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Wang et al.

Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Official journal of the CIOMP 2047-7538


Modulation of photocarrier relaxation dynamics in

two-dimensional semiconductors
Yuhan Wang1,2, Zhonghui Nie3 and Fengqiu Wang 1,2

Due to strong Coulomb interactions, two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors can support excitons with large binding
energies and complex many-particle states. Their strong light-matter coupling and emerging excitonic phenomena
make them potential candidates for next-generation optoelectronic and valleytronic devices. The relaxation dynamics
of optically excited states are a key ingredient of excitonic physics and directly impact the quantum efficiency and
operating bandwidth of most photonic devices. Here, we summarize recent efforts in probing and modulating the
photocarrier relaxation dynamics in 2D semiconductors. We classify these results according to the relaxation pathways
or mechanisms they are associated with. The approaches discussed include both tailoring sample properties, such as
the defect distribution and band structure, and applying external stimuli such as electric fields and mechanical strain.
Particular emphasis is placed on discussing how the unique features of 2D semiconductors, including enhanced
Coulomb interactions, sensitivity to the surrounding environment, flexible van der Waals (vdW) heterostructure
construction, and non-degenerate valley/spin index of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), manifest
themselves during photocarrier relaxation and how they can be manipulated. The extensive physical mechanisms that
can be used to modulate photocarrier relaxation dynamics are instrumental for understanding and utilizing excitonic

states in 2D semiconductors.

Introduction effects such as moiré potential patterns5. In addition, the

Due to the reduced dielectric screening and enhanced broken inversion symmetry of 2D transition metal
quantum confinement, the Coulomb interaction experi- dichalcogenides (TMDs) renders the electronic “valleys”
enced by carriers in 2D semiconductors is substantially non-degenerate, giving the excitons another “valley”
increased compared to three-dimensional (3D) semi- degree of freedom with direct optical accessibility6,7.
conductors, leading to the formation of tightly bound Typically, excitons are generated by photoexcitation and
excitons and strong many-body effects1,2. As a result, 2D dominate the optical properties of 2D semiconductors.
semiconductors can host a rich set of excitonic species, Thus, probing the dynamics of the optically generated
which exhibit large oscillator strengths and strong light- excited states represents an important aspect of excitonic
matter interactions3,4. Moreover, the flexibility in con- physics in 2D semiconductors. Moreover, because of the
structing van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures further low dimensionality, the excitonic dynamics of 2D semi-
enriches the excitonic physics in 2D semiconductors by conductors can be more susceptible to various external
enabling various interlayer species and introducing exotic stimuli, opening up ways for flexible excited-state lifetime
control. This is beneficial for practical applications, as
excited-state lifetimes are linked to key figures of merit of
Correspondence: Fengqiu Wang ( multiple optoelectronic and photonic devices. For exam-
School of Electronic Science and Engineering and Collaborative Innovation ple, while a short photocarrier lifetime is favorable for the
Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 operating bandwidth of ultrafast optical switches8, an
Key Laboratory of Intelligent Optical Sensing and Manipulation, Ministry of
Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China increase in the radiative lifetime of photocarriers has been
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2020

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Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 2 of 16

found to coincide with the enhancement of the lumines- After that, modulation of the spin/valley polarization
cence quantum yield (QY), which is beneficial for light- dynamics is discussed as an important complement to the
emitting devices9. In the case of photoconductors, the case of 2D TMDs. Finally, we provide a summary and an
photocarrier lifetime can be a knob to balance the outlook on the research directions in the future.
response time and quantum efficiency: shorter lifetimes of
photocarriers can lead to a faster response speed at the Photocarrier relaxation dynamics in 2D
expense of quantum efficiency, as more photocarriers semiconductors
recombine before entering the circuit10. Hence, exploring As the sample thickness is reduced from the bulk to the
deterministic tuning strategies for the dynamic char- atomic level, electrons and holes are tightly bound toge-
acteristics of photocarriers in 2D semiconductors is of ther, forming excitons, due to the greatly enhanced
both fundamental relevance and practical significance. Coulomb interactions compared to the 3D counterparts
To identify robust and deterministic approaches for (Fig. 1a). The resulting binding energies can be as large as
photocarrier lifetime control, experiences from conven- hundreds of millielectronvolts for 2D semiconductors
tional bulk semiconductor research can be considered, with large effective carrier masses such as TMDs1,24. The
including element doping11,12, composition control13, optical and optoelectronic properties of 2D semi-
morphology control of nanostructures14,15, external field conductors are dominated by the excitonic states even at
application16, etc. Taking GaAs, one of the most widely room temperature.
applied conventional semiconductors, for example, mod- The photocarrier dynamics in 2D semiconductors have
ulation of its photocarrier lifetime has been achieved over been actively investigated in recent years, which has been
a large range, from nanoseconds to sub-picoseconds, by covered in a number of reviews21–23. Once optically
means of low-temperature growth17,18 or ion implanta- injected into the samples, the non-equilibrium photo-
tion19,20. Combined with post-growth thermal annealing, carriers typically undergo relaxation processes, including
these methods can effectively tune the photocarrier life- rapid thermalization through carrier-carrier scattering,
times without obviously degrading the crystallinity, mak- cooling to the band edges through interaction with pho-
ing GaAs highly competitive in the application of ultrafast nons, and electron–hole recombination either directly or
optoelectronic and photonic devices. However, due to the via the assistance of defects or phonons (Fig. 1b)22. It is
atomic thickness feature, in many cases, the approaches worth noting that the photocarriers that relax to the band
for bulk samples are difficult to adapt to or become edges tend to form excitons within ~1 ps before they
ineffective for 2D semiconductors. For instance, the dif- recombine, which has been demonstrated both experi-
ficulty in introducing point defects or dopants into the mentally and theoretically25,26. Meanwhile, excitons can
lattice in a controllable manner is significantly enhanced. also be injected directly by optical excitation at the exci-
On the other hand, the unique properties of 2D semi- tonic resonance21,27.
conductors, such as robust excitonic states, sensitivity to In a vdW heterostructure formed by 2D materials,
external environmental factors, and flexibility in con- generally, after interband photoexcitation, the photo-
structing vdW heterostructures, promise modulation carriers in the vdW heterostructure relax the following
strategies different from those for conventional materials. two main steps, as illustrated in Fig. 1c. Within the first
Since there have been a number of review articles on picosecond, the excited carriers transfer across the vdW
the ultrafast photocarrier dynamics in 2D semi- interface and relax to the lowest available energy states in
conductors21–23, in this review, we focus on summarizing the band structure, i.e., the conduction band minimum for
recent efforts in identifying methods to modulate the electrons and valence band maximum for holes28. In a
photocarrier relaxation behavior. We start with a brief MoS2/WS2 heterostructure, interfacial charge transfer has
introduction to the photocarrier relaxation dynamics in been found to occur within ~50 fs29. Moreover, by
2D semiconductors and then devote a section to dis- studying MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures with different
cussing modulation of Coulomb interactions and the angular alignments, Zhu et al.30 revealed that this charge
resulting effects on the transient properties of 2D semi- transfer process is independent of the momentum mis-
conductors. Subsequently, we discuss the factors that can match between the two layers owing to the excess energy
influence photocarrier relaxation in 2D semiconductors of the photocarriers. Due to the strong Coulomb cou-
and corresponding modulation methods, according to the pling, the separated electrons and holes can still form
related relaxation pathways or mechanisms. The tailoring excitons across the vdW interface, called interlayer exci-
approaches discussed include both those arising from the tons. On longer timescales, the relaxation dynamics are
experience with bulk semiconductors, such as doping and dominated by the recombination of interlayer excitons28.
applying external fields, and those utilizing the unique Interfacial recombination can occur via two possible
properties of 2D materials, such as modulating the sur- mechanisms or their combination: Shockley–Read–Hall
rounding environment and constructing heterostructures. (SRH) recombination and Langevin recombination31.
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 3 of 16

