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Alive Inside Review

One of the primary themes in "Alive Inside" is the reawakening of musical memories in
patients who have seemingly lost all connections to their past. Through the use of
personalized music playlists, the film showcases how the residents respond with renewed
joy, connectivity, and emotional expression. The power of music is exemplified in scenes
where patients, who were previously unresponsive, suddenly came alive, reminiscing about
their youth and expressing their emotions through singing and dancing. The ability of music
to evoke buried memories and emotions is truly extraordinary and a testament to its positive

Emotional and Psychological Benefits: The documentary highlights the emotional and
psychological benefits that music provides to individuals living with dementia. The narrative
focuses on the residents' improved mood, reduced agitation, and enhanced behaviour after
listening to their favourite music. The joy and happiness radiating from their faces during and
after the music sessions are truly heartwarming and exemplify the profound impact music
can have on one's well-being. The film successfully emphasizes the potential of music
therapy as a holistic approach to improve the quality of life for dementia patients.

Creating Meaningful Connections: "Alive Inside" beautifully portrays how music can restore
important relationships, both between the residents and their caregivers, as well as among
family members. The film captures heartwarming moments of connection as family members
witness their loved ones' responses to the music, with tears of both joy and sadness.
Through these shared musical experiences, communication barriers often disappear,
allowing loved ones to reconnect with their family members at an emotional level that may
have been lost. These scenes exemplify the transformative power of music in strengthening
the bonds that might have been strained due to the symptoms of dementia.

Promoting Engagement and Self-Expression: Another prominent aspect of the positive

effects of music depicted in the documentary is the stimulation of engagement and self-
expression among residents. Music ignites a spark within individuals who may have been
otherwise withdrawn or apathetic. In one scene, we see a resident named Denise, who is
typically non-communicative, exhibiting a newfound sense of vitality and enthusiasm while
playing the piano. This vividly illustrates how music can provide an outlet for self-expression,
fostering a sense of purpose and identity within individuals who might otherwise feel lost.


"Alive Inside" effectively brings attention to the transformative and positive effects of music
on individuals living with dementia. Through its poignant storytelling, the film shows how
music has the ability to bridge the gap between the memories or emotions often obscured by
the disease. The documentary not only emphasizes the therapeutic potential of music but
also addresses the importance of personalized playlists and the role of music in creating
meaningful connections. "Alive Inside" serves as an inspiration, urging society to recognize
and embrace the value of music therapy in transforming lives affected by dementia.)

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