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1.прочитати текст Task 3 с.53 письмово відповісти на питання Task5 с.

56 по тексту

1. The risk is great because there is usually great competition.

2. A sole proprietor must be dedicated, hard-working, adaptable, and willing to take risks.

3. To make the business profitable, a profit and loss budget must be drawn up, and a cash-
flow plan is essential to increase chances of getting a loan.

4. A well-prepared cash-flow plan may increase your chances of getting a loan from a bank.

5. A sole proprietor will need a business plan with both short- and long-term objectives, and
will also need to cope with administration or general organizing of financial records,
correspondence, and filing.

6. The text does not explicitly provide information on whether the documents are the same
for sole proprietors and partners.

перекласти на українську слова Task 2 с.52

1. Компанія
2. Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю
3. Товариство з необмеженою відповідальністю
4. Кооператив
5. Партнерство
6. Приватна компанія
7. Публічна компанія
8. Індивідуальний підприємець
9. Дохід
10. Грошовий потік
11. Збільшення
12. Відповідальність
13. Увімкнення бізнесу
14. Відсоток
15. Інвестиційний партнер

Task 11

1. Partnerships may also be set up in any kind of business.

2. Partnerships may have more profitable ideas than a sole proprietor.
3. It may be easier to raise capital as each partner contributes a share.
4. How should profits be shared – equally or in proportion to capital provided?
5. All the partners are responsible for the partnership's debts.
6. Work would become more enjoyable and provide greater job satisfaction.
7. Poor management, planning, and financial control have closed some co-operatives.
8. A further problem is that it is often difficult for co-operatives to raise finance or to
attract business.
9. If the company, with all its resources, cannot make a profit, the chances of the co-
operative doing so are small.
10. Members would have a greater sense of responsibility and work harder to make the
business succeed.

Task 15 C

1. We have already sent the engineer a telex.

2. So far we have not heard anything from the customer.
3. Have you ever visited Indonesia?
4. I have lost all my traveler's cheques. Can you lend me some money?
5. We have just printed the catalogues in English.
6. The accountant has tested the calculations and cannot find anything wrong.

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