Chrysogons Coterie r28

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Chrysogon's Coterie

A Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Supplement

Comprised of 288 Non-Player Characters, Levels 1 to 9
Alternately Usable as Pre-Generated Player Characters
with your Game Master's Consent

Copyright © 2022-2024 Todd Lyons

All Rights Reserved. See next page for license information.
for Taliah

Chrysogon's Coterie
Release 28
Copyright © 2022-2024 Todd Richard Lyons – All Rights Reserved
All textual materials in this document, as well as all maps, floorplans, diagrams, charts, and forms
included herein, are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License. Most other artwork presented is property of the original artist and is
used with permission. Note that you may not publish or otherwise distribute this
work as is without permission of the original artists; you must remove all non-
licensed artwork before doing so.

The full license text can be viewed at:

Editing: Chris Gonnerman, James Lemon, and Alan Vetter

Cover Art: Gabe Fua
Artwork: Burger Babylon, Francisco Chavez, D. B. Ellis, John Fredericks, Jason Hall, MByouk,
Colin Richards, Bruce Ripple, Gabe Fua, Taliah Lyons, Jeremy Putnam, Martin Serena,
Jody Claunch, and Samantha Ladd
Proofing: Kyle Hettinger, Leon Atkinson, and Daniel Collins
With special thanks to Jon “Newt” Hunt and The Mighty Sabin
Chrysogon's Coterie Introduction

In much the same way there used to be time in was just a fighter with a demonstrated interest in
my life to write and record songs, and install and tracking, horseback riding, and favouring longbow
customize a Linux installation from the command attacks at distance before dismounting to engage
line, I used to have a lot more time to roll up RPG with a longsword. Similarly, an assassin was a
characters. particularly vile thief that eerily enjoyed taking
your money and your life—offering it as a service-
And so you might ask, how on earth would I have for-hire when they weren’t otherwise busy
time to create an entire book of them? A fair plundering dungeons.
question, which I will consider as I first attempt
to complete this introduction. If the Game Master asked why a particular action
was plausible, you gave your best explanation
This is not a tome of random, disconnected based on who you believed your character was
individuals. To me, that would be fantasy on a and what they could do. A good GM would
level beyond the game this book is written for. answer with a yes or no. A great GM would roll
While there are some high-functioning outliers behind the screen and tell you whether it worked
and fringe individuals, there are also many or not. Not knowing what might work kept the
friendships, families, organizations, rivalries, and creativity flowing around the table. Not rigidly
other interpersonal dynamics within the book. defining what characters should be like, left a lot
Some members are famous to the general public; of blanks that players filled in themselves. And
others only well-known within their circles. So, for the GM, ruling on creative solutions on a case-
although this is a book of NPCs, many of them by-case basis allowed PCs to evolve naturally
aren't exactly strangers. over time in a way that didn’t become
For simplicity’s sake, this collection is limited to
the four basic races and classes specified in the To the greatest extent possible, I implore you to
Basic Fantasy RPG Core Rules. take the members of these four standard classes
and further distinguish them as fully-realized
Also, I’m somewhat of a Grognard purist who
characters through enhanced personalities,
believes that the steady churn creating more and
preferences, hopes, flaws, quirks, and actions.
more distinct classes is more than just a cash-
Don’t think of them as a rigid class member, but
grab. It’s a symptom of treating role-playing
as people with a set of established skills and
gamers in much the way that American television
talents—but eager to grow beyond them.
sitcoms treat their audiences—like idiots that
Consider everything in this book as a starting
enjoy flavour, but need it spoon-fed. But if you’re
default: names, genders, stats, backgrounds.
reading this, chances are you deeply appreciate
Look for their connections and memberships and
the types of shows that don’t pander to you, but
add and subtract from them. Create new
rather trust in and play to your intelligence. If
organizations and factions, and specify the
you’re a GM, you also understand how hastily
motivations and plans for existing groups and
constructed but poorly playtested classes can
individuals that have been left intentionally vague
break the game.
or undefined. Integrate these people into your
When I first learned tabletop role-play, it was an world, or build a world on top of them.
exercise in creativity, problem solving, and
As a pre-teen GM, this is the kind of book I
improvisation. A player action was often
always wished had existed. I hope you find it
whatever you decided to try to attempt. A ranger

If there are more pages after this one — pages with characters,
even — hooray! I have no explanation. Sorry. But do enjoy.

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

First-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 3. Ash Bronsone
1. Idril Lorwynn As the now-adult child of a grave digger, Ash is
quite content to have made it to the clergy. It
A beginner in every sense, Idril has not learned to was those gleaming white robes, mastery of
trust her instincts. She has the requisite mind language and command of peoples’ attention
and the discipline to attain a brilliant and which captivated that young mind so many years
successful career, but none of the confidence. ago. Though now respected and successful, Ash
She’s still amazed that she’s achieved what little remains ever-aware of how it was to be poor, and
she has and she requires constant positive carries out the role of Cleric of the Temple of
feedback. It’s all a bit too taxing for would-be New Birth with purest intent. The dress code of
friends and mentors alike. Whatever positive the high priests and priestesses is somewhat
impression she makes upon first meeting is concerning. It seems that gleaming white robes
ultimately undone by her near-constant are not in the future—not at this temple at least.
neediness. Human Cleric 1, AC 13, AB +1, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
Elf Cleric 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 mace, Dam 1d8,
Mv 30', ML 9 STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
STR 11, INT 15 (+1), WIS 17 (+2), DEX 8 (-1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 9
DEX 9, CON 12, CHA 7 (-1) Equipment: leather armour, shield, warhammer
Equipment: leather armour, shield, mace HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

2. Allura Crosse
Her parents had hoped that their choice of a
name would be prophetic, and indeed she grew
into a woman of rarely paralleled beauty. It was
to their great disappointment that she chose a
life of expedition and service over children,
hearth, and home. She has no regrets and a well-
practised retort for any who dare to disagree with
her life choices.

Human Cleric 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 Mace +1,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 12, INT 8 (-1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 10, CON 11, CHA 18 (+3)
Equipment: leather armour, shield, Mace +1
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie First-Level Characters

4. Elton Hillame 6. Gisberta Bognárh

Uncommonly proud of his family’s long history as Eternally optimistic, Gisberta chooses to see only
the founders and builders of the region, Elton is the good in others. It’s also been suggested that
easily distracted from his quest and his faith to she’s incapable of doing otherwise. While wise
weave long tales about his ancestors’ stellar within her sphere of knowledge, she isn’t gifted
achievements. He even has scrolls tucked away at reading people or their intentions, nor does she
with extensive charts of over 15 generations of easily remember a face. Many thieves seeking
his lineage, including his own handwritten notes support from the (now poorly-named) Temple of
in the margins. Ask about them—at your peril. Plenty learned to visit her weekly, making minor
alterations to their disguises. She was only too
Halfling Cleric 1, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 light mace, happy to give. And give.
Dam 1d6-2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 5 (-2), INT 12, WIS 14 (+1), Human Cleric 1, AC 12, AB +1, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 15 (+1) CON 17 (+2), CHA 11
STR 9, INT 8 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
Equipment: chain mail, light mace, 5 genealogy
scrolls DEX 5 (-2), CON 10, CHA 15 (+1)
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ Equipment: leather armour, shield, warhammer
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐
5. Becket Roundtree
7. Arna Bloms
When not enjoying his own company, Becket
prefers the companionship of plants. He’s The way to Arna’s heart is through trinkets and
learning to cope with the increasing necessity to knickknacks. She’s collected hundreds in her
interact with clergy colleagues and flock, but in lifetime. Each is a reminder of an experience or a
his estimation the Creator lives in all creation. friendship, and she is wont to travel with up to a
That is where he longs to be, and given sufficient dozen at a time. A previous adventuring party
opportunity he will use his concealment abilities learned by way of a high-speed wagon collision
to savour a quick recharge—up in a tree or that these souvenirs can function as deadly
nestled in tall grass. He’s always there for you in projectiles. Should your sling run out of stones,
the end, but you’re third choice. It’s not your her “ammunition” is usually nearby. She’ll forgive
fault. Probably. you. Just buy (or make) her something else.

Halfling Cleric 1, AC 13, AB +1, #At 1 light mace, Human Cleric 1, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 mace,
Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9 Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 9, INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), STR 10, INT 6 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 10 DEX 9, CON 11, CHA 12
Equipment: leather armour, light mace Equipment: leather armour, Shield +1, mace,
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ Trinkets: tooth from an unknown predator, holy
symbol from a forgotten deity, rusty needle,
wooden mask, wand with no charges, statue of a
unicorn, model of a pyramid, paintbrush, skull of
a small animal, broken whistle, old smoking pipe,
three links of a chain
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Wilhelmine Bösch Fighters (1d8)

From her earliest days, it was clear that 1. Tasia Lentinus
Wilhelmine felt a deep sense of responsibility for
everyone in her circle. She was born to parents Tasia (pronounced TAH-zha, if you please) is the
late in their lives and tended to their health while name of a woman who grew from a girl named
still a child. She rescued animals in the Anastasia. That girl wore dresses under duress,
neighbourhood and brought food and clothing to took dance lessons under supervision, and
people in need in her community. As a Cleric, she learned manners under the yoke of a yew switch.
worked out of the Temple of Want for only a It was never the person she was meant to be.
short time because it was clear that many in the Tasia now dresses in chain mail, cleaves heads
community—and the region—needed help but and limbs with the grace of a ballerina, and obeys
could not make their way to her to get it. So, she none but her own conscience.
set off and has yet to settle anywhere. Now it
seems that only the world will be enough for Human Fighter 1, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe,
Wilhelmine. Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10,
Dwarf Cleric 1, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 mace,
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 14 (+1)
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
Equipment: chain mail, shield, battle axe
STR 13 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
DEX 10, CON 16 (+2), CHA 9
Equipment: chain mail, shield, mace 2. Beathan O'Brien
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
Most folks around town are struggling to fill their
cups each day. For a few, their cup runneth over.
Beathan insists that you continue to fill his cup
while he slurps the over-spill from the tabletop.
He fights harder, sings louder, and eats and
drinks more than anyone he knows. All these
have increased steadily as he’s travelled more of
the world and met others like himself. While
everyone hopes he’s now reached the peak of his
excess, who knows? It’s a shame, really; he’s not
an idiot or a brute. He has alarming depth which
might result in actual leadership abilities
someday, if he can just outlive his current habits.

Human Fighter 1, AC 17, AB +1, #At 1 shortsword,

Dam 1d6+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 11
Equipment: chain mail, shield, shortsword
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie First-Level Characters

3. Magnhild the Mighty 4. Beornræd Fairchilde

Awkward when asked about his nickname, Second son of a wainwright, his first armour was
Magnhild will insist it’s just something he’s a wagon-wheel tower shield and a pole arm
always been called. In truth, it’s a nickname he fashioned from a broken falling tongue. Like his
invented for himself to conceal his lack of a brother, he learned by watching others in combat
surname. As a child dumped anonymously at the then practising in the field after chores. With no
orphanage, he was never told it—so it’s long since formal instruction in adulthood, he remains to
lost, along with any living relatives. He was a this day a keen student. Observation, replication,
labourer, then briefly worked as an on-call observation, alteration, repeat. Never boastful
substitute in the fighting pits, but learned he about his abilities and never hesitant to share
didn’t have the heart for it. He saw other men what he’s learned with others, he’s about the
like himself, desperate and lost, fighting someone best friend and party member one could wish for.
they had no quarrel with to put bread on the
table. What he really wants are people to fight Halfling Fighter 1, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe,
alongside with, and a purpose. Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 12, WIS 13 (+1),
Human Fighter 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,
DEX 11, CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
Equipment: chain mail, battle axe (two-handed)
STR 15 (+1), INT 7 (-1), WIS 7 (-1),
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
DEX 12, CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Equipment: leather armour, shield, longsword 5. Alke Fairburne
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
When invaders poured into her village, Alke
discovered her talent for strategy and leadership.
Securing the cooperation of women and children
around her, she used wagons and carts and
debris to corral the horde into the square while
the men engaged them hand to hand. Penned by
barriers, the villagers rained fire, stones, and
arrows on the invaders from above. While losses
of life and property were substantial, the enemy
was destroyed. In the aftermath, every home
was given a weapon to hang on the wall, and
every resident instructed on how to react more
quickly in the future. Alke founded a militia and
trained her replacement before setting off alone.

Human Fighter 1, AC 17, AB +1, #At 1 spear,

Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
Equipment: chain mail, spear (two-handed)
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Elfreda Thorne 7. Muireall Whelani

Elfreda, which means “Elf Strength,” was a name She was born to a young mother and an elderly
to live up to—and she did. Disappointment in a father. A former pirate and smuggler, he’d had a
female heir seems to be a Human phenomenon. change of heart when the cargo turned out to be
Aelfric knew that by teaching his only daughter a Dwarven woman. Leaving instructions for his
everything he knew from a young age, she would crew on his study table, he fled his anchored ship
far exceed him over time. When that day finally with the woman and his treasure in tow—rowing
arrived, he gave her his blessing to continue her to the mainland, never to return. Changing his
education out in the world among peers. This name and appearance, he reinvented himself as a
stirred controversy and criticism, to which Aelfric blacksmith in a remote settlement. He offered
sternly responded, “She is not my possession, but the woman freedom; she remained. A child was
a gift.” born. Weapons were forged in her name.
Training was given. All was well until the slavers’
Elf Fighter 1, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 mace, Dam 1d8+2, bandits came in search of the traitor. He’d
Mv 20', ML 9 planned for this day—the wagon, the weapons,
STR 17 (+2), INT 15 (+1), WIS 9, the escape route, the means to start over.
DEX 10, CON 12, CHA 7 (-1) Sending a messenger boy with a red ribbon and a
piece of silver, he met the bandits head on.
Equipment: chain mail, shield, mace
Fighting with the ferocity that only a husband and
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ father can truly know, he felled many before
finally being overcome. The family lived on.
Another name in another place; another chance.
“Muireall” (“Sea-Bright”) contemplated revenge,
but knew it would endanger her mother. She
chose instead to become a warrior in her own
right—one worthy of her father’s sacrifice. She is
the half-sister of Máirín Nolani (page 49) though
neither is aware of the other’s existence. If they
were to ever meet and learn the truth, both might
feel differently about their father than they do

Dwarf Fighter 1, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 15, WIS 12,
DEX 6 (-1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
Equipment: chain mail, shield, longsword
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie First-Level Characters

8. Ringo Grandhollow 2. Ulricus Lentinus

Some fighters are made, not born. Ringo grew Influenced by a Druid he just met, Ulricus has
into his role slowly, first accepting it as a developed a rather consuming fascination with
community responsibility to which he was mushrooms. He’s currently poring over as many
delegated, before realizing that he had real talent tomes as he can locate to learn as much as
for it, and eventually embracing it as part of his possible about their various properties: magical,
identity. It was the stark realization that there medicinal, nutritional, pernicious, and—most
wasn’t enough for him to do at home that led him recently—hallucinogenic. He’s not studying much
to wandering into the wide world, leaving his kin else, and really should consider switching
with mixed emotions of pride and regret. classes.

Halfling Fighter 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe, Elf Magic-User 1, AC 12, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff,
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9 Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 15 (+1) INT 14 (+1), WIS 14 (+1), STR 10, INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 8 (-1), CHA 13 (+1) DEX 14 (+1), CON 8 (-1), CHA 14 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe (two- Spells: read languages
handed) Equipment: walking staff
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ HP 3 ☐☐☐

Magic-Users (1d8) 3. Pádraigín Mulloyi

While still in the dawn of his career, Pádraigín is
1. Wazo Forsbergs already spending an inordinate amount of time
”Wazo the Wildcard” was a mystery to everyone— daydreaming of a future he has hardly begun to
friends, teachers, and especially his parents. The earn. In his mind’s eye, he is already famous and
youngest in his family, it was expected that he the ruler of the area is offering him a title of
would demonstrate some discernible talent at nobility if he agrees to build a stronghold within
some point. But years passed and he achieved the ruler’s domain. Tickled by the invitation, he
little, impressed no one, and irritated most. He ponders whether he should reply immediately or
read a lot and he did chores, but poorly enough in a week or two to inform the ruler that other
so that he wouldn’t be asked to ever do them rulers in outlying regions are also vying for his
again. He was nearly 10 when he first saw attention. Embarrassingly, he also casts magic
Odovacar Alcimus Libo (page 115) who was then a mouth on his pocket mirror and asks daily,
younger man, but still thrilling to behold. “Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Who’s the greatest
Transfixed, Wazo used his literacy to voraciously wizard in the land?”
consume anything he could find on the subject of Elf Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
magic. Then, he pestered wizards relentlessly. Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
Many Magic-Users mentioned in this book will
have either heard of or been accosted by Wazo. STR 12, INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
Those that know him will deny it so as to avoid DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 18 (+3)
further contact. Spells: magic mouth
Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 silver Equipment: dagger, small metal mirror
dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9 HP 4 ☐☐☐☐
STR 11, INT 14 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 10, CON 14 (+1), CHA 3 (-3)
Spells: shield
Equipment: silver dagger
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Calliope Procillus 5. Anencletus Macer

The child of two Magic-Users, the only question A former student of Cynebald Bosques (page 56),
lingering as Calliope grew was whether she would he was dismissed for snooping through his elder
manifest the destructive physical powers of her master’s spellbooks and magical research
father or the subtle mental manipulations of her materials. Bosques’ influence is wide, and even
mother. When she began to speak in full those who’ve never met him have closed ranks to
sentences, it soon became clear. Her melodious prevent the young student from being accepted
voice was already charming others long before for any apprenticeships. At present, Anencletus
she learned the spell to intensify the effect. Will is utterly reliant on trading spells with the few
she become as feared and hated as her parents? friends he has, and buying spells from others.

Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger, Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 walking
Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9 staff, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 14 (+1), STR 14 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 10, CON 17 (+2), CHA 18 (+3) DEX 10, CON 11, CHA 14 (+1)
Spells: charm person Spells: magic missile
Equipment: dagger Equipment: walking staff
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐ HP 4 ☐☐☐☐

6. Burkhard De Grootd
From birth, Burkhard was born to be a fighter,
like his father, his grandfather, and nine previous
generations of his kin. Despite the pressure, he
never took to stick-sword fights, instead
choosing to wield his as a staff. Burkhard may
never be a great Magic-User, but he’s determined.
As a youth he was known to choke out or cold-
cock opponents, then claim that he’d
successfully cast sleep. There are conflicting
reports as to whether or not that still occurs.

Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,

Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 18 (+3), INT 9, WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: sleep
Equipment: 3 daggers (balanced for throwing)
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie First-Level Characters

8. Ansgar Grosf
Ansgar—which means "spear of the Gods",
according to his mother—was intended to be a
Cleric. But he had other plans and his religious
upbringing did little more than create a strong
moral framework into which he’s begun to weave
white magic. She’s still rather proud of him, and
he loves her too much to explain that a Cleric
can’t actually use the spear she bought for him.
But then neither can a Magic-User, for entirely
different reasons. But after all is said and done
it’s just a name, and it’s for these reasons that
7. Carlyn Donovani he’s generally reluctant to talk about his name, or
the spear, with anyone.
An orphan and former child slave, little is publicly
known about Carlyn’s past life but she is under Human Magic-User 1, AC 13, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
heavy surveillance and constant protection of Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
many powerful local figures. Carlyn was
STR 9, INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1),
originally spotted by lay social worker Eileanóra
Yorke (page 18), who passed her name through DEX 15 (+2), CON 12, CHA 10
her network as a child in distress. Carlyn’s Spells: detect magic
freedom was eventually forcibly obtained by the Equipment: dagger, spear with the blade covered
Coalition for Magical Cooperation. While being by a decorative sheath to look like a walking staff
raised by Willow Averille (page 107), she
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐
expressed interest in learning arcane magic and
was accepted for apprenticeship by Ambrosia
Octavianus (page 57).

