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When it comes to the development of children or in other words toddler, it is

important to have an understanding as you see your child go through these changes
physically and mentally. Even though there are general patterns to how children
develop emotionally, socially, and physically, each child is unique and will
develop in a special way. Individual differences can be very striking between the
first and fourth birthday and are caused by the different experiences that each child
has throughout their childhood. Having a stimulating environment for the child is
very important, without this type of environment the child will never grow or learn.
All experiences that a toddler goes through affecting their social and emotional
I have a niece named KRIZIEL DECOLONGON LAGAR , 3 Years of age A
daughter of my eldest sister She is so pretty ,cute, happy girl . My observation of
her since day one during her birth we all know that a child is always sleep and
lying in the bed or their mother's arm The motor development of the infant was
steady and consistent with expectations. At 6 weeks, Kriziel could hold her head in
an upright position. She could roll from side to back. At 3 months, She could hold
the head in an upright position for a long period. At 5 months, She could pick
objects and place them in the mouth. At 6 months, the baby could sit in upright
position, albeit on physical support. If she cry and also in every night her mother
feed her with mothers breast milk .The motor development of the infant was steady
and consistent with expectations. At 6 weeks, Kriziel could hold her head in an
upright position. She could roll from side to back. At 3 months, She could hold the
head in an upright position for a long period. At 5 months, She could pick objects
and place them in the mouth. At 6 months, the baby could sit in upright position,
albeit on physical support.At 10 months, Kriziel could crawl and sit without
physical support.

At 1 year, Kriziel could stand by holding on to furniture and other objects

for support. At 18 months, Kriziel could walk without support from anybody. She
picks up objects without tripping over. Kriziel jumps with both feet and can move
up and down stairs while holding on rails.In 1 years old I observed on her she is so
fast learner ,and also She know how to Crawl and Graps and hold and particular
object like her Babyron and Toys She Started to shout when she Happy and
Response with others .Fast Forward When she an 2 -3 Years old Throughout this
period, She is learning to socialize with adults and other children. She 0 learn by
imitating other peoples behavior or actions that is why it 's important to watch what
you say and do around a child. So based on my observation , Kriziel enjoys to play
hide and seek games.

The neurological development of the baby is consistent with expectations.

Kriziel enjoys perusing through picture books. He identifies everyday objects by
names. And also she enjoys solving puzzles and other complex games.etc.As a
child, it is harder to get in touch with feelings because at the ages of one and three
it can be a little stressful trying to express your feelings to an adult. Toddlers need
a caregiver to help them communicate and express themselves in a healthy
respectful manner.

The relationships that children have with others between the ages of one
and three form the basis of their capacity for love and affection later on in life. But
a child who depends on a caregiver to show them love will have a hard time
developing a relationship in the future. At this age, a child understands his/her
emotions and also understands that what they say. I observed on her stage at 3
years old, I can see on her is so have a little bet Shy Girl Because if when other
people would like to talk to her, she suddenly hidden at back of us. And if she
easily to cry , but we don't know how she is because she is an 3 years old but we've
notice to her that she already grow up when she started to go to school she's
interacted with her fellow classmates and teachers because of her development as a
child or toodlers. Until now she's continuing her growing up and development to
another stages and we'll just observing her step by step process to Adolescence.

In conclusion, I really learned a lot and enjoyed the time I spent at my

niece observation . In order to keep improving my observational skills I will try to
improve my recalling skills. One way I may do this is doing memory challenges
such as observing people in my household or friends. Overall, I believe my
observation went well as I was able to complete it and identify key development
stages and behaviours in children.



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