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This master’s research program has the objective of investigating and understanding the
social representations that guide the understanding and the evaluation of two professors
who use Basic Education. The northing contribution whas the Theory of Social
Representation conceived by Serge Moscovici (1961). It is understood by social
representations of collective theories or forms of knowledge that are socially
constituted, involved and turned over to a world-wide understanding, communication
and practical orientation. A fundamental investigation is also made of the
epistemological, historical and pedagogical pressupostos of the apprenticeship, built on
contributions Luckesi, 2002; 1999; Hoffmann, 1998; 2003; 2014; Perrenoud, 1999;
Melchior, 1994, 2008; Libâneo, 1988, 2000; Freire, 1996; Chueiri, 2007, Russel, 2014;
Sordi, 1995; Luckesi, 2010; Tardif, 2006; Sordi, 2006, Dias Sobrinho 2003, among
others.This is a qualitative nature study, being marked by three moments, or the first
step was made by means of a documentary analysis on the history of the apprenticeship
of his conceptions of Basic Education and the theory of representations of social
representations. We present as a second step, to conduct a semi-structured interview,
teachers from various areas of basic education. In order to do so, we investigate the
dimensions involved in the process of educational appraisal and the social
representations of non-teaching experiences. Or third step of the dissertation, he collects
two items that are organized and analyzed in the light of the Colective Subject
Discourse - DSC, developed by Lefèvre and Lefèvre (2005).According to our analysis,
it is clear that most teachers have a formative concept of apprenticeship, but there are
also a few changes in the traditional concept in which most of the results of tests and
tests of daily appraisal processes are valued. We have analyzed two speeches by a co-
operative two teachers to break up with the concept of class evaluation and the
traditional practices of apprenticeship.It can be concluded that, as conceptions of these
professors, walk in an emancipatory perspective, assembled in a reflexive position, in
which some fundamental aspects will be considered: a use of formative support as a
support for apprenticeship of most students and for teacher planning; In addition to the
role of the students and teacher, we have formative appraisal processes, a variety of
appraisal instruments that teachers use during the teaching and learning process. To
error understanding of the student as a possibility to adequately process and learn, a new
school organization that implies a proposal for marked evaluation of the logic of
inclusion, dialogue, construction of autonomy, mediation, participation, construction It
gives responsibility as collective. Was also emphasizes thinking about a degree of
appraisal courses, because the assessment adopted at universities is still based on
positivist model and classificatory or that provokes, mutely, a reproduction of appraisal
practices without questions, reflections,or meanings. Finally, this research is important
because we believe that a critical perspective and emancipatory perspective in new
appraisal elements, turned to or taught and learned by some students.

Keywords: Learning assessment; teachers, social representations, school

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