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As explained in
deals with broadChapter 1,
national macroeconomics value of final goods and serrices
aggregates like
national income, national product, domestically owned fuctors of production wit
consumption, investment, money employment, a given period".
governmènt budget, balance of payments, supply, There are several points worth noting in ths
Of all these macro etc. definition, of national income.
aggregates, national income
and national product are the sometary Expression: In the first
most significant
aggregates. National income is regarded as the national income is expressed in monetary plar
most comprehensive measure of the level of It adds together the value of all
and services produced in a inal
economic activity as well as index of economic country during a
growth of an eonomy. An understanding of the year. Since a vast number of diverse goois
concept and meàsurement of national income is, and services are produced in the
is eonomv, it
therefore, essential in the study of necessary, vhen adding them, to use sme
macroeconomics. This is what we propose to do kind of common denominator. The value of all
in this and the following chapters. We goods and services is expressed in money terms
begin this such as rupee, dollar, etc., which is a commn
chapter by explaining the concept of national
income in general. Secondly, we take up the denominator. The output of different gods
circular flow of incomne to show how different and services is valued at market pries, and
sectors of the economy are interrelated. In the values are added together to get national
Chapter 19, we explain vaxjous national income
aggregates to understarnd nàtional income from FinGoods and Services: The second point
to be noted about national income is that it
different perspectives. The important issue of
measurement of national income is taken up in reflects the value of final goods and servis l0
Chapter 20. understand this point clearly, let us differentiat
betweern two types of products, namely hna
produsts and intermediate products.
18.1 WHAT IS NATIONAL INCOME? Final products are those goods and serrices
National income is defined as the money value which are sold to the final users during th
yeat These goods and services are purchas
of all final goods and services produced by for finalconsumption by consumers and
the normal residents of a country, whether investment by producers, and not
operating within the domestic territory of the All consumer goods and services, i.e. gou
ountry or outside, in a year. According to Consumers
which satisfy the wants of the
Dornbusch and Fischer "national income is the directly like food items, refrigerators, etc. a
goods. Producer goods, i.e., goods which national income estimation if we add up the
the production of other goods in future total output of all the sectors in the economy,
machines, buildings, etc. are also final instead of adding up the output of final goods
goods. Producers
buy these capital goods for and services only. Thus, while estimating
their OWn uSe in production (as investment)
national income, we solve the problem of double
and notfor resale. Thus, final goods are meant counting by taking the value of final goods and
Le final use by consumers and producers. They services only. National income includes the
arefinished goods for final consumption and value of bread and not of flour used in making
investment. bread. Hence, national income is the total value
uternediate products are those goods and of final goods and services produced.
Services which are used by the producers as Flow: National income is a flow concept.
iuputs into afurther stage of production. These If is the flow of goods and services. A flow is
älso known as "HO-fnctor inputs. They are a quantity which is measured over a period
sin the production process of other goods. of time. National income is a very important
Thesc goods move from one stage of production flow variable in economics. It tells us how many
to another in the production of a final product. rupees worth of goods and services are flowing
These are the products which are purchased by in the economy per unit of time. Conventionally,
producers from other producers and are resold national income is expressed over one year. It is
after converting them into final goods. For in this sense we say that national income of
example, seeds, fertilisers, etc. purchased by India in 2019-20 was 203.5 lakh crore.
farmers are intermediate products. Farmers grow Current Output: Another point to be noted
wheat, rice and other crops by using these about national income is that it measures the
intermediate products. value of currently produced goods and services.
To measure national income accurately, all It excludes pure exchange transactions such as sale
goods and services produced during a year and purchase of second-hand goods or used
must be counted once, but not more than once. goods, sale and purchase of securities and transfer
Most products go through a series of production payments, etc. These transactions are excluded
stages before reaching the market. As a result, from national income because nothing new is
Components of most products are bought and produced in the current year.
sold many times. For example, flour mills sell The reason for excluding second-hand sales, i.e,
flour to bakeries, and bakeries use this flour in sale of used goods, from national income is.fairly
making breads which are sold to households. obvious, Such sales do not reflect any-eurrent
How should we treat such inter1nediate products production whereas nationaB inconme relates to
In computing national income? The answer is current productiononty. For example, if I sell
that national income includes only the value of my second-hand car, this transaction would
inal goods and services. Intermediate products not be included in national income because no
are excluded from national income because their current production is involved. When this car
Value is already included in the value of final (as a new car) was originally produced and it
products in which they are used. For instance, was purchased by me, its value was included in
Shnce flour is used in making bread, the total that year's national income. On the same token.
Value of bread includes the value of flour also. we count the construction of new houses as part
ve add the value of flour to the value of of national income, but we do not add the sale
bread, the value of flour would be included of existing (old) houses. However, the value of
twice. To add the intermediate goods to the the services of the commission agents involved
d goods would be double counting-that is, in the second-hand sales are included in the
the flour would be counted more than once. national income of the current vear as these
Double counting is the error which arises i services are rendered in the current year itself.


