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GA college press Ventures Primary Mathematics and Science Sa New Maer) M18 (2/1 ol pon EAD psnzat en we cove “4008 0.30K 1987, 844 3 FRE DE P: MAW SKTNUKALL site S [college pres re e 3\\.cl aM. © D. Skinner, B. Mandcbwu and. Nyandoro 2017 '@ Design College Press Publishers (Pv-) Ltd, 2017 sahara mencvlsston, tana ey ge eres at Rie ees ae eer ee oe ilewnelekn ents sonar ‘ fine Copy (CR 209), 205, Report eee ‘publication may be Hable for criminal prosecution and doace oem First published 2017 Published by College Press Publishers Pvp Ltd PO, Box 3041, Harare, Zimbabe ‘Typeset in Contury Gothic: 20 pt Artworks by P, Chitoodzs, K. Ngund and A. Mandaza ‘Cover image by Garland Academy and Tnash photogranty Printed by Sable Press (POOLS ISBN: 978-1-77900917-7 ‘Tae publishers have made every effout to Wace the copyright holders. If ey ‘have inadvertsetly overlooked any, they will be plessec to make the ‘pecessiry arrangements at ibe fist oppor. tis ilegal to photocopy any page of his buok withaut written permission from the publishers. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit & Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23, Unit 24 Unit 25, Unit 26 Ordering ..... Shapes. Numbers Human body Addition to 20. Subtraction Water... Ordinal numbers Money .. Counting up to 100... Addition up to 100... Subtraction up to 100. Health, nutrition and safely ..... Mass... Weather .. Fractions. Alr.. Multiplication of two and four. Sharing .... Simple machines.. Unit 27 Unit 28 Unit 29 Unit 30 Unit 31 Unit 32 Unit 33 Unit 34 Unit 35 Unit 36 Unit 37 Unit 38 Unit 39 Unit 40 Numbers to 100... Money to a $1 Fire Multiplication of three and five Sharing up to 5... More time .... Electricity... Multiplication Division ..... Volume. Length Area... Graphs .. Construction Ordering Who is the tallest learner in your class? Who is the shortest learner in your class? Key words longest wid Long and short Gomple | SS Ons SSS short ictice exercise 1 Answer the following. 1. Which one is short? 2. Which one is long? 3. Which one is long? 5. Write in order from shortest to longest. > ‘Cen 6. Order from longest to shortest. 4. Which one is short? Wide and narrow Gewe ) SE aa _ A Ais narrow [Rec ice exercise 2 Answer the following. 1. Which is narrow? 2. Which is wide? Ez. oes 3. Order from widest to narrowest. Order by use. Genre , Order these items by how we use them. ctice exercise 3 Order these by how @~- 1, Cup 2. Mouse 3. Screw 4, 10c Picture stories What is happening? (Gam ple ] tice exercise 4 Put these pictures in correct order. Assessment test ‘Answer the following. 1. Order from longest to shoriest. A Which one is wider? Name four plane shapes you know. Key words L vehicle comers side Plane shapes = A Oxocg Look at the shapes. Name them. Cut the following shapes; circle, square, rectangle or triangle from plain papers and show others. Cut as many as you can. Shape pictures These pictures are made from shapes. [Rrctice exercise 1 Use the cut shapes from Activity 1 10 make the following pictures. ) 1. hut 2 car 3. atoilet 4 person 5. astool Solid shapes Look at the shapes. Name them. Look at the model of a lorry. Itis made from different shapes. Name them. Ea = Make any 2 vehicles out of shapes. 1. train 2. bus 3. bicycle 4. aeroplane 5. scotch cart Seep 0 Form shapes using bodies or body parts. [Practice exercise 2 Answer the following. What shape is iI? 1. thas 3 corners and 3 sides. 2. Ithas 4 equal sides. 3. Ithas 4 corners, 2 short equal sides and 2 long equal sides. 4. Itis round, no corner and no side. os 1. Draw 5 solid shapes from the list. a) aball b) acone ¢) acup d) atelevision e) abox f) adish 2. Draw plane shapes. a) Square b) Circle ©) Reetangle d) Triangle Assessment test 1. Thisisa meee Cee has 4 equal sides. has 3 corners and 3 sides. 3. 4, 5. can be used to make the roof of a hut. 6. Name the shapes on the car. 7. Name the shapes on the hut. UNIT 3 (===3 9 Count numbers from 0 to 50. { Key words missing intwos members numerals \ ag Counting [Practice exercise 1 Count the members in the sets. GFFOOOKO DHHS DAAADAAASAI ST AAASAAALALZAAL PUVUVVVVVVVVVIY GCE CoO ©6® Cee O©O® ©O® CC® ®OO® GEo GOo GOCE OOE® OBE® OOCO OOCE “bddddD) *leeosoaeooe 3 4, s Counting to 50 ictice exercise 2 Use the number line to answer the following questions. ising numbers from 1 to 20? ing numbers from 20 to 50? 