a Bulk (3D)


3D exciton

Monolayer Valence
ε0 (2D) band

k N(E)
2D exciton Excitation Thermalization Cooling Exciton formation Recombination

c d
–3 –K K
MoS2 WSe2

Energy (eV)


–7 MoS2 WS2

Fig. 1 Photocarrier relaxation dynamics in 2D semiconductors. a Real-space representation of electrons and holes bound into excitons for a 3D
bulk and a quasi-2D monolayer. b Evolution of photocarriers after instantaneous interband excitation. c (Left) Schematic of the type-II band
alignment of a MoS2/WS2 heterostructure and the charge transfer process. (Right) Band profile of a MoS2/WSe2 heterostructure illustrating the
mechanisms of interfacial recombination: the Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) mechanism (red dashed arrow) and the Langevin mechanism (blue arrow). d
Valley-contrasting optical selection rules in a 2D hexagonal lattice with broken inversion symmetry. Figure reproduced with permission from a ref. 24,
© 2014 American Physical Society; b ref. 22, © 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., KGaA, Weinheim; c ref. 29, © 2014 Springer Nature and ref. 31, ©
2014 Springer Nature; d ref. 34, © 2014 Springer Nature

SRH recombination is a monomolecular process mediated Coulomb interactions in 2D semiconductors

by tunneling of majority carriers to trap states, and Lan- The enhanced Coulomb interactions in 2D semi-
gevin recombination is a bimolecular process dominated conductors can be modulated by introducing additional
by the Coulomb interaction, whose rate increases with the screening from the external dielectric environment or
carrier mobility32,33. injected charge carriers, leading to a modification of
In addition, as a unique property of monolayer TMDs, quasiparticle bandgaps (bandgap renormalization) and a
charge carriers can carry another degree of freedom— decrease in the exciton binding energy39,40. These two
valley polarization. Because of the broken inversion effects partially cancel each other out and give rise to a
symmetry of monolayer TMDs, the valleys of energy- comparatively small shift of the excitonic resonance, and
momentum dispersion at the corner of the hexagonal the actual shift of the resulting optical bandgap may vary
Brillouin zone, labeled +K and −K valleys, are no longer for different materials and conditions41.
equivalent (Fig. 1d). The interband transitions at +K/−K
valleys are coupled to photons with σ þ =σ  (right/left) Screening induced by the dielectric environment
circular helicity, allowing for optical creation, manipula- Research efforts have been made to alter the dielectric
tion, and detection of the valley index34. Moreover, due to environment of 2D semiconductors by encapsulating 2D
the strong spin-orbit coupling of charge carriers at the semiconductors with boron nitride (hBN)42,43 or using
band-edge, the spin index is locked with the valley index solvents44,45 or substrates with different dielectric con-
and thus can be accessed by helicity-resolved optical stants46–48. Fig. 2b illustrates a strategy to modulate the
approaches. For recent advances in valley-contrasting local dielectric environment of 2D materials. By capping
physics and applications, readers are referred to refs. 34–38. 2D samples (monolayer WS2 and WSe2) using graphene
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 4 of 16

a b Bandgap: Exciton states:

w/o Extra screening w Extra screening From EB = 212 n=1
2.4 From EB = 9/812 n=2
1 2 QEH calc.

ΔEg 2.3

Energy (eV)
h e h e Eb + – + –
ΔEopt E
Eg ΔEb b
Eg Egap 2.2
Eopt Eopt

Increasing dielectric or carrier screening 2.1

0 1 2 3
Number of graphene layer on WS2

c d Exciton peak (n = 1) Binding energy (n = 1) Bandgap

WS2/hBN WS2/SiO2
n0 (10 cm–2)
100 : 0.026 100
Normalized PL intensity

Normalized PL intensity

: 0.26
: 2.6 20 (meV)
: IRF +20

n0 (1012 cm–2) y (μm)

10–1 10–1 10
: 0.026 0
: 0.26
: 2.6
0 –20
0 100 200 0 200 400
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 N/A
Time (ps) Time (ps)
x (μm)

Fig. 2 Dielectric screening of Coulomb interactions. a (Left) Illustration of increased screening of Coulomb interactions in 2D semiconductors.
(Right) Schematic illustration showing the impact of increased screening of Coulomb interactions on the electronic bandgap (Eg), exciton binding
energy (Eb), and optical bandgap (Eopt) of 2D semiconductors. b (Left) Schematic illustration of a semiconducting 2D TMD material partially covered
with an ultrathin dielectric layer. (Right) Absolute energies of experimentally measured excitonic states and estimated positions of the bandgap as
functions of the number of layers of capping graphene. c Normalized exciton PL decay signals for (left) WS2/hBN and (right) WS2/SiO2 at different
initial exciton densities. d (From left to right) Fluctuations of the n = 1 exciton peak position, fluctuations of the n = 1 exciton binding energy, and
correlated fluctuations of the free-particle bandgap of an hBN-encapsulated WS2 sample exhibiting spatial variations. Figure reproduced with
permission from b ref. 49, © 2017 Springer Nature; c ref. 43, © 2017 American Physical Society; d ref. 51, © 2019 Springer Nature