Elf Magic-User 1, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff,

Dam 1d4-1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 8 (-1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 6 (-1),
DEX 11, CON 13 (+1), CHA 17 (+2)
Spells: light*
Equipment: walking staff
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Thieves (1d8) 2. Afton Brewstere

1. Darby Caldwelle Young thieves tend to have big dreams and empty
pockets. Afton’s plan is to own a ship someday,
Once a proud name in this family, Darby means and make the leap from landlocked thievery to
“free from envy,” but in this case it fits like a pair buccaneering. Ships cost more than you think
of oversized, hand-me-down trousers from an though. And it’s not just the ship, it’s the
elder relative. If Darby sees, he covets. If he equipment, maintenance, crew, food and drink,
covets, he takes. Embarrassed, his mother has salaries, and bribes. No small expense! So it’s
started telling the neighbours that he died. In a robbery on dry ground until those coffers fill up.
sense perhaps he did, if the son she imagined
ever actually existed. Human Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
Human Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword, STR 10, INT 11, WIS 9,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
STR 10, INT 9, WIS 12,
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 9
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie First-Level Characters

3. Cyril Beckette 5. Canicus Soranus

An orphan and street urchin, Cyril envisions As a youth, Canicus was frequently described as
himself lord of his own guild someday. He gentle, kind, and fair. Not one to take these sorts
understands hierarchy and is starting small, of insults lying down, he’s endeavouring to
making it clear to children in the neighbourhood become a little worse each day. Wanton
that he wants information and has the coin to violence, cruelty and immorality are still a long
pay for it. Early reports are mostly concerned way away, but he is determined to “un-improve”
with adultery and unlawful acts with livestock, so himself. He’s nowhere near ready to choose a
blackmail seems like the first viable income specialization yet, so he’s open to trying anything
source, with extortion on the table for those that you’ll pay him to do.
don’t choose to part with their money painlessly.
Not yet comfortable with doing physical harm to Dwarf Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe,
clients, he’ll contract the work out until he Dam 1d8-1, Mv 30', ML 9
develops the stomach for it. Speaking of which, STR 8 (-1), INT 9, WIS 13 (+1),
it’s lunchtime—somewhere. DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 6 (-1)
Halfling Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe, Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 HP 4 ☐☐☐☐
STR 11, INT 12, WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 14 (+1) 6. Flyta Elwyne
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe (two- Flyta fancies herself as a peoples’ champion,
handed) robbing from the rich and giving to the poor.
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Harsh economic conditions have made this a
difficult puzzle, with no wealthy individuals living
4. Giselmund Groosg anywhere near her home, and locals being
distinguished in prosperity by the narrowest of
Giselmund—"one who is committed to protecting margins. In fact, being robbed by her or having
the hostages"—could not agree more with the her spend her stolen income on their wares
sensibility of his name. Hostages are worth a lot seems to be the most influential factor in whose
of money, and should they escape or be taken by fortunes go up and whose go down. Not ideal,
a rival that’s a lot of money lost—not to mention but it beats a completely stagnant economy.
time and effort. To prevent this, he goes to great
lengths to hide his captives in the most obscure Halfling Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe,
locations—preferably remote, sound-dampened, Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
or masked by busy traffic or other environmental STR 10, INT 9, WIS 10,
noise. Abduction: a sensible business where the DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 10
potential inventory never runs out.
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe (two-
Dwarf Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword, handed)
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 HP 4 ☐☐☐☐
STR 12, INT 10, WIS 9,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 14 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐

First-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Kirsa Brauneg
Years of childhood play allowed Kirsa to perfect
the art of the steal. Concealed in the branches of
trees, good timing and a sleeper hold is all that
lies between opportunity and payday. While the
sweets and treats of yesteryear are gone, coins
and occasional “sparkly rocks” make adult living
a little easier to afford.

Human Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,

Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 9
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
HP 3 ☐☐☐

7. Regina Pictor
A pretty face opens doors, but also chests,
satchels, and coin purses. While not the
strongest thief, her delicate body, lithe
movement, and charismatic personality rarely
prevent her from getting what she wants.
Unsurprisingly, men in particular seem to struggle
the most—not physically, but mentally. Even the
most learned find themselves stunned as their
mind frantically processes the dichotomy
between what they are being asked to do, and
the woman asking them to do it. The shortsword
is a last means of egress from the rare situation
she can’t talk her way out of.

Elf Thief 1, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 shortsword,

Dam 1d6-2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 4 (-2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1)
DEX 14 (+1), CON 7 (-1), CHA 18 (+3)
Equipment: leather armour, shortsword
HP 3 ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

Second-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 2. Achaicus Spinther
1. Bertle “The Birdman” Bradleye If you know Achaicus Spinther, consider yourself
fortunate indeed because you are part of a
In nearly every regard, Bertle is the apex of network of more people than you realize. It
disciples. Strong, resilient, intelligent, and wise, would be a stretch to say that Achaicus knows
he is the man that many wish they could be, were everyone personally, but he generally knows
it not for his appearance… and the smell. At any someone that knows the someone you’re
time, 1d6-1 birds of various types are perched on inquiring about, and knows how you might get to
his arms, shoulders and head (1d4-1 indoors; 1d2- know even more. Even if he doesn’t know who
1 while seated). Regardless of rolls, one crow will you’re talking about, a few words about their
be present with him at all times. His friendship discipline or background is all he needs to know
with birds might be charming if they didn’t expel in order to reach out to the person who does. Far
their waste on him with such alarming regularity, from being a know-it-all, Achaicus is acutely
or if Bertle had more concern for hygiene. But as aware of how much there is to know and
they are his constant companions, messengers therefore how important it is to have a well-
and protectors, he’s more likely to miss their developed network of experts who know all the
company than yours. things you could never find the time to learn, let
alone master. Get to know him—and, if you’re
Human Cleric 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 warhammer, very lucky, his eldest brother, Themistocles
Dam 1d6+1, Mv 30', ML 9 Spinther (page 85). Oddly, despite their vast
STR 15 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 14 (+1), social and professional connections, both
DEX 9, CON 17 (+2), CHA 8 (-1) brothers flatly deny any involvement with the
Coalition for Magical Cooperation. Publicly, at
Spells: light*
least. His favourite person to spend time with
Equipment: leather armour, shield, warhammer these days is Lavinia Septima (page 14). He’s
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ finding that his mind is increasingly distracted by
thoughts of her, and is not at all bothered by it.

Human Cleric 2, AC 17, AB +1, #At 1 maul,

Dam 1d10, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 11, INT 15 (+1), WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: cure light wounds*
Equipment: chain mail, maul
HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

3. Finnean O'Connor 5. Lavinia Septima

Wherever Finnean goes, his dogs are always by Seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, Lavinia
his side. With one head under each hand more demonstrated rudimentary abilities to purify and
often than not, it’s like he stood up from an heal from a tender age. A warrior in only the
armchair and the armrests just followed. Entirely most minimalist sense, her actions in combat are
silent, they respond primarily to commands exclusively in defence of the weak and in aid of
delivered by hand signals. They are large the wounded. With greater powers and the right
domesticated riding dogs and are occasionally magical items, she would gratefully shed her
ridden for transport or used for hauling cargo, as armour, weapon and shield in order to manoeuvre
Halflings are known to do. He alternates which is more easily to heal the victims, while nullifying
ridden. Clearly there is some friendly rivalry their attackers with appropriate spells. She’s
between the pair, and Finnean goes to lengths to recently been surprised by attention from
ensure that they know they are loved equally. Achaicus Spinther (page 13) and would like him
more, if only he would open up about his family.
Halfling Cleric 2, AC 19, AB +1, #At 1 light mace, Her sisters are everything to her, and he would
Dam 1d6-1, Mv 30', ML 9 need to feel the same way. It wouldn’t hurt if he
STR 7 (-1), INT 12, WIS 14 (+1), had a social conscience and used his networking
DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 11 to improve the world, either.
Spells: protection from evil* Human Cleric 2, AC 13, AB +1, #At 1 mace,
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, light mace, 2 dogs Dam 1d8-1, Mv 30', ML 9
(riding) STR 6 (-1), INT 12, WIS 15 (+1),
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ DEX 7 (-1), CON 9, CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: purify food and water
4. Edda Hunte
Equipment: leather armour, shield, mace
If you’ve thought about the way a grandmother HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
behaves and wondered, “Were they always this
way?” meeting Edda at her present age might
lead you to agree that they probably were.
Concerned for others before herself, her first
thought is always, “How can I make things better
for everyone?” With clear and measurable daily
goals, meticulously planned, everyone’s life at the
Temple of Plenty is improved by her presence.
Don’t ask her what she wants. Don’t suggest
you’ll do something for her. You’ll receive a stern
finger wagging, a polite rebuke, and a barely-
concealed smile. A better approach is to just do
her a kindness anonymously and without
permission. She’ll protest lightly that such things
are completely unnecessary, with another flash
of that elusive smile.

Human Cleric 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 mace,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 9, WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: remove fear*
Equipment: leather armour, shield, mace
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

6. Alberich Grosf 7. Earnan Ó Haonghuisi

Alberich is becoming increasingly obsessed with Earnan seems from a distance to be a solitary
Elves, and because he was always taught to revel man and, until recently, was often to be found
in being a Dwarf, he’s feeling confusion mixed silent and in his own company in the Temple of
with guilt. He honestly can’t help it. He’s now Daevas. They accepted him without asking a
questioning his decision to join the clergy and single question, and left him free to pursue
wondering whether it wouldn’t be better to woo independent study. Of all the places he’s
and marry a lovely Elf woman, then raise a little studied, the Temple of Daevas contains his
brood of “Dwelves” in some picturesque little favourite libraries. He can get lost for hours
cabin. Is any of it possible? While he wrestles learning about the many gods whose names are
with this quandary, his spells aren’t working as no longer spoken. It’s become less serene with
reliably as they used to, which only adds to his the frequent comings and goings of a truly awful
shame. and profane group of four, led by Valentina
Vibulanus (page 104). Soon after this began, angry
Dwarf Cleric 2, AC 17, AB +1, #At 1 warhammer, and violent public protests followed in their
Dam 1d6, Mv 20', ML 9 wake. Now Earnan’s been asked to stop coming
STR 12, INT 8 (-1), WIS 16 (+2), to the Temple. He was told it was for his own
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 11 safety, but from what? None of the protesters
ever laid a hand on him. Perhaps it’s Valentina.
Spells: purify food and water
Without speaking a word, she radiates fury like
Equipment: chain mail, shield, warhammer he’s never felt, and he’s not usually sensitive to
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ how people are feeling. People confuse him.
Unlike books, they are difficult to read and you
can’t close them up when you’ve had your fill.
Also, they don’t like it when you put them on the
shelf for a month or two while attending to more
pressing things, like reading. Friendship has been
elusive. Partnership is less satisfying, but more
manageable. When they finally barred him from
entering, Earnan put his name up on the notice
board looking for work. He might be worth
bringing along. So long as he is out on a mission
and there are monsters to fight, he’s a fine man
to have by your side. But in the awkward quiet
before and afterwards...

Human Cleric 2, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 mace,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 8 (-1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 9
Spells: protection from evil*
Equipment: chain mail, shield, mace
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Thistle Leighe 2. Hartmut Dreierg

Handsome but a bit prickly, Thistle is adjusting to There have always been voices in Hartmut’s head,
the increased noise, speed, and congestion of city but he was always convinced they were still his
living. Obviously things were a bit too quiet back own thoughts expressing themselves through
at home but is it really necessary to completely different voices. Lately he’s not so sure. There
pack the day sunup to sundown with non-stop are three distinct voices and he hopes that at
action, weird smells, incessant chatter, and least one of them is still his, or a manifestation of
people packed in the streets like kernels on an him—like his conscience. But what of the other
ear of corn? And then do it again the next day, two? His mother used to tell him about the
only slightly differently? WHAT IS WRONG WITH Angel and the Devil that whispered into the ears
YOU ALL?! But don’t judge him too harshly. He’s of children, one perched on each shoulder.
only Halfling, after all. He fares better in the Perhaps it wasn’t just a story. If only he could
company of a small group of adventurers that he ask someone without looking foolish, or worse,
likes, where the purpose of the mission is clear insane.
and there’s time set aside for food, drink, a good
laugh, and a proper night’s sleep. Human Fighter 2, AC 16, AB +2, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
Halfling Cleric 2, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 light mace, STR 13 (+1), INT 9, WIS 16 (+2),
Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 11, CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
STR 9, INT 12, WIS 14 (+1),
Equipment: chain mail, shield, longsword
DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 13 (+1)
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Spells: cure light wounds*
Equipment: leather armour, Shield +2, light mace
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Fighters (1d8)
1. Ulla Bösch
Eldest daughter of a barber, Ulla followed her
own dream of being a Lumberjill (woodcutter)
until she suffered a broken leg while leaping from
tree to tree. Now fully healed and retrained as a
fighter, she still favours her former tool in trade,
albeit a “slightly larger” version.

Dwarf Fighter 2, AC 17, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,

Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 9,
DEX 15 (+1), CON 11, CHA 8 (-1)
Equipment: chain mail, shield, battle axe
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

3. Kaelyn Hamme 4. Dubhshìth Donoghuei

As the youngest sibling of three older boys, Dubhshìth is settling into his second career after
Kaelyn learned to fight the way most boys do. a rather disastrous attempt to serve as a Magic-
Why wear stupid dresses when they make it hard User’s Apprentice. “But you’re a Dwarf,” the
to charge the muddy field, wooden sword in well-mannered Wizard said. “Dwarves can’t be
hand, to slay the dragon? Her brothers never Magic-Users.” But Dubhshìth lied, insisting he
feared her, but they received enough blows from was really just a short and ugly Human.
the flat side of her blade to respect her. She Naturally, there were the kinds of disasters one
demands the same of any potential party would expect when non-magically-attuned folk
member. Any snide remarks about women being dabble in the impossible. The Wizard’s Tower
less able fighters than men will be met with an was eventually repaired, but because some of the
icy stare, more biting than a harsh retort. stones were blasted into the farms of a
Revenge will come unexpectedly. Tricks, traps, neighbouring county, there were many heated
and practical jokes were also part of the training arguments between the rulers and affected
syllabus at Hamme House. parties about who should pay, and how much.
Thank the Creator that the news scribes have
Elf Fighter 2, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1 longsword, stopped following. The scandal sold a lot of
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9 scrolls, but enough is enough already.
STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 9,
Dwarf Fighter 2, AC 16, AB +2, #At 1 longsword,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 40', ML 9
Equipment: plate mail, shield, longsword
STR 13 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 4 (-2),
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 8
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, shield, longsword,
small metal mirror, disguise kit
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Viggo Praeconinus out his days whittling, painting, reading, and

perhaps even writing. Surely he could write
When reminded that his name is Latin for “war” better content than the authors of some of the
Viggo will roll his eyes and correct you that it’s truly terrible books he’s found along the roadside.
only true for the root of his name, vig. Then he’ll And in private libraries. Magic-Users collect a
point out that his complete first name is of Old surprising amount of trashy romance—and worse.
Norse and Scandinavian origin and can mean,
“battle,” “fight,” or “one who lies in a cradle.” Human Fighter 2, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,
Waiting for your surprised reaction, he will add, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9
“Are you calling me a baby?” Then, without STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 18 (+3),
waiting for an answer, he’ll smile and return to DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
his book, scroll, wood carving, or whatever
Equipment: chain mail, Shield +1, battle axe, map
diversion was consuming his attention before you
to treasure Type G
so rudely interrupted. He is not a common
fighter. He obeyed his parents and continued the HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
lineage of warriors as was expected of him, but
the job constitutes only the smallest fraction of a 6. Eileanóra Yorke
much richer inner life. Viggo fights with a
ruthless efficiency of movement. Hack and slash On her 11th birthday, a fortune teller came by
is for the weak-minded. He lives economically Eileanóra’s door to reveal her future. Seeing her
and saves aggressively. He will build a keep as father gripping his weapon in anticipation, the
soon as it’s possible to do so, teach his deadly woman said, “A fighter. Yes, that’s it. Put down
swordplay to his Captain of the Guard, and live your dolls and pick up an axe instead.”
Crestfallen, Eileanóra delivered her toys to the
local orphanage, but her mood turned to delight
in seeing the happy faces of the children
receiving her gifts. She’d discovered her destiny
on her own. Now grown and having acquired
enough skill with an axe to please her father, she
knows her real passion is social welfare. She’s
established a small, grassroots circle of like-
minded citizen contacts that watch the cities for
children and families in dire need. When
identified, they are passed on to established
groups that are capable of intervening without
fear of reprisal. She takes some pride in the
success of her rescues. The girl now renamed
Carlyn Donovani (page 9) is the most high profile
example. One of her best grassroots network
volunteers, Theodosius Scipio (page 28), is
actually in love with her. He’s said nothing and
she has no idea; she’s just grateful for the useful
information he provides her nearly every day.

Human Fighter 2, AC 16, AB +2, #At 1 great axe,

Dam 1d10+1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 11, WIS 10,
DEX 12, CON 9, CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, great axe
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

7. Brandr Halvard XIV 8. Melitta Merenda

Brandr Halvard, 14th of his name, is not nearly as When Melitta’s father stepped out to look in on
interesting as he believes he is. While intelligent his bees after supper one night, no one thought
and reasonably wise, he is fully devoted to much about it. Dusk was always a good time to
ensuring that number 14 will go down in history check; the risk of accidental stinging was much
as the greatest incarnation. Thus, a typical day less. When he did not return before morning, she
with Brandr revolves around training, talking set off in search. His body had been partially
about training, fighting, and reminiscing about eaten by a were-creature; it was unclear which.
good fights. That’s no fun for anyone to listen to, The gruesome discovery left a permanent scar.
and it can quickly devolve into cringe-inducing Thereafter, she was always cognizant of the
topics if Brandr overshares, which he very nearly moon cycles, and since adulthood has kept one
always does. His dietary concerns based on his or more protection scrolls on hand at all times.
recent bowel movements is but one example—
and we’ll stop right there. His sword, Gudbrand, Human Fighter 2, AC 16, AB +2, #At 1 scimitar,
is a family heirloom that he never removes and Dam 1d8+1, Mv 40', ML 9
now even sleeps with. On more than one STR 15 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
occasion, attempts have been made to steal it. DEX 14 (+1), CON 9, CHA 13 (+1)
Elf Fighter 2, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 Longsword +1, Equipment: Leather Armour +1, shield, scimitar,
Dam 1d8+4 (special, flames), Mv 20', ML 9 Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes
STR 18 (+3), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10, HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +1,
Flames on Command
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Magic-Users (1d8) 2. Sòlas Ó Caisidei

1. Sighilde De Vend Watching his father’s troubles as a moneylender
permanently shaped Sòlas’ worldview. He trusts
Fiercely independent and charismatic, some no one, anywhere, to do anything agreed upon,
believe that she would have excelled as a fighter. ever—except his brother, Colla Ó Caisidei (page
They’re correct. But, like her elder siblings 59). If you’re anyone else he won’t loan his quill,
Aloysia (page 57) and Ortrud (page 111) she agree to meet anywhere at a specific time, or
gravitated towards the arcane. Eschewing the trust that you feel the way you say you do, or
pathetic and dated stylings of the wizards she that anything about your behaviour is anything
remembers growing up with—weird-bearded other than a clever ruse to conceal some other
geezers wearing their bed-covers around town— real intent. He only trusts books—and only some
she took a different approach. It’s something of those—because they may have instructions
akin to what Odovacar Alcimus Libo (page 115) that dictate actions that yield applicable results.
might wear, if he weren’t also aging out of Thus, he enjoys cooking and casting spells. He’d
fashion: a smart tunic, a stylish vest with pockets like to make potions, but the books suggest that
for daggers and vials, and no creepy hat. he isn’t ready yet. He’ll keep studying. Please
don’t bother him or he’ll bar you from the room.
Elf Magic-User 2, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9 Elf Magic-User 2, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
DEX 7 (-1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 15 (+1) STR 10, INT 14 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
Spells: darkness, magic missile DEX 4 (-2), CON 12, CHA 11
Equipment: 3 daggers (balanced for throwing) Spells: read languages, hold portal
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ Equipment: dagger, Ring of Protection +1
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

