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Outside the courtroom, Murdock claimed that someone influenced Castle, but both

Page and Nelson ignored Murdock. Nelson angrily exclaimed that he was glad that
they lost the case, and Page told Murdock that while she agreed with Murdock about
heroes, he was not one of them. She told him she was done with him before storming

Choosing Elektra
Murdock chooses Elektra
Murdock chooses to fight alongside Elektra

Murdock returned to his apartment, noticing that Stick had left, but was relieved
to find Elektra in bed and that she had decided to fight the Hand by his side. She
guessed correctly that he lost the case and Karen Page, but he told Elektra that he
was glad he did not lose her, making his decision to spend his life with her. As
Murdock left to give Elektra some rest, he was attacked by a Hand ninja.

Murdock young hand

Murdock fights a young Hand ninja

The fight was long and Murdock was, later, hit by a poisoned arrow. Murdock was
able to subdue and confront the ninja. He took off his hood and realized that he
was young, hearing his heartbeat. Elektra came behind the ninja and slit his throat
with a kitchen knife, much to Murdock's horror. He shuddered as Elektra told him
that this was who she was, asking if he still wanted her. Murdock began to shake
from the poison, and Elektra embraced him as she prepares to save him.[27]

Change of Heart
Murdock shocked Elektra
Murdock recovering from all of his wounds

Later, Elektra tended to Murdock's wounds, having removed the poisoned arrow from
his shoulder, and ensured that his life was no longer in danger. When Murdock had
finally recovered, he looked around and found no evidence of the fight from the
previous night. He asked Elektra what she did to the boy's corpse, to which Elektra
responded that she took care of everything, implying that she disposed of the body,
much to Murdock's shock.

Murdock Painful Choice

Murdock asks Elektra to leave

Murdock, still in shock from Elektra's kill, noted that her adrenaline spiked when
she killed him, just like at Roscoe Sweeney's house those many years ago. She told
Murdock about the first person she killed when she was twelve, not for self-
defense, but through pure enjoyment, which had horrified Murdock. He told Elektra
that there was a time when he was in love with her, but he would have no more of
her killings, as this went against his beliefs. Murdock had then demanded that she
leave his apartment, stating that he would fight against the Hand by himself. With
that, Elektra reluctantly left.

Murdock done with Foggy

Murdock tells Foggy Nelson that he is done

Later that day, Foggy Nelson had arrived at the apartment to visit Murdock, taking
note of his injuries. Nelson had informed Murdock that he had thought it best that
Nelson and Murdock shut down, to which Murdock reluctantly agreed. However, Nelson
begged Murdock to quit being a hero, as clearly his life as Daredevil was putting
him at risk of being killed, but Murdock told Nelson that he would no longer
apologize for who he was and that he would resume the mantle of Daredevil, no
matter what Nelson thought. With that, Nelson left him, leaving Murdock with less
allies than ever.[28]

Fighting the Hand

The Return of Nobu
Stan Gibson tells Daredevil about the Farm

"Wait... you're dead!"

"There is no such thing."
―Daredevil and Nobu Yoshioka[src]
Later in the Yakatomi Building parking lot, Daredevil located Stan Gibson, taking
out his bodyguards. Having knocked out and subdued his guards with ease, Daredevil
revealed to Gibson that he found out that the Hand had infiltrated the Roxxon
Corporation and told Gibson to tell him what they are doing. Gibson revealed that
the Hand was keeping his son, Daniel Gibson, hostage. Gibson revealed that the Hand
had a heavily guarded facility that they called The Farm. Daredevil then demanded
that the clearly terrified Gibson take him to that place.

Daredevil orders Hirochi show him the Farm

Gibson took Daredevil to the Farm, leaving him outside. Daredevil knocked out the
guards and found Hirochi. Daredevil could hear the blood dripping in another room
and he demanded Hirochi take him to the source.

Daredevil blood tomb

Daredevil witnesses the Farm in horror

When Hirochi showed him the inner workings of the farm, Daredevil was horrified to
find young kids caged like animals and being drained of their blood through a tube.
The tubes went into a huge stone Sarcophagus. Daredevil went to free the children
and Hirochi escaped. Gibson entered the Farm and was horrified to see his son in
one of the cages. Then, one of the ninjas ambushed Daredevil, letting him know that
the draining wasn't complete, as he took out an all too familiar Kyoketsu-Shoge.

Daredevil Nobu alive

Daredevil finds out Nobu Yoshioka is alive

Daredevil fought the ninja as long as he could, but the ninja became victorious.
The ninja pushed the sarcophagus into an elevator; then, Daredevil figured out who
the ninja was: Nobu Yoshioka. Daredevil was shocked, stating that he should be
dead, however, Yoshioka took off his mask and replied that there was no such thing.

Daredevil Hand Mahoney

Daredevil offers Brett Mahoney an update

Daredevil went outside of the building and called Brett Mahoney. As soon as he
arrived, he told him about the caged children and that they needed medical
attention, warning him about the Hand trying to get them. Daredevil told him to
take them to Metro-General Hospital and to put them under the care of Claire

Murdock Hand Temple

Murdock tells Claire Temple about the Hand

As soon as Mahoney took the kids to Metro General, Murdock met Claire Temple in the
hallway. He warned her that their blood was drained by a ninja named Nobu Yoshioka,
who, somehow, came back to life after he burned to death. He warns her that she may
be in trouble from the Hand ninjas, but promised to protect her and the hospital
from them. Suddenly, using his enhanced hearing, Murdock listened to a police radio
warning that Frank Castle escaped from prison.[29]

The Punisher Escapes

Murdock speaks with Karen Page

"I have to find him, Foggy. I know where to start."

"You always know where to start. You just never know when to stop, Matt."
"I'm not asking for your permission."
―Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson[src]
Following Frank Castle's escape from Ryker's Island, Murdock was summoned to meet
Samantha Reyes along with Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. Upon arriving at the
courthouse, Murdock was soon greeted by Page who commented on the amount of
security now present there, as Murdock apologized for getting Nelson and Murdock
involved with the case in the first place. While Murdock attempted to make small
talk with Page, she was called away for security reasons, leaving just standing
Murdock alone outside.

Murdock Castle Escape

Murdock discusses Frank Castle's escape

They were taken through security and then entered Reyes' office. While they walked
in they discussed Castle's escape from Ryker's with Murdock asking Page if he had
said anything at all to her, but Page insisted he had not mentioned any escape
plan. Nelson took note that Castle escaped Cell Block D. Murdock remembered this as
the same cell block in which Wilson Fisk was incarcerated, noting that he liked to
track of anyone who may want them dead. He then soberly told Page and Nelson that
this was not a coincidence, telling them that he believed Fisk orchestrated
Castle's escape.

Murdock Reyes confession

Murdock arrives at Samantha Reyes' office

As they sat down in Reyes' office, she and Blake Tower requested their help in
locating Castle. Murdock told her that they would only help if she told them what
happened between her and Castle. Reyes confessed that the Massacre at Central Park
that killed Castle's family was a sting operation that went south. The District
Attorney's office had been trying to convict a mysterious drug dealer known as the
Blacksmith. Reyes and Tower explained that while they were tracking him they
learned of a deal involving the Blacksmith, Dogs of Hell, Kitchen Irish and Mexican
Cartel and decided to act.

Murdock Skull X-ray

Murdock learns about Punisher's threats

Reyes then revealed that she chose to not clear the park of civilians to make it
look less suspicious and risk the Blacksmith getting away, but it resulted in
multiple civilian deaths, due to a shootout that broke out between the gangs, with
victims including Castle's own wife and children. Then, Reyes showed them an X-ray
of a skull that she took from her daughter's backpack, worried Castle had now
chosen her own daughter as his next victim. She informed them that although her
daughter was safe in a secret location in upstate New York, the Punisher must be
found before he could harm anyone else.

Murdock protects Page

Murdock protects Page from gunshots
While Reyes begged them to tell her if Castle ever contacted them, Murdock heard a
gun being cocked from across the street, in an instant Murdock then demanded that
everyone got down, covering Page with his own body as an unknown assassin began
shooting at them. The bullets destroyed everything in sight, wounding Nelson in the
arm. Once the bullets stopped hitting the room, everyone slowly raised to their
feet. Although almost everyone had survived, they discovered that Reyes had been
hit multiple times in the back and was killed, much to Tower's utter shock and

Murdock promises he will find Frank Castle

As a result, the New York City Police Department and the FBI all then swarmed the
courthouse, desperately searching for Punisher who they blamed for the murder.
Murdock, Nelson, Page and Tower left the courthouse; as Nelson was being treated by
an Emergency Medical Technician, Murdock let him know that he would go after
Punisher and get to the bottom of all this, although Nelson was still skeptical
that he would ever be able to find him. Murdock, however, insisted he knew where to
start looking, before Nelson noted he may know where to start, but not how to ever

Kingpin's Threat
Murdock is greeted by Benjamin Donovan

"I can break you without breaking a single law. You may have expensive lawyers, but
with one envelope and $6 postage I can make sure Vanessa never sets foot on
American soil again. One letter to the right office and I get her visa pulled. I
can prove she was an accomplice to every one of your crimes."
―Matt Murdock to Wilson Fisk[src]
Seeking answer directly from his chief suspect, Murdock visited Ryker's Island,
where he was greeted by Benjamin Donovan who gave him a contract written in out
Braille for Murdock's convenience, stating the terms of the meeting between him and
Wilson Fisk. Donovan warned that if Murdock came into physical contact with Fisk or
discussed their meeting with the media then he would be sued, Murdock signed the
contract and was brought to Fisk.