and hBN with different thicknesses, tuning of the elec- been reduced by ~20 times (Fig. 2c)43. However,
tronic bandgap and exciton binding energy by as much as approaches to alter the dielectric environment also induce
several hundred millielectronvolts has been achieved49. other effects at the same time, such as modification of
The energy modification realized by this strategy is large interfacial defect states42 and phononic environments47,
enough to drive the directional in-plane motion of exci- and close examination is needed to determine the domi-
tons. In the study by Hao et al., a lateral heterostructure nant mechanism underlying the induced modulation of
was formed by covering part of monolayer MoSe2 with photocarrier dynamics.
hBN. The energy offset caused by the difference in the Moreover, it has recently been discovered that the
local dielectric screening was large enough to drive the random fluctuation of the external dielectric environment
transport of excitons across the lateral junction, resulting can act as a source of disorder, leading to the spatial
in an initial transport speed of ~10 nm/ps50. variation of the modification of the local bandgap and
Modification of different photocarrier relaxation pro- exciton binding energy by tens of millielectronvolts (Fig.
cesses induced by such approaches has also been 2d). The dielectric homogeneity can be improved by hBN
observed, including exciton formation42, exciton–exciton encapsulation, as confirmed by the observed narrowing of
annihilation (EEA)43,46,47, and recombination42,47. It has the linewidth of excitonic states and efficient exciton
been reported that as the substrate dielectric constant transport51. These findings further strengthen the impact
increases from 1.45 (quartz) to 2.5 (SrTiO3), the EEA rate of Coulomb interactions on the optical and transport
of MoS2 decreases by 2 orders of magnitude, from 0.8 properties of excitons and the necessity to obtain better
cm2/s for quartz to 0.005 cm2/s for SrTiO3. This mod- control of them.
ulation has been attributed to a change in the energy
distribution of defect states induced by the screening from Screening induced by charge carriers
substrates with different permittivities, affecting the Coulomb interactions can be appreciably screened by
interaction between the defect-trapped excitons and the presence of high-density charge carriers. Modification
mobile excitons in a defect-assisted Auger-like process46. of the quasiparticle electronic bandgap and exciton
Similarly, hBN encapsulation has also been reported to binding energy can be observed when the carrier density
suppress the EEA process, where the EEA rate of WS2 has reaches ~1012/cm2 through electrostatic doping or optical
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 5 of 16

excitation40,52,53. Recently, it was measured by scanning population inversion (Fig. 3c)39,58. These modifications
tunneling spectroscopy that continuous, wide range are all reversible. As the photocarrier population decays
(~200 meV) tuning of the electronic bandgap and exciton with time, the excitonic feature starts to be restored after
binding energy could be achieved in a ReSe2 monolayer a few picoseconds, and the initial optical response can be
placed on a back-gated graphene device, which was fully recovered in hundreds of picoseconds39. In a sub-
attributed to the tuning of Coulomb interactions by gate- sequent study on the MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure, the
controlled free carriers in graphene54. A decreased exci- relaxation and diffusion processes of the photogenerated
ton binding energy could result in a reduction of the high-density interlayer excitons/plasma were investigated
exciton oscillator strength. This effect has been observed by time and spatially resolved PL. As revealed by the
in a WS2 field-effect transistor (FET) embedded in a extracted diffusivity of the photocarriers, the electrons
microcavity, where 6–7 times tuning of the exciton and holes of the plasma condense to form interlayer
oscillator strength was realized by varying the electrostatic excitons and eventually become localized by the moiré
doping level, manifesting as changes in PL and reflection potential as the density of photocarriers decreases during
intensities55. the relaxation59.
Under such a density of injected charge carriers, the
transient optical responses of 2D semiconductors would Modulation of different photocarrier relaxation
also be modified. In the study by Cunningham et al., it was pathways
discovered that the bandgap renormalization induced by Initial distribution of photocarriers in electronic band
photocarriers at an excitation intensity of (2–3) × 1012/cm2 structures
could lead to an appreciable reduction of the electronic When photocarriers are generated in 2D semi-
bandgap and exciton binding energy, manifesting as conductors, their initial states of occupancy in the elec-
bleaching of excitonic features and redshifted absorption tronic conduction band can strongly affect their decay
sidebands at all excitonic resonances regardless of the processes by enabling available relaxation pathways in the
excitation photon energy (Fig. 3a)56. In a similar study on energy and momentum space.
WS2, the exciton binding energy was tuned from 320 to For example, in an ultrafast study on the transient
220 meV as the absorbed fluence varied from 3 × 1011 to intraband response of non-resonantly photoexcited WSe2,
1.2 × 1012 cm2 27. Moreover, in a later study on monolayer it was found that while the majority of injected free
WS2, the modification of the transient absorption spectra photocarriers form excitons on a sub-picosecond time-
induced by high-density excitation (∼1013 photons/cm2 per scale, ~30% of them are still in the electron–hole plasma
pulse) included a transition from an asymmetric to sym- condition after several picoseconds60. These long-lived
metric profile and a blueshift of the zero differential non-equilibrium electron–hole systems require further
reflectance position (Fig. 3b). It has been proposed that investigation, not only of the relaxation dynamics perti-
while exciton–exciton interaction leads to a blueshift of the nent to free carriers but also of their influence on the
excitonic resonance, a redshift can be induced by the free relaxation of other excitonic states.
carriers due to the bandgap renormalization. As the lifetime Another example is the relaxation dynamics of higher
of excitons (several ps) is much shorter than that of free lying states, such as the C excitons in 2D TMDs. For
carriers (several tens of ps), the transient optical response is monolayer TMDs, the strong light absorptance has con-
dominated by free carriers on the longer timescale57. tributions from the band nesting region at the parallel
As the density of injected carriers further increases to bands midway between the Λ and Γ points, i.e., C excitons
1013–1014/cm2, 2D semiconductors undergo a so-called (Fig. 4a)61. It is expected that the parallel band structure in
Mott transition from the semiconducting to the metallic this region would promote simultaneous separation of
state. A threshold carrier density of several 1013 cm2 for electrons and holes and their ultrafast relaxation to
complete ionization (Mott transition) was estimated by immediate band extrema (Λ valley and Γ hills) with
extrapolating the variation in the exciton binding energy opposite momentum in k-space, thus suppressing the
determined from reflectance contrast spectra in a study direct radiative recombination (illustrated in Fig. 4b)62.
on electrostatic doping of WS240. The signatures of the Such relaxation pathways have also been employed to
Mott transition in transient optical responses have been interpret the biexponential decay dynamics of C excitons
reported in monolayer TMDs39 and in TMD hetero- showing a fast component on the order of several pico-
structures where electrons and holes are confined in dif- seconds and a slow component on the order of tens of
ferent TMD layers after the transition58. The features of picoseconds in a study where monolayer MoS2 was
excitonic resonance disappear, and a broad range of excited by a non-resonant 400 nm pump pulse (Fig. 4c). It
absorption emerges below the renormalized bandgap is proposed that the relaxation of C excitons is limited by
along with an optical gain just above the bandgap due to the intervalley scattering of carriers from the Λ valley/Γ
the presence of an electron–hole plasma and induced hills to K valley/hills, and the observed two relaxation
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 6 of 16

