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EASE EXAMINATION OF ANOMALOUS SELF-EXPERIENCE (2005) Patient's id. Rating: 1 = present, 0 = absent Date: Rater: 7 ‘COGNITION AND STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS: 4a “Thought interference 12 ‘Loss of thoughtipseity (Gedankenenteignung) 13 “Thought pressure 14. “Thought block 444 ‘Subtype 1: Blocking 142 ‘Subtype 2: Fading 1.43 ‘Subtype 3: Combination 15. ‘Silent thought echo 16 ‘Ruminations-obsessions 164 ‘Subtype 1: Pure rumination 4.62 ‘Subtype 2: Secondary rumination 1.63 ‘Subtype 3: True obsessions 1.64 ‘Subtype 4: Pseudo-obsessions: 1.6.5 ‘Subtype 5: Rituals / compulsions 17 ‘Perceptualization of inner speech or thought (Gedankerlaulwerden): 174 ‘Sublype 1: Interalized 4172 ‘Subtype 2: Equivalents ‘Subtype 3: Intemal as fistrank symptom ‘Subtype 4: External (or extemal thought echo) Spatialization of experience ‘Ambivalence Inability to discriminate modalities of intentionality Disturbance of thought inifative/-intentionality ‘Attentional disturbances ‘Subtype 1: Captivation by details ‘Subtype 2: Inability to split attention Disorder of short-term memory Disturbance in experience of time ‘Sublype 1: Disturbance in subjective time: ‘Subtype 2: Disturbance in the existential ime (emporally) Discontinuous awareness of own action Discordance between intended expression and the expressed Disturbance of expressive language function ‘SELF-AWARENESS AND PRESENCE Diminished sense of basic self ‘Subtype 1: Early in life ‘Subtype 2: From adolescence: Distorted first-person perspective ‘Subtype 1: Myness / subjecthood ‘Subtype 2: Experiential distance ‘Subtype 3: Spatiaization of self ‘Other states of depersonalization (selfalienation) 2.34 ‘Subtype 1: Melancholiform depersonalization 232 ‘Subtype 2: Unspecified depersonalization 24 Diminished presence 247 ‘Subtype 1: Not being affected 2.42 ‘Sublype 2: Distance to the word 2.4.3 ‘Subtype 3: As °2" plus derealization Derealization ‘Subtype 1: Fluid global derealization “Subtype 2: Intrusive derealization Hyperrefiectvily; increased reflectiviy Esplit ((ch-spatung) PxaI ‘Subtype 1: spit suspected 212 ‘Subtype 2-“AS if" experience ‘Sublype 3: Concrete spatialzed experience ‘Sublype 4: Delusional elaboration Dissociative depersonalization ‘Subtype 1: “As iP phenomenon ‘Subtype 2: Dissociative visual hallucination Identity confusion ‘of change in relation to chronological age ‘of change in relation to gender ‘Subtype 1: Occasional fear of being homosexual ‘Subtype 2: A feeling as if being of the opposite 86x Loss of common sense/perplexityack of natural evidence ‘Anxiety ‘Subtype 1: Panic attacks with autonomous symptoms: ‘Subtype 2: Psychic-mental anxiety ‘Subtype 3: Phobic anxiety. ‘Subtype 4: Social anxiety ‘Subtype 5: Diffuse, free-floating pervasive andely ‘Subtype 6: Paranoid anvioty ‘Ontological anxiety Diminished transparency of consciousness Diminished initiative Hypo-hedonia Diminished vitality ‘Subtype 1: "State™like ‘Subtype: “Trait™ike BODILY EXPERIENCES. ‘Morphological change ‘Subtype 1: ‘Subtype 2: Perception of change’ Miror-related phenomena ‘Subtype 1: Search for change ‘Subtype 2: Perception of change ‘Subtype 3: Other phenome! ‘Somatic depersonalzation (bodily estrangement) Psycho-physical misfit and peycho-physical spit, Bodily disintegration ‘Spatialization of bodily experiences ‘Cenesthetic experiences ‘Motor disturbances ‘Sublype 1: Pseudomovernents of the body ‘Subtype 2: Motor interference ‘Subtype 3: Motor blocking _ ‘Subtype 4: Sense of motor paresis ‘Subtype 5: Desautomation of movement Mimetic experience (resonance between own movement and others’ movements) DEMARCATION / TRANSITIVISM ‘Confusion with the other. ‘Confusion with one’s own specular image “Threatening bodily contact ‘Sublype 1: Feeling unpleasant, anxiely provoking ‘Subtype 2: Feeling of disappearance, annihilation Passivity mood (Besinflussungsstimmung) ‘Other transitvistic phenomena EXISTENTIAL RE-ORIENTATION Primary self-reference phenomena Feeling of centrality Feeling "as ithe subjects experiential field is the only extant reallly “As if feelings of extraorcinary creative powers, or extraordinary insight “As if feeling thal the experienced worid is no truly real existing, as i only apparent ‘Magical ideas Inked to the subject's way of experiencing ‘Existential or intellectual chango Solipsistic grandiosity

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