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S Name Type Description

1 Night Sky Ransomware Akiz Group, one of the top business group in
Bangladesh, was attacked by ransomware called
Night Sky. All the company’s server files, employee
resumes, mail server data, GitLab code base, ERP
system database, all website cPanel data including
backups, personal computer backup files were
also leaked to the dark web.
2 AltDOS Ransomware Beximco Group, was attacked by ransomware
called AltDOS. Hundreds of gigabytes of files,
databases, their telecom subsidies, 56,000
payment records were leaked from their 34
3 Wizard Spider malware Information technology firm Digicon Technologies
has been attacked by Russian-based Conti Group,
which goes by the alias Wizard Spider.
4 DDoS Earlier, foreign hackers launched Distributed
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) cyber-attacks on the
national Covid-19 vaccine registration app
"Surokkha"."They created a phishing site called
'' to steal people's personal
information but we were able to successfully
thwart the attempt," said the state minister.
5 Malware and • February 2016: Hackers stole $81 million
DDoS from Bangladesh Bank through a sophisticated
cyberheist. The attackers exploited vulnerabilities
in the SWIFT messaging system to manipulate
transfer orders. This incident remains one of the
largest cyberattacks in history.
• The attackers gained access to the
Bangladesh Bank's network through phishing
emails that tricked employees into downloading
• This malware allowed the hackers to steal
login credentials and spy on the bank's internal
6 Malware/Phishing Adarsha, a renowned Bangladeshi publishing
house that had its verified Facebook page
hijacked. Hackers edited Adarsha's posts, replaced
them with ads, and even changed the page's
name and cover photo.
7 DDoS On 3 July, a hacker group claimed a DDoS attack on
Bangladeshi transportation service for 1 hour making the
website unavailable for the mentioned time.

1. On August 01, 2023, a hacker group claimed a cyber-attack on Payment Gateway in Bangladesh.

2. On July 03, 2023, a hacker group claimed a DDoS attack on Bangladesh Railway E-Ticketing Service

for 1 hour making the website unavailable for the mentioned time. 3. On June 24, 2023, a hacker group

defaced the website of the Bangladesh National Institute of

Cardiovascular Diseases and shared a web archive supporting their claims. 4. On June 21, 2023, the

group claimed a DDoS attack on the website of Bangladeshi military


5. On June 20, 2023, the group claimed to compromise Bangladesh's state-owned investment company,

and exfiltrated data of over 100,000 investors and investment applicants. Threat group shared a single

screenshot as proof of compromise and planned to release the data after successful exfiltration.

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