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The Filipino Seafarers Last Aces

Filipinos have dominated the seven seas for a long time now. Everywhere you go, every vessel you meet,
and every port you go, there is always one and at least one Filipino who will be waving at you and shout
“Kabayan”. TMS would like to quote “Poseidon may be a greek god but his descendants became
Filipinos”. It is undeniable that Filipinos play a significant role in the dynamics of the shipping industry
and that most shipowners prefer putting Filipinos to man their ships. Here are the four reasons why
Filipinos are beloved in the maritime industry.

1. Filipinos are fluent in the English language.

a. English is the language of the sea. That is why fluency of the English language is an
advantage in the seafaring profession both written and oral. Despite the different
nationalities participating in the maritime industry, the English language serves as the
binding link which ensures smooth communication leading to safe operation of the ship.

2. Filipinos are resourceful

a. This quality of Filipinos is the most loved by shipowners! Shipping is business after all
and the main priority is increasing profits. Reduction of operational costs on spare parts,
stores and technician services due to the resourcefulness of the crew in solving troubles
is a big YES to the company. However this can also lead to the abuse of the owners as
they will become reliant on the resourcefulness of the Filipinos thus affecting the
delivery of much needed materials on board.

3. Filipinos are obsessed with neatness and orderliness

a. Many surveyors and port state control officers have already noticed that ships with full
Filipino crew tend to be the cleanest ships they have embarked. Filipinos have the
propensity to make their surroundings free of dirt and their environment neatly
arranged. This very favourable to the shipowners as cleanliness and orderliness plays a
vital role in the seaworthiness and safety of the ship and the crew. This would also mean
lesser deficiencies as first impression has a great impact on the judgement of port state
control officers.

4. Filipinos are much still cheaper.

a. The salary scale of Filipinos is still much cheaper relative to their counterparts in the
western hemisphere. This is because despite the rising costs of commodities and the
increasing taxation, lifestyle here in the Philippines is still one of the cheapest in the
world. This is what shipowners are looking in their workforce, people who are carrying
out quality job but in a cheaper compensation. Currently, Myanmars and Vietnamese
also offer cheaper services that is why Filipino seafarers are faced with tough
competition in the labor market. So do not be surprised when you have a crewmate
onboard from other countries who have a much bigger salary in the same position you
are working.

These are reasons why the maritime labor market is saturated by the Filipino workforce especially in the
ratings rank. The Filipino seafarers are currently faced with fierce competition from the Chinese, Indians,
Burmese, Vietnamese and Myanmars. Filipinos are currently the third supplier of officers next to the
Chinese and the Indians. Though we are still dominating the supply of ratings, it still serves as a wake- up
call to all parties involved: the seafarers, the administration, schools, training institutions and the
stakeholders to defend our position in the maritime industry. These last aces we hold will not be enough
in the near future to keep the hundreds of thousands of Filipino from holding the mooring ropes and the

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