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Mitigation Measures on

Reducing the Risk of

Volcanic Eruption
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EQUIPMENT If you are told to evacuate
Stay away from areas downwind Follow authorities' instructions if they
of the volcano. Wear long- tell you to leave the area. Though it
sleeved shirts and pants. Wear may seem safe to stay at home and
goggles to protect eyes. Wear a wait out an eruption, doing so could
mask or use a damp cloth over be very dangerous. Volcanoes spew
your face to minimize breathing hot, dangerous gases, ash, lava, and
in ash. rock that are powerfully destructive.

03 04
REINFORCEMENT Volcanic eruptions are also
destructive as they can blow apart
The most common volcanic hazard
(for buildings) is ash fall. The design those very same mountains. They
principles are similar to those for also can cover vast areas of fertile
heavy snowfall (pitched roof with no land with inhospitable lava flows
solar, chimney or roof tank). and/or ash deposits. Further,
However, volcanic ash is much volcanoes present geohazards to the
heavier than snow, so extra public, both during eruptions and
reinforcement is required. during periods of quiescence.

If you live in an area at risk from volcanic ash falls, take the following steps to reduce
volcanic impacts: Make buildings as airtight as possible, to exclude ash. Ensure rain
gutters are well-maintained, kept clear of debris, and securely attached. Gutters are
prone to collapse from ash loading.

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