3. What are the missing numbers in blue boxes? Counting in 2s up to 50. ictice exercise 3 Fill in the missing number. Lo2 4 6 10 12 2 6 8 10 1416 18 38 10 12 14 20 é 10 1416 «18 10 [ 18 18 20 Using numbers a We use numbers every day. Numbers help us know where we live. Our age are said in numbers. In pairs, ask each other the following questions. 1. How old are you? 2. When were you born? 3. What is your mother or father's telephone number? [Practice exercise 4 Write numbers in words. 1. O=/ero 2 1=One 3. SS five 4.7= 5. 4= és B= 7 25 8. 3= 9 65 10. 8= Bau os Answer the rronoWing: “att tat ay 668666) - CoB BA BM A MB BB a What is the missing number? 4 5 24 37 33 6 7 26 27 39. 40 46 00)-0 leaves Vv "Ae ba fish Human body Name the human body parts. [ key words (sight touch feeling feelers hearing taste smell | Sense of sight People use eyes to see. Eyes help us to read books and pictures. Our eyes need care. We should use clean water to wash them. The eye doctor is an optician. Some animals with poor eye sight use feelers to move around. A person who cannot see is blind. They walk using a white stick. L SS eo. Sem In groups, go around the school yard, List the things that you see. Now close your eyes with your hands. Say what you see. Talk about what happened. ictice exercise 1 Complete the following sentences. We use lo see. A _. person cannot see. A person has eyes, The eye doctor is called___ We use clean to wash our eyes. The sense of sight help people to. books. SaAPOn> Sense of hearing People use their ears to hear. With our ears we hear sounds made by animals. We hear vehicles moving and people talking. Ears help people stay away from danger. When a person cannot hear they are deaf. They use signs to communicate with others. 1, What do we use to hear? 2. Close your eyes and tell the sounds that you hear. {[Practice exercise 2 Complete: the following. This is an We use ecrs to x 3. People have ears. 4. Ears help people to 5. Ears can help us to stay away from, 6. Apperson who cannot hear is _ Sense of touch People use their hands to touch. Our hands can feel smoothness, size and shape of objects. We can also feel temperature of things like in the piciure. Sense of touch keeps us from danger. People who are blind use the sense of touch to read the braill. Animals clso have the sense of touch. They feel using their skin. Snails and centipedes have feelers which help them move around. 1. Play a feeling game. 2. Collect various objects and put them in a black baa. 3. Take tums to feel them and tell what they are before showing others. 4. Why are you able fo name objects before seeing. 5. Which group of people use this sense? Discuss. |Fractice exercise 3 Complete using the given answers. The sense of touch keeps us from. 2A person feels to get things. 4. At time people find the door by feeling. 5. The snail uses __ fo move around. 6. Blind peaple use the sense of touch to ___brail. (night, feelers, feel, danger, blind, read) 3. People do not take too hot food because they____the food first. Sense of taste People taste wilh their tounge. Taste of food vary. Some food like sugar is sweet and some like garlic is bitter. Clean water is tasteless. Sense of smell We use our nose to smell. Smell can be good or bad. Fresh food smell good. Rotten food and dirty water have a bad smell. Collect: lemon. sugar clean water, salt and soda. 1. Taste each substance by putting in your mouth. 2. Say what you feel and how each taste. 3. Do they nave different smell? 4. How do they smell? Discuss [Practice exercise 4 Complete this exercise. Clean water is Sugar tastes Salt tastes Lemon tastes . (sour, sweet, fasteless, bitter) Asense of taste helps people from 2 Smelling food helps people not to eat food. Food can be dangerous when itis. Hies use a sense of to find food. ep PESOS a ASBESSMION tes) i Do the following. 