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Eureka 2.

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- You may not flip to the next page until you have been instructed to do so.
- The use of calculators is allowed.
- You may use the question sheet for rough work.
- You are allowed to ask for guidance but not allowed to coerce with other
- The total time for the test is 30 minutes. The time will start as soon as
instructions to proceed to page 1 have been given.
- The test has two sections. The first section carries 100 points equally
distributed among its various questions and the second section also carries
100 points with an equal distribution of points among its parts.
- In section 1, each MCQ can have multiple correct answers. Each person
starts with a total of 0 points for the section and for each correct option gets
2.5 points and -2.5 for each wrong option.
- There is no negative marking in section 2.
- The tests will be marked as per the key which shall not be subject to dispute.
However, after the test, you may ask of a particular question and it’s answer.
1. In binary, a number is represented as:

The numbers are all added up to get the decimal representation. i.e.,
consider the number in binary form: 010010. The second digit is 1, thus
we take its value as 21. Similarly, the fifth digit is 1, thus we take that
value as 24 . We ignore the zeroes (because they do not contribute to the
value). Thus, by adding all values of the 1s we get 21 +24 =18. So, 010010 in
binary is 18 in the decimal format.
Which is/are the correct decimal representation(s) of 176:
A) 010110000
B) 110110010
C) 011010010
D) 010110010

2. Consider an assembly of two coins as shown in the figure. The radius

of one of the coins is r cm and the radius of the other is 3 times that i.e.,
3 r cm. The coin with the smaller radius i.e., r cm, rolls around the coin of
the larger radius. If the rotating coin starts at a point A and rotates
around the coin of larger radius back to point A, then how many
revolution(s) has the coin made, assuming no sliding takes place?

A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) π

3. The humble Carbon, occupying the sixth position in the periodic

table, is capable of making a mere 4 bonds but forms a tremendous
number of molecules and compounds. In fact, Carbon has a greater
number of compounds than all other elements of the periodic table
combined. With such a large number of compounds, there is a need for a
standardized way to identify said compounds. Initially, common names
were in use which were based upon properties of the compound or on
the name of the person who discovered it. As an example, Acetic Acid
(ethanoic acid), primarily isolated from vinegar, is so named because
"acetic" originates from the Latin word "acetum," which means
"vinegar." However, a naming convention was standardized by the
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) called the
IUPAC naming convention. According to this standard, to name an
organic compound, firstly the longest carbon chain is determined. Then
the carbon atoms are numbered starting from the side which has a
substituent (any group of atoms other attached to longest carbon chain)
first. Then the substituents are listed in alphabetical order along with
their respective carbon number.
As an example, consider the compound:

As is evident, the longest carbon chain is a “heptane”. We start indexing

carbons of the chain from the right because the first substituent comes
earlier (2nd carbon). If we had started from the left, the first substituent
would have been on the 4th carbon. So now we list the substituents in
alphabetical order with their indices preceding the main carbon chain.
So, the compound’s name becomes 4-ethyl-2-methyl-heptane.
What is/are the name(s) of the following compound (each apex shows a
carbon, the hydrogen atoms are implied):

A) 3-propyl-pentane
B) 3-ethyl-hexane
C) 2-ethyl-hexane
D) 2-isopropyl-pentane
4. Consider a loop of a roller coaster with a radius 60 m. The roller coaster
has a weight of 100 N . Assuming no configuration or attachment between
the roller coaster and the track and supposing friction to be negligible
which of the following is/are true of the system:
A) The speed with which the roller coaster enters the loop so that it
may emerge safely on the other end, v=2.449 m s−1
B) The speed with which the roller coaster exits the loop is 24.49 m
C) If the radius of the loop were doubled, the entry speed would
increase by a factor of √ 2
D) The mass of the roller coaster is irrelevant to the speed of