ΔA [%]
a b
–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4


dR/R (×10–3)
Energy [eV]

2.4 Delay =
–2 1 ps
5 ps
2.8 10 ps
–4 50 ps

3.2 1.71 1.73 1.75 1.77

0 20 40 60 80 100
Laser energy (eV)
Time [ps]


Δt (ps)
Reflectance contrast, RC


Reflectance contrast, RC (offset) –0.3
0.6 1.6 1.7 0
E (eV)
Without pump 1
0.2 With pump 2


1.6 1.8 2.0 1.6 1.8 2.0
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)

Fig. 3 Screening of Coulomb interactions by charge carriers. a Transient absorption map of monolayer MoS2 as a function of probe photon
energy and pump-probe delay after photoexcitation at 3.10 eV. b dR/R spectra of a WSe2 monolayer. c Photoinduced optical response of WS2
bilayers. (Left top) Reflectance contrast spectra without pump excitation (RC,0) and 0.4 ps after excitation (RC) by a pump pulse with an applied fluence
of 840 μJ/cm2. (Left bottom) Corresponding differential reflectance contrast spectra ΔRC = RC – RC,0. (Right) Reflectance contrast spectra at different
time delays after excitation. Figure reproduced with permission from a ref. 56, © 2016 American Chemical Society; b ref. 57, © 2014 IOP Publishing; c
ref. 39, © 2015, Springer Nature

components represent two phonon-assisted scattering Under both 400 nm and band-edge excitation, the
processes with different rates63. relaxation of C excitons demonstrated similar dynamics
In addition, it has been found that the relaxation with an average lifetime of ~350 ps61. The longer lifetime
dynamics of C excitons are also affected by the complex of C excitons in this study compared with that in the
Coulomb environment. In the study by Wang et al., C study of Fig. 4c might be due to the lower density of
excitons demonstrated slower relaxation processes than defects in the sample. With a high density of defects, the
band-edge excitons, especially during the first tens of band-edge excitons can be captured on a sub-picosecond
picoseconds, as shown in Fig. 4d. The unexpected ultra- timescale, making it difficult to induce the excited-state
long relaxation component of C excitons was attributed to Coulomb environment. While the mechanisms behind the
the transient and complex excited-state Coulomb envir- slow cooling of C excitons may need to be further eluci-
onment induced by the occupied band-edge states. To dated, the slowing down of the cooling process is bene-
prove this, the sample was excited at band-edge states and ficial to the extraction of hot carriers. An extraction
probed at the C exciton resonance, where C excitons were efficiency as high as 80% has been achieved in a mono-
still observed due to an efficient up-conversion process. layer MoS2/graphene heterostructure for C excitons61.
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 7 of 16

a b Monolayer
Eb kiv
Eg K/K

i i
kr knr
d d
kr knr


c d
1.0 1.5
C exciton A exciton
Fitting curve B exciton

–ΔO.D. Normalized (a.u.)

1 = 1.4±0.2 ps C exciton
–ΔO.D. (a.u.)

1.0 Global fitting

2 = 13.5±1 ps


0 30 60 90 0 1 2 3 10 100 1000
Time (ps) Delay time (ps)

Fig. 4 Effects of the initial distribution of photocarriers in the electronic band structure. a Electronic band structure of monolayer TMDs
obtained by DFT calculation. The green area shows the band nesting region. b Relaxation pathways of photocarriers in monolayer TMDs, where the
excitation is from the ground state (GS) to the band nesting (BN) region. c Decay dynamics of the C exciton states of monolayer MoS2 on a sapphire
substrate after 400 nm excitation (pump density: 1.3 µJ/cm2, initial exciton density: 0.33 × 1012/cm2). d Normalized decay dynamics of the A, B, and C
exciton states of monolayer MoS2 on a SiO2/Si substrate after 400 nm excitation (pump density: 5 µJ/cm2, initial exciton density: 1.28 × 1012/cm2).
Figure reproduced with permission from a, d ref. 61, © 2017, Springer Nature; b ref. 62, © 2014, Springer Nature; c ref. 63, © 2019 WILEY‐VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co., KGaA, Weinheim

Defect-assisted relaxation case in which lattice defects act by trapping carriers, the
Scattering by defects represents an important pathway transient reflection spectra are typically characterized by a
through which the non-equilibrium photocarriers lose fast switch from negative to positive67. Further investi-
their excess energy. In semiconductors, the mid-gap gation showed that when oxygen atoms acquire metal
defect states can act as recombination centers or carrier vacancies upon air exposure, the resulting defects belong
traps during photocarrier relaxation, depending on the to this type68.
difference between the capture rates of electrons and Considerable efforts have been devoted to defect engi-
holes by the defects64. Wang et al. proposed a defect- neering in 2D semiconductors. Irradiation by different
assisted recombination model describing photocarrier particle sources, such as electrons69, Ar+ plasma68, and
relaxation in monolayer MoS2, as illustrated in Fig. 5a. Ga ions70, has been proven effective in creating vacancies
According to this model, the electrons and holes are in 2D TMD lattices, and it has been found that such
captured by the defect states via Auger-type processes, irradiation favors chalcogen vacancy production due to
and the two relaxation processes with timescales of ~2 the larger cross-section (lower atomic mass) of selenium
and ~100 ps have been attributed to defect states located and sulfur compared to transition metals71. By using
at different depths within the bandgap65. Furthermore, electron-beam irradiation, Moody et al.69 demonstrated
investigation of MoS2 with different numbers of layers that Se vacancies could be selectively induced in WSe2
revealed an increase in the photocarrier lifetime from monolayers, giving rise to a greatly prolonged exciton
~50 ps to ~1 ns as the layer number increased from 1 to radiative lifetime of ~200 ns and a valley polarization
10 (Fig. 5b). Such a modulation effect has been ascribed to lifetime of ~1 µs. However, it is important to control the
the difference in the defect densities of surface and inner species of generated defects, which is rather technically
layers in that layers with higher defect densities would challenging. While many species of defects can accelerate
have a faster defect-assisted recombination rate66. For the the relaxation process of photocarriers, certain kinds of
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 8 of 16

a b Thickness dependent carrier lifetime c

Excitation. Fast Slow
thermalization, carrier capture: carrier capture:
10 L
and relaxation: 1~2 ps >100 ps 1

Normalized |ΔT/T| (a.u.)