1. Aperson has senses. helps us to eat fresh food. ____ helps the blind to read brail. To taste the sweetness of sugar we use the An optician is an doctor. We use clean jo clean our eyes. Acentipedce uses to move around. Senses help people to avoid A person who cannot hear is . Soda tastes _. Which sense helps people to follow where the sound is coming from? . What happens when a person looses a sense of feeling? Addition to 20 What is addition? Key words ° altogether counton = sum plus Basic addition through menial work. 2455 3415 44Q= Adding up to 20 (Game | i | a clice exercise 1 Complete this exercise. | Use counters to do the following. 1.541 == 2. 7+3 s 3. 10+4 = 4.945 = 5. B+24+4= 6 94443 = 7. 10+7 = 8. 64+8+2 = 9 1344 = 10.1641 = Counting on using a number line ample \ ‘IO. count on 5 1234 567 89 1011 121314 15 16 Solution 10 count on 5 = 15 Ni | . [Ricctice exercise 2 Answer the following. Use the number line to do the following. CY 12345678910 1112131415 1. 4counton 8= 6 7 10111218 141516 17 18 19 20 15 counton 2= oS BET & 9 1OW 1213141516 1718 19 2 8 counton 8= Toll 1213 1415 18 17 16 17 CY 7 8 9101) 1213 14 15 161718 CN 1011 1213 14.15 16 17 18 17 20 11 counton 4=L_ 12counton 6= 13 counton 5= fo 3S 7 BP 1011121914 18161718 19 20 9 counton 9= CN 7011 1213 1415 161718 19.20 15 count on 5= Altogether ample ) ( How many altogether? Neube’s chidren. Chitsaka's children, Mrs Ncube has é children Mrs Chitsaka has 8 children Altogether 14 children ctice exercise 3 Do the following. 1. Garikaihad 4 balls 2. Tinodiwa had 7 bottles Busi had Sballs She found 7 more Altogether balls Now she has bottles 3. George had 5 goats 4. Atin holds 6 pencils Ngoni had 6 goats Asecond tin holds 5 pencils Dannyhad 8goais A third tin holds 2 pencils Altogether goats Altogether pencils. 5. Audrey picked 4 mangoes She bought 10 more Now she has mangoes Adding tens and units e-- [Practice exercise 4 Do the following. Lis. 116 ilo | = | 2 + J 10! Addition stories ‘ample John has 9 marbles. Thando gives him 3 more. How many marbles does he have? Ona calculator Solution Jonn has 9 marbles He gets 3 marbles Altogether 12 marbles ! ictice exercise 5 Use your calculator to find the sums. 1, Sandra has 4 sweets. Itai gives her 7 more. How many sweets has she altogether? 2. Mrs Shava has 11 heads of cabbage, Mrs Ncube. has 4 and Mr Gondo has 1. What is the total number of cabbages? What is the sum of 12, 6 and 2? What is the total of 18, 3. and 2? Watson has 7 candles, Sipho has 8. What is the surn of their candles? 6. Mother gives her children cookies. Julia is given 6, Bethany gets 4 and Grace gets 2. What is the total number of cookies Mother gave to the children? 7, Find the sum of 8, 8 and 4. Ee Assessment test Answer the following. 12.34 567 8&9 1011 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 Use the number line to count on. 1. 84+8= 2, 447= 3. 241416= 4. 34644= “Ht Li 7. Munashe had Kuda had Altogether they had 10 nuts 7_ nuts nuts. 8. Mrs Marimo had _ 5 forks She bought Now she has 9 forks forks | UNIT | 6 ! | [ Feshbock JS) Recite any subtraction rhyme. Key words subtract difference countback take away Basic mental subtraction to 20 2-15 s=2= 5-35 Subtraction up to 20 e~ SFP HE) 10-6=4 [Fractice exercise 1 Use a number line to subtract 0123 45 6 7 8 % 10 1112 1314 15 16 1718 19 20 Solution 20 count back 6 = 20-6 [Frectice exercise 2 Use a number line fo subtract. 01234 567 8 91011121314 151617 1819 20 1, 11 count back 6 = Use counters to do the following. 1. 15-5= 2 17-12= 3. :18-17= 4, 20-10= §. 16-6= 6 10-4= 7. 16-115 8 18-9= 9% 19-17= 10. 13-9= Count back en 20 count back 6 = LYN | 01234567 8 9 10 111213 14151617 18 19 20 2. 18 count back 7 = LEO EE Ee Ti 0123 45678 910111213 14 1816 1718 19 2 3. 20 count back 9 = DOI 01234567 8 9 1011 121314151617 181920 4. 16 count back 8 = LYY 0123 456 78 91011 121314151617 181920 5. 13 count back 9 = 01234567 8 % 1011 121314151617 18 1920 6 15 count back 7 = 012345 67 8 910111213 14 15161718 19 20 7. 16 count back 6 = 0123 456 7 8 9101112 1314 151617 18 19 20 8. 17 count back 12 = e ~ Vertical subtraction e First subtract units 8-553 Second subtract tens 1-0=1 [Practice exercise 3 wlaoc Answer the following. . 2. 9 1 os 5 Calculator subtraction Demonstration on how fo use a calculator, cell pnone or computer to subtract numbers. 18-6=12 actice exercise 4 Answer the following. 1. 15- 9= 11, 20-15= 2. 18- 3= 12. 17-9= 3. 4-8-L_]| 13. 10-1= 4, 17-12= 14, 20-9 = 5. 19-14= 15, 13-10= 6. 15-185 = 18. 15-75 7. 4-2= 17. 20-8= 8 8-7= 18, 20-19= 9 7-25 19. 