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SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT 17th June, 2022

Topic: Defining Worship
God desires worship; true worship. At its simplest, worship is recognizing and honoring God’s
worth. It means giving Him the honor due Him. Warren Wiersbe defines worship as “the
response of all that we are to all that God is”. Biblically, worship can also be described as the
 Reverent Submission Rev. 4: 10 – 11; Isa. 29:13
 Service Rom. 12:1
 Praise (Psalms; Halal – to brag on someone)
 Fellowship Acts 2:42
 All of Life James 1:26 – 27
What do the following scriptures teach about worship?
Mal. 1: 6 – 9; 1 Sam. 13:8 – 14; Lev. 10: 1 - 3; Acts 5: 1 – 11
Why is worship important?
 A.W. Tozer called worship the “missing jewel” of the modern church. He said that we
know how to preach, evangelize, give offerings, but fail to truly worship.
 Worship should be important to us because it is important to God. Exod. 20: 1 – 5.
 Worship plays a central role in scripture. From Exodus and Leviticus to Revelation, we
see the importance of worship to God and to us.
 Worship is important because in worship: Isa. 6: 1 – 8;
 We see God Rev. 1:10
 We see ourselves
 We see our world
 Worship is important because failure to worship separates us from God. Rom. 1: 18 – 25
Marva Dawn identifies three goals of true worship. In worship we:
 Encounter God – behold whom we worship
 Form Christian Character – become whom we worship
 Build Christian Community – behave like whom we worship
Not all worship is acceptable to God. John 4: 23 – 24
God rejects these kind of worship:
 Ignorant Worship – worshipping without knowing God or revealing Him
 Idolatrous Worship – giving idols God’s place in our lives
 Inferior Worship – giving God less than our best
 Proud Worship – coming to God with self-worth and arrogant heart
Gary Reimers identified three qualities of worship that is acceptable to God. Acceptable
 Focuses on the right person – God Rev. 4
 Accomplishes the right purpose – giving God the glory He deserves Ps. 96:7 – 8
 Follows the right pattern – in spirit and in truth John 4: 23 – 24
Some substitutes for true worship are:
 McWorship – convenience and entertainment, measures success by numbers
and not godliness, few demands for worshippers
 Museum Worship – preserving tradition and form, no demand for commitment,
no transformation
 Classroom Worship – teacher/pastor in charge as central figure; sermon is
central focus; reduced to intellectual activity,
 Cruise Worship – all about me, lets me be me, promises best life now; no cross;
no sacrifice
True worship focuses on God. True worship asks “what does God want?” True worship
sees myself through God’s eyes – and that is uncomfortable. True worship is about Him.
True worship involves a cross, a sacrifice, a surrender. True worship transforms the

Practical Discussion: Why did Jesus rebuke Martha and not Mary?

Personal Checkup: How can I be a better worshipper?

Assignment: Spend few minutes every day next week and read a psalm meditating on one of
God’s attributes. To meditate means to think deeply.

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