1 0.5%

ΔR/R (Normalized)
≤500 fs 9L
6L ε = 0%
e– e–
0.1 5L

Pump 4L
2.74 eV Fast Slow Fast Slow Fast Slow
+ 3L
h 0.01 0.1
h+ 1L 2L

l ll lll T = 300 K
0 2 4 6 8
Time 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time delay (ps)
Probe delay (ps)

WS2 h-BN/WS2 10–2 h-BN/WS2 /h-BN


2 = 24 ps 2 = 48 ps 2 = 86 ps


10 –3
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Probe delay (ps) Probe delay (ps) Probe delay (ps)

Fig. 5 Defect-assisted photocarrier relaxation. a Illustration of the ultrafast carrier dynamics in MoS2 mediated by defect-assisted Auger
recombination with two different deep mid-gap defect levels. b Differential transmission transients (ΔT/T) of MoS2 with different numbers of layers. c
Strain-dependent transient absorption spectra of a MoS2 monolayer. d Differential reflection signal measured from WS2, hBN/WS2, and hBN/WS2/hBN
regions over long-time ranges. Figure reproduced with permission from a ref. 65, © 2015, American Chemical Society; b ref. 66, © 2015 American
Chemical Society; c ref. 75, © 2020 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd; d ref. 42, © 2019 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

defects may work differently and inhibit the relaxation remains limited, probably hindered by the difficulty in
process. A first-principle calculation on monolayer WSe2 doping atomically thin samples. In a recent study on Re-
revealed that Se vacancies could help suppress the pho- doped MoS2, it was shown that the exciton lifetime was
non (mainly A1g mode)-assisted recombination by reduced by ~20 times (from ~22 ps to ~1 ps) at a low
breaking the lattice symmetry and reducing the intensity doping level of 0.6%, which was attributed to the efficient
of the A1g mode, giving rise to an increase in the Auger recombination assisted by Re dopants74.
recombination time constant from ~400 ps to ~3.1 ns72. On the other hand, robust approaches to suppress the
Due to the difficulty in controlling not only the amount effects of defect states are also essential for effective con-
but also the species of point defects, it remains challen- trol of photocarrier dynamics. Recently, it was reported
ging to use particle irradiation as a practical method for that the defect trapping time in monolayer MoS2 is
tuning photocarrier dynamics. increased from 3 to 8 ps at 0.6% strain (Fig. 5c). This
In addition to bombarding samples to generate intrinsic modification corresponds to an increase of 440% per
defects, introducing extrinsic defects by element doping is percent strain, whose mechanism needs to be further
another approach that could be adapted from the investigated75. In a recent study by Fu et al., hBN encap-
experience with bulk semiconductors. The advantage of sulation was also reported to suppress the participation of
this approach is the potential to achieve better crystal- defect states at the surface and interface in the photo-
linity of the samples. As an example, for Cd3As2 films, carrier relaxation process. By exploiting this strategy, the
which have been widely studied as 3D topological Dirac non-radiative recombination lifetime of monolayer WS2
semimetals, a long-lived relaxation component ranging has been increased from ~24 ps for bare WS2 to ~48 ps for
from 200 ps to 2.8 ns was recently observed in Mn-doped hBN/WS2 and ~86 ps to hBN/WS2/hBN (Fig. 5d)42.
samples, which was attributed to the relaxation of pho-
tocarriers from the impurity band to the valence band73. Phonon-assisted relaxation
However, the research on element doping of 2D systems The participation of phonons has an essential role
and the resulting impact on photocarrier dynamics throughout the relaxation process of photocarriers by
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 9 of 16

taking a significant percentage of released energy and the coupling strength and number of participating pho-
fulfilling the requirement of momentum conservation. For nons lead to differences in the non-radiative recombina-
2D materials, the role that phonons play could be more tion dynamics47.
significant. On the one hand, the coupling between charge In the same study by Fu et al., it was found that the
carriers and phonons can be enhanced due to the sup- dynamics of exciton formation also varied under different
pressed dielectric screening; on the other hand, the high conditions of hBN encapsulation. The formation time was
surface-to-volume ratio makes 2D materials more sus- shortened from 1.35 to 0.69 ps from the hBN/WS2
ceptible to the external phononic environment. arrangement to the hBN/WS2/hBN arrangement. Such
For polar semiconductors, the Fröhlich facilitation of exciton formation has been attributed to the
electron–LO–phonon interaction mediated by Coulomb introduction of interfacial phonon modes by the capping
interactions is much less screened as the thickness of the hBN layer. Meanwhile, the hBN inserted under the WS2
sample is reduced from the bulk to the atomic level. As a layer slowed down the exciton formation (from 0.89 to
consequence, the relaxation of hot carriers to the band edges 1.35 ps) by suppressing the charge transfer and doping
is more efficient in 2D semiconductors than in bulk semi- effect from the substrate. In addition, the extracted dif-
conductors, despite the reduced number of phonons and fusion coefficient of the excitons was reduced by
density of states with the reduction of thickness. Such phe- approximately four times from the bare WS2 monolayer
nomena have been observed in the relaxation of photo- to the fully encapsulated monolayer due to the scattering
carriers in 2D halide perovskite nanoplatelets. As shown in by additional phonons introduced by hBN42. In a few
Fig. 6a, the time constant of hot carrier cooling in methy- studies on graphene, it has been found that the photo-
lammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) nanoplatelets was reduced carrier lifetimes of CVD-grown graphene transferred to
from 1.7 ps to 240 fs as the thickness was reduced from ~15 hBN are shorter than those of graphene transferred to
to ~2 nm. In addition to the enhanced electron–phonon SiO281, and photocarriers in graphene epitaxially grown
interaction, the more efficient heat transfer to the environ- on SiC substrates relax faster than those in graphene
ment due to the high surface-to-volume ratio also con- transferred to SiC substrates82,83. These discrepancies
tributes to the accelerated relaxation76. The have been attributed to the difference in the coupling
electron–phonon coupling can also be modulated by mod- between photocarriers in the graphene layers and pho-
ifying the sample lattice. In a recent study, a shortening of the nons in the substrates. The shorter distances between
photocarrier relaxation time by an order of magnitude was graphene and the substrates due to smoother hBN and
achieved for Cd3As2 films with 2% Cr doping. The theoretical direct synthesis enable more efficient coupling, leading to
simulation found that the tuning was due to the opening of faster relaxation of non-equilibrium photocarriers.
the bandgap produced by doping-induced changes in the
lattice symmetry, which activated an additional phonon Photocarrier recombination in vdW heterostructures
scattering channel for relaxation77. In vdW heterostructures, the electrons and holes are
Moreover, owing to the atomic thickness, phonons from confined in different layers and bound as interlayer exci-
the surrounding environment can interact with photo- tons after charge transfer, allowing manipulation of the
carriers in the 2D samples directly. The efficient interlayer separation between them. When the electron–hole
coupling between excitons in 2D semiconductors and separation of the excitons is altered, the changes in the
phonons in the environment has also been revealed by overlap between electron and hole wave functions result
various optical and electrical measurements78–80. It has in a change in the exciton oscillator strength, thus
been observed that the excitons of monolayer WSe2 affecting the recombination rate. In a study on a MoSe2/
samples interact strongly with phonons in surrounding WSe2 heterostructure, when an out-of-plane electric field
hBN layers or dielectric substrates (SiO2, Al2O3)79,80. As was applied across the heterostructure antiparallel to the
shown in Fig. 6b79 and c80, the coupling manifests as interlayer exciton dipole moment, the radiative recombi-
pronounced resonance features in the PL spectra of WSe2 nation lifetime of the interlayer exciton was increased
excitons or in the Raman spectra of environmental pho- (Fig. 7a). As the electric field pulls the electrons and holes
nons when the energy difference between excitation and of the interlayer excitons apart, the probabilities that they
emission matches the energy of phonons. appear at the same positions and recombine are
Recently, by placing MoSe2 monolayers on three kinds reduced84.
of dielectric layers (SiO2, Al2O3, and HfO2), wide-range By carefully designing the layered structure and the
tuning of the non-radiative recombination lifetime of resulting band alignment, wide-range tuning (mostly
excitons was achieved, from 160 ± 10 ps for MoSe2/SiO2 elongation) of photocarrier lifetimes can be achieved. In a
to 20 ± 4 ps for MoSe2/HfO2 (Fig. 6d). The mechanism study on TMD heterostructures, WSe2, MoSe2, WS2, and
underlying this modulation has been identified as the MoS2 monolayers were stacked vertically one by one to
interfacial electron–phonon coupling, where variations in form heterostructures. With this design, the
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 10 of 16

