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Ash's Cherry

What can a cherry blossom at max do?
Give out beautiful petals? Before you proceed to
read I want to tell that this journal brings you a
small story or episode of life of someone. I have
written it not to get audience or anything but
because writing gives me peace. A way to answer all
the raised questions. I work on the motto of smiling
wide in front of haters to make them hate me even
the cntext of the story might feel surprising and
weird at first but it is much more weird when
somene experiences it.
With smile
the consultation room opened and he started to think
how it all began. In his mind he recollected ,” I was
born in that cold December day and was named Ash
cause of the stillness I had. From the latest I
remember is nothing but when I grew out to be a
person I got surrounded by high toxicity. They always
said ‘we don’t judge’ but most of the time I felt
JUDGED. So not always nodding my head to some
random rubbish of people out there I was left alone
with the same tree I have been seeing from my
childhood. The blossoming cherry tree of mine.
It was like that ideal girl to me who would take in all my
stress and reset me again. I could spend hours and
hours under it looking for the blue jays roaming
around. And those hours brought me peace. I
remember I could have been way better than what I
was now because I always had knowledge to do things
and yeah this same knowledge used to bring a lot of
jealousy. But I couldn’t spot the warmth of their
jealousy until the latest indescribable episode of my
life occurred! I would like to tell exactly what
happened but it’s INDESCRIBABLE
I also learnt a new thing that people really had
interest in letting others feel low... like.... really low.
Even if they are those who once used to be the one
who you would call ‘the best person, I ever met!’
I don’t know anything but I want to go back to my life
and live it from where I took the less traveled path
of being very nice.. I want to go back and never come
back to trusting people.
I was good as I was before except that I was kind
hearted which eventually turned every stone of my
life to a disaster, tearing me apart.
I remember how my acceleration used to just turn
them into a fire ball.
And at the mid of everything my little bits of happy
faces became a sword right through their hearts.
but I was living a kind of happy life with no one
except my cherry tree and the birds roaming near
although I’m actually really uncertain that what
exactly happened to me that all of sudden all these
GOLD-PLATED people would come to me out of air,
talk out of air and vanish into air.
Maybe I knew what they wanted- but I acted like I
didn’t, don’t know why to that!. but at last they did
what they wanted to.
I became so broken that I realized I have lost interest
in life and I didn’t feel like living I decided to
get myself checked from a counsellor and here I’m in a
colorful room in a comfort promising chair still waiting
for the counsellor to bring the papers which know
what I’m actually going through and when will my life
become peaceful again?”
But it’s been more than 11 months since Ash finally got
He got so well from the gold-plated people that
he attained peace, what’s amazing is that he is with the
same cherry blossom which he loved. But this time under
it. resting in peace!
thanks for reading.
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