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ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER COLLEGE GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY FINALS EXAMINATION NAME: LECTURE DATE: SCORE: I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. WRITE ONLY THE LETTER OF YOUR ANSWERS ON THE SPACE PROVIDED BEFORE EACH NUMBER. ‘STRICTLY NO ERASURES 4. From superior to inferior, the three regions of the pharynx are the |A) oropharynx, nasopharynx, laryngopharynx ‘nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx laryngopharynx, oropharynx, nasopharynx 1D) nasopharynx, laryngopharynx, orepharynx 2.The gonads, or primary sex organs, produce sex cells, also known as A) zygotes ©) gametes B) interstitial cells ay svermatids 3. Which of the following is not true of the location of the idneys? 1¢ kidneys lle along the dorsal body wall ‘The right kidney sits lower than the left kidney due to the presence of the liver. C) The kidneys are encapsulated by the parietal peritoneum. ) The kidneys are situated between vertebrae T12 to L3 4. Sperm are formed in tightly coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules that are found within each’ A) spermatic cord ) testis ©) ductus deferens epididymis 5. What effect does folice-stimulating hormone (FSH) have on males? A) Male testes are not influenced by FSH. FSH functions solely in females, FSH stimulates sperm production in males. FSH causes the testes to enlarge in size. E) FSH stimulates estrogen production in males 6. What part of the respiratory system routes air and food into their proper channels and plays a role in speech? A) Tongue 8) Pharynx. ©) Nasal conchae Larynx 7. Which glands produce a thick, yellowish secretion that rishes and activates sperm? Gresivairetal glands “6 Poste ) Seminal vesicles B) Ejaculatory duct 8, What isthe functional unit of the kidney that fiers bleed and forms urine? jemerulus Renal pyramid ) Nephron D) Renal pelvis ‘9. Which gland surrounds the upper portion of the urethra just below the junction with the urinary biadder? A) Ejaculatory ) Seminal vesicles bubouretral D) Prostate 410. What flap of elastic cartilage protects the superior opening of the larynx? |A) Trachea ©) Giottis B)Epiglotis Thyroid cartilage 1. filtrate formed during glomerular filtration is captured by ‘A) renal pyramid ‘glomerular (Bowman's) capsule 12. When we swallow food or drink, what prevents the passage 8) renal hilum D) renal column fof these items into our larynx and lower respiratory passageways? A) Thyroid cartilage 8) Epiglottis tts ») Glia 413, The process that removes ions such as potassium and hydrogen from the blood and places them into the nephron for val from the body as urine is known as jomerularfitration '8) tubular reabsorption Tubular secretion ) osmosis 14, What is removed during male circumcision? A) Glans penis B) Shaft of the penis ) Scrotum B Bucs deferens (ODPePuCE 15. Which passageways branch off of the inferior end of the trachea? A) Bronchioles ©) Alveolar ducts Deron B)alvotor sacs 16. Filtrate contains everything In blood plasma except for BPbIood proteins electrolytes 17. Which zone includes the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveol and is where gas exchange Gisipcatory sane Terminal sone 18. The spongy tssue of the pens fs with blood during sexual excitement and causes the pons to enlarge and become gid na recon ‘© ejaculation E) parturition A) water C) solutes 8B) Conducting zone D) Filtering zone B) circumcision ) emission 19. Adequate glomerulus pressure is primarily necessary for AL tubular secretion alomerular filtration £) tubular reabsorption ) micturition 20. The process of moving air into and out of the lungs is commonly called breathing or A) cellular respiration ) respiratory gas transport CBypuimonary venation 21. The smooth triangular region of the urinary bladder base that is outlined by the openings of the two ureters and the ead he Canine cain ©) pelvis ) hilum 22. Which inspiratory muscles contract so we can inspire air? |A) Rectus abdominis; external obliques \laphragm; external intercostals Trapezius; latissimus dorsi D) Diaphragm; external obliques 23. The Inability to voluntarily control the external urethral incter is known as continence _-B) urinary retention ©) urgency D) hyperplasia 24. volume is the air moved into and out of the lungs during normal quiet breathing and ls approximately 500 lof alr A) Tidal Residual 8) Expiratory reserve ) Inspiratory reserve 25. The process of emptying the urinary bladder is known as Yoiding oF prem -Yricturition 26. Which of the following respiratory volumes is the largest? |A) Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) 8) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) ) Tidal volume (TV) Vital capacity (VC) 8) incontinence ) nocturia 27. What is the driving force for water intake? |A) Metabolism he thirst mechanism *) The renin-angiotensin