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Spaced retrieval Three words were trained per session.

Stimuli consisted of coloured or black-and-white

pictures of each target item on a 6″ × 4″ note card. For P2, street names were elicited by highlighting the
target street on a black-and-white map also presented on a note card. At the start of each session, the
participant repeated the names of the three target items, followed by a 1-minute interval during which
the same three pictures were presented again. If an item was named correctly, the time interval for the
next stimulus-response trial was doubled for that specific item. If the picture was not correctly named,
the participant was instructed to repeat the target word and the time before the next presentation of
that specific item was halved. The time intervals were independent for each item; that is, it was not
necessary for all three items to be named correctly for an increase in the time interval for the next
stimulus presentation. For example, if an item was named correctly, then its interval was doubled; if the
other two items were incorrect, then the time until the picture presentation was halved. To accurately
track the interstimulus intervals for each of the three words, three stopwatches were used during each
session. The shortest time interval was 1 minute; the longest was 16 minutes. For the verbal naming
treatments, mastery of an item was determined as correct naming of the item at the beginning of a new
treatment session. Following mastery of an item, an untrained item was entered into treatment. SR
treatment was terminated when all 15 items had been mastered. To estimate the time spent on SR, an
observer timed each SR-related interchange between the clinician and participant for two consecutive
sessions. Based on these measures the total time used for administration of SR per session was
estimated to be 12–15 minutes.

Cueing hierarchy The cueing hierarchy was arranged by increasing the explicitness of the cues provided
for each stimulus item (Table 3). Cueing was presented until the target word was elicited with fewer
direct cues provided for each subsequent trial. All 15 items selected for the CH were drilled during the
last 12–15 minutes of each CH session—providing equal time for both verbal naming treatments per
session. For P1 and P2, CH was initiated when all 15 SR words had been mastered—to control for order
effect, the order was reversed for P3.

Fridriksson, J., Holland, A. L., Beeson, P., & Morrow, L. (2005). Spaced retrieval treatment of anomia.
Aphasiology, 19(2), 99–109.
Intermittent repetition can keep old ideas active in students’ minds until they’re ready to engage. Rather
than delivering a bound monograph on meditation, instructors can slowly unfurl an idea over hundreds
of days.

To engage with a book’s ideas over time, readers must remember its details, and that’s already a
challenge. One promising solution lies in spaced repetition memory systems, which allow users to retain
large quantities of knowledge reliably and efficiently. Like meditation, these systems involve a daily
practice: every day, a reader maintains their memory library by reviewing a few dozen lightweight
prompts. Each prompt asks a detailed question, like “What types of stimuli does George Miller’s span of
absolute judgment describe?” Each day’s session is different because each prompt repeats on its own
schedule. When a user remembers or forgets the answer to a prompt, the system expands or contracts
that prompt’s repetition interval along an exponential curve. These expanding intervals allow readers to
maintain a collection of thousands of prompts while reviewing only a few dozen each day. Practitioners
generally complete their review sessions in moments which would otherwise go unused, like when
waiting in line.

Timeful Texts — Future of Text Volume 1

The most common mechanism of change for spaced repetition learning tasks is called retrieval practice.
In brief: when you attempt to recall some knowledge from memory, the act of retrieval tends to
reinforce those memories.For more background, see Roediger and Karpicke, The Power of Testing
Memory(2006). Gwern Branwen’s article on spaced repetition is a good popular overview. You’ll forget
that knowledge more slowly. With a few retrievals strategically spaced over time, you can effectively halt
forgetting. The physical mechanisms are not yet understood, but hundreds of cognitive scientists have
explored this effect experimentally, reproducing the central findings across various subjects, knowledge
types (factual, conceptual, procedural, motor), and testing modalities (multiple choice, short answer, oral

The value of fluent recall isn’t just in memorizing facts. Many of these experiments tested students not
with parroted memory questions but by asking them to make inferences, draw concept mapsSee e.g.
Karpicke and Blunt, Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept
Mapping (2011); and Blunt and Karpicke, Learning With Retrieval-Based Concept Mapping (2014)., or
answer open-ended questions. In these studies, improved recall translated into improved general
understanding and problem-solving ability.

Retrieval is the key element which distinguishes this effective mode of practice from typical study habits.
Simply reminding yourself of material (for instance by re-reading it) yields much weaker memory and
problem-solving performance. The learning produced by retrieval is called the “testing effect” because
it occurs when you explicitly test yourself, reaching within to recall some knowledge from the tangle of
your mind. Such tests look like typical school exams, but in some sense they’re the opposite: retrieval
practice is about testing your knowledge to produce learning, rather than to assess learning.
Spaced repetition systems are designed to facilitate this effect. If you want prompts to reinforce your
understanding of some topic, you must learn to write prompts which collectively invoke retrieval practice
of all the key details.

How to write good prompts: using spaced repetition to create understanding

Most spaced repetition software has a special function which can rapidly generate sets of fill-in-the-
blank prompts like this. In the software interfaces, these prompts are often called “cloze deletions.” In
each review session, the software will only ask you to fill in one blank. This behavior is important
because without it, one variant would “give away” the answer to another.

How to write good prompts: using spaced repetition to create understanding

Mastery is our term for the one-two punch of active recall and spaced repetition applied to the notes
and highlights you take while reading. Used together, these principles of cognitive science enable you to
retain substantially more of what you read with significantly less effort.

