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Task 5

Quiet Hours: Please keep it quiet during nighttime. Loud music and noise disturb neighbors.

Clean Shared Areas: Be tidy in common spaces. Clean up after using them and tell the building
manager about any problems.

Park Right: Follow parking rules. Wrong parking is annoying for others. Use your assigned
parking spot if you have one.

Trash Duty: Throw away garbage regularly. Big messes and overflowing bins are a no-no.

Lock It Up: Lock your doors always. And if you see something strange, tell someone.

Talk Nicely: Be friendly to neighbors and talk if there's a problem. We can work things out
task 6
Hey Miguel, I'm feeling really sick and won't be able to make it to class today. I appreciate your
help. Here are three things I need:

Please take notes during the lecture and share them with me later.
If there are any assignments or handouts, could you collect them for me?
If the professor mentions anything important or changes the schedule, please keep me
Thank you so much for assisting me! It means a lot.
task 7
Experience the Vibrancy of the Barranquilla Carnival in Colombia

Nestled on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, the Barranquilla Carnival is a celebration like no
other. With its origins dating back to the 19th century, this festival, which takes place annually in
February, is a vibrant showcase of Colombian culture and heritage.

As you immerse yourself in the Barranquilla Carnival, you'll be captivated by the rhythm of the
music, the kaleidoscope of colors in the costumes, and the energy of the dancers. With
adverbial clauses emphasizing the cultural richness, such as "During the parade," and "In the
heart of the city," you'll find yourself swept away by the contagious enthusiasm of the locals.

During the parade, colorful floats wind their way through the bustling streets, offering a visual
feast of traditions and folklore. In the heart of the city, lively salsa and cumbia music fill the air,
creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration that's truly infectious.

task 8
I interviewed my friend Sara about her past, present, and future aspirations. She described how
she had evolved over the years from a shy and introverted teenager to a confident and outgoing
young adult. In the past, she struggled with social anxiety and self-doubt, but through hard work
and therapy, she learned to overcome her fears and develop a strong sense of self. In the
present, she's pursuing a successful career in marketing and enjoys an active social life.
Looking to the future, she hopes to continue her personal growth, build meaningful
relationships, and eventually start her own business. Sarah's transformation is truly inspiring,
showcasing the power of self-discovery and determination to shape a brighter future.

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