3. Gumarich Braddocke 5. Hilda Del Bosques

It’s not clear how serious Gumarich is about The product of an extremely strict upbringing,
being a Magic-User. The two spells he was most Hilda feels relief that she is finally at a point in
excited to learn are still the only two spells he’s her life where she can make her own choices. At
ever learned, and he doesn’t seem motivated to the top of the list: what to do with these powers
work any harder. Conversations with the family she has? When her brother Eoforwine (page 60)
dog where the dog talks back, and a mouth on embraced thievery as his trade, it sent shock-
the lavatory door that cheers loudly for the waves through the family. “We raised you better
activities occurring within are just some of the than this,” they said, before turning their backs
hilarious hijinks this week—and every week—at on him and barring any communication. But is it
the Braddocke family home. Buffoon. really wrong to use the skills you have to get the
things you want? Her brother doesn’t think so
Human Magic-User 2, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 walking and suggested that she might use her powers to
staff, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9 make her life better—with her roommate, for
STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 11, example. Subtle applications of charm have
DEX 10, CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1) improved that relationship substantially, and for
those times that things are truly terrible, putting
Spells: ventriloquism, magic mouth
her to sleep is a welcome relief. There’s nothing
Equipment: walking staff wrong with that, is there?
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Elf Magic-User 2, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff,
4. Leopoldine Botwrighte Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 16 (+2), WIS 7 (-1),
Leopoldine has always hated her name. It’s an
DEX 6 (-1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
ugly name. It doesn’t slide off the tongue. It
stumbles—awkwardly. It doesn’t even have a Spells: charm person, sleep
good shortened form, except for Leo, but that’s Equipment: walking staff
for males… which leads to the reason that she HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
hates her name the most. She fears that she’s a
disappointment to her father. He’d set his mind
to expect another boy and he got her instead.
She’s never felt like he loved her any less. It’s
just a feeling. And brother Stanford Botwrighte
(page 26), with his plate mail and a party already
doing weekend dungeon delving fills Papa with a
pride you can see all over his face. It’s made her
feel like she has to be one of those knife-
throwing wizards, like the one they saw at the
Fair last year, so she’s started practising in

Human Magic-User 2, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,

Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 14 (+1), WIS 11,
DEX 8 (-1), CON 11, CHA 10
Spells: magic missile, charm person
Equipment: 3 old daggers
HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Minna Fenne 8. Hartmut Glasse

As the first of their kin to manifest any magical At least within certain families, there’s an awful
abilities, the Fenne girls—Minna, Athela (page 70) lot of pressure on young Magic-Users to go out
and Lioba (page 99)—often feel like they have no adventuring. Why? Clearly, no one’s paying
one to turn to except each other. They’re attention to the number of fatalities. Hartmut is
grateful for that much, but would be ever more —and he’s heard the stories. He even saw a body
grateful if a well established family would reach once. It’s lethal out there! Why would anyone
out to them. It seems like everyone already choose to go slogging through stinky, slippery,
knows each other, or at least knows of the family vermin-infested labyrinths when there are plenty
reputation. Their reputation is being made now. of great desk jobs for talented people in the city?
He wouldn’t, except he feels like there’s no other
Elf Magic-User 2, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff, choice. When his mother had a family portrait
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9 made last year, Hartmut’s first thought was,
STR 9, INT 17 (+2), WIS 6 (-1), “Well, at least she’ll have something to look at
DEX 12, CON 17 (+2), CHA 7 (-1) wistfully as she tells the neighbour about her
poor, fallen child for the 90th time.”
Spells: read languages, light*
Equipment: walking staff Human Magic-User 2, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 12,
7. Paschalis Sacerdos DEX 11, CON 16 (+2), CHA 9
As the only son of a live-in Mage Advisor to a Spells: magic missile, protection from evil*
ruler, Paschalis enjoyed a childhood of privilege, Equipment: dagger, Potion of Longevity, envelope
safe inside castle walls. So it continued, until the marked “To Be Opened in the Event of My Death”
enchantress Valda Duerrg (page 86) set her eyes HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
on that life for herself. Through beauty and
sorcery, she warped the ruler’s mind until he fully
believed he was surrounded by traitorous Thieves (1d8)
usurpers. Scores were put to the guillotine,
including his parents. Valda solidified her 1. Fionghan Ennisi
position in becoming the ruler’s consort, but
within the year he withered from an unknown Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? Fionghan once
ailment, still too paranoid to allow the Clerics relied on humour to get through some very
anywhere near him. She remains safely within difficult times, but then forgot to stop. He has no
the walls of his castle. Paschalis learns, and regard for time and place. It’s quite unsettling to
waits for his chance. hear him guffaw—at work, in the temple, next to
a burial site. Nobody’s laughing now. What few
Elf Magic-User 2, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger, friends he has left are wondering if an exorcism is
Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9 necessary. Recently, Fionghan’s heard of an Elf
STR 17 (+2), INT 10, WIS 14 (+1), Magic-User with the same last name and jokes
that he’s his cousin. That’s almost funny—but no
DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 17 (+2) —more like his inverse doppelganger. And please
Spells: floating disc, magic missile don't tell Muirgen (page 71) where he lives—not
Equipment: 3 daggers (balanced for throwing) even as a joke.
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Dwarf Thief 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe,
Dam 1d8-1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 8 (-1), INT 7 (-1), WIS 11,
DEX 15 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 5 (-2)
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Second-Level Characters

2. Farvald Beckete 4. Aston Paytone

While he’s a much better burglar now than he His gifted dexterity made Aston’s choice of
used to be, mistakes on the job turned out to be thievery simple, but uninterrupted success
a blessing that informed his technique. While on eventually made it desperately dull. So, one day,
the run from a botched assignment, he took he stole an entire wardrobe of clothes from a
refuge in a warehouse where he found a Halfling- particularly wealthy and famous person and
sized shipping crate. Safely hidden inside, he was proceeded to rob the next string of victims in the
never discovered. Then the thought occurred, guise of that same celebrity. Moreover, before
why not travel this way? And while Halflings are departing, he allowed himself to be seen—by
particularly good at hiding anyway, no one has waving to victims and bystanders—just to ensure
been able to move between towns completely everyone was thoroughly astonished and
undetected as well as Farvald. The secret is the confused. While there was considerable doubt
label. Always write the contents as something that a wealthy celebrity would pillage other
obviously important, but that no one is peoples’ homes, it was such a delightful thing to
particularly excited to open upon receiving. imagine that the rumours continued to persist.
Repeating the routine with new disguises finally
Halfling Thief 2, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 longsword, established that it had all been a clever trick, but
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9 did nothing to diminish the delight it created,
STR 15 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 6 (-1), even among some of those that were robbed.
DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 13 (+1)
Human Thief 2, AC 16, AB +1, #At 1 scimitar,
Equipment: leather armour, longsword (two- Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 9, WIS 9,
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
DEX 18 (+3), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
3. Étaín “The Face” Macginnisi Equipment: leather armour, scimitar
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
Étaín can’t really remember a time where he felt
feelings for anyone. Any at all. He’s never hated
anyone, but he’s never loved anyone either. But,
he’s carefully observed people expressing
emotions and noted how they either improve or
damage relationships. He reads faces very well,
and has learned how to emulate those faces and
the words he’s heard to get the outcomes he
desires. Casual acquaintances remark that he is
one of the calmest, friendliest and most
inquisitive people they’ve met. He uses this
demeanour to build trust and collect information
before stealing very particular items, and not
many from any one person. He sticks around
long enough to express his feigned concern, then
quietly disappears from their lives.

Human Thief 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 Shortsword +1,

+3 vs. Shapeshifters, Dam 1d6+1, +3 vs.
Shapeshifters, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 11, INT 10, WIS 9,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, Shortsword +1, +3 vs.
Shapeshifters, small metal mirror
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Second-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Osgar Humes 7. Alodie Weaver

Even by the rather forgiving standards of Halfling Estranged sister of Edison (page 78). He had
behaviour, Osgar is arguably a big glutton. As a turned a blind eye to her activities until she used
young recruit of the trade, he was considerably her relationship with him for an opportunity to
thinner and more dexterous. Unfortunately, the empty the temple coffers. He paid for the losses
spoils of his adventures are going straight into from his own pocket, but warned her that any
steak, gravy, potatoes, and stout for breakfast, further losses he incurred by her actions would
lunch, supper, plus those other in-between be met with a dispatch of assassins, gladly paid.
meals. Or, perhaps it’s fortunate. Does the world There was a time when she would have doubted
really need more thieves? And, prison would slim his sincerity, but there’s been a marked change
him down again. since his career within the clergy has grown.

Halfling Thief 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword, Human Thief 2, AC 14, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 11, INT 5 (-2), WIS 15 (+1), STR 9, INT 9, WIS 6 (-1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 14 (+1) DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, longsword (two- Equipment: leather armour, longsword
handed), Scroll of Protection from Undead HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
8. Woodrow Broadbente
6. Bríd Jekylle
Woodrow has learned that his best chance at
Unpredictability can often be a plus when you’re success has been to set others up to fail. It’s
a thief. Observable patterns are likely to be nothing personal; it’s a necessity. Power is a
noticed. Then, plans are made, traps are set, and hierarchy, with positions diminishing the closer
the thief caught. However, Bríd’s behaviour is you get to the top. You’re a small obstacle now,
more than just calculated misdirection. She or a larger one later. Better to put you in your
seems truly incapable of managing her whims and rightful place while the job is easier. On the
reactions, particularly her temper. She can ladder to success, it’s smart to climb hard, skip
morph from a sweet, song-voiced angel to a any rungs possible, and kick the faces of those
vengeful, poison-spitting demon in short order. climbing underneath you.
Worse still, the higher the stakes, the more likely
she is to be emotionally unstable. Human Thief 2, AC 13, AB +1, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
Dwarf Thief 2, AC 15, AB +1, #At 1 battle axe, STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 12, CON 16 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
STR 12, INT 7 (-1), WIS 9,
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 13 (+1)
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

Third-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 3. Imme Färberg
1. Bathilda Dresslerg Imme, a former agnostic and lifelong skeptic, is
aware that religion is deeply divisive among
The very model of frugality, Bathilda knows how people. She’s thought about it deeply and
to stretch a copper piece to acquire food and accepts this as part of her mission. She wonders
textiles, and not a scrap of it is wasted. She is if the Temple of Judgment is really the right place
not a miser, but a good-hearted soul who has had to be having these feelings. She’ll never forget
to turn away too many people because of the that before she believed in something, she was
Temple of Want’s recurring shortages of food and already a good person. She’s also met plenty of
clothing. self-professed Deity-fearing men who—outside
of the temple—shed their thin guise of decency
Human Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1, and morality. She does good for all who are in
+2 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 need. No strings, no questions asked. Those who
STR 9, INT 12, WIS 15 (+1), want to know more about her beliefs always ask
DEX 11, CON 10, CHA 12 her. Those who don’t, develop a deep respect for
her despite the theological divide. She is a friend
Spells: purify food and water, remove fear*
of Oswald Ashworthe (page 33). They meet up
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Warhammer +1, +2 regularly to discuss local politics, philosophy and
vs. Undead magic as a tool for social justice.
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Human Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
2. Bjarne Beckett Dam 1d6-1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 7 (-1), INT 12, WIS 15 (+1),
Bjarne was never really certain about a career in
DEX 10, CON 17 (+2), CHA 12
the clergy, but they were such nice folks! The
Temple of Lohmen seemed as good a place as any Spells: cure light wounds*, remove fear*
to discover if he was meant to be a Cleric. Many Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
of those who are lost discover their purpose here. HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
After a promising start, he is now in the midst of
a crisis of faith. His belief is eroding, his spells
are failing, and his colleagues and mentors are

Halfling Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,

Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 7 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Spells: light*, remove fear*
Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Stanford Botwrighte asserting control simultaneously. From an

outsider’s perspective, this looks a lot like seeing
Stanford wears a smile like a thief wears a a person who is distracted or confused. In such
disguise—to project an image that he hopes cases, the host is unaware of why they are
others will believe in. Maybe he can convince struggling to do what they intend and are
himself at the same time? He never had the unaware of the passing time. They sense they
athleticism to be a hardcore fighter. In fact, he are internally conflicted, but do not sense the
feels like a person with marginal abilities across foreign presence. They become frightened when
the board, but it’s surprising how much discovering they are doing things they did not
confidence a smile can inspire. He charmed them choose to do. Hosts tend to assume they are
at the Temple of the Dire Wolf to get this clerical experiencing the onset of dementia.
position—and the spells finally seem to be Consequently, they often attempt to compensate
working now. And then there were the lunkheads as well as they are able in order to save face.
hanging around the catacombs that were only too Her elder Wilton Waters (page 64) is experiencing
pleased to bring someone on who might help this now. It may be possible to drive the Vitni
protect them from the skeletons. But at his core, away if two Clerics cast Dispel Good and Dispel
he is terrified. He doesn’t want to die, but he Evil simultaneously on an affected person.
doesn’t want to disappoint either; his Papa's
obvious pride in him only makes things worse. Dwarf Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
His sister Leopoldine (page 21) has yet to see him Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9
fail and probably assumes that it comes easily to STR 13 (+1), INT 9, WIS 14 (+1),
him to play the role of hero. In reality, he feels DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 8 (-1)
like a hostage of his own reputation. His remove
Spells: detect evil*, protection from evil*
fear spell is oftentimes for himself because the
smile doesn’t always work. He knows it’s fake. Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Human Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d6, Mv 20', ML 9 6. Heide Foxe
STR 12, INT 11, WIS 13 (+1),
If she wasn’t so lovable, she’d be the party
DEX 10, CON 9, CHA 13 (+1)
member everyone hated. As a compromise, they
Spells: protection from evil*, remove fear* hate how much they love her. Why? Heide loves
Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer, map animals to an immoderate degree. In her mind,
to 1d4 magic items the great outdoors are just an extension of her
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ backyard... which is an extension of her living
room. Wherever she goes there are furry
5. Sylva Demetra creatures to befriend, adopt, take on the road as
her travelling companions, and eventually take
Sylva has always been rather introverted, so home. But, as she isn’t home often and it’s
when her personality changed, no one noticed. impossible to get a good pet sitter, her non-
So far, she hasn’t either. She is the second animal companions have plenty of company on
member of the Temple of Worms to have been their journeys.
borrowed by a member of the Vitni, a non-
corporeal race that learns by temporarily Human Cleric 3, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1, Dam 1d8,
inhabiting physical beings. They strive to be as Mv 30', ML 9
non-invasive as possible, and for the most part STR 10, INT 8 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
try to limit themselves to monitoring the host’s DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 12
senses to observe activity. However, where they
Spells: light*, remove fear*
deem it necessary, they are capable of assuming
temporary control to follow a path of interest. Equipment: Chain Mail +2, shield, mace
This may be as simple as asking a question or as HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
arduous as steering the person through some
desired experience (e.g. an adventure). Short
losses of control are not usually noticed by the
host, but long ones run the risk of host and Vitni

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

7. Bertrand Fishere Fighters (1d8)

If there’s still daylight and he’s not otherwise 1. Alvar Eytherthyme
occupied with official duties, Bertrand is out on
the streets as a one-man recruitment team for Alvar jokes that he’s ‘pacifist in recovery’ but
the Temple of Judgment. No one asked him to do does it with a straight face. He long believed that
this. Word of this hasn’t reached the Temple— it was possible to solve disputes without
yet. His colleagues might be supportive if it resorting to violence, but lost too many friends as
weren’t for the fact that he asks prospective he persevered along that path. He bears both
applicants to mention his name if they decide to physical and psychological scars from those days
join. He’s not out for a promotion or any sort of of activism. Even though he now has the fighting
personal glory. He’s worried. He’s done terrible and magical prowess to do great harm, he
things in his past that he has yet to confess to. carefully measures the damage he does, using
At the very least, he hopes the Deity will see his only the necessary amount of force.
good work and forgive him. But, it’s his deeper
hope that one of his mentors will pull him aside Elf Fighter/Magic-User 3, AC 19, AB +2,
and ask for an explanation. It’s then that he will #At 1 longsword, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
confess fully, and beg forgiveness from someone STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 12,
with the authority to grant it. He also accepts DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
the possibility he might be expelled from the
Equipment: plate mail, shield, longsword
clergy. It’s what he fears he probably deserves
anyway. Spells: sleep, protection from evil*, invisibility
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Halfling Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 light mace,
Dam 1d6, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 9, INT 8 (-1), WIS 12,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Spells: cure light wounds*, purify food and water
Equipment: plate mail, light mace
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

8. Trilby Ackermane
She is her father’s pride and joy. He is her role
model. A simple ploughman, he got her an
education he could not have otherwise afforded
by way of attending mass and enlisting her as a
volunteer at the Temple of the Moon. There she
learned to read and sing and work with others
until it was clear she would do it for life. She’s
grateful for it, but not spoiled. She is disciplined
and dedicated. No job is below her. She is first
to get her hands dirty; last one to leave.

Human Cleric 3, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 mace,

Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 12, INT 11, WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 8 (-1)
Spells: cure light wounds*, remove fear*
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace, Potion of
Delusion (fire resistance)
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

2. Theodosius Scipio 3. Jarl Reidar

Ever since he first laid eyes on Eileanóra Yorke Beyond raw beefiness, Jarl never demonstrated
(page 18), Theodosius knew he loved her. She is much promise as a child. He was not very strong,
strong, beautiful, and with a caring heart. What not very fast, nor too wise, and only marginally
would it take for her to feel the same? Right good looking. However, his inability to read
now, he’s just one of many members of her people or situations well did result in many fights
grassroots network keeping an eye out for during his youth. He learned a few things from
problems in the town. But, as a member of the being knocked to the ground, and now falls
town guard, he has occasion not only to see a lot considerably less. He’s a challenging person to
more, but also hear more—including backroom like. He speaks his uninformed opinions with
discussions by his colleagues. He can’t imagine pride and volume. He’s as emotionally blunt as
that any leak might be traced back to him. In any the axe he drags around, and swings as cleanly.
case, he’s certain that Eileanóra would only use He lacks insight into himself and is completely
the information to do good, and if there’s any unaware how events—particularly his own
chance she might grow to love him the way he behaviour—affect others. If they knew each
loves her, it’s worth it. He doesn’t suspect that other, Afton Airaldii (page 67) might take him on
his Captain Cesan Finnegani (page 53) has as a fixer-upper. There’s got to be a redemption
dispatched his cousin Greysen Adaire (page 69) to story there somewhere.
tail him for suspicious behaviour.
Dwarf Fighter 3, AC 17, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,
Human Fighter 3, AC 21, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9 STR 13 (+1), INT 6 (-1), WIS 11,
STR 15 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 12, DEX 8 (-1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 10
DEX 11, CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1) Equipment: plate mail, shield, battle axe
Equipment: Plate Mail +2, Shield +1, battle axe HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

4. Olaf Bodil 5. Stígandr Feldtg

As a young man yet to grasp the limits of his own A likeable person when he’s sober, Stígandr is
limited intelligence, Olaf wanted to be an quietly slipping deeper into alcoholism. He’s
inventor. He generated dozens of ideas, but unusually sensitive, though reticent to show this
lacked the ability to follow through on them. side of himself. In his relatively short time as a
First, they were utterly pointless. Second, he had fighter, he’s encountered an unusual amount of
neither the knowledge nor experience to execute horror. He’s unsure what to do with the feelings
them. Third, he lacks a mind capable of ever he’s left with, and drinking makes him feel better.
getting the knowledge and experience needed to He used to do it with his party members, but the
attempt and fail, let alone to grasp that his ideas depressive spiral afterwards left him in tears.
are terrible. He is a fighter—quite a good one at Now, he’s drinking in secret and hiding it from his
that. People like it when he kills monsters and party. He hates himself for it but feels trapped.
doesn’t talk.
Human Fighter 3, AC 22, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,
Human Fighter 3, AC 22, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9 STR 14 (+1), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1),
STR 16 (+2), INT 6 (-1), WIS 7 (-1), DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
DEX 18 (+3), CON 15 (+1), CHA 9 Equipment: plate mail, Shield +3, battle axe
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, battle axe HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Ennius Falco 7. Tronde Rolk

Ingenious by fighter standards—and by any The quintessential halfling, young Tronde is
standard—Ennius nonetheless finds himself in relentlessly cheerful, reliable, and cooperative.
trouble when his reach exceeds his grasp. He's His parents would not have taken him for an
able to formulate intricate plans with plausibly adventuring type but his remarkable strength,
good outcomes while failing to see the obvious quickness and wisdom made him a standout to
pitfalls. Still, he’s often able to convince people even the casual observer. When an opportunity
to go along with his schemes and he’s been able came calling by way of a party passing through,
to cope with “unforeseen events” due to his he was happy to follow. If it’s no fun, there’s
abilities, and no small amount of luck. To his always home to come back to.
great credit, he’s not an egomaniac. He’s never
so enthralled by his own ideas to demand people Halfling Fighter 3, AC 21, AB +2,
to come along, and is happy to listen and follow a #At 1 Hand Axe +2, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 20', ML 9
sensible plan from someone else. STR 16 (+2), INT 6 (-1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 17 (+2), CON 12, CHA 9
Human Fighter 3, AC 18, AB +2,
#At 1 Battle Axe +1, +2 vs. Enchanted Creatures, Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Hand Axe +2
Dam 1d8+2, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
STR 14 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 11, CON 15 (+1), CHA 14 (+1) 8. Hadubert Eklunds
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Battle Axe +1, +2 With his many talents, Hadubert might have done
vs. Enchanted Creatures anything—and still might. While his family
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ expected him to do whatever he chose to the
highest standard he could, he was free to choose.
He dabbled in everything. He read, he fought, he
spoke at length with as many elders as would
spare him time. Extroverted and witty, he can
captivate a room with tales of his party’s exploits
with a style approaching that of epic literature.
In battle, he is calm but lethal. He fights with
fairness and grace, even against opponents who
clearly wouldn’t offer him the same courtesy.
Secretly, he carries remorse for a misstep made
as a younger man. Rather than consume him,
he’s made it a lesson to ensure that he never
wavers from the straight path.

