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eland ssed.

Trinida Ir who hav ors.

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elebr obago Remem bread on w nd ivy to f
everyw ate by host ng ,a
here a
i ng big
celebr Bangi letoe, holly .
gifts t ations
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babies o new Us a lo
. born

Traditions Serbia
Serbs traditionally burn the young oak tree while
lan d sauna 8C - Reagan,
Fin g the Christ listening to
mas saying prayers and wishing for happiness and
prosperity in the year to come, usually an organized
visitin e eve, ghting Gwenneth, Joacheim
n s include tery on th calendar, li ting burning ceremony called badnjak in the city center
io e s ra
tradit e cem istma , deco l
Their , visiting th ing the Chr tmas tree na or infront of the church
h , op en a C hris ng tradi io
arols for joyi
mas c rching nd en
Christ ndles, sea nta Claus a
t ca Sa
Adven me, visit of food
the ho
They Mold
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rate ova
ste celebra ties. But
ti thin b
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en spar it’l ma
kling l come t king wi
ht g a tivi he
Liec by havin ormal ac l called t wine ru she
to h e. They’l s and th
ave l also ey
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year more pr open
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y ce nd spe ner . ospe
The orks a ave a er Din rous
w h t
fire y also “Silves
th e

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