20-11= 10, 20-13 = 20. 19-6= Subtraction stories amples Subtract 14 from 16 2. Take away 15 trom 20 =16-14 = 20-15 =2 = 5 Donald had 17 pens before he went to school. When he got to school he had 9 less. How many pencils does Donald have now? Donald had 1 7 pens =F 8 pens 18 count back 9 5. 19 minus 13 =18-9 =19-13 =9 =6 What is the difference between 12 and 7? os yD [Reciice exercise 5 Answer the following. 1. Tererai had 20 chickens. She sold 18 chickens. Now she is left with chickens. 2. Mr Mukotami had 13 cattle in his paddock 8 died. Now he is left with cattle. 3. Count back 17 from 20. 4. Martin had thirteen apples. He ate 4 and gave James 2. How many is he left with? 5. Faith had 11 sticks when she started collecting. Now she has 7 less. How many sticks does faith have? 6. Toke away 12 from 20. 7. 20 minus 11. 8. Sarah had $17. She bought washing soap for $5. What is the difference between $17 and $5? 9%. Subtract 16 from 20. Do the following. 1. 10-8= Z f-e= ® — ‘a 2.10 1) 2% 5. 15 minus 6= 6 Wecountback 11=[__] 7. 12less6= 8. The difference between 19 and 9 is 9. ésubtract 5= 10. Charles boiled 18 eggs He ate 6 eggs Now he has eggs “Key words —_ ice liquid gaseous sources Forms of water Water exisis in three forms. It can be solid, liquid or gas. Solid Look at the pictures above. Solid water is called ice. It forms when water is frozen. One way of making water freeze is to put it in a freezer. Liquid Water in its natural state is liquid. Liquid forms when solid water melts because of heat. Liquid water flows. It also takes the shape of ifs container. Gas Steam is water in a gaseous state. When liquid water is heated, it turns into gas. [Practice exercise 1 Fill in. 1. Ice is water in form, 2. Drinking water isina ___ form. 3. When water is heated it turns into. 4. When liquid water. it turns solid. Shape of water Water has no shape. When it is poured into a container, it takes the shape of thai container. When something does not have a shape of its own it is said to be shapeless. Look at the pictures below. es @°e Water in the pot takes the shape of the pot. Water in the dish takes the shape of the dish. Water in the cup takes the shape of the cup. 1. Pour water in different shaped containers for example, an empty box of milk, a jug, pot, ice cube container, fray, rectangular lunch box. 2. Tell others the shape of water. (Practice exercise 2 Do the following exercise. 1. What happens to the snape of water when poured in a bot 2. and _ are forms of waier. 3. Water takes the shape of the . 4, Water has no shape. It is _ Sources of water Water sources are places where water is found. Look at the pictures below and name the different water sources you see. (a In groups of four, collect pictures of water sources used in your community and at your school and show them to the whole class. [Fractice exercise 3 Complete. 1. We get drinking water froma___ at home. 2. We get water from at school. 3. Our community uses__ to get water. c Saving water Water is very important and we must use it carefully. There are different ways of saving water at home and at school. Peaple must not waste water. Look at the pictures below and tell how people are wasting water. How water is wasted. Water is wasted by leaving water running fram the tap. Bathing with too much water. Using leaking containers to carry water, How water is saved Water can be saved by using it many times. Close taps and use water that is enough for what you need. Another way of saving water is to use water you have used for bathing to flush the toilet or water the garden. Using water in a glass when brushing teeth. Using a bucket to bath Storing rain water ictice exercise 4 Complete the following using answers given. 1. We wasle water when we leave. running. 2. We can save waier by using if limes. 3. Re- using water used for bathing water. 4. Canying water in leaking buckets is. water, (taps, wasting, many, saving) Assessment test Complete the following using answers given. 1. forms when water is heated. When ice melts it forms Water in a jug takes the shape of a We can save water by using it fimes, Using a hosepipe is water. (wasting, gas, many, liquid , jug.) , Ordinal numbers Count numbers from 1 to 20. f “Key words | ordinal before after \ 1, Ina group of ten. 2. Stand in a queue. 