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Instructions to STUDENTS:

Answer ALL TWO (2) Questions in English language ONLY.

ALL students are required to submit the answer scripts BEFORE Saturday, 20th January 2024 @

Kindly submit EITHER thru WhatApps: 017 268 4234 OR email:

Question 1

(a) The 21st century has seen so many innovation and technological achievements. Describe THREE
(3) of the technological achievement that has most sinificantly changed our way of life

• One of the technological achievement that has most sinificantly changed our way of life
nowadays is smartphone and mobile technology. The widespread use of smartphones has
completely changed the way we communicate, get information and handle our daily routines.
These devices enable instant connections through calls, texts and social media, eliminating
distance barriers connecting internet , organize schedules, take high quality photos, use various
application and more. With all these significant use of the smartphone, it really help in
changing way of life to be better for mankind.

• Secondly, internet and connectivity also the technological achievement that has most
sinificantly changed our way of life. The internet has become a fundamental aspect of modern
life, transforming the way we access information, communication, conduct business and
entertainment. This has led to the rise of online platforms, social media, e-commerce and
remote work also fundamentally altering how societies function and how individuals interact
with the world around them. This widely use of internet surely will change our way of life with

• Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies has had a profound impact
on various aspects of our lives. AI algorithms are now used in diverse fields, including healthcare,
finance, education, and entertainment. From personalized recommendations on streaming platforms
to advanced medical diagnostics and autonomous vehicles, AI has enhanced efficiency, decision-
making processes, and the overall capabilities of numerous systems, leading to a more automated and
intelligent society.

In conclusion, the technological advancements of the 21st century have reshaped the fabric of our
lives, introducing transformative changes that extend across communication, daily activities, and our
understanding of the world. Like smartphones, have made life more connected. The Internet of Things
brought smart devices that make our surroundings smarter and more efficient. Additionally, advances
in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learninng have made systems smarter and more helpful in
various areas. These changes show the incredible progress of this century, shaping how we live and
interact with technology.

(12 marks)

(b) Explain how project-based engineering courses learned in university (i.e. Engineering Final Year
Project and Capstone Design Project) can encourage engineering students to think creatively in
solving complex engineering problems.

Project based engineering courses, such as Engineering Final Year Projects and Capstone Design
Projects, play a crucial role in fostering creativity and problem solving skills among engineering
students. These courses encourage students to think creatively in solving complex engineering by
applying these:

• Real-world Application

Project-based courses often involve solving real-world engineering problems. This practical
application encourages students to consider the broader implications of their solutions and to
think creatively about how their theoretical knowledge can be translated into practical, effective
designs or solutions. This hands on approach challenges students to think creatively by applying
their knowledge to authentic situations, preparing them for the complexities of the workforce.

• Interdisciplinary Challenges

Many engineering projects require collaboration with students from different engineering
disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach exposes students to diverse perspectives and skill sets,
fostering creative thinking by encouraging them to integrate ideas and solutions from various
engineering fields. By integrating various viewpoints, they develop a more comprehensive and
innovative approach to solving complex engineering problems.

• Hands-on Experience:

Engaging in the hands-on aspects of a project, from design and prototyping to testing and
implementation, encourages creative problem-solving, allowing students to iterate on their designs,
learn from failures and develop innovative solutions that align with the project’s objectives. With this
in mind, students are forced to think on their feet when faced with unexpected issues during the
implementation phase, promoting adaptability and inventive problem-solving skills.

• Critical Thinking and Analysis

Project-based learning courses require students to critically analyze the feasibility, efficiency, and
effectiveness of their designs. This analytical thinking fosters creativity as students explore different
ways to analyze problems, optimize their solutions, considering factors such as cost, time, and
sustainability also evaluate their feasibility. This analytical process fosters creative thinking as students
explore unconventional ideas, assess potential outcomes and make informed decisions that is a best
approach to address engineerin challenges.

In summary, these engineering courses provide a holistic learning experience that goes beyond
theoretical knowledge. By engaging in real world projects, collaborating with diverse teams, and
takinng ownership of their work, students develop creative thinking skills necessary to tackle complex
engineering challenges in innovative ways.

