: Are you excited about going to
B: Yes! This time tomorrow I (tly
across the Atlantic.
12 A: It's seven o'clock.
We use the present simple or present perfect, and B: Yes. John
(leave) the office
not future forms, after words and expressions such
by now.
as while, before, after, until/till, as, unless, when, 13 A: There's somebody at the door.
whenever, if, suppose/supposing, once, as soon as, B: Oh. That ...s.... (be) the postman.
that, etc.
as long as, by the time, in case, on condition 14 A: I've left my jacket at home.
e.g. Call me as soon as you get back. (go) back and get it for you.
(NOT: ...-a9-90O-as yot wil get baek:) youto the airport?
15 A: Have you booked a taxi to take
B: Yes. It ... (come) at eight o'clock
We use future forms:
question word. in the morning.
a) with when when it is used as a 16 A: Are you nervous about
the interview?
When it is used as a time word we use the present
B: Yes. This time tomorrow,
simple. (talk) to the managing director.
e.g. When will they get married?
I'mnot sure when they will visit
BUT: I willlet youknow when Idecide. Fill in the future simple, the present
b)with if (= whether) when
it is used after 27 simple or the present perfect.
expressions which show ignorance,
Idoubt, etc. A My car is being repaired and don't know when it
etc. such as Idont know, Il wonder,
e.g. I don't know if/whether
he'll move house. 1) ...will be..(be) ready. I doubt whether I2)
Idoubt if/whether she Il pass her
exams. (be able to) collect it before the
weekend. Iwonder if John 3) (give) me
BUT: If you call her, give her my regards. ask him when he
a lift to the party on Saturday. I'll
4) (come) home.
the correct BIwas calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we
Put the verbs in brackets into
.... (finish) work tomorrow or if you
26 future tense. 1)
2) .... (want) to watch a video
(get) in.
Call me back as sOon as you 3)
1 A: Your house is very small. (hear) from you.
(move) to a bigger I'l wait until |4)
B: Iknow. I ... m going tO Move...
house next year. C I willleave the hotel early in case there 1)
2 A: |have got a new job! (call) Mum and tell
(be) a lot of traffic. Idon't know how long the journey
B: Wonderful! | 2) (take) or what time the plane 3)
her the good news. (land), but I4)
3 A: How old is your (be) fourteen next
(call) yOu as sOonas I 5) ......*
(arrive) at the airport. Then, Iwill wait until you 6)

B: She
week. (come) to collect me.
4 A: | must phone She
She D Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles.
B: Well, don't phone her now. usual.
(sleep). Wonders if he 1) (be) late as(strike)
here long? She will wait until the clock 2)
5 A: Have you been living
B: Yes. By next month, I (live) five and then she wll callhim in case he 3)
here for ten years. (forget).

Future Simple versus Be going io
We use the future simple: We use be going to:
" when we make a when we make a
prediction based on prediction based on
what we think, what we can see
believe or imagine. (evidence) or what we
In the year 2020 people
willdrive electric cars. She is going to cut the

for actions we have

" for on-the-spot
already decided to do
decisions. in the future.
Do you like
this blouse?
Yes. Why?
Ilike this one
better than the other. I'm going to
I'Iltake i. give it to my daughter
as a gift.