goods. Producer goods, i.e., goods which national income estimation if we add up the
inal production of other goods in future total output of all the sectors in the economy,
machines, buildings, etc. are also final
like Producers buy instead of adding up the output of final goods
goods. these capital goods for and services only. Thus, while estimating
use in production (as investment)
their own national income, we solve the problem of double
tor resale. Thus, final goods are meant counting by taking the value of final goods and
anluse by consumers and producers. They services only. National income includes the
inished goods for final consumption and value of bread and not of flour used in making
inyestment. bread. Hence, national income is the total value
Intermediate products are those goods and of final goods and services produced.
services which are used by the producers as Flow: National income is a flow cOncept.
inputsinto afurther stage of production. These tt is the flow of goods and services. Aflow is
s0 known as "non-factor inputs'. They are a quantity which is measured over a period
in the production process of other goods. of time. National income is a very important
These goods move from one stage of production flow variable in economics. It tells us how many
o another in the production of a final product. rupees worth of goods and services are flowing
These are the products which are purchased by in the economy per unit of time. Conventionally,
producers from other producers and are resold national income is expressed over one year. It is
after converting them into final goods. For in this sense we say that national income of
example, seeds, fertilisers, etc. purchased by India in 2019-20 was 203.5 lakh crore.
farmers are intermediate products. Farmers grow M Current Output: Another point to be noted
wheat, rice and other crops by using these about national income is that it measures the
intermediate products. value of currently produced goods and services.
To measure national income accurately, all It excludes pure exchange transactions such as sale
goods and services produced during a year and purchase of second-hand goods or used
must be counted once, but not more than once. goods, sale and purchase of securities and transter
Most products go through a series of production payments, etc. These transactions are excluded
stages before reaching the market. As a result, from national income because nothing new is
components of most products are bought and produced in the current year.
sold many times. For example, flour mills sell The reason for excluding second-hand sales, i.e.,
flour to bakeries, and bakeries use this flour in sale of used goods, from national income is fairly
making breads which are sold to households. obvious., Such sales do not reflect any-eurrent
How should we treat such internediate products production whereas natienal ineeme- relates to
n computing national income? The answer is current production ony. For example, if I sell
that national income includes only the value of my second-hand car, this transaction would
inal goods and services. Intermediate products not be included in national income because no
are excluded from national income because their current production is involved. When this car
Value is already included in the value of final (as a new car) was originally produced and it
Products in which they are used. For instance, was purchased by me, its value was included in
Sihce flour is used in making bread, the total that year's national income. On the same token,
Value of bread includes the value of flour also. we count the construction of new houses as part
We add the value of flour to the value of of national income, but we do not add the sale
bread,the value of flour would be included
twice. To add the intermediate goods to the
of existing (old) houses. However, the value of
the services of the commission agents involved
final goods would be double counting- -that is, in the second-hand sales are included in the
he flour would be counted more than once. national income of the current year as these
Double counting is the error zwhich arises in services are rendered in the current year itself.