Murdock meets with Wilson Fisk in prison

Fisk noted how he and Murdock had met once before at the Scene Contempo Gallery
before they went to court, but Murdock ignored this and commented on the shooting
at the New York State Supreme Court Building which had killed Samantha Reyes.
Murdock accused Fisk of setting up Frank Castle's escape, but Fisk told him that it
never happened while Murdock argued that Fisk's seeming lack of motive kept the
suspicion away from him and allowed him to unleash Castle upon New York City to
cause chaos. Fisk decided that enough was enough and called over Donovan to end
their meeting.

Murdock is violently attacked by Wilson Fisk

Instead of back down, Murdock threatened to make sure that Fisk's beloved fiancée,
Vanessa Marianna, could never come back to New York, for acting as his accomplice,
ensuring Fisk would never see her again, apart from the odd trip to Morocco but he
would never be able to live with her again. Upon hearing that, the now enraged Fisk
released himself from his chains attacked Murdock, slamming him into the table.
Defending himself, Murdock managed to punch Fisk's mouth, but the still furious
Fisk kept ahold of his suit and remembered how Murdock was the son of a boxer.
Murdock leaves the Fisk meeting horrified

Murdock realized that Fisk had taken control of Ryker's Island and had indeed
orchestrated Castle's escape, which Fisk then confessed to but noted that nobody
would back up Murdock's story. Fisk threatened to get revenge on Nelson and Murdock
by destroying the lives and loved ones of Murdock and Foggy Nelson, as soon as he
got out. Fisk threw Murdock back onto his seat and promised that his wrath would be
worse than anything the Punisher was going to do to the city. Murdock was escorted
out of the prison by Donovan, horrified and shaken from what just transpired.[29]

The Invasion of Metro-General

Murdock hospital rooftop
Murdock and Claire Temple the Hand's plans

Murdock went to the rooftop of Metro-General Hospital. Claire Temple met up with
him, wondering why he wasn't visiting Foggy Nelson. Murdock said that he sensed
Nelson and that he was fine, blaming himself for getting Nelson shot in the arm.
Temple updated Murdock about the patients, noting that a mysterious organic
substance was coursing through their bloodstream, which led her to believe that the
Hand were incubating a substance that was then drained.

Daredevil battle ready

Daredevil prepares to battle the Hand

Murdock, forlorn, told Temple that he felt everything he did got undone. He told
her he was quitting the law and his friends. He let her know that he felt that they
were a distraction and that he would put them in harm's way. Temple tried to make
him change his mind, but he ignored her and still refused to visit Nelson. After
she left, Hand ninjas began to scale the side of the hospital. Murdock heard this
and put on his helmet.[29]

Daredevil fights the Hand in Metro-General

Just after the ninjas killed Louisa Delgado, Daredevil arrived, saving Temple and
fighting the ninjas. The battle was long, as the ninjas tried to reclaim their
victims. Temple tried her best to fight, but one of the ninjas knocked her out of a
window. Daredevil jumped out and saved her, using one of the ropes from the Hand
had used to scale the building. The Hand, unfortunately, escaped with Daniel Gibson
and the others.

Claire explained Hand

Murdock explains the Hand to Temple

Afterwards, Murdock got changed into his street clothes and explained to Temple
about the Hand and what they wanted. Temple was against Murdock going after the
Hand alone, saying this might be his downfall, but he he stated that he had it
handled. Then, Brett Mahoney called Murdock, explaining that Karen Page was
attacked and was at the 15th Precinct Police Station.[30]

Figuring Out Blacksmith

Murdock loses Claire
Murdock is rejected by Karen Page

Murdock, outside the 15th Precinct Police Station, waited for Karen Page. When she
saw him, she revealed that Frank Castle saved her when someone shot up her
apartment. She revealed that she may be Blacksmith's target, because she was
researching the Massacre at Central Park. Murdock wanted to follow her when she was
about to leave, but she told him, coldly, that she was not his to protect.

Towers Daredevil Blacksmith

Daredevil confronts Blake Tower

Later in the evening, Daredevil confronted Blake Tower, who was trying to leave
town. Daredevil demanded that Tower tell him all that he knows about the
Blacksmith, but Tower revealed that he had very little information, except a code
name. Tower then suggested that the one person who might know more would be the
Blacksmith's rival: a drug dealer in Chinatown.

Daredevil infiltrates the dry cleaners

Daredevil infiltrated a dry cleaner that was serving as the drug lord's lair. He
fought and knocked out the guards before going to the basement. There he found
Madame Gao, who was busy painting. Daredevil warner her to call off her men or he
would break their legs, and she she stated that once he was satisfied that they
were alone, they would talk.

Daredevil Gao Blacksmith

Daredevil is informed about the Blacksmith

Daredevil demanded information about the Blacksmith. She told him that his identity
and very nature was a mystery. However, she knew that he sold pure heroin that was
brought in by ship.

Daredevil reasoning Castle

Daredevil stops Frank Castle from killing

Daredevil arrived at the pier and stopped Castle from killing a man whom Castle
thought was the Blacksmith. After that, the two began to fight. Castle was furious
at Daredevil, blaming him for ruining his moment of peace. However, Daredevil
warned him that killing the wrong man would mean his revenge would be false and
that, on some level, he knew that.

Daredevil lets Punisher to do things his way

Again, Castle stated that Daredevil's way of justice didn't help end crime and
killing the Blacksmith was the best solution. Daredevil admitted that his way
wasn't working and suggested that just this once, they do things Castle's way.
Castle then stated that once someone kills another person, they can never go back
from what they did. Daredevil warned Castle about men he heard approaching. He told
Castle they needed to get off the ship, and in response, Castle pushed Daredevil
into the water. The men shot at the boat, which exploded from the gunpowder held
below decks. Daredevil, later that evening, went back to dry land, hearing both
Brett Mahoney and Karen Page arrives on the scene with the police.

Murdock Stick Murder

Murdock finds out Elektra plans to kill Stick

Murdock went back into his apartment and heard a car screeching out of control. He
walked outside, noticing a car crashed into the side of the street. He found out
that the driver was one of Stick's soldiers of the Chaste, who informed Murdock
that Elektra planned to kill Stick. [30]

The New Black Sky

Daredevil stops Elektra from killing Stick

Daredevil found Stick's hiding place, and before the fight between him and Elektra
continued, Daredevil steps in and breaks it up. Then, Hand ninjas ambush the three,
who fight Daredevil and Elektra, vanish and take Stick with them. Daredevil is
confused, not being able to locate a trail, but still plans on saving Stick.
Elektra chimed in that she will kill Stick, and threatens to kill him if he stands
in her way. With that, she kissed him and left.

Murdock Foggy Goodbye

Murdock and Nelson end their firm

Later, Murdock entered his office, reading a Braille subway map. Foggy Nelson was
inside, as well, packing his things from his office. Murdock told Nelson that he
thinks the Hand are using subway tunnels to secretly move throughout Hell's Kitchen
without being detected. Nelson had an idea, referring to his bootlegging
grandfather during Prohibition, that it may be abandoned railway tunnels,
encouraging Murdock to look through them. Nelson and Murdock pause in there office
for the last time, feeling a sense of sadness and relief that Nelson and Murdock
was over.

Daredevil is ambushed by Hand ninjas

Later, Daredevil went inside the abandoned railway tunnel and, no sooner as he
enters, is ambushed by Hand ninjas. He is easily able to fight them off, listening
to the metal of their swords weapons, but the ninjas caught on and sheathed their
weapons, while attacking him with their fists. Daredevil became helpless, Not being
able to defend himself from the ninjas.

Daredevil listens to all Stick's instructions

Then, suddenly, Daredevil heard the soft whispering voice of Stick, being tortured
by Hirochi, instructing him to listen to the ninjas' exhalations. Daredevil does as
instructed and, as a result, is able to knock out all of them. After that, he
continued down the tunnel for Stick.

