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Jn 18:37,14:6

Intro: The church is to be in the world as a ship is in the ocean, but when the ocean seep (leak or
soak) into the ship, the ship is in trouble. Sad but True, I fear the Evangelical ship is taking on the
The world is seeping into the church so rapidly that we might wonder how long the vessel can
stay afloat. The church which is called to influence the world, find her influenced by the world.
By ERWIN W. LUTZER in the book “Who are You to Judge”
Christianity is “Nasa Mundo pero di Makamundo; Nasa Sanlibutan pero di Makasanlibutan;
Pwedeng Makisama pero di Dapat Makisama”

What is Postmodernism?
 Is a philosophy that affirms no objective or absolute Truth especially in matters of
religion and spirituality, Viewpoint is exemplified in the statement “that may be true for
you but not for me”. The literally means “after modernism” is used to describe the
current era of Modernism. “Modernism attacking religion as being SUPERSTITION (all
religions are wrong); Postmodernism accept all religions and gives high place to ALL
1. Relative Truth - (No Absolute truth) Postmodernism’s stance of relative truth is
the outworking of many generations of philosophical thought. Renee Descartes’
“i think, therefore I am” personified the beginning of this era. God was not the
centred of truth any longer – man was. This philosophical war against objective
truth has resulted in postmodernism being completely averse to any claim to
absolute. Such mindset naturally rejects anything that declares to be inerrant
truth, such as the Bible.
2. Loss of Discernment – the great theologian Thomas Aquinas said, “It is the task
of the philosopher to make decisions” meant is that truth is dependent upon the
ability to discern – the capability to distinguish in the realm of knowledge,
(personal interpretation does matter). To the postmodern thinker, the author of a
book does not possess the correct interpretation of his work; it is the reader who
actually determines what the book means – a process called deconstruction,
there are multiple valid interpretations. Because there is no standard that can be
used such a chaotic situation especially in a matter of faith and religion.
3. Philosophical Pluralism – if absolute truth does not exist and there is
independent standard of right and wrong, no independent standard of truth and
error and distinction between faith and religion, then natural conclusion is that
all beliefs must be considered equally valid. The proper term for this practical
outworking is “philosophical pluralism”. With pluralism, no religion has the right
to pronounce itself true and the others are false or even inferior.
o Truth Replaced by Fairness – For example; In Canada Legislation has passed,
authorities have warned Christian Broadcaster any portion dealing with
homosexuality. The Canadian Broadcasting Board cites Canada’s “hate crime
Law”. Which says that it is illegal to speak for Pastor’s or you cannot read Bible
verses on the air regarding homosexually or they are in danger the licenses of
station that they carry?
o Truth Replaced by Sensuality – Film and media industries have desensitized us to
violence. In one study, when children were shown people being shot on
television, they accepted it without much ado. But when they saw puppies being
shot to death, they were horrified, crying out in righteous anger, shock and grief.
They had been conditioned to accept the violence that kills human and outraged
only at the violence that kills animals.
Genesis 3:6 Eve, her perceptions were more present than the command of God.
What she saw, felt and anticipation was more alluring than obedience.
Ravi Zacarias ask, “How do we communicate the gospel to a generation that hear
with its eyes and thinks with its feeling?” That’s excellent question, I’m more
interested in making sure that we have a gospel left to communicate rather than
investigating the questions of how it should be communicated.
o Truth replaced by Mysticism – Religion is out, spirituality is in. It means that
people are “into spirituality” without having to believe any doctrine. Since we no
longer have objective truth but only individual perceptions, it follows that it does
not matter if this perceptions contradict one another. If what i experience is true
to me, who are you to say otherwise?

 Just as it is not arrogant for a math teacher to insist that 2x2=4 or for a locksmith to
insist that only one key will fit a locked door, it is not arrogant (conceited, proud, big-
headed, haughty, over-confident, superior or egotistical) for Christians to stand against
postmodernist thinking and insist that Christianity is true and anything opposed to it is
false. Absolute Truth does exist and consequences do exist for being wrong. (Gal 4:6)


What is Christianity’s response to these challenges?
1. Christianity believes that Absolute Truth Exist. John 18:37; 14:6
2. Christianity claims that distinction exist between Christian faith and all other
3. Christianity claims to be universally true in what it say regarding man’s lost
condition before God, the sacrificial act of Christ on behalf of fallen mankind, etc.

Erwin W. Lutzer – “Who are you to Judge”
Shea Michael Houdmann – CEO of
Bible – The Word of God (Standard of Absolute Truth)

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