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Arsi University, Ethiopia

The purpose of this paper is Expressing Reality and science

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Citation: Mohammed Jundi Hussein (2024). The importance of sexual intercourse
Date 21/01/2024
The purpose of this paper is Expressing Reality and science
The importance of sexual intercourse

The importance of sexual intercourse with partners can vary for different individuals and relationships,
but some common benefits include:

1. Intimacy and emotional bonding: Sexual intercourse can enhance feelings of closeness, trust, and
emotional connection between partners.

2. Physical pleasure and satisfaction: Sexual intercourse can provide physical pleasure and satisfaction
for both partners, leading to increased overall sexual well-being and happiness.

3. Stress relief and relaxation: Engaging in sexual activity can help reduce stress levels and promote
relaxation due to the release of endorphins and the intimate connection with a partner.

4. Communication and expression: Sexual intercourse allows partners to express their desires, fantasies,
and preferences to each other, fostering open communication and promoting a deeper understanding of
each other's needs and desires.

5. Physical and mental health benefits: Regular sexual activity has been associated with improved
immune function, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, improved sleep quality, and enhanced overall
mental well-being.

6. Strengthening of the relationship: Sexual intercourse, when consensual and mutually satisfying, can
reinforce the emotional bond between partners, increasing feelings of love, commitment, and satisfaction
within the relationship.
N.B: The sexual activity should always be consensual and based on mutual understanding, respect, and
communication within a healthy and safe relationship.

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