Daredevil rescues Stick from the Hand

Daredevil finally finds him and is attacked by Hand ninjas, who were guarding
Hirochi. Hirochi thought he was safe, but Stick bites Hirochi on the neck.
Daredevil freed him, then Stick told him how proud he is. However, Elektra arrived,
wanting to kill Stick. Then, Nobu Yoshioka appeared, demanding that Stick tell them
why they are all here.

Daredevil Elektra Black Sky

Daredevil learns Elektra is the Black Sky

Daredevil demanded that Yoshioka take him instead of Stick and Elektra, but
Yoshioka states that he just wants Elektra, revealing that she is the Black Sky,
the weapon of the Hand. Stick is aggravated that she found out about the truth, but
Daredevil denies it as true, pleading with Elektra she must be the one to define
herself. Yoshioka and the Hand knelt down and offers his sword to her; she accepts
and demands Daredevil to leave.

Daredevil Black Sky Threat

Daredevil gives Elektra one final chance

She continued to recall how she fought her violence nature her entire life, but now
as the Black Sky, she can embrace it. Then, heartbroken, Daredevil tells her that
it would mean killing him, for he is the Hand's enemy. She puts her sword to his
neck, but she hesitates. He, then, grabbed Elektra's sword and held it up to her
neck, giving her one last chance to fight off the Hand with him and Stick. He
releases her and they both fight them off.

Daredevil fights against Nobu Yoshioka

In the middle of the battle, Elektra stops fighting and grabs Stick so they can
both escape. He states he still wants her dead, but he won't for Murdock's sake,
revealing that Murdock was trying to save Elektra from a line that she'd never come
back from. Daredevil, then, fought with Yoshioka for a while and then escapes with
Elektra and Stick while the ninjas watched. [31]

Questioning Stick
No talking Stick
Daredevil cleaning the blood off Stick's face

Back at his apartment, Murdock tied Stick to a chair, stating that he and Elektra
will be the only ones fighting the Hand, stating that he still does not have a
plan. Before Stick could make a snarky comment, Murdock taped his mouth. Then, he
met Elektra on the rooftops. The both of them decided the best course of action was
to expose Nobu Yoshioka as a fraud to his followers.[32]

Melvin Potter's Upgrades

Daredevil is given upgrades by Potter

"Melvin, I... I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. I mean, the papers might not report it, but some of us in
Hell's Kitchen, we know who's really looking out for us."
―Daredevil and Melvin Potter[src]
Then, Daredevil took Elektra to Melvin Potter, where he fitted her in special body
armor. He, then, gave Daredevil a new billy club made of a special design.
Daredevil told Potter that he could not thank him enough, but Potter simply stated
that he is glad that there are some people in Hell's Kitchen who was looking out
for them.[32]

Brett Mahoney's Update

Murdock Surprise phone call
Murdock receives a call from Foggy Nelson

Daredevil and Elektra then went back to his Apartment, as they began to look for
the whereabouts of Nobu Yoshioka. Then, Foggy Nelson called him from the 15th
Precinct Police Station. He told him that Brett Mahoney had been forced to give men
information about Daredevil. He hung up and left.

Daredevil Mahoney Hand

Daredevil is updated by Brett Mahoney

Murdock met up with Mahoney near the fire escape at the precinct, as he was quick
to joke that, at this point, he can only trust the vigilante. He informed him that
he was forced to give mysterious people the files on Daredevil's actions or they
would kill his mother. Mahoney told him that the files had the names of all the
people he has saved, Murdock put the pieces together and left for Karen Page's
Apartment, only to find it completely empty.[32]

Tracking Down the Hand

Murdock cant hear
Daredevil is helped to refocus by Elektra

Daredevil was on the rooftop, trying really hard to hear the location of the Hand's
hostages, but becomes incredibly frustrated. Daredevil informed Elektra that he
unable to listen through all the other noises going on. Elektra suggested blocking
all other noises and to listen for the hostages. Daredevil does just that and,
finally, hears the bus that is transporting them.

Elektra wants to stay

Daredevil and Elektra discuss their plan

Daredevil and Elektra finally arrives at the Hand's hideout. They are about to
enter, but Elektra thought it was best to stay behind, thinking it a trap and
stating that it would be best that the Hand did not retrieve the Black Sky,
especially if it meant complete destruction to thousands, compared to a few. With
that, Daredevil descends to the hideout.[32]

Attack on the Hand

Daredevil saves hostages
Daredevil saves the hostages

Before the Hand could cut off Turk Barrett's ankle, Daredevil crashed inside and
knocked them out. He frees all the hostages and asks Karen Page if she is all
right. After Page answered, he freed her.

Saved by Elektra
Daredevil is from the Hand saved by Elektra

However, more Hand ninjas appeared and began to fight him. As one was about to
attack, Elektra stabbed the ninja in the back, claiming she got bored waiting for
him. They found out that the only way out was on the roof, as they head upstairs.
They stopped near a door, where Daredevil claimed that he could sense an army of
Hand ninjas; they both took a moment, acknowledging that this might be their last

Murdock Elektra happy

Daredevil speaks with Elektra

Elektra states that she is ready to meet her fate, but Daredevil removed his
Helmet, stating if they get out alive, he wants to leave New York City with her.
She states that he belongs in New York, but he responds by saying she made him feel
more alive than the city.

Elektra dies
Daredevil watches Elektra dying in his arms

Daredevil and Elektra finally make it to the top and battle Hand ninjas. A lot of
the Ninjas were easily defeated, but Nobu Yoshioka was much more a superior
fighter, able to knock Daredevil's helmet off. Yoshioka was about to stab Daredevil
with his Kyoketsu-Shoge, but Elektra attacked him, which caused Yoshioka to stab
her by accident with her own Twin Sai. She gave her final farewell to Daredevil and
died in his arms, claiming that this was not the end.

Daredevil Nobu final

Daredevil furiously battling Nobu Yoshioka
Yoshioka was enraged that he lost the Black Sky and he ordered his men to finish
him off. Daredevil, filled with anger, fights then, but finds out that the ninjas
were being shot down. He senses Punisher, who was sniping the Ninjas down for him.

Daredevil finishes Nobu

Daredevil flings Nobu Yoshioka off the roof

Daredevil walked away, letting Punisher finish off the rest of the ninjas, and
battled Yoshioka. After a bit of a struggle, he used his new billy club to fling
him off the roof and win the battle. Punisher looked at Daredevil and said, "see
you around, red," then left. Now alone, Daredevil could only walk over to Elektra's
lifeless body, take her hand and mourn her demise.[32]

Truth Revealed
Confession to Karen Page
Murdock visits Elektra's grave with Stick

"I have... I have something..."

"No, I don't want it."
"I have something that I need you to see... I'm Daredevil."
―Matt Murdock and Karen Page[src]
With the threat of the Hand seemingly dealt with for the time being, Murdock and
Stick visited Elektra's grave. Filled with too much grief, Murdock could not find
any words to say, so Stick wondered if Murdock thought it worth it to love her, to
which Murdock said that even though Stick opposed it, it was. Stick smiled and
called Murdock the toughest person he knew, then they left, with Stick returning to
the Chaste while Murdock remained in New York City to continue his own fight.

I am Daredevil
Murdock tells Karen Page he is Daredevil

Making his mind up about what was best for the people around him, Murdock asked
Karen Page to meet him at the old Nelson and Murdock Law Office, which she
reluctantly agreed to. As Murdock walked down the streets of New York and entered
the building, he found Page waiting there for him. Murdock nervously told her that
he had something to show her, though Page told him that she did not want whatever
it was. Murdock, however, insisted and eventually pulled out his Daredevil helmet.
Page looked at the new revelation in shock and Murdock revealed that he was

Murdock agrees to talk with Karen Page

After reeling from the revelation, Murdock was met by Page again in his apartment,
after she went for a walk. Murdock invited Page in his guest room, and she asked if
he could see her. Murdock told Page that he could not exactly see Page, and that it
was different and maybe better. As Page further questioned Murdock's abilities, he
explained that could sense people without seeing them, such as knowing where Page
visited the Indian restaurant when they first dated due to the curry, he smelled
off her clothes and the drink under her breath, noting that it made Page
uncomfortable as he could hear her heartbeat.[33]

Murdock apologizes to Page for his lies

After Murdock explained his abilities to Page and proved it by stating her recent
activities simply through his senses, he told Page that she had every right to be
angry and should have told her from the very start of their relationship. While
Page still felt angry about Murdock's activities and recent behavior, she admitted
that she couldn't stay angry at someone who saved her. Understanding Page's
statement, Murdock agreed her justification on her anger for breaking the trust of
a friend who saved her life twice. Murdock then offered Page a drink and she
nodded, which he could sense, much to her surprise.[33]