3. Say which one is first, second up to tenth. Number positions Vo1.2.3.64. 5000700 8.910 Each number has a position. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth and tenth. first ice exercise 1 State the position of the following. 1. Orange is on position. 2. Grape ison___ position. 3. ison seventh position. 4, Figison position, 5. is on tenth position. Ordinal numbers Ist — first 2nd —second 3rd — third 4th — fourth Sth — fifth 6th - sixth 7th -seventh 8th— eighth 9th = ninth 10th - tenth I1th- eleventh 12th — twelfth 13th - thirteenth 14th — fourteenth 15th - fifteenth 16th -sixteenth 17th - seventeenth 18th — eighteenth 19th — nineteenth 20th — twentieth ictice exercise 2 Complete the following. 1. Second - 2. First— 3. Sixth — 4. thirteenth -— 5. seventeenth - 6. twelftn- 7. twentieth - 8. fifteenth — On my way to school John walks to Mbira primary school every day. He passes many places on his way fo school. Complete the following. First - Garage _» Second - Clinic + Third - comes before the bridge. Fourth is After the bridge is a The school is on the Between the school and clinic is a fe & we = Ist position is a | In a queve Getrude Kuda Thariddo ice exercise 4 Look at the piciure and answer the following questions. Who is first, second and third? After the first one who is next? After the second who comes? Who is the last one? What is his or her position? Before the fourth who is there? Who is between the first and the third? EGS: Before, between and after Look at the television programmes. Programme line up Time Program 1200pm News 12a0pm Brame, 20pm Debate 20pm Cartoon 1 00pm, Cartoon 2 30pm Movie. 00pm 40pm 5.00pm 6.0m [Practise exercise 5 What comes between? 11. News and debate ' 13. Health fips and wrestling, 15. Movie and health tips Do the following. What comes after? 1. Debate 2. 4. Soccer 5. What comes before? 6. Cooking tips 7. 9. Health tips 10. Movie 3. News i” Cartoon 1 Drama 8. Cartoon 2 wrestling 12. Cartoon 2 and cooking tips 14, Drama and cartoon! PSST Answer the following. uw 008 hen Wtite the position of the following tumblers in figures. 1, Green tumbler 3. White tumbler 2. Pink tumbler 4, Silver tumbler Write the position of the following tumblers in words Purple tumbler Red tumbler Orange tumbler White tumbler The. tumbler comes before the orange tumbler. 10. The black tumbler comes, the purple tumbler. Name the different parts of a plant. L f Key words | legume natural =~ grown Plant types Plants can be grouped into families like grasses, legumes, Irees and roots. , Grass plants Grass plants have thin sterns and thin leaves. Examples include wheat, maize and rice plants. Legume plants Legumes are plants that have seeds that grow in shells called pods. Examples of legumes include sugar beans, peas, peanuts and ground nuts. Tree plants Trees are plants that have woody stems and grow very tall. They grow branches and usually have wide leaves. Examples of trees include Cyprus, gumtrees, baobab and mango irees. Root plants Root plants are plants that grow fruit underground. They grow stems on the surface and have leaves. Examples of root plants include beetraots, carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes, actice exercise 1 Do the following exercise. Name the 4 plant families. Name 3 root plants. Name 2 grasses. . Name 2 trees. Pepe iclice exercise 2 ‘Compare plants by identifying sil “——sJeaves tem, roots —*" a pee Fh ik is the greater than sign 38 98>89 72<84 ice exercise 5 Use > < or = to answer the following. 1. 380 90 2 71 7 3. 38 83, 4.71 70 5. 86 85 6. 50 50. z 9 [| a 46L_|oe 9. 30[ 93 10. 100 99 Assessment test Answer the following. fl | Til il LLULE 4. 465 tens units 5. 70= tens units 6 99= tens units Use > < or = to answer the following 7. 48 72 3. 9 9043 93 10. What other words are the same as ada? “Key words 7 count on What is missing? 80 82 94 Addition Saae cit fb tens te a i i Ce Mitts FAS EN br = 9 tens and 7 units Aten sete tise, i ? FFisctise exercise 1 Do the following. eee eee oeo ss0 seee|| eee] coco | | tens 1. Lltens ada L_Junits = L_] Spppe eevee [eS a weovee SSCS | Coeeo eee BVOCCSG! @ || SSSSS||OSSOeE eee 2 tens[__Junits+[__]ten units = BIR ERR, gt te a, ae ON) eet ee FARO EEO ERED EARS) gata ae ae ERE) ky rae) ARR oe ak tex os ae Ee Re REE) units = |__ = o ) a = 5. L]tens L units + { tens=[__] Count on e~- \ 70 75 6 85 90 8 100 75 count on 25 = 100 actice exercise 2 Answer the following. Use the number line to count on. er ppc 75 80 85 90 95 100 1. 