Halfling Fighter 3, AC 17, AB +2,

#At 1 Battle Axe +1 , Dam 1d8+3, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 15 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 8 (-1), CHA 18 (+3)
Equipment: plate mail, Battle Axe +1 (two-
handed), map to 1d4 magic items
HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

Magic-Users (1d8) 2. Niamh Ó Conailli

1. Petrina Mento Young cousin of Ciara (page 103), as he’s
progressed in his craft, Niamh has begun to feel
Logical to a fault, Petrina leaves emotion out of like his superior abilities place him above the law.
any problem solving or decision making process. He’s long felt a disconnect between himself and
This works... until it harms people and situations other people, and now sees both the potential
where emotional damage was one of the and the advantage of increasing that distance.
potential outcomes. Logic is her shield. She is He has no conscience, but doesn’t believe that a
both uncomfortable with people and emotions, conscience—or even a soul, for that matter—even
and aware of the limits of her own intellect. So, exists outside of religious texts (which he
she tends to boil situations down over- dismisses as speculative fiction).
simplistically to reduce the number of variables
to consider, and she tries to make herself sound Elf Magic-User 3, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff,
smarter by giving overly complex explanations Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9
others are unlikely to understand. She’s never STR 17 (+2), INT 17 (+2), WIS 11,
deliberately deceptive in circumstances where DEX 6 (-1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
lives might be lost and she doesn’t seem evil.
Spells: floating disc, light*, levitate
Perhaps it’s immaturity or insecurity. There’s still
time for her to work on herself. She could use a Equipment: walking staff
better mentor. HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Human Magic-User 3, AC 10, AB +1, 3. Alvina Alvine
#At 1 Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Spell Users,
Dam 1d4+2, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9 A young cousin of Leofsige Alvine (page 114), she
STR 13 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), is intelligent but, unlike him, easily bored. She
DEX 6 (-1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 9 could be doing much better at her magical
education but it would cut into her social life too
Spells: magic mouth, read languages, mirror much. Alvina craves novelty and is given to
image spontaneous, thrill-seeking adventures where she
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Spell Users dives in headlong. After a brief obsession, her
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ enthusiasm dissipates as quickly as it started and
she’s in search of the next big thing. As a friend,
this can be exhausting and so she has had a
number of relationships come and go, though not
as quickly as her other interests.

Elf Magic-User 3, AC 12, AB +1,

#At 1 Walking Staff +3, Dam 1d4+4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 6 (-1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 9, CHA 6 (-1)
Spells: darkness, protection from evil*,
phantasmal force
Equipment: Walking Staff +3
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Erhard Bradleye 6. Imogene Ashworthe

Erhard wants the best for others—to a point. He Daughter of a King, her speech and mannerisms
is sincerely congratulatory when he sees others are on a completely different level than that of
succeed, so long as their success does not her peers. She’s told no one of her royal heritage
exceed his own. He doesn’t know why he is like and her name is of her own invention. It has
this. There are more than enough heroes and role spurred endless curiosity from Oswald
models in his orbit who he’s witnessed pointing Ashworthe (page 33), who’s desperate to
to others that helped them become the people establish how they might be distantly related.
they are. Erhard’s fear is that he is neither good It’s too late to change now; she already
enough to be a hero, nor talented enough to help established the new identity before they’d met.
one on the way to greatness. For now, he’d like After the death of her mother she watched her
everyone to tie for last place. father slip into crippling mistrust bordering on
paranoia. Loving and empathetic, she did what
Human Magic-User 3, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 he could until his controlling suspicion turned on
Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Constructed Beings, her. Already aware that she had both magical
Dam 1d4+2, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9 powers and the affection of her subjects, she
STR 15 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), quietly slipped away in the middle of the night.
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 11 Her father sent men in search, but the numbers
dropped as time went on and morale plummeted.
Spells: darkness*, light*, phantasmal force
She’s kept nothing from her old life, but her time
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Constructed in the public eye carries the risk that she might
Beings be identified by a passing traveller.
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Human Magic-User 3, AC 12, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
5. Baylee Cookee Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
Sweet and bubbly, she’s not to everyone’s taste.
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 17 (+2)
In small amounts she is exactly the personality to
lift you from your doldrums, but it can easily Spells: detect magic, ventriloquism, wizard lock
grow excessive. It’s unclear whether she really is Equipment: dagger
a fountain of infinite happiness or whether it’s an HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
act to make people like her. It’s backfiring. No
one can be this positive all the time. One thing is
clear—she is never alone. If one individual or
group turns their back on her, she is quick to flit
over to the next one. Maybe a career change is in
order? As a teacher of young children her sunny
disposition would be a huge hit.

Elf Magic-User 3, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 walking staff,

Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 8 (-1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 6 (-1)
Spells: detect magic, protection from evil*,
wizard lock
Equipment: walking staff
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

7. Oswald Ashworthe 8. Elton Townsende

Bright, studious, and curious, it was these Elton relishes being the centre of attention.
qualities that influenced his decision to veer While only modest in his abilities, he is able to
away from his family’s warrior heritage. Too briefly capture the attention of small crowds here
many beatings from his brothers might have also and there. Nothing on the scale that the wizard
factored in—he was always the slowest of the at the fair last year was doing, but he imagines
bunch. It’s all for the best though. He has the himself reaching that level of spectacle someday.
physical body of a fighter, if not the inclination. He just might do it too, with a lot more studying
He’s the sort of wizard that no one would dare and a lot less daydreaming.
pick a fight with, and shouldn’t. He owns a
dagger, but uses it to open his mail or tend to his Elf Magic-User 3, AC 11, AB +1, #At 1 dagger,
fingernails—which are always immaculately Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
clean. He’s grappled, pinned or tossed enough STR 15 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10,
troublemakers at the pub for people to know not DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
to misbehave around him. He hates being alone,
Spells: charm person, floating disc, levitate
so he’s generally seen having tea or a stout with
friends several times a week. He’s missing his Equipment: dagger, Potion of Undead Control
family since his life changed, so was intrigued HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
when he made the acquaintance of Imogene
Ashworthe (page 32). She is elegant and effusive
but becomes strangely guarded when asked Thieves (1d8)
about her own family ties. Perhaps he could do a
bit of research in the library or consult the 1. Machar Shannoni
temple records. Surely Imme Färberg (page 25)
No powder, potion, food or drink invigorates
could get him access there.
Machar like the ridiculously dangerous risk-taking
Human Magic-User 3, AC 10, AB +1, #At 1 dagger, behaviours that he frequently engages in, just to
Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9 make himself feel that way. Yes, stealing is fun
for the income it brings in, but it’s nearly a
STR 16 (+2), INT 15 (+1), WIS 12,
fringe-benefit for Machar who feeds on the
DEX 7 (-1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 11 energy that the uncertainty always brings. With
Spells: floating disc, hold portal, phantasmal each job, he tries to barely escape, leaving
force himself less and less opportunity to extract
Equipment: dagger himself successfully with the loot. Eventually
he’ll want to get caught, then miraculously
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ escape from custody. It’s concerning, but it’s the
way he wants it.

Elf Thief 3, AC 16, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,

Dam 1d8, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 12, INT 17 (+2), WIS 12,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, battle axe
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

2. Guirmean Kermitm 3. “Never-wrong” Nestor Benton

Never a hardcore thief, he steals to live but he Nestor is given to make snap judgments about
would much rather make his living doing other people and their motives. He sizes people
something reliable for pay—so long as the pay is up at first sight or first word—usually both—and
good. He also doesn’t like to get dirty, and would nothing can really change his mind once it’s been
prefer to avoid getting too much sun—it makes made. You’d think that he would learn, after
him sneeze. He likes to socialize with people but people fail to disappoint him in the way that he
isn’t much of a team player. He also isn’t a good expects. However, he’s enraged just enough
fit for repetitive work. The more he repeats people just enough times to make them snap and
something, the poorer his attention is to it. So, behave in a negative way that he’s been proven
things like cleaning or manufacturing are right right. There’s no fixing him now.
out. He’s never been a very good cook and is
completely tone deaf. He’s afraid of the water, Human Thief 3, AC 15, AB +2, #At 1 scimitar,
and even avoids bathing if he can help it. No Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
magical talents to speak of. Can’t read. Can’t STR 12, INT 8 (-1), WIS 15 (+1),
write. Can’t fight. Bad with money. Doesn’t DEX 17 (+2), CON 16 (+2), CHA 12
believe in any deities. It’s odd that he’s having
Equipment: leather armour, scimitar, Potion of
difficulty changing professions.
Giant Strength
Dwarf Thief 3, AC 15, AB +2, #At 1 shortsword, HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Dam 1d6-1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 7 (-1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 10
Equipment: leather armour, shortsword
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Third-Level Characters

4. Fleta Kendrick 5. Heath Lyndone

Fleta, a Merchant-Thief, is an aspiring artist with Thievery was perhaps not the most inspired
no artistic talent. She also lacks the tools to choice Heath made. Excelling at nothing in
practice with, and the will to learn even if she did particular, he gravitated toward what appeared to
have the tools. What’s been easier is stealing require the least effort. He liked that it was light
works of art from real artists and then passing on reading and allowed him to learn by doing. It
them off as hers. It’s been challenging because was also nice to be able to work alone and set his
she has to move frequently: stealing from one own hours. And best of all, he could just decide
town, then selling in another. Experience has not to come to work if he didn’t feel like it. But
demonstrated that even this only works when the in addition to being too lazy to excel, Heath lacks
towns are very far apart because some artists’ the organization to succeed. He’s not great at
styles are recognizable within the region. Also, in coming prepared and refuses to make a checklist.
order to stave off requests for custom work, He’s often forgotten his tools at home, left them
she’s had to invent a very eccentric personality in the places he’s burgled, or misplaced them
that pretends that anything not currently on hand entirely with no clue when they were last seen.
is passe. At whatever point the travel gets to be He’s clumsy and given to hysterics and expletives
too much, she thinks she could retire comfortably
as the owner/operator of a vanity gallery. Many
have begged her to show their work alongside
“her” art.

Elf Thief 3, AC 13, AB +2, #At 1 Battle Axe +1,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 11, INT 14 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, Battle Axe +1, Potion
of Flying
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Third-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

when injured on the job. He’s easily frustrated, 7. Abelia Cato

and locks are really quite a bit trickier than he
thought they'd be. Also, the tools are expensive Abelia was raised in an orphanage and was never
to keep replacing and the guy he buys used sets adopted. She is pleasant in appearance and has
from laughed at him the last time he came in for a quiet, calming voice, but she is reluctant to use
another one. Too embarrassed to ever return, it. She keeps to herself, avoids eye contact with
Heath keeps an eye out for scrap metal by the others, and generally doesn’t ever speak unless
Blacksmith’s anvil. spoken to first. Even when asked a question
directly, she tends to answer with brief, vague
Human Thief 3, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe, responses. She will often hint at what she wants
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9 or leave clues for others to find, rather than
STR 15 (+1), INT 9, WIS 13 (+1), asking directly. Thievery has been both a means
DEX 14 (+1), CON 11, CHA 12 of survival due to poverty, and a way to get things
she might freely be given if she were able to ask.
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Human Thief 3, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
6. Bjarne Torsten STR 9, INT 10, WIS 9,
Bjarne wasn’t raised around other Halflings. He DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
was a foundling, discovered in a box on the side Equipment: leather armour, longsword
of the road. His adoptive father was a merchant HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
who first tried to sell him, unsuccessfully, before
later considering that he might be a long-term 8. Pantera Lupus
investment if he could be made to work someday.
Thus, Bjarne learned to speak by watching his Pantera, who hasn’t worked in many months, is
father haggle with strangers from sunup to concerned about her health but is having a hard
sundown every day of the week. As a result, time being taken seriously. Her symptoms are
Bjarne seems to argue for the sake of arguing, to real, but varied, with afflictions to her skin, eyes,
either begin or prolong a conversation, and he and joints that make it impossible to do her job.
always insists on having the last word. Many The healers are useless. They’ve written her off
have tried to understand why he does this and as a hypochondriac, suggesting that she’s
set him straight—it just foments another inventing her illness but unable to make up a
argument. He can’t help it. Regarding language sensible one. Others have suggested she’s going
and interpersonal relations, it seems completely insane. What quacks! After waiting for what she
normal to him. considered a sufficient amount of time to allay
suspicion, she broke into their stores and robbed
Halfling Thief 3, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 longsword, them of all their medicines. She’d like to try to
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9 treat herself, if she knew what all these powders
STR 14 (+1), INT 7 (-1), WIS 12, and pastes were for. There’s got to be someone
DEX 14 (+1) CON 11, CHA 6 (-1) who believes her, and will at least try to help.
Equipment: leather armour, longsword (two- Elf Thief 3, AC 14, AB +2,
handed) #At 1 Longsword +1, +3 vs. Energy Draining
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Creatures, Dam 1d8+2, +4 vs. Special Enemy,
Mv 30', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 8 (-1), CHA 12
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +1, +3 vs.
Energy Draining Creatures
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

Fourth-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) Human Cleric 4, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 mace,
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
1. Vesper Calussa STR 15 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
Vesper has reached a friction point as a Cleric.
She (alternately, he) does enjoy the feeling of not Spells: 2x protection from evil*, charm animal
being utterly lost and confused all the time. She Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace
appreciates that spells work most of the time HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
and as intended. It’s the crushing expectation
that she must learn and pray and pray and learn, 2. Huberta Bushe
all day and night, that is now utterly exhausting.
There must be a shortcut to progress somewhere, Huberta is still finding her way. Not a leader and
where one does not need to concern themselves not a follower, she’s feeling out her environment
with mundane tangents and pointless minutia. to determine who she might trust. A true
The structure and routine; the constant oversight, believer, it’s organized religion that leaves her
mentoring and accountability—it’s all a bit much. skeptical. She is concerned by what is rumoured
She’s heard that the Temple of Daevas has a to be the real intent of the Temple of Eternal Life.
pretty low bar for entry. The rumour also The clergy elite are rarely seen and never spoken
suggested that it had closed its doors to the of, except in whispers. From the limited vantage
public, but surely they wouldn’t turn away a new point of her current station, everything seems
recruit ready to pledge service to their cause… fine, but it sure doesn’t feel that way. The
whatever that is. biographical information of some of the senior
members doesn’t make sense, unless extreme
longevity is more common than she knew. If only
she could access the lower levels. There must be
better records down there. Living quarters?
Meeting rooms? Something.

Human Cleric 4, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1 Mace +3,

Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 5 (-2)
Spells: protection from evil*, purify food and
water, silence 15' radius
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Mace +3
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

3. Brianag Mohani considered what would happen to the family line

were she to die without bearing children. Now it
When she was younger, Brianag met a priestess weighs on her heavily.
that completely changed her view of what clergy
could be like. She wasn’t old, stuffy and Elf Cleric 4, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
buttoned up like most were. Her name was Dam 1d6, Mv 20', ML 9
Whitney Worthame (page 108) and she worked STR 11, INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
for the Temple of Worms. “Gross!” Brianag had DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
said. “Yes!” Whitney agreed, not missing a beat.
Spells: light*, remove fear*, find traps
She then told the younger girl how worms make
beautiful things grow, even where the land had Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer, Potion
been poisoned. “That could be you, someday, of Levitation
Brianag,” she concluded. “Making the world HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
better when others feel like it’s hopeless.” That ☐
conversation changed Brianag’s life. She knew
what she wanted to do with her life. Accepting
the invitation to become a Worm, Brianag now
has her faith but also a personal code of conduct
that guides her in the absence of rules. One of
the things she’s still learning from Whitney is how
to cope with circumstances where the rules get
in the way.

Halfling Cleric 4, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1 light mace,

Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 9, CHA 12
Spells: detect magic, remove fear*, speak with
Equipment: plate mail, shield, light mace, Potion
of Plant Control
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

4. Cassandra Flamen
The Flamen family have been priests for the
entirety of living memory and historical record.
The name is so synonymous with the role that
some believe that the role was named after the
family, “flamine” being a foreign word for priest.
Naturally it was assumed that Cassandra would
continue in that tradition. She’s gone along with
it so far, securing a position at the Temple of the
Morning Star while she grows in faith and power.
But she’s a long way away from where her own
ancestors filled the role, and while she is new to
the area, her name is not. She’s gotten the sense
that she is unwelcome here and that other family
names seeking to make their own mark on this
Temple would rather see her quietly disappear.
There’s been nothing threatening, but the eerie
insularity has made her fear that it was wrong of
her to come this way. As an only child, she never

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

5. Sunna Fishere 7. Camran Ó Broin

She showed early promise as a beginning acolyte, Camran’s curiosity got the better of him. Used to
but now Sunna is feeling the pressure to maintain wandering and doing as he pleased, he failed to
her standing. Her frazzled nerves and heed the warning sign to stay away from the
characteristic enthusiasm are now stepping on storage chamber of unchecked materials donated
toes as she tries to remain at the forefront. to the Temple of Daevas. There he flipped
Increasingly, she answers for other people rather through many books, until he opened the one
than letting them speak. Right or wrong, it’s containing an Infernal. Now possessed, his
awkward for everyone in attendance and it’s consciousness is the silent passenger along for
poisoning her friendships. Worse, when called the ride as the Infernal uses his mind and body to
upon for an opinion she’s blindsided, often just gather information, in preparation for a coup.
repeating what others have said in her own
words. No one’s very impressed and even fewer Halfling Cleric 4, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
have any sympathy for it. She might not have Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
what it takes to succeed here. STR 10, INT 6 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 11
Elf Cleric 4, AC 18, AB +2,
#At 1 Mace +1, +2 vs. Infernal Creatures, Spells: cure light wounds*, detect magic, resist
Dam 1d8+1, +2 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 fire
STR 10, INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+1), Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, warhammer,
Scroll of Protection from Undead
DEX 11, CON 15 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Spells: detect evil*, protection from evil*, bless*
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Mace +1, +2 vs.
Infernal Creatures
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

6. Willa Stroude
It hasn’t occurred to Willa to inquire what the
name “The Temple of Silent Reach” means. She’s
not the sort to have doubts or judge too quickly—
if at all. She was just excited to be offered an
exciting opportunity to work alongside nice
people doing work which seems to be intended
for the public good, as curious as it is sometimes.
But whatever they ask, she does—cheerfully,
expeditiously, completely. Everyone should have
a Willa. Her one unusual quirk is her insistence
on making up a cute nickname for everyone she
works with, but don’t you worry yourself about
that, “Chubbycheeks.” Oh dear.