Murdock promises not to be Daredevil again

Getting Page a drink from his kitchen and offering her upfront, Murdock was told
that his act of being blind was fake, agreeing with the statement and apologizing
afterwards. Page then asked for where the suit was, and he pointed at his closet.
While Page looked at Murdock's suit, he expressed that he would leave Daredevil
behind for good and that he did not need Daredevil in his life anymore. As Page was
in disbelief in Murdock's statement, he placed Page's hand on to his chest where
his heart was beating and told that he should not need Daredevil to be a part of
him anymore, but Page was not sure Daredevil was the problem.[33]

Return to Normality
Defenders101 Matt Murdock (Case)
Murdock defends Aaron James inside court

"Maybe you will walk again. I hope so. But maybe you won't. But your ability to get
through it, as this gets harder, that is a hundred times more powerful than just
slapping a smile on your face and pretending like everything is just fine. Do you
―Matt Murdock to Aaron James[src]
Mourning Elektra and blaming himself for her death, Murdock quit being Daredevil
and decided to refocus his efforts of helping people through the justice system as
a lawyer. Months after his conflict against the Hand, Murdock worked on a case for
Aaron James, a boy paralyzed by the chemicals used in Berkowitz's companies'
subway. Murdock won the case and gained the family an eleven million-dollar

Matt Murdock and Aaron James (Talk)

Murdock talks to Aaron James' predicament

Before going to meet the press, Murdock had a talk with James about his well-being.
As he accepted that he was fine, Murdock told James how much the money would help
his parents, telling him that it would only get harder once he realized everybody
was going to tell him how to feel. Wanting to have his life back, Murdock told
James that the people around him would not help him regain what he already lost.
Telling him the possibility of walking, Murdock told James that having the strength
from his recovery was a hundred times more powerful than just putting up a smile.

Murdock accepts Page's invite to lunch

After advising to get James' life back together, Murdock was then greeted by Karen
Page, who had come to congratulate him on the case. Once Murdock was happily
accepting the gratitude, Murdock was stunned by the sight to see her again. Being
told it was okay to feel proud, Murdock took it as pride in his work and was later
asked if he could be joined for lunch for a statement. Stuttering his words,
Murdock gladly accepted Page's offer to interview him as well as conversant each
other during their feast. Upon accepting his invitation, Murdock went over to the
press for an interview.[34]

Catch Up with Karen Page

Murdock talking about his life as Daredevil

"You know, as complicated as I feel about all this stuff, I just I feel like you
should know. The NYPD is prevailing. I report on it every day, and the crime rate's
down. I really think that Daredevil may have made the city a safer place."
"He might have. But right now, the city's better off without him."
―Karen Page and Matt Murdock[src]
Getting lunch, Murdock told Karen Page how much of a great story about the school
board scandal, agreeing how much her job as a reporter at the New York Bulletin was
doing well for her. Murdock then told Page about what he had been doing as a pro
bono lawyer was making him feel happy. After the waitress poured coffee for them
and left the table, Page asked Murdock if he regretted telling her about his
Daredevil Suit, to which he declined and stated that he could not lie to her
anymore. Page then asked Murdock if he missed being Daredevil which he declined,
telling her it was a chapter in his life that was closed.

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Murdock accepting Karen Page's statement

Although he claimed that he did not regret being Daredevil, Murdock expressed how
he was unable to figure things out with his friends, despite Page's assurance of
their relationship could not affect her and Foggy Nelson. Page then told Murdock
that despite the complications, Daredevil might have made New York City safer due
the amount of New York City Police Department's inference in crime; while Murdock
agreed, he claimed that the city was better off without him. Murdock was then
offered about his statement for the New York Bulletin about the court case of Aaron
James, accepting it afterwards.[34]

Confession with Paul Lantom

Matt Elektra Confession 1
Murdock makes a confession to Lantom

"This other life you led, is your heart still with it or is your heart with one who
walked through it by your side?"
"Elektra. Yeah. I do miss her. But how do I know that the things she brought out of
me were wrong?"
―Paul Lantom and Matt Murdock[src]
Murdock went for a confession at Clinton Church and told Paul Lantom that he lied
to someone he cared about. Murdock admitted that he missed the other life that he
left behind. Lantom reasoned that Murdock's lie could lead him to the truth and
that it might be a sign of Murdock's indecision. Lantom further asked if he felt
guilty due to his longing for his other life or because of Elektra's death. Murdock
admitted that he greatly missed her, despite knowing that the things she brought
out of him were wrong. Lantom told Murdock that he must move on and find peace
within him.[34]

War for New York

Tremor and Chaos
Murdock feeling an incoming earthquake

"Don't do it, they're just kids."

―Matt Murdock[src]
This section needs a rewrite
Murdock returned home after a day of work. He went to grab a beer when he sensed an
approaching wave of chaos in the city. Not long after, an earthquake began shaking
over the entire city. Murdock braced himself in his apartment and waited for the
tremor to pass. Once it passed, Murdock listened and heard all of the suffering and
chaos that the earthquake had caused over the city. Unable to ignore it, Murdock
went out of his apartment to see if he can help.[34]

As You Were
Murdock overlooks the city from the rooftop

On the rooftop, Murdock began listening to the city. Eventually, Murdock heard a
group of youths who went to steal a television screen from a store. They were
discovered by the shop owner who then pulled a gun. Hearing the noise, Murdock was
going to leave but decided to go rescue the children before things could escalate.
Murdock jump onto rooftop to rooftop, until he made his way to where they were.
Murdock managed to reach them in time to witness the shop owner begin shooting at

Murdock defeats all the armed store owners

Upon arriving, Murdock quickly threw a pipe at a light source to confuse the store
owner and let the kids quickly escape. Murdock responded quickly and dispatched the
shop owner. When his armed assistant arrived, Murdock pleaded him to let the youth
go. When the assistant began firing at him, Murdock dispatched and disarmed him as
well. Murdock was questioned by the assistant about who he was but quickly left the
area. Murdock returned home in the morning and took a deep breath after entering
the apartment.

Murdock finds his suit in his closet

Murdock went to the kitchen to wash the blood on his hand that he received from the
fight that he had. Murdock then equipped himself a medkit in order to treat his
bruises on his hand until he then pushes it to the side with anger and frustration.
Murdock took a deep breath again and hopes to clear his mind for this incident of
what happened. Murdock felt conflicted about his vigilante act and looked at an old
briefcase that had not opened in while. Murdock opened the case and briefly
contemplated to put on the suit once again before he was called by Foggy Nelson.

Reunion with Foggy Nelson

TD102 Foggy&Matt 6
Murdock reunites with Foggy Nelson

Murdock met to have a drink with his old friend at Josie's Bar, as they talked
about their work. Foggy Nelson congratulated Murdock on winning the case and asked
if he intended to remain pro bono, to which Murdock replied that he intended, too.
Nelson was doing well working at Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz, and having a
relationship with Marci Stahl. Their conversation soon turned to Murdock's
vigilantism because Nelson had noticed the bruises on his hands. Nelson offered
files of cases that could keep Murdock busy from doing his vigilantism again, as
Murdock accepted the files and thanked his friend.[35]

Representing Jessica Jones

The Defenders still 4
Murdock introduces himself to Jones

"Jessica Jones, stop talking. Hi. This is over."

"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Matthew Murdock, your attorney."
―Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones[src]
Murdock was contacted by Foggy Nelson to be an attorney for Jessica Jones. During
the evening, Murdock arrived in time to stop Misty Knight's interrogation and
introduced himself as Jones' attorney. Once Knight left the room, Murdock set his
bag down and took off his jacket before he had to have a talk with Jones. Asked by
Jones if she was a public defender, Murdock told her that a friend of Jeri Hogarth
had recommended her in case of any trouble.

Murdock attempts to talk to Jessica Jones

Not knowing that Hogarth did diversity hires, Murdock told Jones that he was
independent and does not work for Hogarth's firm. Jones told Murdock that she would
not be paying him, but Murdock would then express that she did not have to. As
Jones assumed that Hogarth had already paid him, Murdock accepted that idea and
told her that he was a Catholic and had a soft spot for hopeless causes. Murdock
asked Jones about how long she was a private investigator, but she rejected to
expose that information, proving to be uncooperative. Murdock began telling Jones
if she was always rude towards the people trying to help her, irritating Jones

Murdock tries to question Jessica Jones

Being told that she would find her own lawyer, Murdock claims that she doesn't need
one since after talking to Knight about the mess she has been in the way of, the
New York City Police Department doesn't have anything to hold her on, further
explaining that Jones was part of an active crime scene, resulting into follow up
questions. Murdock then started bringing himself closer and wanted to tell her
about Kilgrave, abruptly being told that it has nothing to do with the incident.
Murdock then proceeded to ask if there is anything out of the ordinary, but Jones
dismisses his question.