whose economicinterest lies in that cauntry.
These commission agents or brokers provide are called normal residents since they norrnaly e
current services in bringing buyers and sellers in the country of their eConornic interest, Le,the
together, and these services are rightly part of the earn income by carry1ng
0ut econornic

current output. there. They may or may not be

the ciitizensactiviter
Sale and purchase of financial assels (both old Country, i.e, normnal residents incdude national
and new) like bonds and shares are also well as foreign
nationals. These normal
transactions of a country produce goods and SETV0CES by seling
from national income because these
production. They their factor services to production units locate
do not directly involve current services. They within and outside the domestic territory f a
are not payments forgoods power and the normal residents COVers bth
represent transfer of purchasing another. country. The term
ownership rights from one person to individuals and institutions. Domestic territory
brokers are boundon
However, the services of share refers to the geographical or political
embassies a
included innational income as these services are of a country, excluding foreign
rendered in the current year. international institutions (like UN, WHO offics
Almost about the same reasoning etc) located within the geographical teritory, and
as social security including the embassies of this country locate!
to transfer payments, such etc.), donations
payments (old-age pensions, outside its geographical territory. The money value
received by
and gifts. Transfer payments are without of final goods and services produced in a year by
households, enterprises and others to the production units located within the domestir
making any corresponding period. territory of a country is called domestic product
the production process in the current
or domestic income.
|Transfer payments are unilateral rendered National income is the money value of final
for which no productive services are goods and services produced by the normal
in return in the current period. The
any residents of a country operating within and
of these transfer payments do not make for outside the domestic territory of a country during
contribution to current production in return
a particular year. It is the value of final goods
these payments. Therefore, transfer payments and services produced by all production units
do not reflect any production of goods and located within the domestic territory of a country
services. They only bring about a transfer in the plus net factor income received from abroad.
purchasing power. For instance, old-age pensions Thus, the domestic income is ageographic term,
from government to its employees transfer money while national income is an economic concept.
from government to its employees without any This will become clear later when we explan
output being produced in the current year. various national income aggregates and different
stlents and Domestic Territory: National methods of measuring national income.
income defined as the value of final goods and
service produced by the normal residents of a Finally, it is necessary to guard against contusg
countrNoral residents are those persons who national income with the sum total of individua!
ordinarily reside in acountry in which they live and personal incomes. National income is not the sum

Economic Models
In order to explain economic events and functioning of the economy economists use models.
economic model is an explanation of how the economy works. Economic models are simplificatios
of the real world. Anodel is based on a set of assumptions to símplify the economic events a
problems that economists want to explain.
There is an old joke on how economists sometimes use assumptions to oversimplity the
they face. The joke goes like this:
Achemist, a physicist and an economist were trapped on a desert island. trving to find out ho"
open a can of food. "Let us heat the can over fire until it bursts," said the chenmist.
"No, no,"said the physicist, "Let us throw the can on the rocks from the top of a high tree.
I have an idea," said the economist, "Let as assume we have a can opener."
However, good economists do not build models on the basis of unrealistic assumptions as in the
above story. A good model is based on a set of assumptions that are reasonable and somnewhat
realistic. Moreover, a good model is simplification of reality, but while doing this it concentrates on
the most important phenomena and omits details that are relatively unimportant. Such a model is
useful because it explains reality reasonably well. Just as an architect constructs a model of a building
which is a simplification of the actual building, SO too economists construct a model of the economy
illustrate particular features of the economy.
We have used such a model in this chapter to explain the circular flow of income so that we can
understand the interactions among different sectors of the economy in a
simplified way.

total of personal ncomes. Personal incomes incude the purchase of goods from the production units.
transfer incomes also, and transter incomes are These expenditures generate income for the
excuded from national inçome. Furthermore, not producers. As such, production gives rise to
all of the national income aqrues to individuals as income, income gives rise to expenditure and
their personal incomes due to ndistributed profits, expenditure gives rise to income again; and this
savings of the government, etc. process continues. Thus, in an economy, goods,
services and factor services are being constantly
18.2 CIRCULAR FLOW OF INCOME exchanged between different individuals like
producers and households. This flow of goods
As explained earlier, price is the basic parameter and services and factor services among producers,
of microeconomics. However, the basic parameter households and other individuals in an economy
of macroeconomics is the 'circular flow of inconme'.
In an economy, people are engaged in carrying
out various economic activities like production, Richard Stone (1913-91)
exchange and consumption. While carrying out Richard stone was a British
these activities, they are involved in making economist who was awarded
various economic transactions with each other. Nobel Award in Economics in
This gives rise tointerdependence between them. 1984 for his contribution to
This interaction and interdependence is called the national income accounts. His
circular flow of income. work\on national accounts
was one of the best works
18.2.1 Meaning of Circular Flowof Income in economics which could be
As we know, national income is a flow used to examine economic activities at national
A large number of goods and
services are level and interaction among various sectors of
Produced in an economy every year, which gives the economy. He worked as a statistician and
Fise to national income. These goods and economist for the British government. He was
dre produced in the production units by combining also associated with Cambridge University as
the factorfactors of production. Producers purchase the Director of Applied Economics. He was an
services to produce goods and services. outstanding figure among the post-war British
The national income or is Applied econometricians. He was one of the
output generated
factdisotrsributofedproduction in the form of various factor
as factor income to the owners of pioneer architect of national income accounting.
The first official British national income and