Dwarf Cleric 4, AC 19, AB +2, #At 1 mace,

Dam 1d8-1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 7 (-1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 12, CHA 9
Spells: cure light wounds*, detect magic, bless*
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Gaheris Allobrogicus 2. Maon Mcclellandi

A recent immigrant to the area, Gaheris is still Now retired from military service, Maon has
struggling both with understanding and making begun taking on jobs as a mercenary. For a while
himself understood. His grasp of the local dialect he enjoyed the freedom of travelling light,
is improving but the frequent use of idioms and meeting new people, and filling his schedule any
slang still causes him a lot of confusion, as does way he pleased. It still has its moments. Warm
humour. Consequently, he’s found himself very and gregarious, he has the capacity to be the life
reliant on those around him to explain some of the party should he find himself in a pub of
meanings more clearly, and in some cases, even like-minded strangers. It’s the quiet hours that
to make decisions on his behalf. It’s ripe for are killing him. He never lived alone before and
manipulation for anyone who might want to now realizes he hates it. In the military, his troop
cause him harm, or just use him for their own served double as friends and family. Now that’s
purposes. Gaheris is similarly out of touch with all gone. He needs to find a new one.
the regional culture, and even the history of the
Temple of Oreh. Hopefully he’s in the right place Human Fighter 4, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
and surrounded by the right kind of people. Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
Nothing bad has happened—so far. STR 17 (+2), INT 15 (+1), WIS 11,
DEX 15 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Dwarf Cleric 4, AC 18, AB +2, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d6-1, Mv 20', ML 9 Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, longsword
STR 8 (-1), INT 12, WIS 15 (+1), HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: protection from evil*, purify food and
water, resist fire
Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Fighters (1d8)
1. Emerson Bloodworthe
Though not a stellar fighter by any measure,
Emerson feels invincible. On the field this looks a
lot like bravery, until you look closer and see the
degree of risk he undertakes for the amount of
skill he possesses. There’s clearly some kind of
disconnect there between his perception and
reality. It’s a lifelong condition. Voted by his
school classmates as “Most Likely to Acquire a
Career-Ending Permanent Injury,” Emerson just
interpreted it as a challenge to be overcome
before the reunion party. At least he’s got a good

Dwarf Fighter 4, AC 21, AB +3,

#At 1 Longsword +1, Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 9, WIS 11,
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 9
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +3, Longsword +1
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

3. Alberic Rufinus instinctively, he can see how events will unfold

based on the decisions he makes in the moment.
Alberic (“Elf Ruler”) has probably missed his He wonders if this is something inherited from his
chance to live up to his name. Life was idyllic in father, or something of his very own.
his family at the time that it was bestowed, but
the call to war claimed his father while he was Elf Fighter 4, AC 22, AB +3, #At 1 shortsword,
still a child. When the invaders came to sack the Dam 1d6+1, Mv 30', ML 9
castle, Alberic was already gone with his mother, STR 14 (+1), INT 12, WIS 14 (+1),
living anonymously under her brother’s roof. DEX 18 (+3), CON 14 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
There is no castle to reclaim, just a ruin, though
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, shield, shortsword
he could rebuild a new one there if he’s
successful as a fighter. He has the talent—few HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
are quicker with a blade. But he also has the ☐☐☐☐☐
strategic mind. While he is a very good tactician
when given the time to plan an attack, where he 4. Torny Halfdan
really shines is in formulating a new strategy on
the field when things have gone wrong. Almost It might drive another fighter to bloodthirst to
hear “Where’s your other half, Dan?” year after
year, but Torny is comfortable being the butt of a
joke. The secret is to find others with the same
sense of priority. On a level field, where each
member of the party can laugh or be laughed at,
Torny will do his very best work. Pester or insult
him with arrogant hokum, and he’ll use his
wizard-level smarts to puncture your ego before
his scimitar follows up with a cut to remember
him by.

Halfling Fighter 4, AC 17, AB +3, #At 1 scimitar,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 10,
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, scimitar (two-handed)
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Wassa Fairburne 6. Sif Ragnhild

Wassa has a strange way of dealing with anxiety. Normally very level-headed, organized and
If there is ever anything upsetting to her, be it an dependable, Sif is in a shambles this week. He’s
unfortunate event or an interpersonal incident— recently quit tobacco and is unable to think of
she pretends it never happened. Heated much else. Fidgety and forgetful, he’s getting on
arguments, disappointing jobs, sudden deaths— his own nerves within his inability to act
never happened. It might have been a clever anywhere nearly as competently as his reputation
coping mechanism at one time, but it’s gone on suggests he is. If by the end of all this no one
too long now. Talking with her requires that you wants to work with him anymore, was it really
remain aware of two realities—hers and everyone worth it?
else’s. You can try to confront her with evidence
that her recollections of events are wrong. At Elf Fighter 4, AC 19, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
best, you’ll just start an argument that she won’t Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9
acknowledge the next time you see her. STR 16 (+2), INT 12, WIS 11,
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
Human Fighter 4, AC 21, AB +3,
#At 1 Longsword +1, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9 Equipment: plate mail, shield, longsword
STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 9, HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Longsword +1,
Scroll of Protection from Undead
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

7. Badurad Garberg 8. Lupa Falco

Badurad lives for the uphill climb. The most As her name suggests, Lupa comes from a long
interesting part of living is when you’ve been line of falconers. She has been breeding, training,
pushed completely out of your comfort zone. and hunting with falcons and other birds of prey
Coping with change-induced panic—knowing you since childhood and she is never without one.
need to not only learn something new, but master Because they take between 5 and 10 years to
it—there’s nothing like that. So don’t bother fully train, she usually is working with one or
asking him to do something he’s already done more wild birds, including hawks and eagles.
before. He’ll yawn and ask you what else you’ve They function as a second set of eyes and ears,
got to offer. Pitch something fiendishly difficult but also as companions to her. As such, one or
or spectacularly lethal—he’s already built up more may attack with their beak and talons if
quite a tolerance with his varied experiences so Lupa is in obvious distress.
Elf Fighter 4, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
Dwarf Fighter 4, AC 19, AB +3, #At 1 shortsword, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9 STR 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10,
STR 14 (+1), INT 7 (-1), WIS 11, DEX 15 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
DEX 7 (-1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 10 Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, longsword
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, shortsword HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Magic-Users (1d8)
1. Alda Froste
Alda’s progression as a Magic-User has come at
the expense of her marriage. When she met her
future spouse, she was still uncertain where her
fledgling abilities would take her—if anywhere.
When it was clear that magic was turning her
toward a path and commitment that her spouse
refused to follow her on, they parted. She is
hardly sleeping wondering if both of them are
suffering this way. Her friends are trying to help,
but she’s locked herself away, insisting she’d
rather be alone.

Elf Magic-User 4, AC 14, AB +2,

#At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 17 (+2), WIS 12,
DEX 10, CON 11, CHA 7 (-1)
Spells: sleep*, hold portal, mind reading, wizard
Equipment: walking staff, Ring of Protection +3
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

2. Starla Hepburne 3. Ríoghnach Ó Corraidhíni

Starla was so-named because her dark eyes— Ríoghnach (“Queen”) aspires to power. She
nearly black in colour and depth—reflect light in believes the current establishment is weakening,
a way that sparkles. It makes people stare longer and that at some point her abilities will make her
than they should. She will quickly turn away an ideal candidate to assume control. Her fear is
when she notices. Friendly but shy, she is that others are probably noticing the same trend.
uncomfortable with the effect that her She is throwing herself into her studies while
appearance has on others. She’s determined to simultaneously building a small network of loyal
be taken seriously. It’s her mind they should be friends and followers. As far as each of them is
wary of. concerned, there will be a special reward in store
for them if they stand behind her. For some of
Human Magic-User 4, AC 12, AB +2, them, that will actually be true. She’s keeping a
#At 1 Dagger +1, +2 vs. Elementals, Dam 1d4+2, list of names. It changes from week to week,
+3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9 depending on who has pledged their commitment
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), and how they are rising in the ranks. She really
DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 16 (+2) doesn’t care how the list reads when her time
comes, so long as they step up when called for.
Spells: detect magic, protection from evil*,
continual darkness*, phantasmal force Human Magic-User 4, AC 13, AB +2,
Equipment: Dagger +1, +2 vs. Elementals #At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ STR 12, INT 17 (+2), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 17 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: floating disc, sleep, invisibility, levitate
Equipment: walking staff
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

4. Sutton Edgare
Sutton doesn’t understand healthy boundaries.
He stands uncomfortably close to others—even
complete strangers—and leans in even closer
with his head when speaking or listening. It’s
worsened by the fact that he gestures a lot when
he talks. He’s quite charming despite all of this,
but one wonders what kind of closeness he
experienced growing up, or indeed if he grew up
inside a garden shed.

Human Magic-User 4, AC 12, AB +2,

#At 1 Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Regenerators,
Dam 1d4+3, +4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: darkness*, read languages, continual
light*, mind reading
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Regenerators
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

5. Emericus Vestalis 6. Florine Lentulus

Taunted for being a “freak” when he was young, Florine was torn whether to pursue arcane or
Emericus was born with an extra finger on each divine magic. She’s still not certain she made the
hand. Throughout childhood, he used to keep his right choice. She’s interested in nature magic but
fingers tightly packed together to obfuscate their not particularly keen on serving a deity just to
appearance. He told himself that if he ever access those spells. However, once she’s in a
attained power he would make others feel as place in her life where she can undertake magical
intimidated as he once did. He now has that research, she really wants to pursue it full-time.
power, and as it slowly increases it seems as She’s curious to see whether she can formulate
though he will use it ruthlessly. In his mind, poor spells that would allow Magic-Users to speak
treatment has given him license to completely with plants, animals, insects and even investigate
disregard the feelings of others, and he does so whether ancient fixtures of the world, like
indiscriminately. As an adult, he proudly spreads mountains, contain any senses or memories. It
his 6-fingered hands while he is casting spells. doesn’t seem less possible to her than many
other fantastical abilities that she knows exist.
Elf Magic-User 4, AC 11, AB +2, #At 1 walking staff,
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9 Elf Magic-User 4, AC 11, AB +2,
STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 16 (+2), #At 1 Dagger +1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes, Dam 1d4+1,
+2 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
DEX 11, CON 16 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
STR 11, INT 16 (+2), WIS 17 (+2),
Spells: sleep, shield, levitate, phantasmal force
DEX 8 (-1), CON 10, CHA 8 (-1)
Equipment: walking staff, Scroll of Protection
from Undead Spells: magic missile, read languages, continual
darkness*, detect evil*
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Dagger +1, +2 vs. Lycanthropes, Ring
of Protection +1, Scroll of Magic-User Spells:
invisibility, locate object, protection from evil*
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Hersilia Julus Thieves (1d8)

A week after meeting Hersilia, she will receive a 1. Gaufrid Damd
message that changes her. Normally she’s the
most caring and connected person in a group, but In the past, Gaufrid picked up a lot of jobs and
she’s suddenly become withdrawn. She’s in did them well, and that worried him. He noticed
mourning but is hesitant to let on to anyone that others who’d experienced the same success
because she doesn’t believe they could ever eventually attracted too much attention from
understand how terrible the loss feels. Mourning guards, were put on a watchlist, followed, and
a pet seems stupid to most people she’s met. In imprisoned. He needed to create a different
secret she’s cried more than she ever did after public image. So, every now and then he’ll do
the death of her uncle. It sounds terrible to even something harmless but mildly disruptive. This
think about it. She’ll just keep getting through week he was arrested for trespassing. He sat
the days somehow, but it’s hard to keep making down on a farmer’s front porch stroking a
excuses to people that know that there’s chicken on his lap, then refused to leave. He got
something she’s keeping from them. She often a night in jail for it. The underground knows it’s a
holds the message in her hand when she’s ruse and thinks he’s a genius. If asked, they’ll
especially sad, but won’t show it to anyone. How strongly encourage you to hire him. If he’s in
could she ever let herself get hurt this way again? custody for the night, just be waiting near the jail
in the morning with some breakfast for him. He
Human Magic-User 4, AC 11, AB +2, likes scrambled eggs.
#At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 17 (+2), WIS 16 (+2), Human Thief 4, AC 15, AB +2, #At 1 shortsword,
Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 10
STR 9, INT 15 (+1), WIS 12,
Spells: charm person, read languages, detect
evil*, locate object DEX 17 (+2), CON 16 (+2), CHA 8 (-1)
Equipment: walking staff, message from home Equipment: leather armour, shortsword
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

8. Alke Fieldse
When her place was robbed, the money that Alke
had tucked away for her living expenses vanished.
She was evicted and is now toting her books and
equipment around in a small pull cart while she
looks for other accommodations. She is kind and
trustworthy but down on her luck. Fortunately,
she was spotted by Eileanóra Yorke (page 18)
who made a wizard and some clerics aware of
her situation. They’re now making sure she has
food and a safe place to sleep. She is grateful
but embarrassed. She needs something
permanent and has now learned wizard lock in
anticipation of that day.

Elf Magic-User 4, AC 11, AB +2, #At 1 dagger,

Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 13 (+1), WIS 12,
DEX 11, CON 10, CHA 18 (+3)
Spells: hold portal, magic mouth, invisibility,
wizard lock
Equipment: dagger, Potion of Speed
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

2. Farrah Allardf 3. Arcadia Imperiosus

Farrah doesn’t trust anyone she isn’t paying. She She’d like to establish her own guild someday but
doesn’t understand how friendship and loyalty you probably wouldn’t want to work for her. Soft
work, only commerce. If there is some event she skills are not her strong suit. It’s not clear
needs to attend in disguise, where it’s important whether she’s been treated badly by peers who
to suggest that she’s just a normal person with feel that thievery is a man’s profession, or if her
friends—she’ll rent one for the occasion. Lots of haughty and overbearing manner is just natural
junior thieves are keen to pick up the job for the grace. She’s not to be trifled with and do so at
chance to watch a chameleon at work. your peril.

Elf Thief 4, AC 17, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe, Elf Thief 4, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8-1, Mv 40', ML 9 Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 8 (-1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 9, STR 10, INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1) DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
Equipment: Leather Armour +3, battle axe Equipment: leather armour, longsword, Scroll of
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Protection from Magic
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Fourth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Murchadh Macdougalls 5. Annag Juweller

No one ever thinks they’re the bad guy. Annag is questioning whether her heart is in it
Murchadh calls himself a rebel—“an unheralded anymore. By skill and no small amount of luck,
champion of justice for the oppressed,” as he she’s accumulated enough wealth that she could
puts it—though he’s exclusively protecting his retrain, or possibly even retire if she lives frugally.
own rights at this time. Notoriously cheap, he’s She’s not “seen the light” by any stretch and has
shifted his worldview to re-frame thievery as “a no interest in joining the clergy, but maybe it’s
natural consequence of too many long hours for time to learn a craft and go into business for
piteous wages under inhumane conditions.” He herself. But what to do? She’ll take on some
also refuses to pay rent, and will squat in any small jobs while she ponders.
unoccupied space for as long as he can barricade
himself in. Halfling Thief 4, AC 13, AB +2,
#At 1 Battle Axe +1, +3 vs. Arachnids, Dam 1d8+1,
Human Thief 4, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 30', ML 9
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9 STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
STR 16 (+2), INT 18 (+3), WIS 10, DEX 12, CON 16 (+2), CHA 9
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1) Equipment: leather armour, Battle Axe +1, +3 vs.
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe Arachnids (two-handed)
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fourth-Level Characters

6. Máirín Nolani 7. Payton Hawarde

The half-sister of Muireall Whelani (page 6), she Payton has raised thievery to a high art, like
never knew her father and is unaware of her sculpture or composing a symphony. She
sibling’s existence. He had already disappeared (alternately, he) is a meticulous planner with high
before she was born and so she was given her standards and a tendency to criticize her
mother’s last name. Her first name, Máirín—“star performance overly harshly. She replays her
of the sea”—is the only thing that connects her mistakes over and over in her mind, and tries to
to her father and half-sister. In her mind, he is better the performance. Oddly, this makes her
still alive somewhere, sailing in search of riches. priorities completely reversed to that of her
She briefly gave some thought to becoming a current peers, who are pleased with even a
pirate herself, but was then sobered by the sloppy job so long as it is successful. Payton has
reality of being trapped on a ship with a dozen begun taking on jobs not because she desires a
angry men. So, in the midst of her work in the particular item so much as because it’s another
information trade, she listens for any mention of opportunity to practice.
him. It’s entirely possible that his name will pass
over Muireall’s lips and be overheard by someone Halfling Thief 4, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 longsword,
in the network. How would it feel to know she Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
had more living family? Would they feel drawn STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
together, or angered by each other? It would be DEX 13 (+1), CON 9, CHA 4 (-2)
a difficult experience for each of them to
Equipment: leather armour, longsword (two-
understand how one man could be so different to
handed), Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes
two of his children.
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Dwarf Thief 4, AC 14, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 8. Nerva Dolabella
STR 11, INT 15 (+1), WIS 8 (-1),
In what seems to be an act of revenge, Nerva’s
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1) home was burned to the ground. For now, he’s
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe got temporary quarters at the thieves’ guild, is
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ wearing surplus equipment, and he’s wondering
who did this to him. There’s no question that it’s
arson. But why? While “there’s no honour among
thieves” there are unwritten rules—a code. If he
somehow violated it, he doesn’t understand how.
No one is keen on looking into it. He’s not nearly
important enough to protect, and there’s no other
profit that their assistance could yield. Was it an
inside job?

Dwarf Thief 4, AC 15, AB +2, #At 1 battle axe,

Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 6 (-1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 16 (+2), CHA 9
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Fifth-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 2. Upton Ewart
1. Hedley Harrisone Upton didn’t really have a life plan, but the clergy
seemed to have a constant drive for new recruits.
Hedley of the Temple of Gizeh has a fear of Upon joining, he found that the poor box was
darkness. Not evil—well yes, that too—but also nearly always full and the cabinets had plenty of
the absence of sunlight. With the permission of ceremonial wine. Even after cutting back on the
the ruling council he is in the process of lighting amount he’s skimmed from the coffers, he’s
the walkways by planting hundreds of remained quite satisfied. Deities must grade on a
bioluminescent mushrooms. It’s unexpectedly curve because his spells nearly always work, and
proven to be a popular draw for both the faithful when they don’t it’s because he’s too inebriated
and the merely curious. to recite them correctly.

Human Cleric 5, AC 20, AB +3, #At 1 mace, Dwarf Cleric 5, AC 21, AB +3, #At 1 mace,
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9 Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), STR 12, INT 8 (-1), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 10 DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
Spells: 2x light*, bless*, spiritual hammer Spells: 2x detect magic, bless*, hold person
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, mace Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, mace
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

3. Ellanher Bergströms
Wary of warnings from her family that she might
meet her end the way Icarus did, Ellanher sought
to curb her risky, thrill seeking behaviour by
joining an organization in direct opposition. The
Temple of the Dead Moth is a very old sect
preaching the hazards of just that sort of
lifestyle. Admittedly, it’s turned her life around.
On a daily basis she gets to meet people just like
she was, some of whom are much more damaged
by their own reckless living. They remain in the
safety of the temple from anywhere from a day
to a few months as they recover. When they
leave, a few come back to express thanks for the
help they received at the Temple. Some return
for another stay when they've strayed again into
errant living. Entirely too many come back in a
shroud for burial. Ellanher is one of the thankful.

