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Darklords CR according to

Van Richten’s Encyclopedia of Darklords & Domains

Red Death N/A
House of Lament N/A
Vecna CR 30
Gwydion the Fiend-Sorcerer (Free/ Trapped) CR 30/20
The Real Devil Strahd CR 27
Malbus CR 26
Ivania Dreygu/The Ghoul CR 26
The Illithid God-Brain CR 25
Azalin Rex CR 24
Kas CR 23
Anhktepot CR 22
Maharaja Arijani CR 21
Lord Soth CR 21
Arantor CR 20
Silvermaw CR 20
Diamabel CR 19
Isolde CR 18
Duke Nharov Gundar CR 18
Tsien Chiang CR 18/11 (Depending on form)
Jacqueline Renier CR 17
Mordenheim’s Monster, Adam CR 17
Death CR 17
Friar Whelm CR 16
Gregor Zolnik CR 16
Morgoroth the Black CR 16
King Crocodile CR 16
Lord Wilfred Godefroy CR 16
Tristessa CR 16
Leederik, the Phantom Lover CR 16
Easan the Mad CR 16
Elena Faith-hold CR 15
Anton Misroi, Lord of the Dead CR 15
Magroth the Mad CR 15
Nightmare Man CR 15
Hazlik CR 15
Vlad Drakov CR 15
Leticia Mindefisk CR 15
Lady of Ravens CR 15
Meredoth CR 15
Mullonga CR 14
Morpheus CR 14
Harkon Lukas CR 14
Baron Urik von Kharkov CR 14
Veikaarn CR 14 (To be included in a future update)
Ebonbane CR 13
The Rag Man CR 13
Rainbow Serpent CR 13
Hypnos CR 13
Ghost Dancer CR 13
Redheaded Child CR 13
Tristen ApBlanc CR 13
Laveeda Mindefisk CR 13
Althea CR 13
Dr. Daclaud Heinfroth CR 13
Frantisek Markov CR 13
Ivana Boritsi CR 12
Tiyet CR 12
Draga Salt-Biter CR 12
Hive Queen CR 12
Fotari CR 12
Lord Durven Graef CR 12
Daglan Daegon CR 12
Inza Magdova Kulchevich CR 12
Haki Shinpi CR 11
Davion the Mad CR 11/10/8/7
Ivan Dilisnya CR 10
Alfred Timothy CR 10
Dominic d’Honaire CR 10
Bluebeard CR 10
The Headless Horseman CR 10
Jack Karn CR 9
Thakok-An CR 9
Madame Irena Radanavic CR 9
Sir Lucius Knight CR 9
Radaga CR 9
Lady of the Lake CR 9
Lorinda Mindefisk CR 9
Captain Pieter van Riese CR 9
Sir Tristen Hiregaard CR 8
Prince Ladislav Mircea CR 8
Chardath Spulzeer CR 8
Yagno Petrovna CR 7
Maligno CR 7
Marquis Stezen d’Polarno CR 7
Captain Alain Monette CR 7
Sir Torrence Bleysmith CR 6
Ilsabet Obour CR 6
Sir Diederic de Wyndt CR 6
Gabrielle Aderre CR 6
Bakholis CR 6
Claude Renier CR 6
Dr. Blake Ramsay CR 6
The Baron CR 6
Lord Milos Donskoy CR 5
Count Artius CR 5
Baron Lyron Evensong CR 5
Lemot Sediam Juste CR 5
Sodo CR 4
Eli van Hassen CR 4
Malus Sceleris CR 3
Dr. Alistair Weldon CR 2
Puncheron / King Doerdon CR 1
Lady Camille Dilisnya CR ¼
Lord Malkant Hilfin CR ¼

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