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Standard / Classic BPC:

Dimension Types (9 + 1)
A - Account Usually contains chart of accounts and other planning assumption measures. The
dimension is normally represented by a hierarchy of accounts.
4 Types Accounts AST = Asset , LEQ = Liability , EXP = Expences , INC = Income

C - Category This represents the versions or scenarios based on which data would be tracked. It
contains the types of data you are going to track, such as Actual, Budget, and Forecast. You can set
up categories to store versions, such as BudgetV1, BudgetV2, and so on.
Ex: Actual ; Plan ; Bud Etc,.

D - Audit This represents the various data source that could be used to manage the main data and
adjustments if any. This can be used very effectively in calculations and in business rules of a
reporting consolidation model to segregate input data

E - Entity Represents the business units that are used to drive the business process. Depending on
your model design, the Entity type can be an operating unit, a cost center, a geographic entity, and
so on. This represents the organization unit, whether defined for legal purpose or from a business
angle. This could be cost center, profit center, legal company or region. The dimension is normally
represented by hierarchy of entities.
001000 ; 0010001 ( India, USA Entity) (Comp_Code also can be used as entity)

G - Group
Reports consolidated results in multiple group currencies within a single entity structure. Group
provides multiple currencies for a group member.

I - Intercompany Contains the intercompany codes for the entities. This represents the intercompany
codes for the purposes of legal consolidation intercompany matching and elimination.
X (Group) , A, B,C (Sub- Companies) = its Inter company Tranaction ; Blank or TP = its 3rd Party

R - Currency
USD, INR …..Cons it sows as LC , USD(Group Currency)

S - Subtables This is used to break down the account activity or flow. For example, some accounts,
such as Fixed Assets, have a Subtables dimension containing Opening, Additions, Deletions, Transfers
and Ending Balances. The Subtables type dimension is important for writing business rules that
require currency translation amounts to be calculated by account.
Flow - Ex: Opening Bal ; Closing Bal ; Depeciation

T - Time Contains the time periods for which you store data. This represents the time periods based
on which data are stored. The time periods could be represented in various forms such as weekly,
monthly, quarterly or custom.
Year ; FISc.per, QA, Calmont - Cons - FISCPER & Fiscal Year Variant

U - User-defined This represents any User-defined dimension that may be required for the planning
process. Referred to in the system as U1, U2, U3, and so on.

Ex; Profit Cent ; Cost Cent ; Controlling Area ; Material Group ; Customer

1. Reporting Models
1.1 Standard Model

1.2 Finance Model (Planning)

1.3 Consolidation
AECT + R+ I + G + D + S +Flow
2 Rates& Drivers
2.1 Rates Model
2.2 OwnerShip Model
AECT + I + G
2.3 Generic

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