like wageS, rent, interest and profits. The expenditure estimates were made with the use
of Stone's method in 1941.
incomes earned or generated are spent on


services is matched by an equal but reverse
is known as circular flow of income. Thus,circular money flow. For instance, if a labourer sells his
flow of income is defined as the flow of payments labour service to a
producer and thereby earns a
and receipts for goods and services and factor 10,000 a month, there will be a
services between different sectors of the economy, wage income of torm of wages fro
monev flow of 10,000 in the and at
This flow of national income is cireutar is labourer, the same time
the producer to the same value frons
nature. There is a constant flow of income the flow of labour service
of the
producer. The sanme is tro t
and expenditure among different sectors of the labourer to the
National ncome is both .
the economy. Incomes are generated in the the entire economy.
and tlow of money
production units in the process of production. flow of goods and services
income involves th
Income flows from production units in the from incomes. The circular flow of buver
households and then expenditure of the
of factor payments to form of
basic principle that seller of the same amon!
households to production units in the Ccreates income for the
expenditure on goods and services income Accordingly, flow of goods and factor buver losd.
In this way, from the seller to the
by the production units. (i.e, real flows)
flows in a circular way among
differernt sectors the buyer to the seller
to mony flow from
and services flow in one
of the economy. Goods
direction and money payments to
acquire these 18.2.2Economic Sectors of an Economy
opposite direction, circular flow of
goods and services flow in the flow. It is called To illustrate and explain the wav.
thereby leading to a circularcontinuously and income in an economy in a
four sectors:
circular because it goes on the economy is divided
neither any i.e, the
indefinitely in acircular way; it has (i) household sector, (ii) business sector,
(iv) foreign
specific beginning nor any end. firms, (ii) government sector, and
Economic transactions like sale and purchase sector.
generate two kinds of Household Sector: Households are the main
goods and factor services
flows, namely flow of goods and services
Accordingly, owners of factors of productionland,
factor services), and money flow. of these
viewed from two and capital. They sell the services
circular flow of income can be factors to producers and in return receive their
different angles: 'real flows' and 'money flows. income. They spend a large part of their income
Real Flows: Realflow consists of flow of from the
services in purchasing goods and services
factor services from the owners of factor producers. However, they save a part of their
to the producers and flow of goods and income and at the sanme time they pay taxes to
from the producers to the buyers of these goods the government out of their income.
and services. Thus real flow consists of flow of Business Sector or Firms: In economics, we
factor services and flow of goods and services use the terms b1usiness sector, producers and firms
among diferent sectors of an economy.) intercharngeably. Firms hire services of factors
Money Flows: In the modern monetized of production from households to produce
econonmies, economic transactions involve the commodities that they sell to households, other
use of money. Flow of factor services generates firms, government or to other countries. Firms are
factor income in the form of money. Buyers of and
goods and services make payment for goods and the principal buyers of factors of productionsector
main producers of commodities. Business
services purchased with money. Money flows Comprises both private and government enterpr1ses.
comprise these flows of money payments. Thus,
Government: Government is taken in the sense
money flows consist of flow of money incomes
for factor services such as money wages, rent, of general government' so as to exclude government
interest, etc. and money expenditure incurred on commercial enterprises. General government gets
the purchase of goods and services. its income largely through taxes imposed on
households and business sector in the formand
tn fact, real flows and money flows are two goods
sides of the same coin. Real flow of goods and direct and indirect taxes. It buys