5. Suppose that:
u∞ =1+
1+ …

Where un is the nth term of a series and u∞ is the infinitieth. Often, to

approach such series one must observe the initial few values as:
1 1 2.000

2 1 1.500
3 1 1.667

4 1 1.600

From the above we can deduce that un =1+ un −1 . It is imperative that you
observe and make yourself familiar with this fact from the above table.
Now, keeping in mind that infinity isn’t a number but rather a concept of
something that never ends and adding something to infinity is simply
infinity or loosely, when x is any arbitrary real number ∞=∞+ x, as n → ∞,
we get u∞ . Which of the following is/are true:
1± √ 5
A) The series converges to 2
1+ √ 5
B) It converges to 2

C) The series does seem to converge at ∞ , but since it is not

possible to represent an irrational result (The result has a surd) as a
fraction which is the case in the series, so we say that the series is
1+ √ 5 1−√ 5
D) The series is harmonic and oscillates between 2 and 2 at
6. The thyroid gland produces three hormones i.e., T4 (Thyroxine), T3
(Triiodothyronine) and Calcitonin. T3 is less potent and more of a pre-
cursor to T4. T4 mainly regulates metabolism throughout the body. A
person with an elevated level of T4 is said to suffer from
hyperthyroidism wherein their metabolism is too fast. Hypothyroidism is
the polar opposite to that wherein T4 levels are lower than normal. The
tests for these conditions involve testing levels of T4 and TSH (Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone) which is released by the anterior pituitary gland
located right below the almond sized hypothalamus right at the center of
the encephalon. TSH is inhibited by the release of T4 but this inhibition
is a slow process (around a month). TSH being high and T4 low is
characteristic of Hypothyroidism and T4 being high while TSH low
defines Hyperthyroidism. Often in the practice of medicine, patients are
imperfect and real-world scenarios are different from textbook ones and
thus different people have different normal levels but that is out of the
scope of this question.
A patient, comes to you with complaints of low energy, fatigue and
tiredness all day. After testing, they’re found to have hypothyroidism.
They’re prescribed L-thyroxine tablets. 45 days later, they come for re-
testing. They’re found to have high TSH and high Thyroxine. Write the
first suspected diagnosis for the patient (ignoring euthyroid sick
syndrome and secondary thyroidal imbalances).

7. In linear algebra, simply put, a linear transformation is a

transformation which obeys two properties (additivity and
homogeneity). For a 2-dimensional vector space, a 2x2 transformation
matrix is the set of coordinates that the unit vectors i^ and ^j occupy after
the transformation. In normal conditions, they have coordinates (1, 0)
and (0,1) respectively, which in matrix form is represented as the
identity matrix I (The first row shows the unit vectori^ and the second one
shows ^j ; the ordered pair of coordinates is read top to bottom)
[10 01]
The coordinates of any the following is a transformation matrix A,
giving the coordinates of the unit vectors after the transformation:
[ 01 −10 ]
What are the coordinates of the vector ^ y ^j
x i+ after this transformation.

8. Consider a train starts moving towards a train station with a speed v 1.

A bird, from the same place and in the very same instant, starts moving
towards the same station with a speed v 2 such that v 2> v 1. The bird reaches
the station first and turns immediately and starts moving towards the
train, after reaching the train, it turns once more and starts moving
towards the station and continues this cycle until the train has reached
the station. Assuming there to be no acceleration, find the relation for
the total distance d covered by the bird.
(Fun fact: This very problem was asked to Neumann, a mathematician
famous for his on-the-feet thinking and he answered it instantly.)

9. Write a series of logical steps in human-readable fashion to determine

if a given string of characters is unique (i.e., no character appears twice).
Following are guidelines related to what counts as logical here:
- You may not say things like “return true if no character is
- Guidelines must be specific i.e., instead of, “loop over the string”
you may say,
“let x = 0;
while x < string’s length run the following instructions:
increase x by 1 each iteration of the loop”
You may use the following concepts (other concepts can also be used):
- Loops (any set of instruction which are to be run over and over
again until a certain criterion in met)
- Maps (A table of keys -> values; given a key you can change its
value and also read the value)
- Arrays (ordered collections of values without keys; you may
access a particular value of an array by its index in the array; indices
start from 0 i.e., 0 is the first entry, 1 is the second entry and so on)
- Conditionals
Your answer will be graded on how efficient the answer is relative to
other test-takers.

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