(10 marks)

(c) Discuss THREE (3) main aspects that are important to be considered in designing and planning
for an engineering project, product or services.
• Feasibility Analysis

Before embarking on any engineering endeavor, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive

feasibility analysis as it involves evaluating the practicality and vialibility of a project . This helps
determine whether the project is technically, economically, legal, operationally feasible, and
scheduling aspects of the project. Determining the feasibility of a project ensures that it is viable
and aligns with the overall goals and constraints. This analysis helps in identifying potential risks,
estimating resource requirements, and establishing realistic project objectives. It sets the
foundation for making informed decisions and avoiding unnecessary complications during the
execution phase.

• Risk Assessment and Management

Effective risk management is essential in the design and planning stages to identify potential risk,
technical, assess, financial, and operational risks that may arise throughout the project lifecycle. This
includes analyzing technical uncertainties, market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and any other
factors that could impact project success. By proactively addressing risks, engineers and project
managers can develop contingency strategies, allocate resources more efficiently, and enhance the
project's overall resilience. Regular risk assessments and ongoing monitoring ensure that potential
issues are addressed promptly, minimizing the likelihood of project disruptions.

• Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Engaging with stakeholders and maintaining clear communication channels are critical aspects of
successful engineering projects. Stakeholders may include project sponsor, clients, end-users,
regulatory bodies, investors, and team members. Understanding their needs, expectations, and
concerns helps shape the project's design and planning. Regular and transparent communication
ensures that all stakeholders are kept informed about project progress, changes, and potential
challenges. It also facilitates collaboration, aligns expectations, and enhances overall project buy-in.
Establishing effective communication channels builds trust, minimizes misunderstandings and helps
create a collaborative environment that fosters successful project outcomes.

In conclusion, the success of engineering projects, products, or services depends on a strategic and
thorough design and planning process. The critical aspects of feasibility analysis ensure practicality and
viability, risk assessment and management minimize uncertainties, and stakeholder engagement
coupled with effective communication foster collaboration and understanding. By integrating these
considerations, engineering endeavors are more likely to navigate challenges, meet objectives, and
ultimately achieve success in an ever-evolving landscape.

(13 marks)

Question 2

(a) Discuss how enginnering students can expose and train themselves in acquiring leadership

Engineering students can actively cultivate and enhance their leadership skills through various
intentional effoerts and experiences. Here are several ways in which engineering students can expose
and train themselves in acquiring leadership skills :

• Participation in Student Organizations

Joining engineering or project-based student organizations like clubs or societies provides a

platform to take on leadership roles. This could involve serving as a club officer, leading a project
team, or organizing events. Such experiences offer hands-on leadership opportunities, allowing
students to develop skills in team management, decision-making, and communication.

• Internships and Co-op Programs

Participating in internships or cooperative education programs allows students to gain practical

industry experience. These opportunities often expose students to real-world projects and challenges,
providing a chance to observe and emulate effective leadership styles, learn from experienced
professionals, and contribute to teams. Engaging in these work environments helps in understanding
the dynamics of leadership within the engineering field.

• Participation in Engineering Competitions

When competing in engineering related competitions, such as robotics competitions, hackathons,

or design challenges, often require teamwork and leadership in project management. Taking an active
role like leadership role in organizing, leading, or participating in these competitions can enhance
leadership skills while allowing students to apply their engineering knowledge in a practical setting.

• Involvement in Community Service Projects

By engaging and volunteering in community service projects or outreach initiatives provides
leadership opportunities that allows students to take on leadership roles in organizing and executing
events. Leading a group of peers in community service not only provides valuable leadership
experience but also contributes to personal and professional development while making a positive
impact in their communities.

• Mentorship and Networking

Seek mentorship from experienced professionals or faculty members connects students with
experienced who can provide guidance and share leadership experiences while the students can
developing leadership skills. Attend networking events, conferences, and seminars to connect with
industry professionals and other students. Networking exposes you to different leadership styles and
provides opportunities to learn from experienced leaders that contribute to the student’s own
leadership development.