mechanism B) Glomerular filtration 28, Where does fertilization usually occur in the female Feproductive syste? A) Ovary (Pts (atone) bes #) vagina 29, What abnormal condition results from the lack of “antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release, causing huge amounts of Wy lute urine tobe velded? Baoaee insipidus 8) Glomerulonephritis } Diabetes melts ) Uren 8) Vesicular (Graafian) follicle b) Uterus 30. In the pulmonary circuit, which gas diffuses from the blood fof the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoll to be exhaled? A) Nitrous oxide B) Oxygen bon dioxide ) Carbon monoxide 31, What portions of the brain contain respiratory centers and the breathing rate? fedulla and pons 8) Pons and cerebellum ‘Cerebrum and cerebellum D) Thalamus and hypothalamus, 32, The process by which a secondary oocyte Is ejected from the ovary is called |A) emission ) fertilization ) parturition B) menses (ypmiaton 33, What is the most important trigger for aldosterone release? AA) Blood buffers 8) Thirst mechanism C) Antidluretic hormone (ADH) CO YRenieransiotensin mechanism 34. When we exercise, carbon dioxide levels increase in our blood, which leads toa decrease in blood pH. How will the respiratory system respond to restore carbon dioxide and blood pH levels to normal? Hyperventilation Dyspnea |A) Hypoventilation ©) Apnea. 35. A feeling that It is necessary to void, which Is experienced ‘more regularly in the elderly, Is known as urgency ) nocturia quency ) urethritis 36. The inner mucosal layer of the uterus that is sloughed off roximately every 28 days is called the sndometrium B) myometrium ‘C) perimetrium ) epimetrium E) hypometrium 37. What fatty molecule is made by cuboidal-shaped cells in the ‘epithelium of the alveoli to reduce surface tension and prevent {eolar collapse between breaths? ‘aysebum —B) Surfactant 38. Which of the following Is not one of the functions of the kidneys? A) Manufacture urine Convert vitamin D from its inactive to its active form Dispose of metabolic waste products D) Produce hormones that assist in reproduction E) Regulate blood volume ©) Nicotine) Mucus 39. How long are the typical ovarian and uterine cycles in a female? A) 38 weeks ) 280 days 8) 14 days days 0) 40 days 40. The respiratory conducting passageways perform all of the following functions except A allow air to reach the lungs Pram coming ale 41. Which organ filters blood, regulates blood volume and 8) purity air D) exchange gases eal makeup? idney 8) Ureter Liver ) Urinary bladder E) Urethra 42, AS a respiratory therapist, Gabriella measures the respiratory volumes for new patients with a spirometer. She ‘assists a patient who has a normal inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), but he has a greatly decreased expiratory reserve volume (ERV) and a higher-than-normal residual volume (RV). He has a history of smoking and a barrel chest. Assess his condition 8) Pneumonia D) Sleep apnea A) Allergies Cones Cystic fibrosis 43. Starting from the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule, the correct order of the renal tubule regions is |A) proximal convoluted tubule, distal ‘nephron loop (loop of Henle) 8) distal convoluted tubule, nephron loop (loop of Henle), ‘proximal convoluted tubule ) nephron loop (loop of Henle), proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop (loop of Henle), (Carat convolutes tubule convoluted tubule, E) distal convoluted tubule, proximal convoluted tubule, ‘nephron loop (loop of Henle) 44. What hormone(s) stimulates the growth of the endometrium during the proliferative phase of the uterine ogame? strogens, ©) Insulin E) Parathyroid hormone 8) Progesterones D) Testosterone 45. Methamphetamine is 2 drug that can cause hyperthermia. ‘Assess the Impact on the respiration system for @ person who hhas used this drug, |A) Dyspnea ©) Hyperpnea &) Apnea Copncreased respiratory rate BY Decreased respiratory rate 46. Helene started coughing when her epiglottis did not close completely while swallowing her drink. Later, she commented the drink went down the "wrong pipe.” Given your knowledge of the anatomy of the respiratory system, deduce where the drink traveled A) Esophagus )arynx ‘oral cavity 47. Which hormone is necessary for the growth of endometrial lands, which are important for the sustenance of a growing fembryo until Its implantation? AA) Luteinizing hormone (LH) 48. How are nitrogenous wastes, such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine, handled by the kidney? |A) Most nitrogenous wastes are reabsorbed Into the blood from the filtrate, B) The urinary system does not handle nitrogenous wastes; eich these wastes are removed in the feces, 8) Nasal cavity D) Pharynx 8) Testosterone D) Inhibin lost nitrogenous wastes are filtered and excreted in urine. Nitrogenous wastes are removed from the body during exhalation. E) Nitrogenous waste Is under the control of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). 