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Antibacterial and
Antifungal Agents:
A Comprehensive
Overview for B.Sc.
In this presentation, we will explore
the mechanisms of action and the
applications of antibacterial and
antifungal agents. We will also discuss
the challenges in combating drug
resistance and the future prospects in
this field.
Antibacterial Agents

Antibacterial agents are compounds that inhibit

the growth or kill bacteria. They can target
specific bacterial components such as the cell
wall or protein synthesis. Common examples
include antibiotics and disinfectants.
Antifungal Agents
Antifungal agents are designed to
inhibit the growth or kill fungi. They
can target fungal cell membranes, cell
walls, or interfere with metabolic
processes. Examples include azoles,
polyenes, and echinocandins.
Mechanisms of Action
Antibacterial and antifungal agents
exert their effects through various
mechanisms such as disruption of cell
structures, inhibition of enzyme activity,
and interference with nucleic acid
Drug Resistance
The emergence of drug-resistant
bacteria and fungi poses a significant
challenge in the treatment of
infections. Understanding the
mechanisms of resistance and
developing novel therapies are crucial
in addressing this issue.
Applications in Medicine
Antibacterial and antifungal agents
play a vital role in the treatment of
infectious diseases, surgical
procedures, and wound care. They are
also used in food preservation and
In conclusion, the study of antibacterial and antifungal agents
is essential for addressing public health challenges. Ongoing
research and innovation are crucial in developing effective
strategies to combat infections and drug resistance.
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