a E b
WSe2/SiO2 hBN/WSe2/SiO2 hBN/WSe2/hBN/SiO2

f(E)hot 1500 3D X–

Excess energy (meV)



200 X 0

TC (K)


0 62
0 1 2 3 50
Time delay (ps)
1.72 1.74 1.76 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.7 1.72 1.74
Emission energy (eV) Emission energy (eV) Emission energy (eV)

c Mode ll Mode l
1,500 SiO2

M (Mo, W) Al2O2
Excitation energy (eV)

MX2 X (S, Se) HfO2

Normalized ΔR

0.1 160 ± 10 ps

Oxide substrates
73 ± 7 ps
20 ± 4 ps
1.69 1.73 1.77 0 200 400 600
Delay time (ps)
Emission energy (eV)

Fig. 6 Phonon-assisted photocarrier relaxation. a Photoexcited charge carrier cooling in methylammonium lead iodide (MAPI) nanoplatelets
(NPls). (Left) Scheme of the thermalization and relaxation of photoexcited electrons and holes in the one-particle picture. (Right) Transients of the
calculated carrier temperature Tc (cooling curves) for quasi-3D and 2D samples. b (From left to right) PLE intensity plots of WSe2/SiO2, hBN/WSe2/SiO2,
and hBN/WSe2/hBN/SiO2 samples at 5 K. c Raman excitation spectrum of the WSe2/hBN heterostructure at 77 K. d Ultrafast photocarrier dynamics of
monolayer MoSe2 on different oxide substrates. (Left) Illustration of interfacial electron–phonon (e–ph) coupling. (Right) Photocarrier dynamics of
monolayer MoSe2 on different substrates. Figure reproduced with permission from a ref. 76, © 2018 American Chemical Society; b ref. 79, © 2017
American Chemical Society; c ref. 80, © 2016, Springer Nature; d ref. 47, © 2019 Springer Nature

photogenerated electrons and holes reside at the top and timescale (~0.9 ps). In this way, the lifetime of carriers in
bottom TMD monolayers after charge transfer. It was graphene is enhanced by two orders of magnitude86.
shown that from the WSe2 monolayer to the WSe2/ On the other hand, when electrons and holes are less
MoSe2/WS2/MoS2 four-layer heterostructure, both the tightly bound, the motion of carriers in real space can also
initial charge transfer and the subsequent relaxation of result in the modification of their relaxation dynamics. In
transferred electrons are slowed down. The lifetime of a recent study employing black phosphorus (BP), which
photoexcited electrons was increased from ~100 ps to has a small exciton binding energy (<40 meV), to form a
several nanoseconds85. In another example, this approach type-II heterostructure with MoS2, separated photo-
was employed to enhance the photocarrier lifetime in excited electrons and holes existed as (quasi)free charge
graphene, which has been challenging, limiting the carriers across the vdW interface. As shown in Fig. 7c,
application of graphene in many optoelectronic devices. these separated photocarriers demonstrate an unusually
Band alignment in vdW heterostructures is designed to short lifetime (~5–6 ps), much shorter than those for
make the photocarriers generated in TMD layers transfer individual BP or MoS2 layers. It has been demonstrated
to and reside in a graphene layer and recombine with the that the recombination dynamics can be well described by
opposite type of charge carrier left in the TMD layer. In a Langevin recombination model, which is mediated by
the case of n-type doping shown in Fig. 7b, electrons the Coulomb interactions between electrons and holes
generated in the MoSe2 layer transfer to the graphene across the interface. The higher mobility and larger den-
layer and demonstrate ultraslow recombination (~420 ps) sity of photocarriers in BP increase the chance that the
with holes residing in MoSe2. In contrast, photocarriers electrons and holes meet within the Coulomb capture
generated in graphene recombine on an ultrashort radius and recombine with each other87.
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 11 of 16

a Ehs (V/nm) c
–0.1 0 0.1
600 BP/MoS2
0.06 MoS2
Transfer BP
e– e–
 = 5±0.2 ps

ΔR/R (%)

e– –
e 0.04
Vtg Optical 1050 nm
pump probe Pump = 800 nm
Ehs WSe2 + h + 620 nm Probe = 620 nm
h probe
h-BN h+ 0.02
–20 0 20 0.00
–5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Vtg = –Vbg (V)
Delay time (ps)

b Vacuum
Gr MoS2 MoSe2 100
–3 Gr-MoS2-MoSe2: 420 ps 100
Gr-MoS2-MoSe2: 500 ps

Gr-MoS2: 0.9 ps
ΔR/R0 (Normalized)

ΔR/R0 (Normalized)
MoS2-MoSe2: 334 ps
Energy (eV)

–4 10–1
0.7 ps 10–1
ΔR/R0 (Normalized)


ΔR/R0 (Normalized)
–5 10–2
–6 0 1 2
Probe delay (ps)
0 1 2 3
–3 Probe delay (ps)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400
Probe delay (ps) Probe delay (ps)