Halfling Cleric 5, AC 19, AB +3, #At 1 warhammer,

Dam 1d6, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 9, INT 12, WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Spells: protection from evil*, resist cold, bless*,
charm animal
Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

4. Camdyn Bradforde 6. Fern Thackere

Following a painful and unexpected breakup, After dialing down his expressiveness to better
Camdyn is emotionally fragile right now. His reflect the wise, reserved personae that he
normal resilience has been punctured and he thought Clerics were supposed to have, Fern is
doubts everything about himself that he thought now letting his happy Halfling out to play again—
he knew. He is apt to react emotionally and take in spurts. He comes off as a bit weird now,
things personally and has an intense need to be vacillating between extroverted boisterousness
around other people right now, though most and serene tranquility. He’ll find a sensible
would like to withdraw from him if it didn’t look balance eventually.
so bad. His remove fear spells are to cast on
himself, while the animal spells are for those Halfling Cleric 5, AC 20, AB +3, #At 1 light mace,
times when everyone else has someplace Dam 1d6, Mv 30', ML 9
pressing that they need to be. STR 11, INT 12, WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 17 (+2), CON 10, CHA 9
Elf Cleric 5, AC 22, AB +3, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9 Spells: purify food and water, resist cold, bless*,
find traps
STR 13 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10,
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, Shield +1, light mace,
DEX 14 (+1), CON 8 (-1), CHA 5 (-2)
Potion of Fire Resistance
Spells: 2x remove fear*, charm animal, speak
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
with animals
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +3, warhammer,
Potion of Giant Strength
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

5. Carpus Mocilla
Anyone knowing Carpus from childhood would be
shocked to learn he joined the Temple of the
Muse. Then, as now, he worships at the altar of
himself. Conceited to an extreme, he expects
and generally receives special treatment. He can
be inappropriately flirtatious and insincerely
flattering to get what he wants, but as soon as
you’re served your purpose he wants you gone—
now. He is wicked and malicious. Which deity
tolerates this from a Cleric?

Elf Cleric 5, AC 19, AB +3, #At 1 mace, Dam 1d8,

Mv 20', ML 9
STR 9, INT 13 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: cause fear*, cause light wounds*, bane*,
silence 15' radius
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, mace
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Conrad Freemane 8. Ainsley Kinsleye

Younger brother of Mallory Freemane (page 92). After a brief tenure at the Temple of Eternal Life,
Formerly an acolyte of the Temple of Thorns, his Ainsley was recently asked to leave for being
interests have waned and he is now drifting. He caught in the passageway leading to the lower
easily found work as a pickup for a group whose levels one too many times. Fortunately, his faith
Cleric had recently passed away. While he’s remains intact. He has a peculiar fascination
strong and competent, his party is bothered by with the undead, and the sermons didn’t delve
his irritability and self-absorption. Since into the subject of life and death as deeply as he
childhood he’s had a streak of competitiveness, was hoping they would. As there seems to be an
but he now feels utterly helpless in the shadow inordinate amount of secrecy preventing acolytes
of his sister. He constantly fantasizes about from accessing certain libraries and building
success while the world passes him by. He’s levels in the Temple, he thought he’d push his
certain he would never stoop to doing anything to luck. No such luck. Plan B is to find some willing
harm Mallory. Not that he would pose any threat adventurers who share his interest and explore
to her. Not alone, anyway. some crypts.

Dwarf Cleric 5, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 mace, Elf Cleric 5, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 warhammer,
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9 Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 9, WIS 15 (+1), STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 11 DEX 12, CON 16 (+2), CHA 18 (+3)
Spells: remove fear*, resist cold, hold person, Spells: light*, purify food and water, find traps,
spiritual hammer resist fire
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace Equipment: plate mail, shield, warhammer
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

Fighters (1d8) 3. Cesan Finnegani

1. Berghild Bjorg As Captain of the Guard, Cesan ostensibly
protects the town from those that would
Berghild expected that she would be a Cleric threaten its inhabitants, but that’s actually just a
forever. It was disappointing then when she was helpful side effect. He’s mostly just keeping it
not only dismissed from the Temple of New Birth, orderly so he can run his own criminal enterprise
but excommunicated—severing her connection to with a free and loyal defence force. His cousin
her Deity and removing her powers completely. It Greysen Adaire (page 69) works informally as a
is a huge blow to the Bjorg (“Salvation”) family, spy, bodyguard and remover-of-problem-people
who have served many deities with distinction for in return for information and immunity from
generations. Yes, she spoke out of turn in prosecution. Cesan has noticed that one of his
questioning the lack of adornment on the high mid-level officers Theodosius Scipio (page 28) is
priests, but the punishment seems eerily spending a lot of time with Eileanóra Yorke (page
draconian. Is it too late for her to reclaim her 18). He’s having Greysen tail him to determine if
role in the service of another deity? information is being passed that may risk
Halfling Fighter 5, AC 18, AB +4, exposure of their business activities. And if Theo
#At 1 Longsword +1, +2 vs. Enchanted Creatures, turns out to be a problem person...
Dam 1d8+2, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9
Elf Fighter 5, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1 shortsword,
STR 15 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), Dam 1d6+3, Mv 20', ML 9
DEX 11, CON 14 (+1), CHA 16 (+2) STR 18 (+3), INT 9, WIS 10,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +1, +2 DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 8 (-1)
vs. Enchanted Creatures (two-handed), Scroll of
Equipment: plate mail, shield, shortsword, Potion
Protection from Undead
of Invisibility
HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
2. Murchadh Innes
The determination of a Dwarven Fighter has two
sides. Murchadh has the epic fighter side that
refuses to give up when the odds aren’t
favourable and the likelihood of victory—if not
survival—is diminishing. He persists, and people
love him for it. But he also has the epic Dwarf
side that refuses to give up absolutely anything at
all, ever, under any circumstances once his mind
is made up about it. “No” is a word he doesn’t
like to hear—and so he doesn’t. He’ll tell himself
you were joking; he’ll tell himself you didn’t
understand; he’ll tell himself he knows better,
and then proceed accordingly. He’s a good lad if
you keep him engaged in battle and away from
the conversation.

Dwarf Fighter 5, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1 longsword,

Dam 1d8+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 9, WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 8 (-1), CON 12, CHA 7 (-1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, longsword
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Astrid “Sassa” Duboisf 5. Beowulf Wilmere

Sassa has known many vile men like Cesan As a hero-for-hire, Beowulf has found himself in
Finnegani (page 53) and Greysen Adaire (page 69) some terrifying life-and-death situations, but he
in her day. They’ve never heard of her, but she honestly believed the day he met Leofsige Alvine
feels like she knows them well by the way that (page 114) was going to be the last day of his
others have spoken about them behind their short life. He was browsing produce in the
backs. Whether they realize it or not, a bad marketplace when the gag went in his mouth and
reputation follows you everywhere, invisibly. If the shroud enveloped his body. The bumpy
Sassa could hear what is said about her, it wagon ride couldn’t end soon enough. He hoped
wouldn’t change her behaviour, but at least she’d the end would be quick. Instead, he found
feel some assurance that the rumour mill himself deposited at the centre of a room,
communicates the good with the bad. Her loving, encircled by 7 robed figures holding wands and
caring nature; faithfulness to family and weapons. One spoke. The voice told a story of
friendship ties; and ability to cleave hobgoblin four unearthly beings—The Tetrad—walking
heads have not gone unnoticed, or undisclosed. among us draped in the guises of men and
women. Disappearances, deaths, a possible
Elf Fighter 5, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1 shortsword, prelude to an invasion—it sounded surreal. Then
Dam 1d6+1, Mv 20', ML 9 Leofsige approached, knelt, and introduced
STR 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 7 (-1), himself. Beowulf had been chosen for his
DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 16 (+2) abilities, but more so, for his character. He’d
been closely surveilled for months. As a junior
Equipment: plate mail, shield, shortsword
member of a covert group of overseers—The
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ Octad—he would need to do nothing more than
continue his profession, passing along what he
saw and heard—now that his attention had been

Halfling Fighter 5, AC 20, AB +4,

#At 1 Hand Axe +2, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 10, WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Hand Axe +2
HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

6. Sèitheach Duffs 7. Osborn Torgeir

Sèitheach is an obsessive collector of weaponry. Osborn broke his left big toe walking through a
It’s not unusual, though he lacks one of the doorway once. It festered, turned gangrenous,
hallmarks of an experienced curator—a and had to be cut off and the wound cauterized.
discerning eye. Anything that’s not split up by He’s never walked the same way again—through
the party? “I’ll take that.” A duplicate of doorways. Otherwise, he’s perfectly fine. The
something he already has? “It never hurts to doorway to his home is now protected by a small
have a backup.” Rusted, pitted, half-rotted, symbol of his chosen Deity. He only enters and
dinged, singed, and filthy? “Well… I know I really exits through the front door so that his Deity’s
shouldn’t. But then it’s just sittin’ there, innit?” protection both enters and leaves with him. He’s
No one’s seen where all these treasures end up heard that the back door might also be safe if
after an adventure. One hopes he has a barn similarly equipped, but he’s just not ready to risk
somewhere serving as a warehouse, and perhaps it. He always enters right-foot-first, exits the
a second life ahead of him as a merchant in his same way, and demands that any visitors do the
retirement years. same. He also won’t shake hands with anyone
standing in his doorway because local Lore-givers
Dwarf Fighter 5, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1 Battle Axe +3, told him it will make a friend into an enemy. Now
Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20', ML 9 he wants to ask whether it might turn an enemy
STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 9, into a friend.
DEX 8 (-1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Human Fighter 5, AC 20, AB +4,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Battle Axe +3 #At 1 Longsword +2, Dam 1d8+3, Mv 20', ML 9
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 14 (+1), INT 10, WIS 9,
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 12
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Longsword +2
HP 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Truinnean Hughes Magic-Users (1d8)

When Truinnean was a boy he was told never to 1. Cynebald Bosques
lie, but when he told the truth terrible things
were done to him—shouting, beatings, and even Among his peers, Bosques is regarded as one of
worse punishments. He carries the confusion the most talented Masters for young Magic-Users
with him to this day. He doesn’t think of himself of first or second level. Such is his influence that
as a liar and indeed he rarely, if ever, says things an apprentice’s career can be nearly destroyed by
that are untrue. But he is highly selective with a poor review. For example, Anencletus Macer
how much truth he gives, and to whom. Even if (page 8), a former student, was dismissed for
he doesn’t have a reason to feel threatened, he snooping through Bosques’ personal spellbooks
provides the minimum amount of information and research materials. Even those who’d never
that will satisfy the inquisitor, and hopes there met Bosques agreed to close ranks, indefinitely
are no follow-ups for clarification. eliminating Anencletus from consideration for
future apprenticeships. While strict, Boques is
Human Fighter 5, AC 20, AB +4, #At 1 shortsword, generous with his time, honest and fair, and
Dam 1d6+1, Mv 30', ML 9 earnest and respectful students have nothing to
STR 15 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 10, fear and much to gain from his tutelage. He is a
DEX 15 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 11 member of the famed Coalition for Magical
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, shield, shortsword
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Human Magic-User 5, AC 13, AB +2,
☐ #At 1 Walking Staff +1, +2 vs. Shapeshifters ,
Dam 1d4+3, +4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 18 (+3), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: hold portal, magic missile, detect evil*,
mirror image, darkvision
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, +2 vs.
Shapeshifters, Ring of Protection +2, Scroll of
Magic-User Spells: protection from evil*,
protection from normal missiles, Scroll of
Protection from Elementals
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

2. Aloysia De Vend 3. Ambrosia Octavianus

With zero interest in life as a merchant, following Considered one of the very best teachers for
in her brother’s footsteps was the easiest young people beginning the study of arcane
decision she ever made. He helped and guided magic, she is actually quite an introverted person.
her through the hurdles; a favour she would She loves her role but does find it quite
gladly pay down to her sister Sighilde (page 20) if exhausting. When not teaching or working on
she was the least bit receptive. However, it projects as a member of the Coalition for Magical
seems like Ortrud (page 111) is faltering. He Cooperation, she’s likely to be at home curled up
doesn’t speak hopefully about a future in with a book with 1d4 cats nearby. She is a very
wizardry and wonders what else he might do private person and doesn’t talk about herself.
instead. He’s even talked about returning to
Father’s store. Nonsense. He just needs to find a Human Magic-User 5, AC 11, AB +2,
better class of Magic-Users to associate with. #At 1 Walking Staff +2 , Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
She’s heard of at least one group working to STR 13 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1),
make things better. It’s small, but growing. One DEX 9, CON 12, CHA 18 (+3)
of its leaders, Blossom Averye (page 113), is as
Spells: floating disc, protection from evil*,
powerful as he is. Would she accept his help, or
continual darkness*, detect invisible, protection
be threatened by him? As a more junior Magic-
from evil 10' radius*
User, Aloysia might be able to make some polite
inquiries. Yes, why not? And if all else fails, Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Potion of Speed
what’s to stop them from creating their own HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
organization or guild? They already have ☐
management experience.

Elf Magic-User 5, AC 12, AB +2,

#At 1 Walking Staff +1 , Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 9, INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 7 (-1)
Spells: darkness*, magic mouth, continual light*,
mirror image, clairvoyance
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Scroll of Protection
from Undead
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Fionn Glenns
Desperate to be liked, Fionn is quick to agree
with any opinion held by the person he happens
to be in conversation with. And for the other
person, it feels genuine and not automatic “yes-
manship.” Fionn’s intelligence allows him to
easily extrapolate on the perspective that he’s
hearing about, and have a lot to offer in return.
However, when the conversation ends and the
person goes away, Fionn returns to normal—
whatever that is. No one may ever know because
Fionn is loath to give any opinion about anything
extemporaneously. What is clear though is that if
a second person engages him in a conversation
with a diametrically-opposite opinion, Fionn will
instantly shift his own stance to bolster the
opinion of the new person. So... it seems like he
could be trusted to support you... so long as he
never speaks to anyone else?

Elf Magic-User 5, AC 12, AB +2,

#At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 11, INT 15 (+1), WIS 10,
DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
Spells: 2x floating disc, detect evil*, mind
reading, hold person
Equipment: walking staff
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

5. Levina Debellator
Younger sister of Ignifera (page 84) and Gelàre
Debellator (page 71), she has always felt like an
outsider in the family due to the closeness of the
older twins. Because of their respective interests Human Magic-User 5, AC 11, AB +2, #At 1 dagger,
in arcane spells they imagined themselves as a Dam 1d4-1, Mv 40', ML 9
secret super-duo: “Fire & Ice.” At first it was just
a silly game they played at home, but as they got STR 7 (-1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
older they became a lot more enamoured with DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
the idea, and it spread to school. People thought Spells: shield, charm person, continual
it was cute and clever, and at its height there was darkness*, mirror image, lightning bolt
an undercurrent of haters who envied their Equipment: dagger, map to treasure type G
closeness and their popularity. She knows,
because she was one of them. She kept hoping HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
that there might be a place in their partnership
for her someday—“Fire, Ice & Lightning” maybe?
It doesn’t sound as good. But that doesn’t seem
like it will ever happen now. They seem distant
now; even strained. She never wanted this to
happen and now feels guilty for ever having been

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

6. Colla Ó Caisidei 7. Dagfinn Frode

Trust came slowly to Colla, who unlike his If Dagfinn was a book, he’d be an open one. He
brother Sòlas Ó Caisidei (page 20) has learned to loves books, and the idea of becoming one after
read people better than his father ever did. In he passes away would tickle him much more than
retrospect, it seems obvious that the more the alternative of mouldering underground. He
desperate people are, the less likely it is they can regards his library like a shelf of old friends. He
or will honour an agreement. In his life, he never greets them cheerily by name when reaching for
loans anything he wouldn’t be prepared to part them from the shelf—and smells them when he
with, gives people one chance to make it right opens them. If that seems repellent, you’re
when they disappoint him, and only puts distance another of the many people he’s met in his life
between himself and others when they’ve made it that shunned him for his idiosyncrasies rather
clear he’s only important when they need than cherished him for his remarkable gifts. He is
something. He’s weighing his feelings for his brilliant but always willing to share what he
brother as of late, who seems to forget he exists knows. Surprising, given how poorly he’s been
for long stretches, but then has urgent need for treated. He very much wants to believe in
assistance when he becomes upset or anxious. people, but it’s his books that have proven more
There must be some way to break him out of the trustworthy.
shell he’s in.
Human Magic-User 5, AC 11, AB +2,
Elf Magic-User 5, AC 10, AB +2, #At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
#At 1 Walking Staff +2, Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9 STR 12, INT 14 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
STR 15 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 16 (+2), DEX 11, CON 17 (+2), CHA 6 (-1)
DEX 8 (-1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 9 Spells: 2x light*, detect evil*, phantasmal force,
Spells: floating disc, light*, continual darkness*, haste*
knock, fireball Equipment: walking staff
Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Potion of Healing HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Nerthus Imbrex Thieves (1d8)

A notorious collector of things lost, most days of 1. Eoforwine Del Bosques
the week Nerthus will surely have picked up
something dropped, forgotten or misplaced and When the expectations put upon you are high and
deposited it on a shelf in her home. She’s not a endless, and there doesn’t seem to be any
thief; just the opposite, in fact. Crime being what connection between how well you do and how
it is these days, the likelihood of thieves well you are treated, is there any point in playing
absconding with your item before you return for by the rules anymore? Eoforwine doesn’t think
it is high. Lost something? Drop by and describe so. His sister Hilda (page 21) understands better
what you mislaid. No, you may not enter. There’s than anyone what drove him into the thieves
been a problem with thief shoplifters in the past. trade. He has no malice for others, but he wants
Lost pet? She has those, too. Lost child? What results in return for his effort. When you try to
kind of parent are you? You might ask Eileanóra influence people to give you what you want, your
Yorke (page 18). When Nerthus finds children, best attempts often yield nothing. However,
they’re delivered to her. when you just take what you want—you get it.
No wondering, no disappointment. If he had any
Human Magic-User 5, AC 12, AB +2, of his sister’s magical abilities, he could surely
#At 1 Walking Staff +1, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9 raise his earnings to a new level. Perhaps he can
STR 10, INT 13 (+1), WIS 11, open her mind to thinking of new ways to use her
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1) magic for real benefit.
Spells: floating disc, read languages, continual Elf Thief 5, AC 16, AB +3, #At 1 shortsword,
light*, detect invisible, slow* Dam 1d6, Mv 40', ML 9
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Ring of Protection STR 9, INT 13 (+1), WIS 10,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, shortsword
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

2. Sindri Färberg 3. Barra O'Bernei

Sindri doesn’t steal and would never accept work After tiring of the routine of being a daytime
as an assassin. He has specialized as a saboteur pickpocket fleecing people in the marketplace,
and has found plenty of opportunities there. He’s Barra tried his luck as a night prowler. It was
caused castle walls to collapse and made then that he discovered that his true love of the
jousting competitors fall from their horses—and trade was not merely the coin and the valuables
it always looks accidental. He’s a good friend of he pilfered—but the terror he evoked. He prefers
Leviticus Puck (page 63) and both men are quite to break into peoples’ homes during the night,
chuffed about their alternate takes on the trade. quietly gathering items before waking up the
victim to demand to know where their secret
Elf Thief 5, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 battle axe, treasures are hidden. If no suitable homes are to
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 be found, he’ll stalk women walking alone,
STR 10, INT 13 (+1), WIS 17 (+2), gagging them with his filthy handkerchief. He is a
DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 11 coward, making most of his living from widows.
He will never attack or enter a domicile where a
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe
man might be present.
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Dwarf Thief 5, AC 15, AB +3, #At 1 Battle Axe +2,
Dam 1d8+3, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 9, WIS 18 (+3),
DEX 17 (+2), CON 12, CHA 8 (-1)
Equipment: leather armour, Battle Axe +2
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

4. Lachaidh Magees
Lachaidh is quite a talented thief, but he’s either
insecure or just enjoys playing mind games with
others. Maybe both. He is quick to find fault in
others: their personality, their performance, their
apparent loyalty to the guild—anything that might
cast a critical eye on a competitor. His own
professed loyalty notwithstanding, that is how he
looks upon other guild members. Entirely
hypocritical, he shamelessly holds other people
to higher standards than himself. Should they
point this out, he accuses them of deflecting.
“That you’re lashing out at me proves my point, I
think.” If he ends up dead, no one would be
surprised. They’d just be curious which of his
numerous enemies was the one to finally do it.