70+ 5= 2 73+10= 3. 814125 4. 86+13= 5. 90+10= 6 95+ 5= 7. 72+155 8. 934+ 65 9 80+11= 10. 92+ 7= Adding tens and units Garvie | “TU Firstadd units Mm 3 34457 4 Second add tens 7 44256 ice exercise 3 Use a calculator to answer the following. How many passengers did it carry altogether? Solution Tuesday 63 passengers Wednesday + 22 passengers Altogether 8 5 passengers Prectice exercise 4 i 2 i >; ia ‘ 5. a | [516 3[5 716 4/8 7(8 + |3|7 +|1|3 +| 4/4 [+|5{0 +{2/3 +. isl 7 3 ia > 1. 718 6|0 5/6 2|3 4/5 | + {1/4 I+ [3/0] +/ 214 +{1/2 +([2[3 Addition stories imple } Answer the following. 1. Tendai had 1 7 eggs John had 2 leggs Altogether they had ___eggs 2. Garikai had 4 3mangoes He bought 5 émangoes Altogether he had mangoes 3. Nomsa had 5 2nuts Chipo had 3 énuis Altogether they had nuts 4. Takunda planted 27 cabbages and Chipo planted 41 cabbages. Altogether there were. cabbages. ' 5. There were 75 litres of water in a drum. Charles added 25 more litres. How many litres of water did the drum have altogether? Assessment test Answer the following. Themba picked 55 nuts John gave him 44more Altogether he had nuts Chipo made a pile of 25 books. She added 40 more. How many books does the pile have now? Kudakwashe has 92 crayons, Ratidzo gives him 2 more, and Tendai gives him 5 more. How many crayons does he have altogether? Subtraction to 100 © Count backwards from 100 10 50 Key words count back difference minus subtract take away CU 1. Collect 50 counters. 2. Make c set of 30 counters. 3. Remove 4 from the set you made. 4, Draw what you have done on a piece of paper, use colours. Subtraction [Prectice exercise 1 Answer the following. 3.17 minus 12 = i % HK 4. 20 minus 18 = 5. 19 minus 15 = Count back | 98 count back 7 LYYVYYW —eeeee ee 90 91:92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Solution 98 count back 7 = 91 Do the following. Count back the following. 50 $1 $253.54 56 56 S75B 596061 62 63 6465 66 67 68 69 7071727374 757677 7879 20 1. 60 count back 10 is 2. 74countback 7is 3. 76count back 8is a0 81 62 A3 84 85 B4 AF BB BP M1 91 9? 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 4. 80 count back 14 is 5. 92. count back 17 is 6. 100 count back 15 is @ Vertical subtraction U [ “5 0 Subtract units first; 0-0 = 0 0 w= "Hence, 50-30 = 20 > 0 ee The difference between 50 and 30 is 20. [Practice exercise 3 Do the following. ALY ERP) EEE EEE Subtraction stories Gerwre fe oe a 7 78 birds sat on a tree. 53 flew away. How many birds were now on the tree? Birds on a tree 78 Birds flew away 253 Birds left 25 [Practice exercise 4 Answer the following questions. 1. Anaeroplane had 80 passengers. 20 passengers were children. How many passengers were adults? 2. Ablue box holds 76 rulers. The class took 35 rulers. How many tulers are now left? 3. Tatenda’s kraal hod 63 cattle. 10 were sold. How many are left? —————————————e 6 Be 8. Father bought 98 shirts. He donated 22 of them. How many are left? Norman had 74 ducks and Tonderai had 12 ducks. How many ducks did Tonderai have less than Norman? Whats the difference between 85 and 69? The difference between 99 and 16 sl}. 80 take away 40 is LI. i 4. 7. 10. (Fectice exercise 5 Use a calculator to answer the following. 50-50 = 2. 87-34= 3. 88-53= 97-54 = 5. 92~50=[_ & 70-40= 78-53 = 8. 68-245 9. 64-52= 49-20-[_] PSST ate CLS Answer the following. 85 minus 14 equals 20 take away 13 = [a 96-32= A jacket cost $78, Jonathan paid $80. What was his change? The baker baked 88 loaves of bread, 42 were sold. How many ore left? What is the difference between 98 and 26? . How many are left when 54 books are taken away from a shelf with 84 books? Health, nutrition and safety ( Key words | cccicent heath —retationship List the accidents that can happen at school or at home. Ways of preventing accidents When we are not careful we can hurt ourselves and others. Itis important for us fo prevent accidents from happening at school, at home and in the community. Look at the pictures and discuss them with your friend. Below are some of the ways