Murdock walks down

Murdock tries to lose Jessica Jones' tracks

As the conversion became apparent, Murdock told Jones that she was free to leave
the station. Once Jones got out of the room, Murdock heard her phone with Malcolm
about what happened last night. Murdock began following Jones to learn about what
she knew but during his following in the streets, he lost track of her, resulting
into Jones following Murdock. Realizing that he was being followed, Murdock headed
to an alley and promptly made his escape, leaping up the side of the building and
climbing up the fire escape that allowed him up onto the roof, believing that he
had not been seen doing so.[36]

Escape from Midland Circle

Murdock telling Jones to leave the building

"In the penthouse."
"How do you know?"
"I just do. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid."
―Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, Murdock managed to resume following Jones when she was entering Midland
Circle. Grabbing her arm and pulling her to the side, Murdock told her to leave the
building, being told afterwards that she'll harm him for touching her, Murdock told
Jones that he has been in Midland Circle before and is in serious danger, knowing
that her case had led to her into something really sinister. Having her in
disbelief, Murdock told her talk somewhere else, but Jones refused and revealed
that she had witnessed and photographed him escaping from the alley, leading
Murdock to smash her camera.

Jones sasses Murdock

Daredevil walks with Jones into battle

Before they could continue, Murdock heard a gunshot fired off from the penthouse,
being asked about how he could hear that by Jones. Answering her question, Murdock
told Jones that he can hear danger from far away and took her scarf as a makeshift
mask. Going inside at the back of the building, Murdock avoided the obstacles in
the stairways with workers doing their jobs, going as fast as he could upstairs.
Finally reaching up on the floor she's going through, Murdock reached into the
location with Jones using an elevator. As they walk together, Murdock was told that
he looked like an asshole which he responded that it was her scarf.

Daredevil fighting against Black Sky

Soon after, Luke Cage smashed through a nearby wall and was followed closely behind
by Danny Rand. As both cage and Jones introduced each other and Rand advised them
to escape the building, Murdock warned them that someone was coming, revealing to
be Elektra. Once she arrived, Jones advised them to leave only for more Hand
fighters appear from behind and began attacking them. Daredevil began fighting
against one of the Hand fighters and aggressively subdued him. Not long after,
Daredevil began fighting against Elektra after she snuck up behind him.

Daredevil is saved by Iron Fist from Elektra

During the fight, Daredevil kicked Elektra and dodged her attacks but was punched
into another room with glass windows, where he continued his fight. As the fight
began, Elektra used her sword against Daredevil but was fast enough to dodge the
many swings she could try to kill him. As they damaged the many objects surrounding
the room, Daredevil began to avoid her attacks for so long that her sword had
revealed to be in two. Dodging the many attempts to slice up him up, Daredevil was
eventually subdued and was forced to the floor by his adversary.

Defenders Empire
Daredevil escapes with the other Defenders

While lying on the ground, Daredevil then heard Elektra's breathing patterns and to
his shock, he had realized that it was Elektra who was fighting him. Looking
confused of this revelation before she could kill him, Daredevil was rescued by
Rand who came to check up on anyone else in the building and smashed through
Elektra's swords, blowing her out away with the Iron Fist. With her out of the way,
Daredevil was given a hand by Rand, getting up on his feet after a fight. Moving on
from the scene, Daredevil ran through the hallway with Rand and retreated back onto
an elevator in order to escape Midland Circle building.[36]

Defenders Unite
Murdock hides inside the Royal Dragon

"I know who you are."

"No, you don't. Trust me."
"Yes, I do. You're the Devil of Hell's Kitchen."
―Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock[src]
During the nighttime, Murdock escaped Midland Circle and entered into the Royal
Dragon restaurant with the others. After Danny Rand convinced the owner to let them
stay, in return for paying for six months of rent and ordering food, Murdock
listened on how the Hand had gained influence on certain groups around the world.
As Luke Cage and Jessica Jones began to ask questions, Murdock explained that they
were up to something more secret and eviler. Once Rand expressed that they needed
to find him because of his Chi, Murdock asked him again about it, to which the
group began to dismiss his identity.

TD- CounselorA-Word
Murdock being interrupted by Luke Cage

Once Cage asked Rand about Elektra was, Rand expressed that he had no idea but had
fought her in Cambodia and Jones told him that person went after her client. Having
raised any suspicions, Murdock asked about what had happened to her client, Jones
accepted and asked if he knew the killer, to which Murdock lied about not knowing
her. Realizing he did not want to be a part of the situation, Murdock attempted to
leave, but was stopped by Cage who demanded to reveal more information but
dismissed his request.

Murdock is asked to join the Defenders

Murdock was then threatened by Cage to take off the mask but decided to threaten
him back for fight. When Jones demanded to have a word with Murdock, he took Cage's
hand off his shoulder before things got physical and started privately talk. As he
was getting ready to leave, Murdock told Jones to lose his card and has been
through the same road before. Jones told Murdock that she knows who he is and
before he moved on, she told him that he was the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Rejecting
her accusation, Jones told him that it was her job to realize that and had
photographic evidence that was destroyed.

Murdock revealing his identity to others

Asking what she wanted, Murdock listened on about how she needed to complete her
case and have nothing to do with the Hand, giving him the choice to fight with the
group. Contemplating, Murdock then he took off Jones' scarf, as he walked over to
the group, giving the scarf back, and revealed his identity. Once they were settled
down, the team decided to have a meal together. Murdock was asked how he was
Daredevil to which he responded that it was a long story and rather not tell but he
needed to keep it a secret to protect the people he cares about.

The Defenders still 1

Murdock speaks with the Defenders

As Rand expressed that he had the urge to fight back, Murdock remained adamant that
they couldn't fight the Hand. As Rand had to further explain that he needed to
fight them together, Murdock was surprised at the revelation and expressed that he
means well, but needed to be rational about they proceed towards them. They were
soon greeted by the arrival of Stick. Murdock was hostile when his old master
arrived and warned his allies that they should not trust him. Stick revealed that
he was now the last member of the Chaste and the only one who could stop the Hand
were the four of them. Stick aggravated Jones and made her leave. Murdock chose to
remain to listen to what Stick had to say.

The Defenders still 3

Murdock and Cage see the Hand's arrival

Once Stick finished his tale, the Defenders began preparing themselves for the
Hand's arrival. Murdock talked to his old mentor about Elektra's resurrection.
Stick warned him that Elektra was no longer the woman he knew. She was only Black
Sky now. Eventually, the Defenders were interrupted by the arrival of Alexandra
Reid. Reid tried to convince Rand to join her only to be refused. Reid summoned
Elektra but before they could fight, she was interrupted by the return of Jones who
smashed a car through the restaurant and hit Elektra. Jones rejoined the Defenders
as they all prepared themselves to fight.[37]

Murdock and Iron Fist fighting Murakami

Once Murdock and the Defenders were prepared to fight against Elektra, they were
soon met with the arrival of the Hand reinforcement led by Murakami, Madame Gao and
Sowande. During the fight, Murdock and Rand personally fought against Murakami and
swiftly dodged his attacks that resulted into defeating him in close combat. When
more reinforcements arrived to surround them, Murdock had to think closely and
fought the closer to him. Once Murdock subdued one the reinforcements, he broke
away from the group to personally fight against Elektra. After a swift tackle,
Murdock spoke to Elektra about having to talk to her but taken out from his grasp
and began to kick him out of the restaurant.

Matt Murdock Sees Elektra

Murdock tries to reconnect with Elektra

Now outside of the diner, Murdock tried to make Elektra return to her senses by
fighting against her by using grappling techniques to get her to think. As he
explained how she died, Murdock was closely defeated until he managed to make her
hesitate when he spoke her name, asking what had the Hand had done to her. Once
Murakami began confronting him, Murdock moved out the way as Elektra escaped after
she punched the man aside. Murdock rejoined his allies and retreated to Chikara
Dojo. The group was soon joined by Cage, who had been separated during the battle
and captured Sowande.[38]

Questioning of Sowande
Murdock and the others surround Sowande

"You know nothing of the power of the Hand. You are mice who fell into a well.
Believe me, this will drown you."
"What do you want with our city?"
"Your city? This place belongs to the Hand. It always has."
―Sowande and Matt Murdock[src]
Now that Sowande had been blindfolded and strapped to a chair, Murdock and the
others took him to an abandoned theater where he was tied up as they waited for him
to regain consciousness. Once Jessica Jones had woken Sowande up with a slap,
Sowande was questioned about why the Hand were now in New York City, only for Stick
to confirm about the information won't be given up so easily due to being trained
in K'un-Lun to never give out any secrets.