49. Chronically inflamed, hypersensitive bronchial. passages that respond to many irritantsyare characteristic of A) atelectasis leurisy ©) asthma ) pneumothorax E) pulmonary tamponade 50. Which primary germ layer gives rise to the mucosae and Hated glands? Oe ctoderm y Mesoderm ©) Morula 8) Bilastocyst ) Endoderm 51. Which of the following is true of cystic fibrosis (CF)? |A) CF is a genetic condition that is inheritable. 8) Sneezing and sinusitis are comman symptoms of CF. ) Most cases of CF arise due to exposure to second-hand smoke. D) The cells of the alveolt produce too much surfactant in cases of CF. People with CF do not produce enough mucus and are at a {her risk for infections. 52. Which of the following is not a substance typically reabsorbed by the tubules under normal healthy conditions? A) Glucose aye ) Amino acids Boi 5) water 53, Which hormone stimulates more frequent and more Powerful contractions of the uterus as birth nears? A) Estrogen 8) Relaxin (yprveen Progesterone E) Gonadotropin 54. Which respiratory disease in which sufferers are often called ink puffers," Is characterized by enlarged alveoli, lung inflammation, and fibrosis of the lungs? A) Asthma 8) Emphysema 1) Cleft palate ) Chronic bronchitis ystic fibrosis 55. Which of the following substances Is normally found in A) Blood proteins C) Hemoglobin E) Creatinine 8) Red blood cells Mine bod cet 56. Which one of the following is not 2 feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? 'A) Most patients have a genetic predisposition to COPD, B) Dyspnea becomes progressively more severe. (©) Frequent pulmonary infections are common. Most COPD victims are hypoxic. ) Most patients have a history of smoking. 57. When a pregnant female experiences her "water breakin during the dilation stage of labor, what has ruptured? A) Blastocyst B) Umbilical cord E) Placenta ) Urinary bladder 58. Approximately 280 days from the last menstrual period, parturition, or will occur. |A) menopause 8B) menses (fertilization ) menstruation childbirth 59. When Jamie fell, she hit her head and damaged her respiratory center. She began to hypoventilate. Which part(s) ier brain sustained injury? ‘A)Ihalamus Hypothalamus and pituitary gland ‘C) Medulla oblongata and pons D) Cerebellum ) Midbrain 660. The stage of labor that involves the delivery of the infantis the diation stage Fetory phase postpartum stage 61. Kimberly performed a urinalysis test in her biology lab and discovered glucose was present in her urine. What could be a tential reason for glycosuria? Diabetes mellitus 8) Kidney infection ) Hypertension ) Kidney stones ) Liver disease 62, Male sex chromoy6tnes are represented as Ay B)XO (EVRY -D)YO EY 8) expulsion stage ) placental stage 63. Which of the following is not true of the differences between the male and female urethrae? |A) The male urethra is part of both the urinary and reproductive systems while the female urethra Is only part of the urinary system. 8) The male urethra opens at the tip of the penis while the female urethra opens anterior to the vagina opening. ©) The male urethra transports both urine and sperm (but never at the same time) while the only function of the female Urethra is to transport urine D) The male urethra has three different regions: prostatic, ‘membranous, and spongy while the female urethra lacks these 64. ‘The first menstrual period, which usually occurs at approximately age 13, s called ‘A) menses 3) menstruation C) menopause) menarche orrnta 5. The main hormone that acts on the kidneys to regulate sodium ion concentration of the extracellular fluid (ECF) is eriiaetic hormone (ADH) ) secretin E) epinephrine 8) renin D) aldosterone 66. Menopause, which ends childbirth ablity, is considered to have occurred when a woman A) misses her first period 8B) misses two periods in a row ) turns 60 14S gone a year without menstruation ) has had a hysterectomy 67. What stimulates the release of Juxtaglomeruiar (36) apparatus? A) High blood pressure 8) High blood sodium levels ©) Low blood pressure). bleed potassium levels ©) High blood volume 668. A male's prostate was removed due to cancer. Evaluate the Impact on a male's reproductive capabilities. |A) Sperm will not receive the nourishment of fructose. 8) Erection will not occur. Pues sperm will be activated. The urethra will not be cleansed of acidic urine during sexual excitement. E) Ejaculation will not occur. renin from the 69. The need to get up during the night to urinate is called wypospadias vocturia ‘glomerulonephritis 8) frequency ) urgency 70. From childhood through late middle age, one of the most common bacteria to infect and inflame the urinary tract and cause urethritis and cystitis is streptococcus 2) staphylococcus ‘Cescherichia colt ) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clostridium botulinum

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