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6. Draw a simple supply chain for the hotel accommodation industry.

A simple supply chain for the hotel accommodation industry looks something like this:
The main actors in the chain are the customer, the hotel, and the suppliers.
The customer initiates the process by asking the hotel for a reservation. The hotel then contacts its suppliers to order
the necessary supplies and services needed to provide the customer with accommodation. The suppliers then provide
the hotel with the necessary supplies and services. Finally, the hotel provides the customer with the accommodations
they requested.


Definition Gross domestic product/product, made by people Gross Domestic Product/Product, made by
living and working in the country's territory. the people of a country, regardless of the
region of the world.

The nature of the Calculates only the total product produced within Calculates products in all regions of the
two indicators that country's territory, regardless of the country's world, as long as they are made by citizens
citizens. of that country.

Calculation GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) GNP = C + I + G + (X - M) + NR


What do GNP and GDP again reflects the amount of goods produced GNP shows the level of consumption of
GDP reflect? by a country in its territory, thereby calculating the goods/services by the people of a country
average income of people in the country. regardless of where they are located

Applicability More commonly used, used by countries to Usually applied in banking and finance to
calculate average income calculate the total output of final
goods/services of countries.

8. The majority of tourism firms are too small to have much control over their supply chains and as such should
not worry about it. Discuss
Many tourism firms are small, and have limited control over their supply chains. This means that they are unable to
make large-scale changes to the way that their business is run, which can be a challenging situation for them. However,
there are still measures that can be taken to ensure that the supply chain is as efficient and ethical as possible. Tourism
firms are small businesses that can't exercise a great degree of control over their supply chains as compared to large
firms. As such, they should focus on other issues that can help improve their operations, such as customer service,
product quality, and marketing. Supply chain management may be too challenging for small tourism firms and may not
be the most efficient use of their resources. That depends on the type of business. For larger chains, it may be
important to have a certain amount of influence over the chain in order to stay competitive. On the other hand, for
smaller businesses, the main goal may be to focus on providing customers with exceptional service that helps them
stand out from their competition. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to influencing a business chain.

For example, companies can strive to increase transparency within their supply chains, by understanding where their
materials come from and assessing the operational practices of their suppliers. Doing this allows companies to form
ethical partnerships and build relationships with their suppliers that are mutually beneficial. Companies can also
implement strategies, such as eco-friendly packaging or reducing waste, that can help reduce their carbon footprint
while also adhering to ethical standards within their supply chains.
Ultimately, while small companies may not have the resources or ability to make large-scale changes to their supply
chains, there are still measures that can be taken to ensure that their practices are ethical and sustainable.
Chương 3
1. Imagine a tourist spends $100 at a hotel. Outline a scenario of what might happen to the money to
demonstrate the multiplier effect.
The money spent by the tourist at the hotel is an example of the multiplier effect in action. The hotel owner takes the
$100 and spends it on various goods and services, such as purchasing new furniture, hiring a cleaning service, or
paying staff wages. This spending then multiplies and benefits other businesses, such as the furniture store, the
cleaning service, or the employees’ local stores. This in turn can create a chain reaction and cause a further economic
ripple effect. For example, the furniture store could use the money to upgrade their stock, the cleaning service could
hire additional staff and the employees could purchase new items from the local stores. This entire chain reaction
would result in an increase in economic activity, ultimately benefiting the entire economy.
2. Briefly describe the different types of multiplier.
There are five types of multiplier.
First, the income multiplier is the number of times an individual the amount of tourist expenditure should be multiplied
to identify the total effect on the visited place’s economy.
The second and third types are the sales or transaction multiplier which measures changes in business turnover created
by tourism expenditures; and the output multiplier. The latter is similar to the sales multiplier but includes changes in
inventory or stock levels in addition to sales.
The final two types are the employment multiplier which measures changes in economic activity caused by increases
or decreases in tourism employment, and the government revenue multiplier. The latter measures the effect on
government revenue of changes in tourism expenditure
4. Which is more likely to have a higher income multiplier: a small local restaurant or a large city-center hotel?
A large city-center hotel is more likely to have a higher income multiplier as it typically enjoys more customers and
visitors due to its prime location and larger size. Furthermore, its higher costs for labor, equipment, and materials mean
it can charge higher prices, allowing it to make more profits than smaller businesses.
It really depends on the location of the restaurant and hotel, as well as the management and services they provide.
Generally speaking, a large city center hotel is more likely to have a higher income multiplier than a small local
restaurant, however, there are many factors to consider.
If you are looking for a reliable source of income for your restaurant or hotel, there are a few key aspects that you may
want to consider. Firstly, your pricing strategy should be tailored to your target market and their needs. You may also
want to make sure that you offer competitive promotions or packages to entice customers. Secondly, you should take
advantage of any local or national marketing campaigns or advertising channels that are available to you.
The success of your business will also be dependent on the quality of your service, so it's important to make sure that
your staff has the necessary experience and skills to properly serve your customers. Additionally, providing a unique
experience like a themed restaurant, or a special event can help to draw new customers. Finally, you may want to keep
up with the latest trends to ensure that your business is at the forefront of innovation.
3. What are the objectives of tourism policies set by governments?
Governments’ roles include looking after investment in quality and skills, marketing and branding, managing
environmental sustainability for green growth, product development and innovation, strategy industry planning for
tourism, reducing barriers to tourism development and evaluation and capacity building.
The objectives of tourism policies set by governments are typically to:
1. Stimulate economic growth through increased tourism spending.
2. Foster employment in the tourism industry.
3. Enhance the visibility of a country’s cultural heritage.
4. Promote sustainable tourism.
5. Improve the quality of life within local communities.
6. Support existing tourism businesses and attract new investors.
7. Increase the number of direct and indirect jobs in the tourism sector.
8. Encourage regional economic development.

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