Dwarf Thief 5, AC 15, AB +3, #At 1 scimitar,

Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 10, INT 16 (+2), WIS 9,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
Equipment: leather armour, scimitar
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Fifth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Ursus Sanga
Aloof is probably the best descriptor for Ursus.
He’s talented and dependable; he just doesn’t
want to socialize. Chit chat on the long road
trip? Not happening. Split the cost of a room?
He’ll get his own. A mug of ale to celebrate? No
thanks. He’s not rude—not intentionally, anyway.
He’d just rather keep things professional, that’s
all. It’s worked out better for him that way. No
need to be sad. You’ll make another friend.

Halfling Thief 5, AC 14, AB +3,

#At 1 Longsword +1, +3 vs. Giants , Dam 1d8+1, +3
vs. Giants, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 12, INT 10, WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 9
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +1, +3 vs.
Giants (two-handed), map to treasure Type A bell stopped ringing at night until it resumed
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ again in the morning. One day, the bell hadn’t
rung long after sunrise. When she went to the
6. Norma Longe woman’s room she found her still in bed, dead
and cold. Fearing that she would be blamed and
Norma has long realized her talents are wasted punished, she gathered clothes, money, one large
as a thief. She was never the fastest, but has kitchen knife and a cleaver, and she set off
always been one of the smartest. She’s well- wandering. Keeping to the busy roads, she found
liked and has a good network of contacts, so she an Inn to hire her as a sous-chef and occasional
wants to hang out her own shingle. As a waitress. The pay is poor but she was given a full
Merchant-Thief, she can easily fence stolen room, and she overhears a lot of information
goods that her former colleagues bring her way. casually shared during conversations. When her
She just needs to earn a bit more to cover the room door was broken down in the middle of the
startup costs. Do you have a job to offer that night, she scrambled to avoid the clutches of a
needs both dexterity and cunning? Limited time drunken man intent on doing her harm. With
offer. little option, she sunk the knife into his chest.
Hearing the racket, her employer bolted into the
Human Thief 5, AC 15, AB +3, #At 1 Longsword +1, room. “Finally got what he deserved,” she said.
Dam 1d8, Mv 40', ML 9 “Empty his pockets, but leave a copper or two.
STR 7 (-1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), The rest is yours.” Kaelyn’s job duties increased
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12 that day, though her responsibilities are strictly
in-house, selling information and dealing with
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Longsword +1
problem patrons.
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐ Human Thief 5, AC 16, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
7. Kaelyn Alveye STR 10, INT 7 (-1), WIS 17 (+2),
Kaelyn was raised in an orphanage, and was never DEX 18 (+3), CON 12, CHA 11
given any information about how it was she came Equipment: leather armour, longsword
to be there. When she was seven, a nice old HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
woman arrived to take her away to a beautiful
and spacious home. There she was given a
blanket to sleep on in the back of the broom
closet that was her personal quarters. For the
next 8 years she lived as a servant there, cooking
and cleaning, and sleeping from the time that the

Chrysogon's Coterie Fifth-Level Characters

8. Leviticus Puck
Leviticus is not a thief, just a trader. The
problem is that it’s a rather one-sided agreement.
He sees; he covets; he exchanges. He never takes
anything he doesn’t already have. He never
leaves people with nothing. What he does is
provide himself with an upgrade—newer for
older, fancier for plainer, and sometimes
operational for broken. He’s quite smitten with
his take on thievery and can often be seen
quaffing an ale with his good friend Sindri
Färberg (page 61), asking, “So, how was your day
then?” and laughing before changing the subject.

Halfling Thief 5, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 shortsword,

Dam 1d6+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1) CON 14 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, shortsword
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Sixth-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 2. Wilton Waters
1. Mawharon Asina “You don’t need to have the initials W.W. to work
here, but it helps!” was Wilton’s special joke with
Dedicated servant of the Temple of Now, he’s his friend and colleague Whitney Worthame (page
often to be found proselytizing in marketplaces, 108), both of the Temple of Worms. It was
at town fairs, and sometimes in front of the actually starting to grate on her just a little, to be
temples of other faiths. His mouth is a gaping honest, when he abruptly stopped. He’s still
maw of rotting teeth, lashing tongue, flying recognizably his same-old self, quiet and cheerful
spittle, and expletive-infused prophecies about but also spontaneously exuberant—but only
humanity’s terrible end should it refuse to turn to about half of the time now. The rest of the time
his Deity. It’s best not to confront him. Those he seems to be in a daze. He forgets names and
that have were severely beaten and some details and sometimes isn’t always sure of what’s
permanently maimed. The town guards have just happened around him. Whitney is wondering
been strangely reluctant to dissuade him. They if it’s health-related but doesn’t know how to
might be on the Temple’s payroll, or perhaps they broach the subject without offending him, but
just enjoy the show. there are other possible causes as well. In this
case, he is a host of the Vitni. Like Sylva
Dwarf Cleric 6, AC 17, AB +3, Demetra (page 26) his conscious experiences are
#At 1 Warhammer +4, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 30', ML 9 being observed by a non-corporeal being
STR 12, INT 9, WIS 13 (+1), inhabiting his body. Unlike her, the frequent
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 9 overrides on his behaviour are creating conflicts
for control, which manifest themselves in
Spells: cause light wounds*, protection from
observable episodes of confusion. And they are
good*, resist fire, spiritual hammer, cause
getting longer. Will they lengthen to the point
where Wilton essentially becomes catatonic, or
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, Warhammer +4 will the Vitni find someone else to inhabit? It
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ may be possible to drive the Vitni away if two
☐☐☐☐☐ Clerics cast Dispel Good and Dispel Evil on him

Human Cleric 6, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 Mace +1,

Dam 1d8+3, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 10
Spells: detect evil*, detect magic, 2x hold person,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Mace +1
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

3. Llewellyn Haige potential, but also the risk that even under her
new name she might be noticed by her former
If you call Llewellyn superstitious, he’ll deny it. associates and lured back into her old life.
He honestly doesn’t believe he is. He’s just been
traumatized by some weird coincidences and he’s Halfling Cleric 6, AC 17, AB +3, #At 1 light mace,
mistaken it for causality. Mirrors, for example, Dam 1d6, Mv 40', ML 9
are particularly frightening to him. Pull out a STR 9, INT 10, WIS 15 (+1),
mirror to shave with and he will yelp, double DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 13 (+1)
over, and slink away as quickly as he can hobble.
Spells: cure light wounds*, remove fear*, hold
You might suspect he was a vampire if he wasn’t
person, spiritual hammer, locate object
such an ardent sun-worshipper. Not literally; he
loves to wake up early and watch the sun rise. Equipment: Leather Armour +2, shield, light
But he believes mirrors function as a door for the mace, Potion of Growth
undead, and putting two mirrors facing each HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
other opens a passage for an Infernal. Or ☐
perhaps evil is just attracted by men shaving? Is
shaving a ritual to summon evil? Is this a good 5. Louella Dwerryhousee
time to mention that Llewellyn is terrified of
undead and infernals? It’s an odd characteristic Though she’s very wise, Louella is not very bright.
for a Cleric, but his mother told him the only way Her ineptness at times has been, to put it mildly,
he would ever conquer his fears is by facing them disastrous. She’s learned some painful lessons
head on. Bad advice, but she certainly meant over the years, but it’s put nary a dent in her
well by it. impenetrable cheerfulness. She is the first to
talk about the successes of others, and her place
Human Cleric 6, AC 18, AB +3, #At 1 mace, in the rumour mill is spreading gossip about the
Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9 kindness and brilliance and grace she’s
STR 12, INT 7 (-1), WIS 17 (+2), experienced with her colleagues. Consequently,
people love having her around—at a distance, and
DEX 11, CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
with suitable precautions put in place.
Spells: detect magic, remove fear*, charm
animal, silence 15' radius, locate object Halfling Cleric 6, AC 16, AB +3, #At 1 warhammer,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace Dam 1d6+1, Mv 40', ML 9
HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 13 (+1), INT 6 (-1), WIS 15 (+1),
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: 2x purify food and water, charm animal,
4. Hildred Gladwyne hold person, remove curse*
Noticeably older than her peers, Hildred is Equipment: Leather Armour +2, shield,
starting her life over again—differently this time, warhammer
she hopes. Hating everything about who she was HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
in her former life but unable to leave it behind,
Hildred sought the intervention of Ulfhrafn of
Eysteinn. master of magic affecting the memory.
He cast a spell of his own design—tabula rasa—
to wipe away all traces of her past self. All she
began with was her literacy skills, and a note
written to herself which she did not recognize.
After assurances from Ulfhrafn, who prompted
her to recopy her own note so she could see that
the handwriting matched, she joined the Temple
of the Invisible, as the note instructed her.
Having reached nearly the same level of power in
less than half the time, the Temple’s ruling
council is wondering whether to send her out into
the community to find new recruits. They see her

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Randel Valkyrie
The history books may someday credit Randel as
the inventor of toxic positivity. He is utterly
determined to find the bright side in every
situation, regardless of how grim or dire. Cat
died? “Think of the money you’ll save on food!”
Lost your job? “Now you can follow your heart to
the career of your dreams!” House burned down?
“Everyone could use more sunshine and fresh air.
Oh! And sleeping under the stars!” Would he
react this positively to misfortune affecting his
own life? Everyone is dying to find out.

Elf Cleric 6, AC 17, AB +3, #At 1 Maul +3,

Dam 1d10+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 7 (-1), INT 9, WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 10, CON 12, CHA 11
Spells: purify food and water, resist cold, find
traps, spiritual hammer, locate object
6. Stithulf Harrelle Equipment: plate mail, Maul +3, Potion of Human
He is the hard wolf that his name suggests, if
only he could find a pack and become a part of it. HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
It just seems so unlikely. Whether he was born
suspicious or just treated badly, he trusts holy 8. Rovena Wyatte
scripture and the deities above, but wouldn’t
Rovena is wound a little too tightly to begin with,
trust you further than he could toss you. The
and when she gets nervous she talks to relieve
onus is on you to convince him otherwise.
her anxiety—except it doesn't work. It
Dwarf Cleric 6, AC 22, AB +3, #At 1 Mace +1, accelerates into a stream-of-consciousness
Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9 barrage of loosely connected words. Sometimes
it’s a shopping list; sometimes it’s her cats’
STR 8 (-1), INT 9, WIS 15 (+1), names in alphabetical order; sometimes it’s
DEX 18 (+3), CON 12, CHA 7 (-1) oversharing personal topics you wish you could
Spells: cure light wounds*, resist cold, find traps, “unhear.” She knows she has a problem and has
silence 15' radius, cure disease* tried to get a grip on it. Lately it’s just ended up
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Mace +1 punctuating the stream with hiccups. It’s not
good for spellcasting; it’s even worse for avoiding
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ wandering monsters. Please do not invite her on
☐☐☐☐☐ your adventure, unless you thrive on that sort of

Elf Cleric 6, AC 16, AB +3,

#At 1 Maul +1, +3 vs. Dragons,
Dam 1d10, +2 vs. Dragons, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 7 (-1), INT 11, WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 8 (-1), CON 12, CHA 6 (-1)
Spells: detect evil*, resist cold, charm animal,
speak with animals, locate object
Equipment: plate mail, Maul +1, +3 vs. Dragons,
Scroll of Protection from Elementals
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

Fighters (1d8) 2. Asbjorn Stigandr

1. Tollak Sten Asbjorn Stigandr—"godly bear wanderer" in his
native tongue—has been a nomad since his teens.
Married, Tollak is working to make the life he When he became uncomfortable with the life that
dreamed of as a child a reality for his own his mother was planning for him one step at a
children. He’s not available for out of town jobs. time, he fled south on foot, singing and playing
They’re still young and they need to be tucked in his lute to distract himself from the cold. When
every night. He can help with the local caverns, he reached a second civilization, he took a room
dungeons and crypts, but he has to be home for in a slum-house and found work as a mercenary
supper. If that doesn’t suit you, he’s happy to and is still there. He is seeking either a partner
introduce a few friends he can vouch for that are or a party with complementary skills who might
still single. join him—or whom he might join—to continue
adventuring. Someone with thief or magic skills
Halfling Fighter 6, AC 21, AB +4, would be ideal, but anyone would be better than
#At 1 Shortsword +1, +3 vs. Undead, Dam 1d6+2, the loneliness of no one.
+4 vs. Undead, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 9, Dwarf Fighter 6, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 10
STR 16 (+2), INT 10, WIS 9,
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Shortsword
+1, +3 vs. Undead DEX 15 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, longsword, lute,
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ book of love songs and poems
HP 42 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

3. Afton Airaldii
Courageous, kind, and empathetic, Afton is called
a “new age fighter” by people trying to talk kindly
about him. Most people do, even the older
generation of warriors who squirm on their bar
stools at his curious mix of terrifying brutality
and warm sensitivity. When he isn’t butchering
monsters he likes to unwind by singing and
painting. He is chaste, and a romantic at heart.
He envisions a future where he owns a beautiful
cottage by a lake, and near the forest. By day he
will comb the woods, killing goblins and any
others who might do harm. By night he will eat
roasted meat by the fireside and talk with his
loving wife about their dreams for the future. If
you have a problem with any of that, why not
take it up with him yourself?

Elf Fighter 6, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1 Battle Axe +3,

Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 10, WIS 9,
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Battle Axe +3,
lute, paintbrushes
HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Ingvar Skuld 6. Iria Humes

Ingvar has always been curious about people— Now that the novelty has worn off, adventuring
especially Humans. What makes them who they really isn’t as fun as it used to be—or at least the
are? What are the individual differences that mindless killing for gold. Sure, it’s given her a
make a person unique from others? He’s spent nice little nest egg so that there’s no rush to go
many years in his workshop trying to find out, out on another sojourn to the Forbidden Lair of
and the declining social and economic conditions the Mysterious Creature of Ecch, or whatnot.
have given him plenty to work with. There’s What she needs is a reason to get out of bed in
always much more out on the street than the the morning; a quest that actually means
man with the cart has room to collect. something. No ridiculous quests in search of lost
Unfortunately, he’s still no closer to an answer, items of no intrinsic value either.
and now he is starting to run out of room. Time
to bury some of his failed experiments to free up Human Fighter 6, AC 17, AB +4,
some more space. He’s already learned that the #At 1 Shortsword +1, +2 vs. Infernal Creatures,
cart man doesn’t accept partials, and putting Dam 1d6+2, +3 vs. Infernals, Mv 20', ML 9
them back together has never been as successful STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
as taking them apart. DEX 8 (-1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
Halfling Fighter 6, AC 19, AB +4, Equipment: plate mail, shield, Shortsword +1, +2
#At 1 Shortsword +2, Dam 1d6+3, Mv 20', ML 9 vs. Infernal Creatures
STR 15 (+1), INT 17 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 4 (-2)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Shortsword +2
HP 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

5. Audhild Hallbjorn
Audhild is afflicted with a very rare condition,
pogonophobia—the fear of beards. As a Dwarf,
this is particularly tragic given that nearly all
males—and some of the females—have a proud
display of facial hair. Upon encountering such a
person she goes berserk. Rolling a d10, a 1-3
indicates that she flees the area in a random
direction—roll 1d10 again and use the “Missiles
That Miss” rule to determine where. On a 4-6,
she will scream uncontrollably until the person
leaves or her voice gives out. On a 7-9 she will
attack immediately, swinging once, then running.
On a 10, roll twice (ignoring 10s) and combine the
two reactions in a way that makes sense.

Dwarf Fighter 6, AC 19, AB +4,

#At 1 Warhammer +1, Dam 1d6+2, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 9, WIS 9,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 11
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Warhammer +1
HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

7. Greysen Adaire 8. Landyn Byrde

Greysen once tried to be part of a team, but Folks have taken to calling him “Landyn Brood”
didn’t have the right mindset. In all things, he behind his back because he is notoriously
means to win—at any cost. Fairness is a noble antisocial, difficult to work with, and angry when
quality, but what works for pricing produce and confronted about it. While he is extraordinarily
grain in the marketplace doesn’t apply where physically gifted, he does not understand even
lives are at stake—especially his. As a fighter the basics of working with others—nor seem to
with only moderate abilities, he would be long care. He’s been observed to ignore cries for help,
dead had he not used his experience and charm use others as cover from projectiles, and even
to get a leg up on colleagues and competition. strike at his own party members when they fail to
Unless he needs you alive, never trust him with meet his personal performance standard.
your back. If only one of you gets to survive However, because he fights brilliantly, it’s hard to
today, it won’t be you. His cousin, Cesan argue with success… at least until recently. The
Finnegani (page 53), is captain of the guard and number of permanent injuries and deaths is
feeds him inside information and also protects slowly creeping up to form an observable trend,
him from people he’s angered. In return, Greysen and the recent correlating change is the inclusion
keeps an eye on his back and does the odd job of Landyn Byrde. One of the four individuals that
when Cesan is unhappy with the wheel of justice. Leofsige Alvine (page 114) has dubbed The Tetrad.

Elf Fighter 6, AC 19, AB +4, Human Fighter 6, AC 21, AB +4,

#At 1 Longsword +1, +2 vs. Spell Users, #At 1 Longsword +1, Dam 1d8+3, Mv 20', ML 9
Dam 1d8+2, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
STR 13 (+1), INT 12, WIS 17 (+2), DEX 18 (+3), CON 17 (+2), CHA 3 (-3)
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1) Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +1
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +1, +2 HP 43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
vs. Spell Users ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Magic-Users (1d8) 2. Ainsley Holden Huxleye

1. Athela Fenne A good son, Ainsley is caring for his elderly
mother after the recent passing of his father. He
It’s hard being in the middle. With her elder had a good, albeit short run as an adventurer; it
sister Lioba (page 99) striding far ahead and her gave him the life experience he really wanted and
younger sister Minna (page 22) closing in from couldn’t have otherwise received. He’s got a bit
behind, she’s not sure who to be more concerned of money saved but is wondering where it will
about. It just seems like both of them are much come from a few months from now. He is kind
happier with their progress and less anxious and patient and might be able to teach spells to
about making a name for the family. It’s so junior Magic-Users or provide necessary magical
unfair! She wonders if anyone else feels this way. research equipment and materials for cost plus a
She’s noticed that Imme De Veend (page 71) nominal service fee.
seems pretty lonely since she arrived. Maybe she
should try to talk to her? Human Magic-User 6, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1 dagger,
Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
Elf Magic-User 6, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1 walking staff, STR 15 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9
DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 10
STR 9, INT 17 (+2), WIS 15 (+1),
Spells: magic missile, protection from evil*,
DEX 12, CON 15 (+1), CHA 6 (-1) shield, 2x mind reading, fireball, slow
Spells: detect magic, floating disc, magic mouth, Equipment: dagger
knock, mirror image, clairvoyance, fireball
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: walking staff
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 3. Eardwulf Harlowe

An unfortunate miscast of polymorph self—a
spell higher than his ability to cast it—has left
Eardwulf permanently and partially transformed.
He is somewhat recognizable as an Elf, but also
has physical characteristics of a black bear.
Additionally, his normal speech is periodically
interrupted by growls, groans, grumbles, and
shrieks and he has recently started packing on
weight in anticipation of winter hibernation. The
Temple of Ursus has agreed to allow him the use
of their vegetable shed for his nap, provided that
he agrees not to snack on them prior to his sleep.
In the interim, he is very embarrassed by his
appearance and uses his spells to charm, hide, or
divert attention away. He hopes his incantations
aren’t randomly punctuated by bear talk. Who
knows what might happen?

