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2 UNIT TEST Level 1 NAME: Mark:

1 Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. There are more words than you need. (8 x 2 = 16 points)
widespread • speed • abducted • well-deserved • launched
wrap up • crew • voyage • overcome • spacecraft
1. He claims he was once …………………… by aliens, but nobody believes him.
2. The maximum …………………… on this motorway is 110 kilometres per hour.
3. After long months of hard work, we took a …………………… holiday.
4. A new passenger ship was …………………… last summer.
5. The use of olive oil is …………………… in many Mediterranean countries.
6. The …………………… on board the spacecraft have little privacy.
7. Please …………………… the gift with colourful paper.
8. Apollo 11’s …………………… to the moon took four days.

2 Complete the sentences with a logical ending. Pay attention to the words in bold. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
1. While I was driving, I collided with ..........................................................
............................................................................................................... .
2. There was no warning about ..................................................................
............................................................................................................... .
3. One drawback to working here is that ....................................................
............................................................................................................... .
4. His story was far-fetched, so nobody ......................................................
............................................................................................................... .
5. The pieces of glass on the floor were tiny, so it was ..............................
............................................................................................................... .
6. Don’t rush because there’s .....................................................................
............................................................................................................... .

3 Complete the sentences by forming phrasal verbs with the following verbs. (8 x 2 = 16 points)
took • broke • put • work • pick • use • catch • carry
1. Could you please …………………… me …………………… after school? I’ll wait outside the main entrance.
2. We need to …………………… a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
3. The aeroplane …………………… on schedule, so we’ll be arriving on time.
4. Please don’t …………………… all the hot water. I can’t stand cold showers.
5. The subject is difficult, but you’ll eventually …………………… .
6. In theory the plan is good, but it will be difficult to ……………………. .
7. The washing machine …………………… yesterday. Please call a technician.
8. It’s freezing outside. You should …………………… an extra layer of clothing.

2 UNIT TEST Level 1

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. (6 x 2 = 12 points)
1. I’ll make reservations as soon as we ……………………………… which restaurant we’re going to.
2. I wish you ……………………………… me that. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.
3. If I ……………………………… so much work to do, I would go out with you.
4. What ……………………………… if a huge asteroid hit Earth?
5. I ……………………………… her if I were you. She’s very busy at the moment.
6. Unless the weather is bad, we ……………………………… to the party.

5 Read the situations. Then complete the responses with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. I didn’t notice you.
If I ……………………………… (see) you, I ……………………………… (say) “hello”.
2. I’m not working at the moment.
If I ……………………………… (have) a job, I ……………………………… (save) some money to buy a car.
3. It’s a pity you didn’t call an hour before.
I ……………………………… (cancel) my meetings if I ……………………………… (know) you were in town.
4. I can’t concentrate.
I wish the children ……………………………… (go) outside to play because they ………………………………
(make) a lot of noise.
5. I’m really excited to see you.
I ……………………………… (call) you as soon as I ……………………………… (finish) work this afternoon.

6 Complete the sentences. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
1. The spacecraft needs to orbit Earth before it can land.
As soon as ............................................................................................ .
2. I’m sorry I never visited her in hospital.
If only .................................................................................................... .
3. If he doesn’t rush, he’ll be late.
Unless ................................................................................................... .
4. They didn’t move to a safer place because they hadn’t received a warning.
If they .................................................................................................... .
5. It’s too bad he can’t participate in the experiment.
If only .................................................................................................... .
6. I wasn’t accepted because I didn’t make a good impression.
If I .......................................................................................................... .

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