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Titled: "Factors Influencing Team Performance

The author undertakes a systematic exploration of the factors shaping team

performance in high-performance sports. By adopting a cross-industry
perspective, the study aims to draw insights from other sectors that may inform
and enhance the strategies employed by support teams in high-performance
sports. This approach suggests a recognition of the potential for interdisciplinary
knowledge transfer to optimize team dynamics and achieve superior athletic
The research likely involves a comprehensive analysis of existing literature,
systematically reviewing factors contributing to team performance in both sports
and other industries. This comparative approach allows the author to identify
commonalities and distinctions, providing a holistic understanding of the
dynamics at play. By synthesizing findings across various domains, the study may
contribute not only to the sports science literature but also offer practical
implications for high-performance sports teams seeking to leverage strategies and
practices from diverse sectors to enhance their collective effectiveness.
Furthermore, the systematic scoping review conducted by Salcinovic is
likely to shed light on gaps in current knowledge and potential avenues for future
research. By identifying areas where insights from other industries are
underutilized or where unique considerations for high-performance sports
emerge, the research may guide scholars and practitioners in developing targeted
studies and interventions. This approach supports a continual evolution of
strategies employed by support teams in high-performance sports, fostering a
dynamic and informed approach to optimizing team performance.

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