from the producers and factor services to produce goods and services, which are sold to
households. It uses these commodities the households. The household sector pays for these
from services in providing
free services such goods in the form of money and thereby firms
and. services, education, medical facilities, receive money payments from the households.
sanitationfacilities, judicial services, etc. to the The interaction of firms and households takes
to satisfy their collective wants. place in two sets Íf markets-factor markets and
Rest of the World: Different sectors of the product market. Factor markets are those markets
economy have transactions not only with each where factor services are bought and sold. Product
also with foreign countries, i.e., rest of markets or goods markets are the markets where
world. ACOuntry exports goods and services to goods and services are bought and sold.
countries and similarly it imports goods and The circular flow is better understood by
servicesfrom other countries. In the same way, referring to Fig. 1showing the money and real
services move across the border of a country flows in a two-sector economy. In the upper
firms of this country may purchase some loop, factor services flow from the households
bsctor services trom other to the firms, as indicated by the solid arrow
In order to study circular flow of income in a mark. This is the real flow. In return, money
simplified way, we combine the above-mentioned flows from firms to households as factor incomes
to make thefollowing three models (indicated by a dashed arrow). This is the money
four sectors
of circular flows: flow. Flow of factor services from households to
()Hoo-sector model consisting of the firms gives rise to a reverse money flow from
housekold and the business sectors; firms to households. In the lower loop, goods
(Three-sector model comprising the and services produced by the firms flow from
household, business and government the firms to households, as indicated by the solid
sectors, known as closed economy model; and arrow mark. This is the real flow. The households
() Four-sector model consisting of households, pay for these goods and services with money
business sector, government sector and the which creates money flow, (indicated by a dashed
rest of the world, known as open economy arrow). Note that flow of goods and services from
model. firms to households gives rise to money flow in
These three models of circular flow of income the opposite direction from households to firms.
are explained below in detail: The outer circle represents the real flows
(indicated by solid lines) and the inner circle
18.2.3 Two-Sector Model Without Savings represents money flows (indicated by dashed
and Investment lines). Real flows consist of flow of factor services
To understand the basic essence of circular flow from households to firms and flow of goods and
of income, we begin with a simplified two services from firms to households. Money flows
sector model consisting only of households and comprise flow of factor incomes from firms to
fims (production units). Thus, we are imagining households and flow of money expenditure on
a hypothetical economy where there is no goods and services from households to firms. By
government and which has no interaction with rest combining both types of money flows we find
ot the world. In such an economy, the household a circularity in the money flows. The money
sector owns all the factors of production. This payments go around in a circular manner from
Sector sells the factor services to the firms and the firms to the households, and from the
Teceives income from them in the form of wages, household sector to the firms as shown by the
ient, interest and profits. The money payments continuous dashed arrows.
nade by firms to households are cost expenditures In the same way, we get the circular flow
for the firnms and factor incomes for the households.
of goods and factor services (real flows) by
Firms or the production units use the factor inputs combining both types of real flows.


Flow of Factor
Factor Payrients




for Goods
Flow of Goods
vings and Investment
Expenditure: Two-Sector Model without Sa
Flow of Income and
Fig. 1 The Circular

households spend 1. Total production of goods and services by

In the two-sector model, if firms = Total consumption of goods and
consumer goods
all their incomes on buying firms distribute services by households.
produced by the firms, and = Factor
from the sale of their 2. Factor incomes of the households
all the money collected income, then payments by firms.
products to households as factor
the circular flow of income will
remain constant. 3. Income of the firms = Expenditure of the
income on households.
As the households spend all their
from the
the purchase of goods and services 18.2.4Two-Sector Model with Savings
will be
firms, total money receipts of the firms
households. and Investment
equal to the total income of the
Similarly, total income of the households is income
the In the foregoing analysis of circular flow of that
equal to the expenditure of the firms on in the two-sector model, we have
purchase of factor services. Everything there is no saving either by the households or by
by households would be passed on to firms, and the firms. We have assumed that household
everything received by firms would be passed
back to households. The circular flow of income spends the entire income on the goods produce
will continue to operate at unchanged level. In by firms, and firms distribute all their receips
other words, there would be equilibrium in the the households as factor incomes. However, income
circular flow of income. reality, households do not spend all the oftheir
Thus, in the simplified two-sector model, we on consumption. Instead, they save part
have the following identities (or equations): income either for old age or to meet


