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10 Commandments Quiz

1. When did the Israelites receive the Ten Commandments ?

a. After watching a Tic-Toc video ?

b. After lunch
c. 49 days after they were freed from Egypt

Answer : C

2. What are the Ten Commandments

a. 10 rules on how to play Minecraft

b. 10 Laws which guide the Jewish how to live a civil and moral life
c. 10 steps of miniature golf

Answer : B

3. Which statement best describes the first commandment ?

a. I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
b. I am the Lord, your G-d, who wants you to be mean to your brother
c. I am theLord, your G-d, who wants you to lay in your bed all day on Sunday and never offer
to help your mom or dad with chores

Answer : A

4. Which statement best describes the second commandment ?

a. You shall have no other gods besides me. You shall not make for yourself any carved idol or
serve or bow down to a creation.
b. You can have 3 G-ds in your house - one for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner
c. If you really want a new NorthFace jacket, you may draw a picture of it and worship it

Answer : A

5. Which best describes the 4th commandment ?

a. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor and do all your work;
but the seventh day is a sabbath to God... For in six days God made heaven and earth, the
sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the Sabbath
b. On Sabbath it is customary to think of ways to make our parents angry with us
c. On Sabbath we should all act rudely to our friends
Answer : A

6. Which best describes the 5th commandment ?

a. If something that happened in school is bothering us , don't ever take our mom or dad's
b. If mom or dad is struggling to fix something in the house , never offer to help them
c. Honor thy father and mother

Answer: C

7. How did Moses receive the 10 Commandments ?

a. Written on a piece of paper, G-d handed it to him in an envelope

b. G-d mailed it to him in the desert
c. Moses went up the mountain - Har Sinai - for 40 days - and came down with the 10
commandments written in the stone tablets

Answer : C

8. How were the 10 Commandments written in stone ?

a. with a gel pen

b. with a red marker
c. with the finger of G-d

Answer : C

9. What did G-d tell Moses when he went up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments ?

a. Write down these words, for I have made a covenant with you and the Jewish people.
b. Sweep the side of the mountain
c. Have a glass of water

Answer : A

10. When are the Ten Commandments read ?

a. After the opening credits of our favorite Nickelodeon tv show ?

b. At the Shabbat table ?
c. They are read aloud 3 times a year in synagogue - in the Torah reading
of one of the books of Exodus, and in Deuteronomy. Plus during the
holiday of Shavuot

answer : C

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