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Sacred Adornment: Beadmaking from an African Perspective.

c intention of this workshop is to guide people into the world of African
bead-making through an experiential presentation. Participants will learn
about the different ways that beads are made and worn in Africa; and why
clothing and jewellery are considered sacred adornment by many tribes and

The participants will also learn how they can apply these same principles
(intentionality, colour symbolism, sustainability, reverence for the earth) in
their day-to-day lives. Finally, they get the opportunity to put what they have
learnt into practice at the moment.

Colors Symbolism

RED Heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy.

BLUE Sky, water, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.

GREEN Earth, prosperity, freshness, and progress

WHITE Purity, simplicity, and cleanliness, holiness, light,possiblilities.

BLACK Depth, mystery, bleakness, heaviness, depression, rebellion, fear.

PURPLE Strength, Transformation, spiritual connection, power, and royalty.

Gold Luxury, success, achievement, triumph, royalty, and fortune

Innocence and burning passion, Love,Femininity; Healing; ; Romance;

Sweetness; Tranquility; Warmth.

A sense of strength and reliability. Resilience, dependability, security,

and safety

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