In conclusion, engineering students can actively foster and refine their leadership skills through a
deliberate and multifaceted approach. Participation in student organizations allows for hands-on
experiences in team management and decision-making. Internships and co-op programs offer
exposure to real-world projects, providing insight into effective leadership styles within the
engineering industry. Engaging in engineering competitions promotes leadership in project
management, applying engineering knowledge in practical scenarios. Involvement in community
service projects not only cultivates leadership skills but also contributes to personal and professional
development through positive community impact. Mentorship and networking activities connect
students with experienced leaders, providing valuable guidance and insights. By actively pursuing
these opportunities, engineering students can holistically develop the leadership skills necessary for
success in their future careers.

(10 marks)

(b) Explain the importance of the exposure to the latest technology (e.g. Internet of Things,
Augmented Reality) in supporting individuals (i.e. engineers) to achive career goals.

• The importance of the exposure to the latest technology in supporting individuals to achive
career goals is enhanced skill set. Exposure to the latest technologies broadens an individual's
skill set. For engineers, staying current with technologies like IoT and AR ensures that they
possess the technical competencies damanded by modern industries.

• Next, is competitive edge in the job market. Individuals with knowledge of the latest
advancements gain a competitive edge in the job market because employers seeek candidates
who can contribute immediately and being wel-versed in cutting-edge technologies positions
engineers as valuable assets to organizations.

• Beside that, innovation and problem-solving also the importance of the exposure to the latest
technology. With this exposure, the person will fosters an innovative mindset and improves
problem solving skill. Engineers who understand and leverage technologies like IoT and AR can
propose creative solutions to complex challenges.

• Opportunities for specialization also the importance of the exposure to the latest technology in
supporting individuals to achive career goals. As industries adopt IoT or AR, engineers with
expertise in these domains become specialists in high demand. Specialization can lead to more
specialized and higher-paying career paths.

• Beside that, meeting industry demands is the importance of the exposure to the latest
technology in supporting individuals to achive career goals. Many industries are undergoing
digital transformations, and engineers equipped with knowledge of technologies like IoT and
AR are better positioned to contribute meaningfully to these transformations. Meeting
industry demands for digital integration and smart solutions is crucial for career progression.

• Lastly, adaptability to industry trends is the importance of the exposure to the latest
technology in supporting individuals to achive career goals. Industries evolve with technological
advancements. Engineers who stay updated with the latest trends are more adaptable to
changes in their respective sectors. This adaptability ensures that professionals can align their
skills with industry demands, contributing to the longevity and relevance of their careers.

(12 marks)

(c) Engineering courses offered in the universities should be designed to be relevant and focussing
on the industry needs.
Discuss this statement by considering the facors that leads to this issue and suggest some
possible initiative/ ways to be taken.
• One of the factor can lead to this issue is technological advancements. Rapid advancements in
technology outpace traditional education structures. Universities may struggle to keep pace
with industry relevence requires constant updates to the curriculum to incorporate emerging
technologies and methodologies. The way to overcome this issue is to ask the responsible
people to held Industry-Academia collaboration. Foster strong collaborations between
universities and industry partners will establish advisory boards with industry professionals to
provide insights into current trends and skills in demand. This will encourage joint research
projects, internships and guest lectures from industry experts.
• Another factor that will trigger this issue is Technological Advancements. Rapid advancements
in technology outpace traditional educational structures may cause university struggle to keep
pace with the latest developments, resulting in graduates with outdated skill. The way to
overcome this issue is regular curriculum reviews and updates. Implement regular reviews of
the engineering curriculum to identify outdated content and incorporate new developments.
Establish mechanisms to ensure that faculty members stay informed about industry trends and
can integrate relevant content into their courses.
• Next issue is lack of practical exposure in the real industry. Courses that lack practical exposure,
such as hand-on projects, internships or industry collaborations, may result in graduates with
theoretical knowledge but limited practical skills. As we know, Industry demands engineers
who can apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, emphasizing the importance of
practical experience in academic programs. The way to overcome this issue is emphasis on
practical learning. Integrate practical learning experiences, such as hands-on projects,
internships, and industry placements, into the curriculum. This provides students with real-
world exposure, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings and gain
industry-relevant skills.
By implementing these initiatives, universities can enhance the relevance of their engineering
courses, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge demanded by the
evolving needs of the industry. This approach not only benefits individual students but also contributes
to the overall advancement of the engineering profession.

(13 marks)


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