13 A: I'm really thirsty after all that hard work.

.... (make) some tea.
Fill in the future simple or be going to. B: I
28 14 A: Did you give Steve his present?
B: No. I (give) it to him tonight at
1 A: Have you finished your essay yet? dinner.
B: No, but I'm sure I...l finish... (finish) it on time. 15 A: Watch out! You (bang) your
2 A: Ihave decided what to wear for the party. head on the doorframe.
B: Really? What (you/wear),then? B: Oh!|didn't realise it was so low.
3 A: Why do you need hot soapy water?
B: Because I (wash) the car.
4 A: Did youpost those letters?
B: No, Iforgot. I (post) them this Underline the correct tense.
5 A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
B: Yes, but I don't expect it (be) busy. A Next Saturday, Daisy 1) is flying/flies to Paris for a
6 A: I'm hungry. business meeting. Her secretary has already booked
B: Me too. I (make) us something the flight. The plane 2) will leave/leaves at nine
to eat. o'clock in the morning and one of her business clients
7 A: What are you doing this weekend? 3) will have met/will be meeting her at the airport
B: Oh, (probably/visit) when the plane lands. She doesn't know how long the
my grandparents.
meeting will last, but she 4) will have returned'will
8 A: Look at that dog! have been returning home by Thursday evening.
B: Oh yes! It ..... (swim) across the river.
9 A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
B: Yes. He (work) for his father B Florence 1) is going to become/will be becoming a
when he leaves school. doctor when she finishes medical school. She thinks
10 A: Are you going into town today? she 2) will probably work/will have probably worked
........... (give) you a lift if you like. in a hospital for most of her career. This time next
B: Yes. |
11 A: Your shirt is dirty. month, she 3) willhave revised will be revising hard
B: Oh dear! | (change) into
for her exams. By the time she gets her degree she
another one. 4) will have been studyinghwill have studied medicine
12 A: Ihope we (not/arrive) late
for the meeting. for five years. Florence hopes she 5) will have
Don't worry. There's plenty of time. passed/will pass all the exams with excellent grades.
Will/Won't - Shall Other ways ot exptessing
ihe future
the future with:
We use:
We can also express
make a request.
will you ...? to give an order or English).
be to + infinitive (formal Poland next Mondav.
(= Please stop
e.g. Will you stop talking, please? e.g. The President is to visit
talking.) on the point of + -ing
be about to + infinitive/be future).
won't to express unwillingness or
an emphatic form (to refer to the near
about to leave.
refusal, even when the subject is not a person. e.g. Look! The bus is
pointof closing down.
e.g. I've told him not to do that, but
he won't listen. The company is on the
(= He refuses to listen.) " be due to + infinitive at 6:15.
The washing machine won't work. e.g. Their flight is due to
arrange, mean
We use wouldn't to refer to the past. verbs such as decide, plan, intend,
he wouldn't. + to -infinitive (for plans or
e.g. Iasked him to help me, but bËgger flat.
e.g. We intend to buy a
(= He was unwilling to help me.) to/be bound to + infinitive
be sure to/be certain
the future).
Shall I/we ... ? (to express certainty about
bound to succeed.
a) to make an offer. e.g. This plan is sure to/is
you? (= Do you
e.g. Shall Ido the washing-up for The future in the past
you?) to talk about things we
want me to do the washing-up for We use the following patterns
for the future.
b) to make a suggestion. intended to do or plans we had
tonight? about to/ was due to +
e.g. Shall we go out for dinner a) was going to/was
dinner tonight?)
(= Why don't we go out for infinitive
resign, but the manager
or instructions. e.g. Mr Simon was going to
c) to ask for suggestions offered him a better salary. (So he didn't
vase?' 'On the table.'
e.g. 'Where shall lput the form
What shall we do tonight? We
could go out." b) was on the point of + -ing
leaving the hous
e.g. They were on the point of leave.)
when the phone rang. (So they didn't

Complete each sentence with two to
with will/won't or 31 bold.
Replace the words in bold words, including the word in
30 shall l/we, as in the example.
next week.
1 The Queen will open the neW sports centre
some milk, please? is The Queen to open... the new spors
1 Can you buy me
.Willyou buy mesome milk, please?.. centre next week.
do with this shopping?
2 What do you want me to 2 We are planning to go to Spain next summer.
intend We Spain next summer.
her room, but she refuses to do were
3 lve asked Jane to tidy 3 The guests should have arrived at nine, but they
it. late.
at nine, but
due The guests
door for me, please?
4 Can you open the they were late.
4 Jane was thinking of looking for a new job, but she
walk the dog for you?
5 Do youwant me to changed her mind. a new
going Jane
the theatre tonight?
6 Why don't we go to job, but she changed her mind.
5 The manager will be angrv when he hears the news.
me to visit next? angry
7 When do youwant bound The manager
when he hears the news.
8 Please be quiet! 6 Hurry up! The bus is going to leave!
about Hurry up! The bus
Ann is unwilling to talk to me. 7 Helen will love this
present. thispresent
Sure Helen

