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However, there are also some areas where you could improve your performance and

showcase your product skills better. Here are some suggestions for improvement:

● Problem Statement: You could have defined the problem statement more clearly
and concisely at the beginning of your presentation. You could have also explained
why this problem is important and urgent for to solve, and what are the current gaps
or pain points in the existing solutions.
● Customer Research: You could have conducted more customer research to validate
your assumptions and hypotheses about the customer segments, their needs, and
their behaviors. You could have also used some qualitative methods such as
interviews, surveys, or personas to gain more insights into the customer journey and
the user experience.
● some common or challenging questions that the team might ask you during the jam

Overall, you have done a good job in demonstrating your product management skills and
potential, but you also have some room for improvement and growth. I hope you find this
feedback helpful and constructive, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Thank you for your time and interest in working at.

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