expenditure like marriage of their children, factors used in the production of these goods.
Apart of the income which is not spent by This income does not arise from the expenditure
households on consumer g0ods and services is of the households, rather it is over and above
Similarly, firms may not distribute all the income that arises from the households
households as factor income, rather expenditure. Investment expenditure thus results
theirreceipts to
save a part of their receipts in the form of in an addition to the circular flow of income,
they may
depreciation provisions and undistributed profits, and as aresult, the level of income rises. Thus,
which may used for undertaking investment. investment expenditure is an injection into the
How do we illustrate savings and investment in circular flow of income.(An injection is the
our model of
circular flow of income? amount of money which is added to the flow of
To keep our analysiS Simple, we assume that income.\It is an exogenous addition to the income
allsavings are done by the households. Theact of of the firms or households. Injections increase the
saving by the households reduces the consumption flow of income in an economy.
Pxpenditure and thus the level of circular flow of How do firms obtain the required funds for
inome. Households receive income from firms and undertaking investment? The firms may use part
pass back only a part of it through consumption of their profits (i.e. undistributed profits) for
expenditure since a part of the income is saved. undertaking investment. To simplify our analysis
Savings thus represent a sort of withdrawal we assume that firms do not retain anything as
or leakage of expenditure from the circular undistributed profit since the entire income is
flow of income between households and firms. distributed among households as factor incomes.
Withdrawal or leakage is the amount of money This implies that investment undertaken by firms
|which is withdrawn from the flow of income. It is is financed through savings of the households.
not passed on to the circular flow of income and, To some extent, the firms may borrOW directly
therefore, is not available for expenditure. Leakages from households. However, households and
reduce the flow of income in the economy. firms interact with each other largely through
However, savings may beused for financial institutions (capital market) like banks,
undertaking investment expenditure Investment insurance companies, mutual funds, etc. Financial
refers to expenditure on producer goods which institutions intermediate between savers and
investors or lenders and borrowers. In our
help inproducing other goods in the production
process. Expenditures on plant, machinery, etc. simplified model, we assume that whatever is
are examples of investment expenditure. saved by the households is deposited with the
These capital goods are not purchased by the financial institutions (capital market) and the
Consumers, rather they are purchased by the firms take loans from these financial institutions
firms only. In an economy, both consumer to undertake investment. Households are the
g00ds and capital goods are produced. In our net lenders as they save part of their income.
Simplified model, we have so far taken the Firms are net borrowers since they borrow funds
production of consumer goods only. Now, we to undertake investrment. Thus, savings of the
expand our model to incorporate capital goods. household sector flow to the firms for undertaking
Firms produce two types of goods. The first type investment through the medium of capital market.
of goods are consumer goods, which are sold by Circular flow of income in a two-sector model
the firms to the households. The second type of incorporating savings and investment is
goods are capital goods (or investment goods), illustrated in Fig. 2.
which are sold by the firms that produce them In Fig. 2, a new sector, known as capital market,
to the other firms that use them. has been added. Now, a part of the income of
Now, consider the effect of investment. the households flows to firms in the form of

Investment expenditure creates income for the consumption expenditure and a part of the income
ims that produce capital goods and for the flows to capital market in the form of savings, as

Flow of Factor
Factor Payments

Households Capital Market Firms

- - -

ments for S

Flow of Goods and
Fig. 2 The Circular Flow of Income and Expenditure:
Two-Sector Model with Savings and Investment