Fig. 7 Photocarrier relaxation in vdW heterostructures. a Interlayer exciton (radiative) lifetime of a MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure as a function of
the electric field applied across the heterostructure. The inset shows a schematic of the heterostructure cross-section. b (Left) Band alignment of the
graphene/MoS2/MoSe2 trilayer sample. (Middle) Electron transfer from MoSe2 to graphene and its lifetime in the trilayer. (Right) Hole dynamics in the
trilayer. c (Left) Schematic illustrating the transient processes occurring in a BP/MoS2 heterostructure under different pump-probe conditions. (Right)
Transient reflectivity signals of the BP/MoS2 heterostructure and MoS2 when pumped at 800 nm and probed at 620 nm, comparing the lifetimes of
electrons. Figure reproduced with permission from a ref. 84, © 2019 AAAS; b ref. 86, © 2019 Royal Society of Chemistry; c ref. 87, © 2018 IOP Publishing

Transition among different quasiparticles shown in Fig. 8a, by tuning the electrical bias, a near-
In addition to neutral excitons, in real samples and unity QY and a two-order-of-magnitude increase in the
devices, it is inevitable that other types of quasiparticles, exciton radiative lifetime were achieved. A phenom-
such as trions and biexcitons, as well as free carriers, enological model was developed to interpret the tuning
coexist and undergo transitions among each other, which mechanism, in which dynamic interactions between
further complicates the relaxation dynamics of non- excitons, trions, and free carriers, and their respective
equilibrium photocarriers. For example, combining with recombination processes, including both radiative and
free carriers to form trions represents an important non- non-radiative ones, were taken into account. By fitting
radiative decay channel of neutral excitons, which reduces the measured data to this model, it was found that at a
the radiative lifetime of neutral excitons and limits the relatively low photogeneration rate, the non-radiative
QY88. Therefore, when the ratios between different qua- recombination of trions was much more efficient than
siparticles in samples are altered by means of doping of the radiative recombination of both neutral excitons
free carriers, the relative portions of different relaxation and trions89. In the chemical doping case, exfoliated
pathways, and thus the transient optical responses of the monolayer MoS2 samples were immersed in a non-
whole sample, can be modified. oxidizing organic superacid, a bis (trifluoromethane)
Tuning the background free carrier density is an sulfonimide (TFSI) solution, and a hundred-fold
effective approach to modulate these transitions, which enhancement in the PL intensity was achieved, which
can be done by electrostatic89,90 or chemical doping9 or was attributed to hole doping through surface charge
the combination of both to achieve a broader con- transfer9. The radiative lifetime of excitons has been
trollable regime 91. In the work by Lien et al., effective increased by over two orders of magnitude by TFSI
suppression of non-radiative recombination in MoS2 treatment, even larger than what has been achieved by
was achieved using an electrostatic doping strategy. As a negative gate bias of −20 V89.
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 12 of 16

a b
Ehs Etop
1020 Ebot
Pump PL 11 mV/nm

Generation rate (cm–2s–1)

4 mV/nm
Vg 1019
PL QY (%) Vbg Vtg
1018 p2D (×1012 cm–2) n2D (×1012 cm–2)
Monolayer MoS2 10
Au (Source) 1 –2 0 0 2 4 6
0.1 0 1
PMMA 0.01
SiO2 1.4 PL intensity (a.u.)
p++Si (Gate) 1015

Energy (eV)
–20 –10 0 10 20 MoSe2 MoSe2
WSe2 WSe2
Vg (V)

Optical generation G At low fluence (1 nJ cm )
1 1.3
Normalized PL intensity

Exciton ±Trion 600

g =–





Bi- adia








0 5 10 15
–20 0 20
Time (ns)
Vbg (V) Vtg (V)

Fig. 8 Transitions among different quasiparticles. a Near-unity photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield in MoS2 through electrostatic doping
compensation. (Top left) Schematic showing control of different quasiparticles by back-gate voltage Vg and photocarrier generation rate G. (Top
right) MoS2 PL QY versus G and Vg. (Bottom left) Proposed exciton and trion recombination pathways in TMD materials. (Bottom right) Time-resolved
PL of TFSI-treated MoS2 (purple) and a MoS2 device under Vg = 0 V (black) and Vg = –20 V (red) at a pump fluence of 1 nJ/cm2. b Carrier density
control of interlayer excitons in a MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure. (Top) The calculated electric field across the heterostructure Ehs versus the top and
bottom gate voltages (Vtg and Vbg). The top cartoons represent the heterostructure for different applied gate voltages. (Middle) Single-gate
dependence (Vtg or Vbg) of the PL showing the formation of charged interlayer excitons with varying carrier density obtained from the gate operation
scheme in the top panel. (Bottom) Neutral and charged interlayer exciton lifetime τ versus carrier density. Figure reproduced with permission from a
ref. 89., © 2019 AAAS; b ref. 84, © 2019 AAAS

In a work on a MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure, by con- for neutral excitons in monolayer TMDs, it is rather
trolling the gate voltage applied to each TMD layer, the challenging to maintain a long lifetime of valley/spin
electrostatic doping conditions in these two layers could polarization due to the strong electron–hole exchange
be tuned independently. As shown in Fig. 8b, emission of interaction. Hence, efforts to prolong the lifetime of car-
interlayer trions is observed when the doping concentra- riers’ valley/spin polarization mainly involve reducing the
tion in either layer is above a certain threshold, and the Coulomb electron–hole exchange interaction and, more
radiative lifetime is decreased with increasing doping importantly, exploring carrier species with non-zero
concentration in each layer84. momentum/spin.
In addition to radiative recombination, it has recently Due to valley/spin conservation during the ultrafast
been found that the non-radiative recombination interlayer charge transfer process97, interlayer excitons in
dynamics of neutral and charged excitons can also exhibit vdW heterostructures are also able to store valley/spin
discrepant features, as shown in a back-gated WS2 polarization. Rivera et al. investigated the valley polar-
monolayer92. ization dynamics of bright interlayer excitons in a MoSe2/
WSe2 heterostructure by circular polarization-resolved
Valley/spin polarization dynamics of PL. As illustrated in Fig. 9a, with close lattice constants
photocarriers in 2D TMDs and a small interlayer twist angle between the two TMD
To be exploited as an alternative to charges for infor- layers, the valleys in their Brillouin zone are nearly
mation storage and processing, the valley/spin polariza- aligned. Excitation by σ+ light generates photocarriers in
tion of carriers in monolayer TMDs needs to have a the +K valleys of the MoSe2 and WSe2 layers, which can
sufficiently long lifetime. However, it has been demon- form interlayer excitons in the +K valleys after ultrafast
strated both experimentally93,94 and theoretically95,96 that charge transfer and can recombine to emit photons with
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 13 of 16

a b 1.0
1.0 +60 V 6 VG = +100 V VG = –40 V
0.8 4 ne = 3 × 1012cm–2
0.8 ne = 7.2 × 1012cm–2

Kerr rotation (arb. units)

–KM 0.6 By By
+KM 0 mT 0 mT
0.4 0.4 20 mT 360 mT
3 40 mT ~2 μs
0.2 0.2 190 mT
–KW 2