32 Identify the tenses, then match them to the correct descriptions.

1 |like these shoes. I'll buy them. a for offers,promises, threats, etc
2 They will have eaten lunch by two o'clock this afternoon. b action which will definitely happen in the future as a
3 T'm going to open my own business in the future. result of a routine or arrangement
4 This time tomorrow, I'll be taking my driving test. c for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for the future
5 By the time Jack finishes the race, he will have been d predictions about the future
running for two hours. e asking politely about someone's plans for the near future
6 Everyone believes he will win the competition. f action which will be finished before a stated future time
7 I'ltell Paul about the party. I'II be seeing him at work g to emphasise the duration of an action up to a certain
anyway. time in the future
h action which will be in progress at a stated future time
8 Will you be speaking to Rob later? I've got a message
for him. ºi on-the-spot decision
9 Look at them! They are going to catch the thieves. j predictions when there is evidence that sornething will
happen in the near future
10 Since you're tired, I'll cook dinner tonight.

A Fill in the gaps with an appropriate Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
33 tense form.
34 future form.

Next month, Maggie 1) going... (go) to Australia to

visit her sister, who she hasn't seen for fifteen years. The
plane 2) (leave) early in the morning
and 3)
(stop off) at Singapore
before flying on to Sydney. It 4) (be)
journey, but Maggie is very excited
a very long, tiring
because this time next month, she 5)
world. She
(begin) her adventure on the other side of the
(stay) in Australia for one
month. She has booked her flight, so she 7) ...........
(fly) back to Britain on 31st May. She Dear Lionel,
hopes that she 8) (visit) l'm writing to tell you my exciting news. I have
won a
lots of fascinating places and seen many
competition! Ithink my life 1) .will change... (change) a
(meet) the competition
things by the time her holidays are over. lot now! |2) .........
a cheque for
organisers next week to get my prize
(have) the money, I
B Which of the tense forms in the text As soon as I3)
above are used to expresS: (buy) a new car, and I5)
(also/redecorate) my house.
(finish) the whole
1 timetables/programmes
Hopefully, I6)
fifth of July. I
house by the end of June. Then, on the
a stated (fly) to Tahiti for an exotic holiday
have finished before 7)
2 actions which will (return) by the end
in the sun. I8)
future time (throw) a big party
of July and then |9)
for all my friends. lhope you 10) (Come).
3 plans or intentions
future Well, it's almost lunchtime, so l11)
the near
4 fixed arrangements in (say) goodbye for now. Ipromise I12)
in progress ata stated (send) you a postcard from Tahiti.
5 actions which will be
Best wishes,
what we know Emily
6 predictions based on

Tenses 7 'It's bad news about Janet crashing her new car, isn'tio
Yes. She for months to buy it.
35 Fill inthe correct present or future A saved B is saving C had been saving
see you."
8 There's someone here to
'Oh, that my sister. Send her in."
B was C will be
A will have been

9 Whose is this earring?" I........ the house

1don't know. I found it when
C am cleaning
A was cleaning B had cleaned
10 I to reach Jane on the phone all day."
'Don't you know? She's gone on holiday."
C have tried
A tried B have been trying

If you 1) (like) watersports, you 2) 11 1want to visit Katie.'

