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2nd Monthly Assessment 2023-2024

Name: Class/ Section: Grade IXC Subject: Computer Science
Total Marks: 25 Marks Obtained: Percentage/Grade:

Teacher’s Constructive Feedback: ___________________________________________________________

Q#1: Suppose a video conference is taking place between 2 delegates in two different
countries. Packet switching I being used to send video and sound data between the delegates:

Delegate 1 in USA Delegate 2 in India

Video and sound sent between delegates

using packet switching

i. Any potential problem with the sound and video quality
ii. How these problems could be caused
Q#2: Find the parity bits for each of the following bytes: [4]

1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 even parity being used

1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 even parity being used
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 odd parity being use
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 odd parity being use

Q#3: Explain what is meant by along with diagrams of serial and parallel transmission: [6]

i. Serial, half duplex transmission

ii. Parallel, full duplex transmission
iii. Serial, simplex data transmission

Q#3: Which types of data transmissions are being described? [5]
i. Data is being sent 1 bit at a time in one direction only
ii. Data is being sent 8 bits at a time in one direction only
iii. Data is being sent 16 bits at a time in both directions continuously and simultaneously
iv. Data is sent 1 bit at a time in both directions simultaneously
v. Data is sent 16 bits at a time in one direction only?
Q#4: Tick the true and cross the false ones. [6]
i. Packets don’t need any form of error checking.
ii. USB uses serial data transmission.
iii. Packet switching prevents loss of any data packets.
iv. USB connections can transfer data using half duplex or full duplex.
v. Serial data transmission suffers from data skewing
vi. Packets have a header which contains the IP address of the sender and the receiver.

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