Degree of polarization
~130 ns
Normalized intensity
1.0 0.8
WSe2 0.8 0
0.6 300nm SiO2 300nm SiO2
+KW 0.4 0
0.4 0 100 200 300 0 500 1000 1500
0.2 0.2
Time (ns) Time (ns)

–60 V
1.0 0.8 d
0.8 γ se γ ve
+ 0.6
γ sv
LCP RCP γ sv
0.2 0.2
+KM 0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40

Time (ns) K K’ K K’

Fig. 9 Valley/spin polarization dynamics of photocarriers in 2D TMDs. a (Top) Illustration of the Dirac points in the hexagonal Brillouin zone of a
MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure. (Bottom) Schematic of the interlayer exciton in the +K valley of the heterostructure. b Time-resolved interlayer exciton
PL at selected gate voltages. c (Left) Time-resolved Kerr rotation (TRKR) at 5 K on gated monolayer WSe2 (left) in the heavily electron-doped regime at
the negatively charged exciton transition and (right) in the hole-doped regime at the positively charged exciton transition. d Diagrams depicting the
simplest WSe2 band structure in the (left) electron-doped and (right) hole-doped regimes, along with available scattering pathways. Figure
reproduced with permission from a, b ref. 98, © 2016 AAAS; c, d ref. 101, © 2017 American Physical Society

σ+ helicity. The degree of polarization demonstrates a trions recombine on a short timescale and transfer the
lifetime as long as ~40 ns under a gate voltage of +60 V non-zero valley/spin polarization to the remaining elec-
(Fig. 9b), which has been attributed to the suppression of trons or holes. As shown in Fig. 9d, for the case of resident
the Coulomb exchange interaction and interlayer electrons, their valley/spin polarization can be relaxed
recombination induced by the increased separation in through spin-conserving intervalley scattering (γ ev ), spin
both real and momentum spaces98. relaxation within a valley (γ es ), and spin-flip intervalley
On the other hand, the depolarization of charge carriers scattering (γ esv ). Those processes involving valley or spin
with non-zero total momentum/spin, such as scattering would lead to longer valley/spin polarization
(both intralayer and interlayer) trions99,100, resident car- lifetimes. Moreover, for resident holes, the first two pro-
riers101–103, and dark excitons104,105, involves intervalley cesses are effectively suppressed by the giant spin-orbit
scattering or spin-flip and thus demonstrates a lower rate. splitting of the valence band; thus, spin and valley scat-
In the study by Yan et al. on monolayer WSe2, the valley tering must occur simultaneously for the polarized holes
polarization dynamics of neutral excitons, trions, and free to relax, giving rise to an even longer lifetime, which is
carriers were distinguished by varying the probing energy also less sensitive to an applied magnetic field101.
of the time-resolved Kerr rotation. The trions and free In TMD-based heterostructures, the valley/spin
carriers exhibit valley polarization lifetimes of ~130 ps and dynamics of electrons or holes in different layers can be
~2 ns at 70 K, much longer than that of the neutral probed separately, and the majority carrier exhibits longer
excitons (~2 ps) owing to the suppressed intervalley lifetimes of both the population and valley/spin polar-
scattering103. ization. In the study by Kim et al., for a WSe2/MoS2
Knowing the advantages of charged quasiparticles, heterostructure, it was shown that the population and
electrostatic doping can be employed to further tune the polarization of holes are not limited by those of electrons,
valley polarization dynamics. In another study on WSe2 demonstrating a population lifetime of ~1 µs and a valley
monolayers, time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements depolarization lifetime of ~40 µs at 10 K106. A further
demonstrated an ~130 ns lifetime for negatively charged study from the same group reported tuning by electro-
trions and an ~2 µs lifetime for positively charged trions static doping. In the neutral and n-doped regimes, the
under n- and p-doped regimes, respectively (Fig. 9c). In valley polarization lifetime of holes is limited by the
contrast, the valley-polarized excitons and trions scatter population lifetime of the total excess holes. In contrast,
and recombine within 30 ps under zero gate bias. This the hole valley polarization decouples from the total
long-lived valley polarization has been attributed to the excess hole population in the p-doped regime and exhibits
resident carriers after trion recombination: the excited a longer lifetime. According to the explanation given in
Wang et al. Light: Science & Applications (2020)9:192 Page 14 of 16

that study, for the electron-doped heterostructures, the the diffusivity and spin/valley polarization through the
majority of electrons recombine with the valley-polarized moiré potential has been demonstrated59,112. However,
holes; thus, the valley polarization lifetime of holes is studies on modulating the photocarrier relaxation in 2D
determined by the recombination dynamics. In the hole- semiconductors are still at a relatively early stage, and
doped case, the original hole density is larger than that of robust approaches to realize reliable and wide-range
the photogenerated holes, and the minority electrons tuning of the photocarrier relaxation behavior, including
recombine with holes in both the +K and −K valleys both relaxation pathways and temporal dynamics, remain
equally; thus, the hole polarization is not changed by the limited. Tremendous research efforts are still needed in
interlayer recombination107. both improvement of the fundamental understanding and
practical modulation of the photocarrier relaxation in 2D
Conclusion and perspectives semiconductors.
In this review, we have summarized the progress in
understanding and manipulating the photocarrier This work was supported in part by the State Key Project of Research and
relaxation dynamics in 2D semiconductors. It can be seen Development of China (2018YFB2200500, 2017YFA0206304); National Natural
that while the reduced thickness of 2D systems impairs Science Foundation of China (61775093, 61427812, 61804074); National Youth
1000-Talent Plan; ‘Jiangsu Shuangchuang Team’ Program; and Natural Science
the effectiveness of modulation methods developed for Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20170012).
bulk semiconductors, it also provides new physical knobs
that can be tuned and even new degrees of freedom that Author details
can be utilized in devices. The aforementioned achieve- School of Electronic Science and Engineering and Collaborative Innovation
Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,
ments have made 2D semiconductors more relevant for China. 2Key Laboratory of Intelligent Optical Sensing and Manipulation,
real applications. Ministry of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China. 3MIIT Key
Moreover, advances in synthesis and processing tech- Laboratory of Advanced Display Materials and Devices, Institute of
Optoelectronics & Nanomaterials, College of Materials Science and
niques, as well as the discovery of exotic phenomena in Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 210094 Nanjing,
2D semiconductors, continue to suggest new strategies to China
this end. Recently, by using chemical vapor transport
Conflict of interest
(CVT) and the self-flux growth method, single crystals of The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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intrinsic point defects being reduced from ~1013/cm2 to
as low as 1011/cm2 108. The capacity to reduce the defect Received: 12 July 2020 Revised: 9 October 2020 Accepted: 6 November
density or passivate the defect states not only provides 2020

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