we can prevent accidenis: * Follow road signs. * Follow danger warning sings. * Donot handle sharp objects, for example, knife. When handling hot things wear oven gloves. Do not throw litter everywhere. Swimming pools should be covered Do not swim when there is no adult. Do not handle electricity with wet hands. ictice exercise 1 Answer the following. Complete the paragraph below using the given options. Banana peels should be put ina___. They can cause one to, . Swimming or river pools can cause one to _ . Electricity wires should be. . Children should desist from climbing fruit because they will fall. People should always use wet notices when the floors are wet. (floor, fall, drown, trees, covered, bin) Safety rules should be observed to avoid accidents. For example. do not cross the barier ct game parks. Write down safety rules you know. [Practice exercise 2 ‘Answer the following. Write down how these can help. 1 : a 3. 4. Child abuse Child abuse is when children are mistreated by their parents, people that take care of them or the people they live with. Physical abuse is when a child’s body is being mistreated by his or her care takers. This can be when a child is always being beaten violently. , Emotional abuse is when a child is always being shouted at. Hurtful words make people feel bad. When someone is being emotionally abused they always feel bad. Sexual abuse is when children are misused by elders. It is when someone touches your private parts of the body. es Discuss the forrns of child abuse 1. Sexual abuse 2. Physical abuse 3. Emotional abuse Ways of preveniing child abuse We can prevent child abuse by using the following methods: Dramatise woys of preventing physical child abuse. Healthy relationships Healthy relationships are relationships that are good for us. These relationships help to keep us healthy both in the mind and body. This is because when we are happy we take gcod care of ourselves. |Fractice exercise 3 Answer the following. What is a healthy relationship? Explain how good relationships contribute to good health. Answer the following. Fill in using the correct answer. 1, Swimming pools should be ____. fo prevent accident. (widened/covered). 2. _._ is. a form of child abuse. (sexual abuse/emotion] We should switch ____ plugs to avoid electricity shocks. (on/off) Reporting any form of child _______ helps to prevent abuse. (mistreatment/feeding) A— family contributes fo a health relationship. {bad/good) {tis dangerous fo cross aq___ river. (dried/flooded) This is ¢______. (zebra crossing/road sign) Who is heavier? Boy Key words ignter heavy heavier Making balance scales Comparing mass Meat is __. Lemon is 7 Meat is heavier than lemon. Which one is lighter? [Bssctice exercise 1 Answer the following. Fill in using heavier than or lighter than. 1. Pigis cow, 2 Cabbage is carrot. n 3. Boyis father. 4. Duckis hen. 5. 50kg is 20kg. 6. Cupis jug. 7. Bagis purse. 8. Pawpaw is Heavier and lighter eo A house is heavier than a car. Acar is lighter than a house. ictice exercise 2 Answer the following. Fill in using lighter or heavier. = sf ae fe “Te 1. Asofais than a stool. 2. A pencil is aruler. 3. A brick is than a loaf of bread. 4. A bicycle is than a car. 5. A wheelbarrow is than a scotch cart. oi om, | Order objects by mass Order these from light to heavy. pen chair book Solution Pen book chair ctice exercise 3 Answer the following. Order these from light to heavy. 1. Car bicycle motorbike 2. Mango watermelon gape 3. Elephant cow cat 4. Spoon needle plote 5. Hammer nail pin Mass stories imple 2kg sugar and 2 kg flour altogether = 2kg + 2kg = Akg ictice exercise 4 Answer the following. . 1. 2kg sugar and 5kg mealie meal altogether. 2. Thembi weighs 40kg and Minnie weighs 35kg altogether. B A 3. Ais than B. 4. My father is than me. 5. Mary is than mother. Assessment test Answer ihe following. Complete using heavier or lighter. 1. Aruleris than a bag. 2. Abailis a paper. 