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Lodi Dynasty

The Lodi dynasty was a dynasty that ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1451 to 1526.
It was the fifth and final dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, and was founded by
Bahlul Khan Lodi when he replaced the Sayyid dynasty.

Rulers of Lodi Dynasty:

~Bahlol Lodi(1451-1489)
~Sikander Lodi(1489-1517)
~Ibrahim Lodi(1517-1526)

Religion and architecture

The Muslim subjects of the Lodis were required to pay the zakat tax for religious
merit, and the non-Muslims were required to pay the jizya tax for receiving state
protection. In some parts of the Sultanate, the Hindus were required to pay an
additional pilgrimage tax. Nevertheless, several Hindu officers formed a part of
the Sultanate's revenue administration.

Sikandar Lodi, whose mother was a Hindu, resorted to strong Sunni orthodoxy to
prove his Islamic credentials as a political expediency. He destroyed Hindu
temples, and under the pressure from the ulama, allowed the execution of a Brahman
who declared Hinduism to be as veracious as Islam. He also banned women from
visiting the mazars (mausoleums) of Muslim saints, and banned the annual procession
of the spear of the legendary Muslim martyr Salar Masud. He also established sharia
courts in several towns with significant Muslim population, enabling the qazis to
administer the Islamic law to Muslim as well as non-Muslim subjects.

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