TD105 MattAndSowande01
Murdock interrogates Sowande

Demanding any answers, Murdock asked Sowande what he wanted with New York, only for
Sowande to tell him that the city had always belonged to the Hand for centuries,
with Jones noting that she had traced them over back to 1820. When Danny Rand
questioned what the Hand wanted with him, Sowande mocked Rand for his refusal to
ever serve them. As they listened to him, Sowande told the group that the Hand
wanted the Iron Fist, not Rand himself before proceeding to mock all the group and
threatened to kill all their friends, leading to Jones knocking him out.[38]
Protecting His Allies
Murdock tells Karen Page about the Hand

"It's after midnight."

"Yeah. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."
"I'm gonna need a little more than that."
"It's the Hand. They came for you before, Karen. I can't let that happen again."
―Karen Page and Matt Murdock[src]
Once the Defenders left Stick to guard Sowande, Murdock managed to find Karen Page
inside of the New York Bulletin Building and proceeded to talk to her about
something important about the Hand, noting that they came before her and could not
let that happen again. Having Page in disbelief of what he was doing, Murdock had
to express his concerns with her and had decided to return as Daredevil, with Page
understanding his decision but not his reasoning. Once Page tried to not be a part
of Daredevil's life, Murdock told her that the Hand would come after him and needed
Page to be protected. As Page decided to go along with him, Murdock grabbed and
dressed Page's jacket, and told her that she should deserve better.

Murdock catches up with Stick's antics

Eventually, Murdock was joined by Stick who had returned from taking Page into the
29th Precinct Police Station where she would be safe alongside the rest of their
friends. As Stick claimed to be trying to protect him from his two worlds
colliding, Murdock told him that this was merely Stick's latest attempt to
manipulate him into joining the Chaste and get into the fight which he had no
desire to be a part of despite his manipulation. Stick then told Murdock to lead
the Defenders, claiming that the Iron Fist was not a suitable leader for them.

Murdock tells Stick he will not be a leader

With Stick's attempt to persuade his view, Murdock claimed that he had no desire to
lead anybody into any kind of fight, but Stick noted that he should have more faith
in God's plan for him, annoying Murdock over his faith being used against him.
Noticing that Stick was trying to manipulate him by reminding of his duty to
protect New York City, Murdock decided to leave and demanded that Stick to not try
and tell him who he was, already knowing what he's fully aware of the kind of man
he really was.[38]

Rescue of Trish Walker

DD JJ tagteam
Daredevil saves Jessica Jones from a fight

"Scarf looked better... Nice ears."

"They're horns."
―Jessica Jones and Daredevil[src]
After having his brief talk with Stick, Daredevil donned on his suit once again and
managed to follow Jones to a location where she retrieved her adoptive sister,
Trish Walker, who was talking about the recent New York City Earthquake with a team
of producers on her show. As Jones tried to escort Walker out of the building, they
were ambushed by Murakami. As Jones was confronted by Murakami, the two dueled each
other, with Murakami gaining the advantage before pulling a dagger out from his
jacket, Jones was saved by Daredevil used his billy club to disarm the dagger out
of his hand.

They are horns

Daredevil being insulted by Jessica Jones
Having taken the advantage, Daredevil was discovered by Murakami and both he and
Jones worked together to defeat their opponent. Murakami was then overpowered by
the combination of Daredevil's speed and agility combined with Jones' remarkable
strength. Before Murakami was beaten down, Daredevil witnessed him getting knocked
over the railing by Jones, only to vanish. Once they were done fighting, Daredevil
was then told by Jones that scarf was better looking and sarcastically complimented
his horns before correcting her.[38]

Secrets Revealed
Daredevil furiously interrogating Sowande

"Her name is Elektra. She was raised by him. Trained to fight the Hand. Which she
did, with me. Until they convinced themselves she could serve another purpose and
killed her."
"She looked pretty alive back there."
"I know, but I was there when they... I was holding her when she died."
―Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, the Defenders returned to the abandoned building, Daredevil used his
billy club to wrap a wire tightly around Sowande's neck as he began questioning the
Hand's schemes while Sowande struggled to breath. Sowande continued to taunt
Murdock, calling him by his commonly used name of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen,
while claiming that he could not kill him, and even if he did, he would still come
back fighting, promising that the Hand would still win. When Sowande briefly
mentioned Elektra, Daredevil tightened his grip around Sowande's throat, demanding
to know why they had dug up her grave and wanting to know what they had turned her

Daredevil knocks Sowande unconscious

As Sowande claimed that Elektra was dead and that she was the Hand's own weapon now
as the Black Sky, Daredevil then asked Sowande about the Black Sky, demanding to
know what they had done to her and tightening the wire when Sowande refused to
answer. Daredevil then told Sowande that Elektra had been given a chance to kill
him and refused, calling her a defective weapon; however, Sowande claimed that if
this was the case, then the Hand would be forced to execute her, which enraged
Daredevil. As the group check on Sowande, Murdock was forced to tell the truth
about Elektra.

DD Accepts
Daredevil explains the history of Elektra

As the group decided to ask for what had happened between him and Elektra, Murdock
explained that she was raised by Stick and taught her how to fight just like
himself but soon left the Chaste to assume another purpose. Unfortunately, once
Elektra had rejected being the Black Sky, Daredevil witness her being killed. Just
as Stick insisted that on killing Elektra, Murdock decided to spare her. As Luke
Cage argued with Murdock, Sowande woke up and held Rand hostage. Sowande revealed
that now that they had the Iron Fist, they could complete their goal, only for
Stick to behead him, freeing Rand.[38]

Fighting Iron Fist

Murdock tells Stick not to kill Sowande

"Fine. I'll go back to doing this without you if I have to. I've already lost one
city. I'm not losing another."
"Me neither."
"Really? You're gonna try and keep me here against my will?"
"I hear what you're saying, Danny, and no one loves this city more than I do, but
you can't leave this room."
―Danny Rand and Matt Murdock[src]
After Stick decapitated Sowande with his sword, Murdock insisted that he didn't
need to kill him, but Stick told him that it was better than them to capture the
Iron Fist. As Stick now believes that Rand's Chi could be some kind of key to
giving the Hand what they need, Rand remained unconvinced that he is a weapon and
not a key; however, Murdock began to believe that this could be what the Hand was
in New York City. Rand then tried to argue that Sowande was likely lying to them,
but Murdock told him that his heartbeat didn't waver for a second, leading to Rand
to become greatly angry at the team.

Murdock telling Danny Rand to calm down

As Rand kept arguing against the team about how the Hand is letting them fall for
their trap, the team decided to think about hiding Rand from them, causing him
frustratingly decided to fight the Hand on his own. Murdock then insisted Rand stay
against his will, knowing what he was arguing about but won't lose New York. As
Rand tried to leave the theater, Murdock stepped in his tracks, letting Rand to
furiously threaten the team as they went closer to him. Once he told Rand that he
will be safe away from the Hand, Rand swiftly punched him in the face before he
threatened him for being told to calm down.

DD vs IF
Daredevil furiously fighting against Iron Fist

Becoming angry after getting hit in the face, Murdock landed a blowback towards
Rand's face and pushed him across the room. As the fight started, Murdock tried to
land a punch on Rand, dodging and blocking his attempts on harming him until Luke
Cage tried to grab him. Recovering from his attempt upon Cage's grasp, Murdock went
for flipping back kick on Rand, furthering their conflict with continuing to fight
with each other. As Rand kept trying to gain the upper hand, Murdock countered his
attacks and punched him across the face, causing Jessica Jones to intervene and
stopping Murdock.

Murdock tying up Danny Rand to a chair

Once Jones attempted to calm him down, Murdock was kicked down by Rand before he
recovered and pushed Jones out of the way. As the fight took a turn at Jones
harming Rand, the fight resulted in Rand using his Chi against his team only for a
concussive shockwave to erupt the theater's area, causing Murdock's hearing to go
temporarily haywire. Once Rand attempted to use the opportunity to escape, Murdock
stopped him by grabbing his leg and tripping on the ground, resulting into Jones to
punch Rand in the face and letting him become unconscious before the team tied him

Taking Down Midland Circle

Murdock explains Midland Circle's situation

"So you wanna tell me how a pro bono lawyer can afford a loft like this in New York
"You can't tell now, but there's a neon billboard across the street. Keeps most
people up at night. Not me."
"Got it."
"Plus, I occasionally help the landlord out. Not proud of it, but I put on the suit
and rough up people late on rent."
"I hope that's a joke."
―Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock[src]
Once Danny Rand was tied up, Murdock noted the group that the rope was a
constrictor knot so that he could not escape so easily. Stick talked to the others
about Midland Circle's involvement with the Hand as its headquarters, leading to
Murdock to explain that he had been there with Elektra while it was being
constructed and found a large hole in the center of it. As the remaining Defenders
accused him of keeping vital information from them, Murdock insisted that the
information he provided was not important but as Jessica Jones and Luke Cage kept
stammering him, he understood that it was a mistake.

