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English Oral Presentation

The theme I choose for today’s presentation, is Cultural Diversity. Cultural diversity is
the inclusion of different cultural perspectives, it’s also understanding that society is made up
of many different groups with different interests, skills, talents and needs. In cultural diversity
we need to accept the different things we all have in our lives.

When you go to another country, you will make contact with people from different
backgrounds. When you get to know those people better, you understand that they have
different traditions, beliefs and values. Cultural diversity is about accepting those differences,
celebrating them, not just tolerate.

But when you start living in another country, you can suffer culture shock. Culture
shock is feelings of confusion, or anxiety that people may experience when moving to a new
country or experiencing a new culture. Students who learn about different cultures during
their education feel more comfortable and safe with these differences later in life. This allows
them to feel more confident in themselves as well as in their interactions with others.

Sometimes, during our life we also hear some stereotypes about other cultures. We
hear stereotypes about races, about some country our even about men and women. A
stereotype is an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or
things with a particular characteristic.

In my opinion culture diversity is very important. Imagine if we were all the same
country and we had all the same traditions, the same language, traveling wouldn’t be half the
fun. We wouldn’t know people from different places, or we wouldn’t have the need to,
because we would all be the same.

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