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Do you have a halftime process?

Soccer is a game of two halves, literally and figuratively.

How many times have we seen teams come back from big halftime deficits to win a game?

One of the most memorable second-half comebacks EVER was Liverpool’s mind-boggling rally
against AC Milan in the 2005 Champions League Final.

Trailing 3-0 at the break, Liverpool’s captain, Steven Gerrard, was reported to have made a
rousing speech, claiming that if the Reds scored within 15 minutes of the restart, they’d win.

The narrative was set.

9 minutes into the half, Gerrard rose highest in Milan’s box to nod home Liverpool’s first goal.

2 minutes later, it was 3-2.

And 16 minutes after the restart, the comeback was complete.

Liverpool famously went on to win on penalties.

Gerrard inspired his team to pull off the impossible during the halftime break…

Now, I’m not one to claim that coaches who deliver good halftime speeches will always win.

Coaching involves far more than that.

But halftime breaks are important, and you should use this time effectively.

So, let me share with you a useful framework to help you manage the midway break as best as

First, you should take notes during the game to keep a reminder of important things.

Then a few minutes before the break, you can start forming ideas for what to bring up at

Next, determine how you want to deliver the message.

The tone will depend on what your team needs.

Sometimes it needs to be loud and passionate to light a fire under the players.

But other times it should be calm, concise, and assertive.

Once your team huddles up, you’ve got to say your piece with maximum impact - connect with
your players, use the right body language, and look them in the eye.

Don’t be afraid to engage and ask for a response.

Clarify that the message has been understood by asking players to relay it.

Now, the focus is on hydration, resting, and recovering for the second half.

You never know what can happen in a game of soccer, but as a coach, all instructions are

However, even the most inspirational speech is useless without putting in work on the training

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