o'clock. She
(love) Aquaworld. As soon as you 3) 'Well, don't visit her before five
(arrive) at this unique theme park, you A is working Bwill be working
4) (be greeted) by visitor hosts C will have worked
(show) youto a luxury chalet. like Dad's car.'
who 5) (be) in your swimsuit, you 12 That
Once you 6)
(be able to) enjoy a wide It is. He must have finished work
B had sounded C has sounded
7) A sounds
variety of watersports, from swimming to water-skiing.
... (find) plenty to do and 13 Is that a new jumper?"
You 8) 'No. I. it from Laura yesterday.
(have) the chance to try many Cborrowed
you 9) borrowed B had borrowed
exciting activities. Aquaworld 10) A have
(open) at 9 am every day and 11) 14 ....... to the library
(close) at 8 pm. There 12) (be) Yes. Would you like me to return your books?'
13)....... have been going
special facilities for children and lifeguards A Will you have gone B Willyou
(supervise) all activities. Visit Aquaworld C Will you be going
for an experience you 14)
15 'How is your grandfather?"
(never/torget)! 'His condition ... day by day.'
A improves B has improved C is improving
Choose the correct answer.
16 When did youspeak to Sue?"
36 Imet her as I to work.'
C am waiking
A had walked B was walking
1 1...A... about buying a new car recently." 17 'Shall we go shopping?"
'Really? What sort of car?"
A have been thinking B have thought C thought Ican't go until the babysitter
B will arrive C arrived
A arrives
2 1 haven't seen Mark for
'Well, | him this afternoon. Why don't you 18 I've invited Sam to my party."
Idoubt if he He's studying for an exam."
come along?" C is coming
A have met Bam meeting Cmeet A comes B will come
3 We'd better take a taxi to the station.' 19 l'm sorry I'm late.'
Yes. The train in fifteen minutes." here for over an hour."
A have been waiting B have waited C was
A has left Bwill have left C leaves

4 Where is the newspaper?" 20 'm having trouble with the car."

'Ithrew itaway. I thought you
reading it.'
C had finished T'msure John ............ you fix it if you ask him.
A have finished B finished C will help
A is going to help B helps
5 1feel very tired.' 21 How long James?'
'How can you be tired? You a thing allday.' 'Since we were children.
A haven't been doing B aren't doing
A have you known B do you know
C haven't done
C did you know
6 'Cathy doesn't study enough.' 22 You a good teacher one day."
Iknow. I'm afraid she her exam.

A won't pass B Won't be passing 'Doyou really think so?" C are being
C won't have passed A were Bwill be

IN OTHER WORDS 7 When did Mary move to Liverpool?
since How long is it
Study these examples. The second sentence Liverpool?
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 8 It was the first time Ihad met a film star.
a film star
1 I've never heard such a sad story. before.
ever It's the saddest story Ihave ever heard. 9 We didn't start tidying up until after the quests had left.
2 He started painting fifteen years ago. before We waited until the guests
been He has been painting for fifteen years. tidying up.
3 She hasn't finished decorating the flat yet. 10 Kate was about to leave the house when the postman
still She is still decorating the flat. came.
4 l've never eaten Chinese food before. point Kate was
first It's the first time | have ever eaten the house when the postman came.
Chinese food. 11 It's four weeks since Ispoke to Paul.
5 When did they graduate from college? have |...
since How long is it since they graduated from four weeks.
college? 12 When did they announce their engagement?
ago How long ago did they graduate from ago How long
college? their engagement?
6 He didn't begin talking until everyone had sat down. 13 We haven't played squash for six months.
before He waited until everyone had sat down last We
before he began talking. six months ago.
7 We haven't been to the theatre for a year. 14 Kim was on the point of closing the shop when a
customer walked in.
time The last time we went to the theatre was a
about Kim
year ago. the shop when a customer walked in.
last We last went to the theatre a year ago.
8 It's two years since I went on holiday. 15 He is the kindest man I've ever met.
never | have
have | have not been on holiday for two years.
man before.
9 It was the first time they had travelled by boat.
never They had never travelled by boat before. 16 They are still discussing the problem.
10 Jack was about to have dinner when his boss called. finished They
the problem yet.
point Jack was on the point of having dinner
when his boss called. 17 Mike started studying medicine four years ago.
been Mike
four years.
18 The waiter didn't take our order until everyone had
Complete each sentence with two to five decided what they wanted.
37 words, including the word in bold. before The waiter waited until everyone had
decided what they wanted
1 She began to play tennis when she was 10. Our order.
since She ..has been playing tennis since... she
was 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
2 Ibought this coat three yearS ago. 38 tense.
three years. Kate Teale 1) ...has decided... (decide) to open her own
3 Ihaven't finished writing the report yet. restaurant. Yesterday, she 2) (have) a
still meeting with her bank manager and she 3)
the report. (ask) him for a loan. He agreed, so Kate 4)
4 We've never seen such a funny film. (be able) to start making plans. In fact. she
ever It's the 5) (already/ind) a building for her
seen. restaurant and she 6) (look) at tables
5 He's never played football before. and chairs next week. By the end of the month, work on the
time It's the first restaurant 7) (begin) and by the summer.
football. everything will be ready. Kate 8)
6 John hasn't played golf for years. (hope) that her business will be a success. At the moment.
time The golf was she 9) (interview) people to be
years ago. chefs and waiters.

