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EBL Prepaid Lifestyle Visa Card

I’m writing this post to help someone who is trying to purchase GRE/TOEFL exam or want to
payment in USD using “EBL Lifestyle Card or Aqua Card”. You will find any other posts related
to this but I think this is easier. If you follow this process, you don’t need to call customer service
or email them. You can do it manually. Just follow the procedure below:

Step 1: How to get EBL Prepaid Lifestyle Visa card or Aqua card? (Please avoid who already
have this card).
1. Go to your nearest EBL branch and apply for Lifestyle visa card or Aqua card (As far as I
know, ebl doesn’t provide any aqua card now).
2. Documents you need: Photocopy of your passport, NID, other photo ID (student or job)
for safety, NID photocopy of your nominee (Father, Mother or elder brother/sister) and
most importantly 570 BDT :p
3. Then you will know the necessary steps.
4. EBL will inform you when your prepaid card is ready.

Step 2: Most Important, most hard and most easy part.

1. Foreign Part Activate: After collect your prepaid card, download ebl skybanking app from
playstore (for android). Please don’t get hurt there is also availability of this app in apple
app store (for iPhone user) :p :p . After completing app installation, sing up and add your
prepaid card in this app (just like you add your dbbl nexus card in dbbl nexuspay app).
After that, you can enable your foreing part from this app.

2. Passport Endorsement: This is the easiest part in the whole process. Go to nearest EBL
branch along with your prepaid card and passport, they will take care of everything after that.

3. Input Dollar: This the most complicated part everyone think. But after reading my entire
process, it will be most easier. I heard many of us has sufficient balance in his/her prepaid card
but he/she was unable to pay the payment, and they got worried. In my case, I also got worried.
But by the help of almighty allah, I completed my payment procedure. Someone will say call the
customer care, someone will say mail them. Before now, I will say the same. But now I’ll say
calling customer service is a waste of money also emil card section is a waste of time (if you
read my described process). In both cases, it will take 3 or 4 working days.

Before the solutions, just one simple questions; if you don’t have sufficient balance, are
you able to purchase your product. The answer is no, you can’t. So first make sure you
have sufficient balance for the products. You want to buy something from amazon then
you need USD, not BDT, they don’t accept BDT. As, lifestyle or aqua card holder does
not have any account against the card. So, you can’t pay USD, as you input BDT in your

So, go to the bank, fillup the form, and mark USD section. Also, told them to input BDT
in USD. It will take just 2 or 3 minutes. You will get message that you credited USD in
your card. Also, you can check your balance in Skybanking app. After that, you can
purchase anything or paid any bill in USD using this card.
N:B: I just show you the path, you have to go through this path alone. Always, their will
be ups and downs and you have to face it alone. No one will be there for you, because
they are busy with their own ups and downs.

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