As a more everyday alternative, you can also employ a deceptively simple technique known as cloze
deletion. With cloze deletion, a salient keyword or keyphrase is hidden from the passage, giving you an
opportunity to pause and consider the missing word.

Cloze deletion is, of course, just a fancy way of saying fill-in-the-blank. This might seem a trivial tweak,
but the simple act of hiding a word forces you to consider the surrounding context and search your mind
for an answer. The hidden word itself isn’t that important; it’s the modest effort of being forced to think
about what you’d otherwise passively read.

Spaced repetition is a technique for spacing out of reviews of previously learned material according to an
algorithm designed to optimize your limited time for review. Each time you review a piece of
information, you supply feedback to that algorithm which estimates the optimal time to show you that
information again.

Without getting too technical, if you deeply understand something, you don’t need to be reminded of it
that often whereas if you struggle with something, you need to be reminded of it more often. Further,
each time you successfully recall something, your memory of that thing is strengthened, so the intervals
between successive reviews become longer and longer.
Spaced repetition is the literal opposite of cramming which, we probably don’t have to tell you, is a great
way of passing a test but a terrible way of truly learning something.

Using Spaced Repetition and Active Recall with Books to Hack Your Brain

For example, you can use spaced repetition to augment creativity by priming your awareness with
inchoate thoughts, slow hunches, and unanswered questions. Or you can use spaced repetition to write
an article, as I did with this very article you’re reading (made possible by Themed Reviews), by quickly
jotting down nonlinear thoughts and progressively editing standalone paragraphs for clarity.
Γνωστικές Ασκήσεις Αποκατάστασης
Αντιγραφή σχεδίων Αντιγραφή σχεδίων ενώνοντας τελείες (δείκτες καθοδήγησης)
Αντιγραφή στοιχείων Αντιγραφή αριθμών/γραμμάτων από τον πίνακα ερέθισμα (με
σύμβολα) στον πίνακα απαντήσεων (κενός).
Διαδρομές Μπλεγμένες διαδρομές στις οποίες πρέπει να βρούμε η αριστερή
πλευρά σε ποιο τμήμα της δεξιάς καταλήγει.
Διαφορές Διαφορές μεταξύ εικόνων
Σχήματα Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Πόσα με κίτρινο· Πόσοι κύκλοι;
Αριθμοί Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Διαγράψτε· Πόσα 237;
Γράμματα Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Διαγράψτε Τ· Πόσα σ;
Λέξεις Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Βρείτε λέξεις με 3 γράμμα το ρ.
Κρυμμένες λέξεις Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Βρείτε λέξεις.
Σημασιολογικές Φύλλο ερέθισμα. Κυκλώστε λέξεις που έχουν σχέση με το καλοκαίρι.
Διόρθωση λαθών Διόρθωση κειμένου (τυπογραφικά λάθη)

Αναγνώριση λέξεων Διάβασμα κειμένου. Ποιες λέξεις ακούστηκαν;
Αναγνώριση ήχων Τόνοι, ήχοι (φυσικοί), νότες
Αναγνώριση ηχητικής σύνθεσης Αναγνώριση συνθέσεων και εξέλιξης
Αναγνώριση τραγουδιού Έκθεση σε ερέθισμα και αναγνώριση σε σχέση με άλλα τραγούδια

Αναγνώριση Αναγνώριση οσμών με φυτικά έλαια
Σύνθεση Αναγνώριση οσμών με φυτικά έλαια

Αντιγραφή Αντιγραφή κινήσεων.
Σύνθεση Σύνθετες κινήσεις.

ΜΝΗΜΗ (οπτικές /
ακουστικές / )
Ασκήσεις σύνδεσης Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Ασκήσεις σύνθεσης ιστορίας Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Η μέθοδος των ΤΟΠΩΝ Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Ασκήσεις κατηγοριοποίησης Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Απομνημόνευση αριθμών Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Τεχνική των Βασικών Ερωτήσεων Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.
Σχήματα Αντιγραφή σχημάτων/σχεδίων.
Απομνημόνευση προγράμματος Απομνημόνευση με συγκεκριμένη τεχνική.

Ανώνυμες Αντίθετες λέξεις
Συνώνυμες Παρόμοιες λέξεις
Περιγραφή Περιγραφή λέξεων
Αναγραμματισμοί Αντικατάσταση γραμμάτων
Αντιστοίχιση ορισμών Σύνδεση με σημασίες
Συνειρμοί Αυλή: δέντρα, λουλούδια, φράχτης, κάγκελα, σπίτι, φυτεύω.
Αναλογίες Τηλεόραση/βλέπω – Ράδιο/ακούω

Επίλυση προβλημάτων Αθροίσματα, κτλπ.
Διλήμματα Υποθετικές συνθήκες και έλεγχος αυτών.
Αναγνώριση μοτίβου Κυριακή, Σάββατο, Παρασκευή κτλπ.

Καθημερινές μαθηματικές Πληρωμές, υπολογισμός ώρας, ημέρας, έτους

Τίτλοι ειδήσεων Ανάγνωση και συντήρηση πληροφοριών.
Δρομολόγια Απομνημόνευση δρομολογίων.
Εναλλαγές Εναλλασσόμενη προσοχή.
Ασκήσεις παράλληλων έργων

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