13 | have seen this film three months before.
Common mistakes 14 She hasn't been to a party since she has returned fro
her holiday.
" 'lcall you when Iwill finish. x
I'l callyou when I finish. / 40 Choose the correct answer.
" lhave read this book a month ago. X
Iread this book a month ago. / 1 The play had started ...C. we got to the theatre.
Ihave met him two days before. x A while B until C by the time
Ihave met him before. / 2 Tom has had some good news.
" Take a map in case you will get lost. X A still B yet C just
Take a map in case you get lost. / 3 Do you know she had been working tr ere
When was the last time you have been to the before she retired?
cinema? x A when B how long C how long ago
When was the last time you went to the cinema? / 4 They will have had dinner eight.
" |haven't seen him since Ihave finished school. X A before B until C by
Ihaven't seen him since I finished school. / 5 | hadn't cleaned the house when the guesi
I'm learning English since 1996. X arrived.
I've been learning English since 1996. / A still B yet C just
" He stopped smoking a year before. X 6 We have been training six months.
B for C while
He stopped smoking a year ago. A since
" Sharon found a job last month. She had left school 7 did youmove to Essex?

C While
six months ago. X A How long ago B How long
Sharon found a job last month. She had left school 8 She eats beans because they make her ill
six months before. / A ever B never C always
They still have called us. X 9 I'm tired. I have been working very hard
They still haven't called us. / A So far B just C lately
" He hasn't stilIl bought a computer. X Paul leaves, he will have typed ten letters.
He stilI hasn't bought a computer. / A By the time B By then C Before
She still is abroad. x
11 James was washingthe car Sue was cutting the
She is stillabroad. /
They haven't reached yet a decision. X A as SOon as B before C while
They haven't reached a decision yet. / 12 Colin has invited ten people to his party ....
They will have returned until noon. X B ever C so far.
A yet
They will have returned by noon. /
month. X
" lused to go to the cinema twice last
I went to the cinema twice last month. Underline the correct preposition.

39 Correct the mistakes. 1 The advantage of/in/over computers is that they can
process information quickly.
2 She accused him for/of/about stealing her bag.
1 l'm playing chess since Iwas eight years 3 The train arrived at/to/in Manchester at 5.30 pm.
Iused to eat at that restaurant three times last week.
4 Her parents did not approve for/ot/about her outht.
3 They haven't stilldelivered my television. 5 He was aware about/for/of being followed.
4 We haven't read yet his letter.
Ihave met that man a week ago. 6 Mary agreed to/with/on help me arrange the pay
7 We were amazed of/at/with how manv people ttee
6 We moved to Glasgow a year before.
had met the meeting.
7 Mike and Kelly got married last week. They
each other four years ago. 8 Paul was angry with me about/tor/at using his Ca
8 I'll make the dinner when I will get home. 9 Sarah is very bad to/for/at Mathematics.
9 Take some food in case you will get hungry. 10 Idon't believe in/on/at ghosts. wl
10 The house will have been built until the end of May. 11 According with/to/by the weather forecast, it
11 Peter still at school. sunny tomorrow. the ca.
12 When was the last time you have seen Tony? 12 She blamed me on/for/trom the damage to


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