indicated by the dark line labelled S. These savings exceed investment (S > I), the income flow
flow to the firms through the capital market to declines. Excess of saving over investment implies
finance investment by firms. The investment flow that whatever income leaks out from the circular
is shown by the dark line labelled I. flow in the form of savings is not offset by an
It is important to note that there would be equivalent injection in the form of investment
equilibrium in the circular flow of income if the This decreases the level of income. On the other
investment expenditure by the firms is equal hand, if investment exceeds savings ( >S) the
to the savings of the household sector. Let us income flow increases. Excess of investment over
explain why. As explained above, saving is a savings implies that whatever income leaks oul
leakage from the circular flow of income as from the circular flow of income in the form a
a result of which the level of circular flow of savings is more than offset by an injection in the
income falls. Investment, on the other hand, torm of investment. This pushes up the level o
leads to increase in the level of circular flow of income in the economy.
income. Equality between savings and investment
(S = I) means that contraction of the level of 18.2.57hree-Sector Model of Circular
income resulting from saving is just equal to the Flow of Income: Model with
expansion of the level of income resulting from Government Sector
the act of investment. Thus, equilibrium condition nature of circularflows
of circular flow of income in two-sector model is: We have explained the primary
of income by looking into the firm[
households andflowof
S =I of income between circular
expand our model of sectortothe
However, investment is undertaken by the firms Now, we government model
while savings are done largely by households. income by adding the three-sector
Therefore, savings and investment in an economy two-sector model. A and
need not necessarily beequal. Whenever savings Comprising households, firms

more realistic model because government payments received mainly by the households.
I` a
pertormsa wide variety
of economic functions in Similarly, govern ment gives subsidies and
modern ecconomy. Therefore, there is the need makes transfer payments to firms in order to
includingthe activities of the government in encourage production. Fertiliser subsidies and
of flow of income. To keep our analysis food subsidies are such transfer payments.
the will include three major activities
simple, we Transfer payments are unilateral payments for
in the circular flow, namely
tbe government which no real services are rendered in return for
axes, (govermment spendingón commodities
them in the current year. Accordingly, in case of
Vnd factoÑr services and (Aransfer these transfer payments, there is a flow of money
The government imposes taxes both on payments from government to households and
households and firms. It levies taxes on firms, but there is no reverse real flow.
households in the form of personai taxes and The circular flow of incomes and expenditures
commodity taxes. Income tax on individuals and in a three-sector model is shown in Fig. 3. This
indirect taxes like GST, sales tax, excise duties, etc. figure shows the primary money flows and real
on consumer goods are some of the important flows between households and firms. However,
taxes levied on households. Thus, a part of the the figure presents only the money flows between
households' income flows to the government to government and households as well as between
pay taxes. The government imposes taxes on government and firms. The corresponding real
the firms as well. Corporation tax is the most flows from and to the government have not been
important tax falling in this category. Therefore, shown to avoid overcrowding in the diagram.
a part of the firms' earnings is taxed away in Taxes (T)_ constitute leakages from the flows
the form of corporate tax. This gives rise to because they reduce the income and, therefore,
income flow from firms to the government. Thus, expenditure of the households and firms. On the
income flows from households and firms to the other hand, the government expenditure (G)is
governmnent in the form of taxes. injection in the flows because it adds to the
The government spends the money collected aggregate demand in the form of government
through taxes to discharge various functions in purchases of factor services from the households
the economy such as administration, law and 'and purchase of goods and services from the
order, etc. The government spends a part of its business sector. Similarly, the transfer payments by
tax revenue in purchasing factor services from the govermment are injections in the circular flows.
households and making payments to them in Thus, the government may influence the level
the form of wages and salaries. The
government of circular flow of incomne through its activities of
incurs expenditure also in buying a whole range
of goods and services from the firms and makes imposing taxes, incurring expenditure and making
payments in turn.
transfer payments. However, if the government
spends its entire income (received in the form of
Thus, the government buys factor services taxes from households and firms) in the form of
from households and goods and services from expenditure and transfer payments, this means
the firms. Accordingly, income flows from the that thecontraction of the level of circular flow
government to households and firms in the form income resulting from taxes is just offset by the
of government expenditure on factor services and expansion of the level of circular flow of income
commodities. resulting from the act of government spending.
The government incurs expenditure in the form The equilibrium condition of circular flow of
Of transfer payments as well. The government income in three sector (closed economy) model is:
undertakes various social security and welfare
schemes in every economy. Expenditures incurred S+ T = I+G
on these schemes are called transter pauments. This equilibrium condition implies that saving
Old-age pension, unemployment allowance, plus taxes taken together must be equal to
schotarships, etc. are examples of transfer investment and government expenditure taken
s fP
e r
a y m e n t s