Murdock talking about his mundane life

As Murdock argued against Jones about opening up their past, Stick insisted on
focusing on the mission before time runs out. As Stick wonders about going back to
Midland Circle, Jones suggested that her client's husband designed the building,
leading to both agreeing to arrive at Raymond Residence. Moving into Matt Murdock's
Apartment, Jones waited for him to remove his Daredevil Suit. As Jones questioned
his lifestyle's financial gain, Murdock commented on the neon billboard across the
street and even helped his landlord by beating people up for not paying rent.

Murdock notices his bookmark was gone

Having Jones to sarcastically hoping that his comment about beating people was a
joke, Murdock apologized for the mess he made upon the New York City Earthquake,
leading Jones to be accepting of his messy room compared to her home. Jones then
asked Murdock about what he worked for, as Murdock replied that he used to have a
partner and an office, but now he did not. As he began putting away his suit,
Murdock noticed that his book was left on the ground without his bookmark intact,
leading into suspicions. Once Jones asked if he was ready to leave, Murdock told
her that he was finally prepared, gathering his walking stick and jacket.[39]

Discovering the Construction

Murdock asks about Jessica Jones's client

"This isn't for the building. No, this is something else. This is something below
the building.
"The hole?"
"No. Whatever this is, it's at the bottom of the hole."
―Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock[src]
As Murdock and Jessica Jones walked into the streets of the city, Murdock was told
if they reached their location but was told that all the buildings look the same
before she realized that he was blind. Accepting her apology, Murdock asked Jones
about the architect, being told that his wife hired her to find John Raymond,
despite not knowing that a hole was present in Midland Circle. Jones noted that
Raymond had said the Hand was going to take down the city, leading to Murdock ask
if he worked for the Hand, to which she was unsure since he told her that Raymond
was one of the good guys.

Murdock and Jones meet Lexi Raymond

Arriving at the residence, Murdock and Jones introduced themselves to Lexi Raymond
before she told them that her mother was not home. Once Jones told Lexi that she
needed to talk to her, Murdock told Lexi that her father was working for something
and that there was more to her father's story. Asking if she could answer a couple
of questions, Murdock and Jones entered the apartment and sat down in the guest
room. Settling down, Murdock and Jones asked a question about what happened to his
father upon killing himself, as Lexi was unsure what happened.

Murdock asks Raymond about her father

As Jones kept telling Lexi about what happened to her father was not her fault,
Murdock listened to her about how her mother cried herself to sleep every night.
Murdock asked Lexi about her father having an office in her house and was told that
he kept his work and life separate. Leading to Jones to personally talk to Lexi,
Murdock listened to Jones about a friend's father was a boxer who got himself
killed and her friend thought his father abandoned him until he learned the truth
that his father was killed because he wanted his son to be proud of him, trying to
say that Lexi's father was a good guy.

Murdock discovers the map inside the piano

Being told that her father was nice to the point where he was boring, Murdock
laughed at Lexi's joke, much to Jones' discreet taste for his chuckle. As Lexi
further told them that her father had changed from acting normal to acting strange,
Murdock asked Lexi if she played piano before being told that her father did.
Murdock told Lexi that he used to play piano at church and asked if he could play,
to which she accepted. Stumbling upon the instrument, Murdock played a tone that
was played but hit a note that was rustling on the strings, leading to Jones to
open the top of the piano and look at the plans to Midland Circle.[39]

Kidnapping of Iron Fist

Murdock asks Jessica Jones about his past

"You don't have to do this. All right? You don't belong to them. This is not who
you are."
"It's good to see you."
―Elektra and Matt Murdock[src]
Once Jessica Jones realized that a plan to blow up Midland Circle, Murdock was
noted that a hole was below the building and something buried underneath. After
knowing the structure of Midland Circle, Murdock and Jones left the Raymond
Residence, knowing that John Raymond wanted the building to collapse. After being
told about how deep the hole in the building was, Murdock asked Jones about how she
knew about his father, to which she discovered his background as a crime fighter,
thinking if they could work together, they would trust each other. Murdock told
Jones that it was the nicest thing she said to him before being told not to get
used to it.

Murdock telling Elektra to stop killing Stick

As they went back into their hideout, Murdock heard something was wrong inside,
causing him to run after the noise before the situation could get worse. Getting
close to their location, Murdock used his acrobatic skills to jump onto many boxes
that reached over to the ceiling floor. Murdock hastily ran inside the room and
found Elektra fighting against Stick and both Danny Rand and Luke Cage was
unconscious. Noticing Elektra was near his presence, Murdock told her to stop
whatever she was doing, telling her that she did not belong to the Hand and was not
who she was before.

Murdock being defeated by Elektra

Despite Murdock's attempts, Elektra told him that she was happy to see him before
Jones entered into the room. Murdock witnessed Elektra murdering Stick with her
katana, landing into his heart. Feeling completely remorseful, Murdock tried to
stop Elektra but was kicked across the room, leaving him unconscious. Once Murdock
was knocked down, Elektra defeated Jones with her superior fighting skills as well
as Luke Cage, leading Rand to be kidnapped and taken into the Hand's custody.[39]

Getting Cooperative
Murdock wakes up from being unconscious

"Look, Jess and I have been talking, and no matter what it takes no matter what we
have to tell these cops, we gotta get to Midland Circle."
"Okay. So long as we're on the same page. Here is my official legal advice."
―Luke Cage and Matt Murdock[src]
Once the New York City Police Department had been reported into the abandoned
theater, Murdock was captured and changed clothing for evidence of any blood they
would find. After being unconscious for hours, Murdock woke up to find himself at
the 29th Precinct Police Station and was freaked out from the blunt trauma he
endured. As he settled down, Murdock was greeted by Foggy Nelson, who arrived and
was told where he was and how he looked horrid, further explaining that the police
took his shirt for blood samples.

Murdock talks to Nelson about Elektra

Sitting down to think about the situation, Murdock told Nelson that he needed to go
so that the Hand would not use Danny Rand for something they had been planning.
Taking a moment to mourn the loss of Stick, Murdock took his jacket to leave but
was stopped by Nelson, claiming that he had no position to save anyone. Murdock
then noted that Elektra had kidnapped Rand, much to Nelson's disbelief that his ex
was still alive. Not caring of Nelson's beliefs, Murdock expressed that he needed
to stop the Hand in order to figure out what their plans to do with New York City.

Murdock talking on behalf of Misty Knight

Just as he was done expressing what he was doing with the Hand, Murdock was
introduced to Misty Knight, who came to ask the many questions from their clients
being passed out and two of them dead. As Knight told them about the murders, she
told him if he was accountable, letting Murdock joke describing how they sounded,
much to Knight's discreetness. Despite that Knight wanted to ask what he witnessed,
Murdock noted that he wanted to help, but can't disclose any information despite
saying that Rand was way over his head.

Murdock listening to all Strieber's demands

Once Knight was told Murdock that he needed to figure out his situation, Murdock
was then taken into a private office with Jessica Jones and Luke Cage and asked
them if they were okay from the incident. Being told by Jones if they had a flask
on them, Murdock chuckled at her sense of humor before asking how the group was
getting out of the station. The group was met with Strieber and Knight and had told
them that they should give out any information as witnesses.
Murdock asks to talk with his clients

Murdock proposed that his two clients needed to go home due to emotional distress,
but Strieber had decided to lead on and asked them if there were any gaps between
what the Hand was doing. As Cage told them that they kidnapped Rand and can protect
him, Strieber proceeded that the police have jurisdiction and was ready to call
Blake Tower before Murdock told him that he needed to privately talk to his
clients. Letting him proceed to do what he would do, Murdock was warned by Strieber
not to intervene with his clients, but Knight had persuaded him to let him talk
with his clients.

Murdock talks to Karen Page about his life

Once they were escorted out of the office and into another room, Karen Page told
Knight to have a moment with Murdock, to which she agreed. Murdock was privately
asked what he was doing and noted that it was hard to explain. Page told Murdock
that soon the police will know of his Daredevil identity, much to his disagreement.
Page noted that Murdock was rebuilding his life but told her that the situation he
had brought himself into was his life and left her in the room. Murdock entered a
room with his clients just before Cage had a brief moment to talk with Knight.