3. Achairis than a pen. 4. Abedis than a chair, 5. Ababy is than a father, Weather Describe a rainy weather. Key words vegetation weather Changes made to plants by weather As weather changes. plants also change. When seasons chonge, weather conditions also change. In the summer, plants grow fruits and flowers. Their leaves are green and their stems are moist. In autumn plants start to change colour shed leaves and branches dry In the winter plants change colour and become more dull and dry. Plant leaves dry up and fall off and the stems of plants are usually dry at this time. Grass changes colour from green to golden brown. In the spring leaves on trees start to grow back, flowers start to bloom and the stems of plants start to get moist. [Practice exercise 1 Answer the following. Describe the changes in plants in these seasons. 1. Summer 2. Autumn 3. Winter 4. Spring Make a weather chart and show the changes in vegetation. Weather Vegelation Sunny __ Rain —— Windy ——i Cold a Weather changes over a period of time Write down what happens to weather in these seasons Summer Autumn Winter Spring When time passes. weather patterns also change. For example, temperatures in the morning, during the day and at night are different. Read and compare the weather charts below for two cays. Day Monday Tuesday Morning Cold Cold Midmorning Raining Sunny Noon Little windy Hot Afternoon More windy Rainy Late afternoon Cloudy “|__ Cloudy Evening Cold Cold Night Cold Windy Answer the following. Compare weather changes of the two days. 1. twas on Monday afternoon. 2. On Tuesday it was in the afternoon. 3. How was it in the late afternoon? 4. Itwas inthe evening on Monday. 5. Itwas in the evening on Tuesday. 6. How was it at night? 7. How was the weather in the morning? How was it in the midmorning? How was it at noon? 309 1. View videos on weather. 2. Discuss the effects of weather from the videos you have watched. Assessment test Complete the following sentences. 1. Trees loose when it is windy. 2. Trees and grass develop new leaves when it is : 3. People sil around the fire when itis . 4 Wehave seasons. 5. Name the seasons Trees lose leaves in. Fractions Look ct the orange below. How do you share it with your friend? Key words half quarter divide whole One half Take a tomato. Cut it into 2 equal Parts. Each part is one half. One halt is written as ; Answer the following. ice exercise 1 1 Which one shows 2? 2. D'S aS -s A A ian One quarter If we cut one whole into 4 equal parts we get 4 quarters. A quarter is | part of 4 equal parts. li is written as + ice exercise 2 Answer the following. Whal fraction is not shaded? 000 “2804 3. 4. eo Do the following. What is the shaded fraction? a 3. Drow and shade the following: a) 5 b) 1 <) 1 whole 4 1. Take a paper. 2. Fold it into two equal paris. 3. Fold it again into two equal parts. 4. Unfold the paper, discuss wnat you can see, Comparing fractions imple ) Comparing fractions using >, < or =, Solution 1 2¢ 1 whole ise exercise 4 Answer the following. BIW z 2 > 3 square 3 4.. 4. a 4 triangle 2 1 whole circle NI B Assessment test Answer the following. What fraction is shaded? 1. ——_—— isshaded | is shaded Blow balloons or plastic bags to show that cir is everywhere. Key words air breai winnow People and animals need air to breathe. Look at the piciure of the man. He is breathing in. People need air to breathe. Air cannot be seen and touched. Small animals in soil need air to breathe. Plants need air to grow. ctice exercise 1 Answer the following. 1, cond need air to breathe. 2. _____is all around us, 3. Name two small animals in the soil that need air. 4. need air to grow. Uses of air at home We use air at home. Air is used to make fire. Air can be used to winnow grain. We also use air to dry food. Airis used to dry clothes. Collect different vegetables for example tomatoes and leat vegetables. 2. The teacher will assist you to cut them into pieces. 3. Dry them outside. 4. Place them in the Science corner. Uses of air in transport A\ris used to pump tyres. Cars, bicycles and scotchcart tyres use air. Sail boats and hol air balloons use air. Draw and colour a sail boat. Air games Giving examples of air games. Tell how air is used in the games. i, 1. Talk about the pictures. 2. Play a game with your friends. Assessment test Do the following. Plants need air to. . (grow, die} People need air to . (breathe, talk) Air cannot be nor . (seen, pressed, blown, touched) ali 2. 3. Abicycle needs in the wheels. (energy, air} 4. 5. Airis found ____. (house, everywhere)

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