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NAME: ________________________________________ Term ____

EXAM: Diagnostic test SUBJECT _ English __

GRADE: 1st ESO GROUP ______ DATE ____ MARK

1. Completa las frases con la forma correcta de to be. (6 puntos)

1. My cat ................................ brown. It’s white.

2. My brother’s marks ................................ good.He’s clever and hard-working.

3. Sharon likes Justin Bieber, but he................................ her favourite singer.

4. My mother and father ................................ old.They’re young.

5. ................................ Marc and Pau Gasol tall?

6. My family is from Tokyo. I ................................Japanese.

2. Escribe frases con estas palabras y have got. (6 puntos)

1. Justin / straight / hair / ...........................................................................

2. you / a / brother / ?..........................................................................

3. Wendy and Sue / small / hats / ...........................................................................

4. we / not / a brave / dog / ...........................................................................

5. Rita / brown / eyes / ? ..........................................................................

6. my friend / not / big / feet / . ..........................................................................

3. Completa el texto con la forma correcta de to be o have got. (8 puntos)

Rihanna and Katy Perry 1. favourite singers. In many photos, Katy’s hair
2. ................................ black, but she 3. ................................ black hair. Naturally, her hair
4. ................................ light. Rihanna 5. ................................ many different hair colours and
styles. Katy and Rihanna 6. ................................ short. They 7. ................................ 1.73m tall.

Rihanna and Katy 8. ................................ beautiful voices.

4. Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)

The city of Tokyo, Japan, is 1. an / a exciting place to live. But 2. there are / there is a big
problem. There are millions of people, but there isn’t space for many big homes. Now, there is
3. a / any clever solution to this problem: micro homes. These houses are very small. In many
micro homes, 4. there are / there aren’t any bedrooms. There is only one room. During the
day, the beds are inside 5. an / the walls. The bathroom and kitchen areas have got 6. any /
some shelves and cupboards, but they haven’t got 7. any / some walls between them. 8. There
is / There are curtains around the toilet and shower so people can’t look inside.

5. Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)

1. James and Ron doesn’t play / don’t play their guitars every day.

2. Pam and I are best friends. We rarely / often meet.

3. My grandmother never / always sends text messages. She hasn’t got a mobile phone.

4. Lucy usually study / studies with friends.

5. I sometimes / usually stay at home on Saturdays, but not very often.

6. Do you have / You have breakfast every morning?

7. We rarely / always watch TV on Thursday at 8 pm. Our favourite programme is on then.

8. Sam does / doesn’t do sport every day. He isn’t very athletic.

6. Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Present
Simple. (6 puntos)

1. Jane ................................ (go) shopping twice a week.

2. I ................................ (not like) football.

3. Jake never ................................ (receive) pocket money.

4. The teacher ................................ (not live) near the school.

5. My brothers always ................................ (study) with friends.

6. ......................... Kate ................................ (send) text messages to you?

7. Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras. Utiliza el Present Continuous. (5 puntos)

1. Debbie / read magazines / now / .


2. we / not hike / in the forest / at the moment / .


3. Ed / not tidy / his room / today / .


4. you / wear / your new jacket / now / ?


5. the camels / run / in the desert / right now / ?


8. Elige la respuesta correcta. (7 puntos)

Diving is 1. more adventurous than / the most adventurous ordinary water sports, and diving
with sharks is 2. as exciting as / the most exciting type of diving. People often dive with sand
tiger sharks. These sharks are 3. stronger than / the strongest ordinary fish, but they never eat
people. They are big sharks, but they are 4. bigger than / not as big as great white sharks. At 3
metres from head to tail, they are 5. longer than / as long as a human. Sand tiger sharks are 6.
the shiest / not as shy as other fish, so you can swim near them. But they aren’t 7. friendlier
than / the friendliest fish, so you can’t play with them

9. Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza la forma afirmativa o negativa
del Past Simple. (10 puntos)

1. Yuri Gagarin ................................ (travel) in space in 1961.

2. Pau Gasol ................................ (not play) on Team USA at the 2016 Olympics.

3. Agatha Christie ................................ (not write) in Italian.

4. Levi Strauss ................................ (make) the first jeans in 1873.

5. In 1979, Margaret Thatcher ................................ (become) prime minister of the UK.

6. According to Sir Isaac Newton, an apple ................................ (not hit) his head.

7. The Wright brothers ................................ (fly) an aeroplane for the first time in 1903.

8. Albert Einstein ................................ (win) a Nobel Prize in physics.

9. The Beatles ................................ (not sing) opera.

10. LeBron James ................................ (not study) at university.

10. Escribe preguntas con estas palabras y el Past Simple. Luego relaciónalas con las
respuestas. (10 puntos)

1. the dog / save / the boy ..........................................................................

2. Ann / see / any celebrities / at the party ..........................................................................

3. the scientist / discover / a new medicine .........................................................................

4. the students / receive / new books ..........................................................................

5. you / win / the competition ..........................................................................

...... a. No, they ................................ .

...... b. Yes, she ................................ .

...... c. No, I ................................ .

...... d. Yes, he ................................ .

...... e. Yes, it ................................ .

Personal Information
occupation nationality are name married come
live telephone number got have address

1. What's your ? (1)

My (2) is Jenny.

2. Where do you (3) from?

I (4) from China.

3. Where do you ? (5)

I (6) in Parramatta.

4. What's your ? (7)

My (8) is 54 Pine Street, Annandale.

5. What's your ? (9)

My (10) is 9723 4444.

6. How old (11) you?

I'm 28 years old.

7. What's your ? (12)

I'm Indonesian.

8. Are you ? (13)

No, I'm not. I'm single.

9. Have you (14) any children?

Yes, I . (15)

10. What's your ? (16)

I'm a doctor.

My Day
watch have brush arrive is get up go clean
go have go get go take have go
Every day I (1) at half past six. First I (2) to the kitchen

and (3) a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I (4) to the

bathroom and (5) my teeth. After that, I (6) dressed and

(7) my hair.

At half past seven I (8) to work. I (9) the bus to Cabramatta.

It (10) a long way from home. I (11) at work at ten to eight. At

twelve o'clock I (12) lunch and at four o'clock I (13) home.

At seven o'clock I (14) dinner with my family and then we (15)

TV. At a quarter past eleven I (16) to bed.

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