Murdock informs the group about the Hand

As the group had settled down to talk, Murdock told them that they did not have
enough time, being told that Elektra almost had them killed and had no idea what
she did with Rand. Noting what Stick has said, Murdock proposed that Rand may still
be alive and had suspicions of what John Raymond had known what to do with what the
Hand was planning to do. As Cage asked Murdock about where the Hand took Rand,
Murdock proposed that they would take him to Midland Circle and as Jones was asked
what Raymond was doing, she expressed that there was a hole.

Murdock privately talks with Foggy Nelson

Once Cage told the group that they needed to do something without getting arrested,
Murdock heard Nelson knocking down the door and opened it, being told that they
needed to talk privately. Murdock then hastily agreed to talk to Nelson from across
the hallway and was told that his life and his vigilante lifestyle were close to
colliding. Being aware of it, Murdock was noted that he needed to be safe before
the police could press charges along with Nelson. As Murdock told him that he would
leave something important, Nelson gave him his bag of clothing before telling him
to aware of being seen as a lawyer.

Murdock makes a plan to escape the station

Once the two friends hugged each other, Murdock was curious enough to look at
what's under his bag and realized there was his Daredevil Suit, giving him an idea
for his escape. Going inside the other room, Cage and Jones had come up with the
idea to agree on getting into Midland Circle, letting Murdock know that they were
on the same page, he decided to tell their official legal advice. Murdock assisted
the group to escape the room by breaking the walls, leaving the precinct.[40]

Traveling to Midland Circle

Murdock quickly hides away from the police

"We're here for Danny Rand."

"The Iron Fist belongs to us."
"Well, we're not leaving here without him."
"Then I guess you're not leaving."
―Daredevil, Madame Gao, Jessica Jones, and Bakuto[src]
Once they had left the precinct and walk down the streets, Murdock had heard the
sirens of the police and prompted the group to hide beside a container as one of
the cars drove by. Remained undetected, Murdock overheard from afar that the police
think that Jessica Jones and Luke Cage had kidnapped him, much to their passive
anger. Letting them know they should avoid walking in the streets, Murdock was
asked by Jones had told them if they should take a cab, but as he and Cage looked
for their wallets, they realized that the police had taken it all. As Jones looked
inside Murdock's bag, she proposed to use her MetroCard for a ride on the train.

Three hero sandwich

Murdock and the other Defenders on a train

Once they agreed on using the card for getting a ride on the public train, Murdock,
Jones, and Cage went inside the train and waited for their destination. As Murdock
was waiting, Jones had noticed a case of beer from a homeless man while he was
sleeping. Taking an opportunity to take one of his beers and drink it, Murdock had
listened to her as she made an excuse for it. Once they arrived at Midland Circle,
Murdock had to secretly don his Daredevil Suit before they had entered inside. As
Jones and Cage had talked about the recent few days they had endured, Murdock
finally wore his Suit and prepared to confront the Hand from the back ally.

Daredevil engages into battle with the Hand

As they went inside the entrance of a parking lot, Daredevil had warned the group
of anything that could threaten them. As he noticed that another group of three had
waited for their arrival, Daredevil and his team had confronted Madame Gao,
Murakami, and Bakuto and told them that they were in the building to retrieve Danny
Rand. Gao, however, informed them that the Iron Fist now belonged to them, leading
to a standoff as both teams prepared all of their weapons for their battle.

Daredevil fighting against the Hand leaders

As the battle began, Gao launched a container of concrete blocks at the Defenders
which Daredevil jumped over and engaged in battle with Murakami and Bakuto, using
his billy club to block and counter their moves. Despite being two of the Hand's
greatest warriors, both Bakuto and Murakami both struggled to fight with Daredevil,
using both his strong strikes and remarkable speed to avoid their deadly strikes
and kept knocking them back, all while Gao fought against Jones and Cage alone.
Being briefly outmatched by Bakuto, Daredevil dodged the many attacks being thrown.

Daredevil watches the Hand leaders escape

Daredevil managed to regain control as he threw Bakuto away from him, smashing him
into yet another sheet of glass before they continued the fight, managing to knock
Murakami away as he then engaged in a fight against Cage, leaving him to fight
Bakuto alone. As Colleen Wing appeared at the scene, Daredevil engaged in battle
with her as they fought against him, managing to land painful strikes against
Bakuto in quick succession. Once Daredevil kicked Bakuto toward bricks and others
were losing the battle, the Hand ignited sparks that hit a gas pipe, retreating
from the fight.

Daredevil witnessing Misty Knight's arrival

Once Cage took care of the gas leakage and crush the pipe to extinguish it,
Daredevil witnessed the Hand members who escaped before Wing was gaining suspicion
over the bag she was carrying. Just as Misty Knight had driven her car to Midland
Circle with Claire Temple, Daredevil and the group were told what they were doing
around the building until she suggested how long she would have to stall the
approaching authorities that were after them. Once they knew the police are coming,
Daredevil went over to the back entrance of the building and told the group to
follow him. Entering in the front of the Midland Circle building, Daredevil took
his time to rest and focus.

Daredevil advises to destroy Midland Circle

Once they grew concerns over Rand's location, Daredevil heard the ground floor and
noticed that there was a structure underground, knowing he could be there. As Jones
asked him how to get under the structure, Daredevil was unsure of what to do yet
only to figure out what they needed to go inside the elevators to reach beneath the
ground. Wing then proposed an idea by opening her bag full of C4 explosives from
the Police Station, knowing that John Raymond had a plan to bring the Hand down.
Daredevil informed their suspicions of being the only ones to fight their leaders
and not anyone else. Despite not agreeing with the plan, Daredevil suggested on
bringing down the building.[40]

Destruction of Midland Circle

Daredevil settles the plan to defeat Hand

"This is what we get, isn't it? For ever thinking we could make it work."
"Who says we didn't? We're together. Something I've wanted since I first laid eyes
on you."
―Daredevil and Elektra[src]
This section needs a rewrite
As the group had settled in a circle, Daredevil told Luke Cage about how Colleen
Wing's plan to destroy Midland Circle was right, noting that it would shut down the
Hand for good. Once Cage disagreed with the idea of bringing the building down,
Daredevil told Cage that more people had suffered from the Hand, such as Jessica
Jones and Cole Miller. Despite being told that those people had nothing to do with
the Hand, Daredevil pointed out that it would help the people in the future.

Daredevil agreeing on ending the Hand

As Cage still refused to go along with the plan, Claire Temple decided to agree
with Daredevil on his point about ending the Hand. Knowing that the situation was
insane, Temple noted that the group had been affected in some way due to their
violent attacks. Daredevil then noted if they might not destroy the Hand, more
people would perish, as Wing told Temple that if they could take down the Hand,
their actions would not take down New York City. With Jones persuading Cage to go
along the plan, Daredevil went along with a plan, which Cage's agreement of not
hurting any innocent civilian in the process.

Daredevil instructs the plan with the group
Moving around to the front counter, Daredevil had noted that the building's hole
was located in the structural center. As Wing had pointed out where the whole was
with John Raymond's map, Cage handed out one of the explosives as a remote
detonator to Temple, prompting Daredevil to tell Wing that once the group was done
fighting the Hand, they would detonate when the team would get out of the building.
Despite Wing not wanting to stay behind, Temple persuaded her that they should stay
behind. As the plan settled, Daredevil prompted to tell the team to follow him
before the police could catch up.

Im not hugging you

Daredevil finds a secret passage

As the team went along with him to check up on where the place had access of the
hole, Daredevil had found that the place completely empty, guessing there was
activity below the building. Finding any odd structure inside the walls, Daredevil
used his sense of touch to detect the thin walls that activated as a door. Telling
Cage to open the door, Daredevil and the team discovered that the elevator shaft
was how the Hand had been closely working on. Knowing well how deep the hole was,
Daredevil commented upon the group by saying that he was glad to find them before
the awkward talk had ended.

Daredevil hearing multiple Hand members

Despite their unprepared plan of fighting the Hand, Daredevil and the team walked
inside the elevator and waited upon arrival. Hearing any sort of motion, Daredevil
noted the team that they were ten stories far before they arrived. With Cage asking
who were waiting for them, Daredevil told them that thirty henchmen were inside the
hole, including Madame Gao, Murakami, and even Elektra before Jones had negatively
asked. Daredevil noted that this battle was a bigger threat than they faced before,
leading Jones to ask the group about how to handle the situation.

Daredevil attacks the members of the Hand

With Cage now thinking of a plan, the team had decided to leave Jones behind and
have Cage and Daredevil hide before the Hand had been surprised. Once Jones had
arrived inside the hole, she kept them distracted long enough for Daredevil to use
his billy club to grapple the ceiling and kick two goons with firearms. Once a
fight had broken out, Daredevil began to fight against a henchman and switched over
to fighting two other goons simultaneously. Running over the room, Daredevil
defeated multiple henchmen before they could attack.

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