Flowof Factor
Governmt hasesSubsaindies
Factor Payments

S Firms
Households Capital Market


Payments for Goods and

Flow offGoods and


Fig. 3 Circular Flow of lncome and Expenditure in Three-Sector Model

together. However, if (S +T) exceed (I + G), income the rest of the world sector in our model to make
flow decreases because whatever income leaks out it arealistic model.Afour-sector model comprising
from the cireular flow of income is not offset by households, firms, government and rest of the
an equivalent amount of injection. On the other world is known as an open econony model.
hand, if (I + G) exceeds (S + T), the income flow Cirqular flow of income in an open economy 1s
increases because whatever income leaks out from
the circular flow of income in the form of (S + T) is explained with the help of a flow chart as shown
more than offset by an injection arising from(tG. in Fig. 4. Like Fig. 3, this figure also shows only
the money flow between government, firms and
households as well as with rest of the world soas
18.2.6 Four-Sector Model of Circular to avoid over crowding in the diagram. It needs
Flow of lncome: Model with the to be borne in mind that each money flow has its
Foreign Sector counterpart real flow in the opposite direction.
So far, the circular flow of income has been The lower loop of this figure shows circular flow
of income in respect of foreign sector.
shown in the case of a closed economy(A closed
Interaction between the domestic economy
economy is an economy which does not engage and rest of the world takes place through flow
in international trade. But every realistic economy
of goods and services (international trade) and
is an open economy where foreign trade plays flow of factor services. The household sector
an important part. (An open economy is an buys goods imported from abroad and makes
economy that engages in international trade in payments to the foreign sector. On the other
goods and services. Therefore, we need to include hand, the household sector receives 'oreign
r a y m e r

Flowof Factor
Factor Payments
purchase Subsanid es

Households Capital Market Firms


Pa roeign Remitances Sevices SJOdw

Payments for Imnorts PaymFlenotswof

for Goods



Rest of the World

Fig. 4 The Circular Flow of Income and Expenditure in a Four-Sector Model

remittances' in foreign exchange by selling some analysis, we have not illustrated this real flow in
of the factor services abroad. For example, some the diagram. Similarly, there is inflow and
of the Indian people may be working abroad and outflow of capital services between the
government and rest of the world, which are not
they may remit income to their families in India.
Thus, there is outflow of expenditure from shown in the diagram for a simplified analysis.
households to the foreign sector to pay for the Imports (M) constitute leakage while exports
imported goods and inflow of income for the (X) constitute injections into the circular flow of
services rendered by them in foreigrn countries. income. Inflow and outflow of income affect the
The business sector exports goods and services level of circular flow of income of an economy.
If the inflow of income is equal to the outflow
(uke shipping, insurance, banking, etc.) to foreign of income, the level of circular flow of income
countries and receives payment in the form of
would remain unaffected, because contraction of
Teceipts from exports'. This is inflow of, income due to outflow of income would be offset
penditure into the economy. On the other hand,
sector makes payment to the foreign by expansion of income resulting from inflow of
the business income from abroad.
import of goods and services. This js
Or tor
the economy. The equilibrium condition of circular flow of
the vutlov) of expenditure from the
in a four-sector (Open economy) model is:
Like the business sector, modern governments
also and import goods and services S+T+M=|+G+X
Oregn countries. However, for the sake of
S+T+ M are the total withdrawals or leakages govèrnment sector anc
from the circular flow, while I +G + X are total sector\are interrelated
injections into the circular flow of income. Circular flow of incom.
This condition implies that (S + T + M) taken of interaction between
together must be equal to (I + G + X) taken an economy.
together so that total withdrawals are equal to 2. The magnitude of the
total injections so as to ensure equilibrium in the the size of income.
circular flow of income. measure national inco
flows. As we will ex
18.2.7 Importance of Circular Flow of we can estimate natio
Income help of output, inco
The circular flow of iîncome is the basic parameter phases of circular flo
in macroeconomics. Importance of circular flow 3. The study of circu
of income is evident from the following: pinpoints the conditic
1. The entire econoic system can be equilibrium. It spel
viewed as circular flòw of income and for equilibrium lev
expenditure. Circular flowof income shows economy. For instar
how different sectors of the economy, saving and investm
namely household sector, business sector, condition in a two-s


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