Elf Magic-User 6, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1 dagger,

Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 11,
DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 3 (-3)
Spells: charm person, darkness*, ventriloquism,
mind reading, invisibility, fly, water breathing
Equipment: dagger
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

4. Gelàre Debellator (“Ice”) 5. Imme De Veend

Older brother of Levina (page 58) and non- Younger sister of Ealdwine (page 78), her family
identical twin of Ignifera Debellator (page 84), he recently moved to the region and are completely
is half of the self-styled duo “Fire & Ice.” It might isolated from everyone they knew and loved. It
sound stupid to some people, but it was just the seems like everyone already has a friend.
sort of joyous invention that kids create when Everyone except Athela Fenne (page 70), anyway.
they’re happy—and he felt so bonded to her. Perhaps one of them should reach out to the
They couldn’t actually cast any spells back then, other?
it was just imagination. But somehow, with the
passing time it evolved into an unspoken plan Elf Magic-User 6, AC 13, AB +3,
between them. They should—they must— #At 1 walking staff, Dam 1d4-2, Mv 40', ML 9
become these people someday. And the plan STR 5 (-2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 11,
seemed to be working. Side by side, their DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
mastery of real spells put them on the path from
Spells: light*, magic mouth, shield, continual
kids playing “pretend” to wizards forming the
light*, detect invisible, hold person, lightning bolt
core of a future adventuring party. But then she
pulled away from him. Not intentionally—or not Equipment: walking staff
at first, at least. Her powers were still growing HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
while he seemed to falter. She moved up to the
next level; he still hasn’t made it. But the worst 6. Muirgen Ennisi
thing was when she mastered the spell that was
supposed to be his spell: ice storm. That hurt. It As rigid and unforgiving as plate mail may be, it’s
felt like betrayal; like mocking. He can’t look at wildly elastic when compared to Muirgen. No
her the same way anymore. She acts like shenanigans, no hootenanny, no nonsense—no
everything is fine. He does his best not to recoil way, no how. And if you think that buying him an
from her. ale at a pub might wrestle the grimace on his
face into a smile, think again. More relentlessly
Human Magic-User 6, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1 dagger, optimistic people than you have tried and failed.
Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9 He’ll take his allotted 10 daily sips of brew and
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 10, then ask the bartender if he can take the cup to
go. So, enough with the pointless attempts at
DEX 14 (+1) CON 12, CHA 15 (+1)
camaraderie. Get to work. Don’t talk! And if you
Spells: light*, read languages, ventriloquism, must, say what you mean exactly as you intend it,
continual light*, detect evil*, darkvision, dispel and for the love of the Creator don’t try to inject
magic it with humour. He’s heard that there’s a
Equipment: dagger Dwarven Thief Fionghan (page 22) with the same
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ last name who makes jokes that they’re cousins.
Not only is it not funny, it’s completely
inaccurate. And insulting!
Elf Magic-User 6, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 dagger,
Dam 1d4-2, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 5 (-2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 10, CON 12, CHA 11
Spells: detect magic, protection from evil*,
shield, continual light*, knock, fly, lightning bolt
Equipment: dagger, Ring of Protection +3, Scroll
of Protection from Lycanthropes
HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Godabert Grieves 8. Saturnus Stolo

Godabert is not available to join on adventures at Since he was a young person, Saturnus has felt
this time. He may be able to provide spell like there was a giant void within him; like he
tutoring for junior Magic-Users and provide wasn’t whole. His mother took him to the Healer
magical research equipment and materials for to be checked; everything was fine. But the
cost plus a nominal service fee. His primary feeling never went away. He told his mother he
business is in the acquisition and training of loved her. He didn’t know what it meant, but he
animals to become familiars. At any given time understood it was something she wanted to hear,
his kennel has 2d4 cats, 1d4 crows, 1d6 dogs, 1d2 so he said it. Now much older, he still doesn’t
hawks, 1d2 owls, 1d2 ravens, 3d4 toads, and 1d4 really understand it, or many of the other rituals
weasels. Brownies, (infernal) imps, he’s had to learn in order to function better
pseudodragons and (infernal) quasits are not alongside other people. He’s watched people
available. For those, talk to Gautbert Gravese embrace and cry, scream and fight, joke and
(page 116). Yes, people do get them mixed up all laugh. None of it resonates. It all goes into his
the time. They’re used to it. very long book of observations. He has chapters
for individuals that he meets, and a separate
Human Magic-User 6, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1 dagger, section for general traits that seem to apply to
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', ML 9 everyone. It’s been a good resource. His
STR 12, INT 14 (+1), WIS 9, relationships are better so long as he keeps his
DEX 12, CON 17 (+2), CHA 15 (+1) notes up to date. It’s also why he likes spells and
magical research. If you’re a good student, you
Spells: 2x sleep, hold portal, mind reading, mirror
can always make adjustments to improve the
image, slow*, clairvoyance
outcome of your experiments, even if you’re not
Equipment: dagger, Ring of Protection +1 always certain why the changes help. It’s all
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ about getting satisfactory results.
Elf Magic-User 6, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1 dagger,
Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 7 (-1)
Spells: 3x hold portal, locate object, web, hold
person, slow*
Equipment: dagger
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

Thieves (1d8) 3. Egil Gerd

1. Rollo Kara In a just and fair existence there would have been
some way for Egil to have been a wizard. It was
Rollo Kara hides in plain sight. Anywhere there is certainly his interest, if not his destiny. That
a city march, consciousness-raising event, or such things are simply impossible makes no
other public demonstration—especially protests sense to him. So he instead turned his intellect
—Rollo is there. His fellow attendees have come and swiftness to thieving, with a particular
to regard him as a social activist. In truth, interest in ambidextrous fighting and trap setting.
anywhere people are gathered in great numbers, He’s worked steadily as a mercenary since he
voices are loud, and emotions are high is a came to the area, and he’s almost always worked
bonanza for a pickpocket. Jumping, shouting, alone—though not by choice. There have been
climbing, jostling, charging—it’s just the sort of times here and there where he worked with one
chaos where collision with others is expected and or more specialists on a job, but nothing that
accepted. When people find themselves back at begged continuing. Perhaps the universe just
home without their coin purse they assume they intends for him to remain solitary.
must have dropped it on the ground during the
commotion. Genius! Halfling Thief 6, AC 16, AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d6
(cutlass, right) or 1d4 (dagger, left), Mv 30', ML 9
Human Thief 6, AC 16, AB +3, #At 1 longsword, STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 11,
Dam 1d8-1, Mv 40', ML 9
DEX 18 (+3), CON 10, CHA 14 (+1)
STR 6 (-1), INT 11, WIS 15 (+1),
Equipment: leather armour, cutlass, defending
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 13 (+1) dagger (+1 AC vs swords and daggers)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, longsword HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
4. Sieglinde Bergfalks
2. Wolfgang Eks
“Siggie” is a self-styled artist of marginal talent
Anyone not knowing Wolfgang very well might whose main source of income is depleting the
take him for a cheapskate. He’s unquestionably funds of whichever man or woman she happens
protective of his money and property, but for to be with at the time. She is an expert in
good reason. Owing to a feud that ended before spotting successful but insecure people, dazzling
he was ever born, he was raised in a hermitage them, and then abruptly withdrawing before
far flung from his parents’ home community. returning again. This creates an intense need on
With no one to trade with, they needed to be the part of her prey to try to keep her satisfied all
completely self-sufficient, but the land wasn’t the time, for fear she will abandon them again.
fertile and the wildlife were sparse. Her art sales are not a clever front—she actually
Consequently he grew up in extreme poverty and believes she’s a genius—but it’s ultimately the
only narrowly avoided an early death from savings of her victims that keeps her afloat. She
undernourishment and starvation. When he was must understand this; at any given time she is
old enough to set off alone, he did, but with actively flirting with other prospects in order to
nowhere to go, life wasn’t appreciably better. have options should the coffers empty.
Thievery started as a means of survival and
continued because he didn’t know what talents Dwarf Thief 6, AC 13, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
he might have. After all, most of his life has been Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
devoted to staying alive. STR 17 (+2), INT 5 (-2), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Halfling Thief 6, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9 Equipment: leather armour, longsword, Potion of
STR 11, INT 8 (-1), WIS 16 (+2),
HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
DEX 15 (+1), CON 8 (-1), CHA 12
Equipment: leather armour, longsword (two-
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Sixth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Ulf Kjellfrid Human Thief 6, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,

Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
When they came to arrest him, Ulf surrendered STR 13 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 11,
quietly. He was a thief, but not a liar. He would
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
not sell out his associates, but would instead
confess his crime and accept imprisonment. Equipment: leather armour, longsword
Shackled and with a burlap bag on his head, he HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
endured the bumpy ride to what he thought was ☐☐☐☐☐
prison. Instead, a dark room. Four hooded
figures lurked in the corners while two more
stood behind him with a wand and a weapon
pointing menacingly. “So it’s death,” Ulf said. “I
will not protest. I knew it would come.” “Not
today and not from me,” said Leofsige Alvine
(page 114) lowering his cowl. Ulf was given a
choice: become a junior member of a covert
group of overseers—The Octad—and gather
intelligence on 4 persons of interest, or… return
to life as he knew it. That was his last day as an
independent contractor.

Dwarf Thief 6, AC 15, AB +3, #At 1 longsword,

Dam 1d8, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 11, INT 12, WIS 12,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 16 (+2), CHA 11
Equipment: leather armour, longsword
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

6. Gamelin Ross
Once a promising thief, Gamelin got lazy. With a
wife at home to make sure there was always hot
food and clean bedding, he decided to steal just
enough to scrape by, and spend most of his time
planted in a chair in the pub. “Aye, keepin’
watch,” he told himself, though he ended up
carousing with any new face that might have
been a potential prospect. After a while he was
such a fixture it was impossible to imagine him
having time to be a thief, and eventually, there
wasn’t. His wife left him when she finally tired of
his late nights and pitiful excuses. He discovered
this when he came home and found his things
packed; it was her house. So, back at the pub he
presented himself to lonely Murreall, who was
more than happy to marry him, put a roof over his
head, tend to all his needs, and allow him to sit
at the pub and make wild brags and empty
promises to adventurers in search of a cunning
thief. Hopefully they wise up to him quicker than
his first wife did.

Chrysogon's Coterie Sixth-Level Characters

7. Ursus Nasica (“The Beggarman”) 8. Tycho Cruscellio

For the non-magical, the secret to invisibility is Some kids are exposed to the trade early. An
being a person that no one wants to see. Ursus orphan, Tycho was adopted by two thieves posing
drapes himself in the garb of a beggar and as a married couple and then sold at a slave
positions himself in crowded areas where he is auction for a profit. Thus, he has no faith in
likely to see and hear a lot. Many fail to notice anyone’s intentions, regardless of how genuine
him at all; others do and give him a wide berth. they seem. He had many failed escapes and
Everyone is happy that he never actually begs endured many more beatings before finally
from them, so no one reports him to the town fleeing beyond his owner’s reach. Unusually
guards. At the end of the day he sells what he’s resilient, Tycho learned how to be a successful
witnessed to people who want to know, but not thief the hard way—getting caught, surviving, and
before removing his costume. Dressed normally, learning to do it better. He is an extreme risk-
he’s really rather charming (CHA 15). taker and is very comfortable with improvising on
the job. Nothing ever goes as planned anyway.
Elf Thief 6, AC 14, AB +3, #At 1 battle axe,
Dam 1d8-1, Mv 30', ML 9 Elf Thief 6, AC 15, AB +3, #At 1 battle axe,
STR 8 (-1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), Dam 1d8+1, Mv 40', ML 9
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 3 (-3) STR 13 (+1), INT 12, WIS 4 (-2),
Equipment: leather armour, battle axe DEX 14 (+1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 16 (+2)
HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Equipment: Leather Armour +1, battle axe
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Seventh-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) asleep. He remained there for a hundred years.
During that time, anyone who entered the temple
1. Sigurd Birger and crossed the circle, vaporized. When he
finally stirred from his rest, Lucas understood
Sigurd, devoted servant of the Temple of the Sun, what he was—a shape-changed vampire. He then
woke up this morning and realized his destiny— commandeered the participation of families and
the saviour of all living-kind. The Deity did not gave word to spread the news that it was safe
speak it to him in words; he rose from his bed again to enter the temple. The Deities infused
infused with the truth. It will need to be done any who prayed there with clerical powers—
with utmost secrecy. Surely jealousy would provided that they showed interest in killing the
upend the table of the council as they squabble undead. In time, when sufficient numbers exist,
about which of them is most deserving of this the new adherents will receive the order from the
special distinction. No—his mission is to restore Deities—to descend upon the Temple of Eternal
the sect to its rightful power and primacy, not to Life and destroy it.
foment chaos from within. He must leave
immediately, take the message on the road, never Human Cleric 7, AC 12/14/18, AB +4, #At 1 special,
to return until the work is done, a wooden crate Dam special (as Cleric; as dire wolf; or as
for his pulpit. vampire), Mv 40', ML 9
STR 11, INT 10, WIS 16 (+2),
Dwarf Cleric 7, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1 Mace +1,
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
Spells: cause light wounds*, darkness*,
STR 11, INT 14 (+1), WIS 12,
protection from good*, bane*, spiritual hammer,
DEX 10, CON 16 (+2), CHA 15 (+1) cause disease*, bestow curse*
Spells: light*, protection from evil*, resist cold, Equipment: none
charm animal, find traps, cure blindness, locate
HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, shield, Mace +1, Potion
of Growth, Scroll of Protection from Elementals
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

2. Lucas Sabinus
Lucas is the last prophet and sole resident of the
building now known as the Temple of the Dire
Wolf. Any other “members” that are seen praying
or welcoming visitors at the entrance are actually
“volunteers” whose lives Lucas has agreed to
spare—along with their families—from his blood
thirst. Over a hundred and fifty years ago, all
former members of the ruling council left to
found the Temple of Eternal Life. Lucas, a then-
junior member of the council, was chosen by the
Deities to assume the role of Chair. Angered, the
senior members all left; he remained. Out of
fear, the congregation soon followed. It fell to
Lucas to try to rebuild the entire membership,
but no one dared join him. He died there as an
elderly man, prostrated in supplication before the
altar. A red circle of light surrounded him, and by
the following morning his fallen body had
changed to the form of a dire wolf curled and

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

3. Posy Hayes 5. Giselmund Fultone

Being raised from the dead has had a profound Since forever ago, Giselmund has implicitly
effect on Posy. Her faith, never wavering, has understood that he is better than nearly
only become stronger since her return. She’s everyone. Becoming a Cleric was nothing more
been less able to cope with having several years than putting the Deity’s own plan into action, for
of her knowledge and experiences lost as a result who better to set the unwashed masses right
of her death. It’s a wound she still feels, along than Giselmund the Wise? The inferior have no
with the physical scars she’s been left with as a hope of muddling through daily lives without a
reminder of the ordeal. She doesn’t wish that keen and learned eye to point out their mistakes.
she’d have died permanently, but learning to live It’s not a role that just anyone can do. Ask him
again is more difficult than she could have ever and he’ll admit he’s probably one of the very few
imagined. She still has faint impressions of the in the world worthy of the destiny to lead
fatal blow and it replays endlessly some days. humankind. There are a few critics, of course,
The idea of ever venturing out of the temple again too stupid to understand his message. Beat
seems impossible. those buffoons along with the rest of the non-
Humans too ignorant and worthless to deserve
Human Cleric 7, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1 mace, salvation. Speaking of which, the recent inclusion
Dam 1d8, Mv 20', ML 9 of yet another Halfling into the Temple of Now
STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), cannot—and will not—stand.
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 11
Human Cleric 7, AC 21, AB +4, #At 1 mace,
Spells: detect magic, light*, protection from Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
evil*, bless*, spiritual hammer, cure disease*,
STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace
Spells: detect evil*, light*, protection from evil*,
HP 39 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
2x charm animal, cure blindness, locate object
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, mace
4. Amor Antias HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
Faithful son of the Temple of Wounds, Amor has
taken to injuring himself regularly so as not to
lose empathy for the ones the Temple serves. He
has witnessed the loss of sensitivity in his fellow
Healers. With so many in need of care, the
approach has been on moving people in and out
efficiently and anonymously. It’s so clinical; it’s
not the reason he entered the profession. So he
hurts himself in front of the clerical attendants in
hopes of inspiring a movement from within. It’s
yet to catch on.

Elf Cleric 7, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1 mace, Dam 1d8+1,

Mv 20', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
Spells: 2x cure light wounds*, resist cold, charm
animal, resist fire, growth of animals, locate
Equipment: plate mail, shield, mace
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Edison Weaver 7. Ealdwine De Veend

Estranged brother of Alodie (page 24), he has Older brother of Imme (page 71), they are new to
threatened to send assassins to kill her should the area and terribly lonely, but it’s worth it for
she ever again rob one of his sect’s temples. This the new start it promises. Back at home it was
betrayal shook him on many levels: first, that a considered unnatural for families to split
sibling would steal from him; second, that he between arcane and divine disciplines. When
vowed to kill her and will follow through on the Imme chose to join the clergy after Ealdwine had
threat; and third, that he loves his position and already begun apprenticeship as a Magic-User, it
power more than his own flesh and blood. She is created quite a stir. It’s unclear whether it is
beyond forgiveness. He might ponder whether tolerated here. If only he knew of some
the sin of her greed outweighs his sins of pride examples of siblings that had done the same and
and wrath if he wasn’t still so furious with her. prospered anyway.

Human Cleric 7, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1 Mace +4, Elf Cleric 7, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1 Mace +1,
Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20', ML 9 Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 11, INT 13 (+1), WIS 16 (+2), STR 12, INT 17 (+2), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 11, CON 12, CHA 8 (-1) DEX 7 (-1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 11
Spells: light*, purify food and water, remove Spells: detect evil*, light*, protection from evil*,
fear*, find traps, resist fire, 2x striking hold person, spiritual hammer, cure blindness,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Mace +4 cure disease*
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Mace +1, Scroll
☐☐☐☐☐ of Protection from Magic
HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

8. Evadne Cento over it. There’s nothing to be done except push

his father out of his mind and his heart for good.
Evadne’s name means “good and holy” and she And he won’t be at his graveside when the old
wears it well. Selfless and intuitive, she thinks of man is finally laid to rest.
others first and knows how to reach them
emotionally. She is known as someone who Dwarf Fighter 7, AC 19, AB +5, #At 1 longsword,
shoulders great responsibility and gets things Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', ML 9
done. While strong and independent, she STR 14 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 14 (+1),
understands that unity comes from working DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
together. She has a talent for inspiring and
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, Shield +2, longsword
motivating others into collective action. When
her friend and frequent collaborator Mallory HP 42 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Freemane (page 92) invited her over for tea one ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
day it came as a shock to see four other guests
already seated before her. Leofsige Alvine (page
114) then stood, introduced himself and asked
Evadne to swear on her faith to not disclose the
offer he was about to make to her. She readily
accepted a place as the sixth member of the
covert group of overseers known as The Octad.

Halfling Cleric 7, AC 16, AB +4,

#At 1 Light Mace +2, Dam 1d6+3, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 11, WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
Spells: light*, purify food and water, remove
fear*, resist fire, silence 15' radius, continual
light*, striking
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, shield, Light
Mace +2
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Fighters (1d8)
1. Sverre Agnar
For the longest time, Sverre thought of nothing
except how he could win the love and admiration
of his father. He understands how he must have
once seemed a bitter disappointment. He was
lazy and ignorant and had a lot of growing up to
do. But then it was like a lantern had been lit in
his mind. He pursued excellence and mastery in
a way that he never had the will to before. He
discovered potential he wasn’t aware he had, and
developed abilities that would shock anyone who
knew him as a young lad. But it’s too late.
There’s seemingly nothing he can accomplish that
makes him any more than the lazy ne’er-do-well
that he once was. Then came the realization that
his siblings, who had better beginnings but
considerably less success, still fill his father’s
chest with pride. It’s maddening. He’s still not

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

2. Gunvor Ragnhild 4. Lexus Cossus

Gunvor thinks he’s a brave and brilliant battle A former soldier, Lexus had retired to a quiet
strategist. If that means charging toward danger agricultural community, and stored his past life in
and screaming at it, then he is correct. He has a a trunk for two years. That is, until the monsters
sentient Warhammer +2 named Ragna. Dwarven- came into town. Shouting for his neighbour to
made, she can see 60’ in darkness and detect help him with his armour, Lex mounted his horse
sloping passages—just like he can. Still, she and charged. People were horrified as the man
enjoys pointing it out with phrases like “Oooh! they’d only seen reading books and nursing his
It’s getting dark! Can ya see? I can see!” or ale deftly slaughtered the half-dozen invaders,
“Oooh! Didja feel that? I think we’re going then rode away. He’d just freed himself of his
down!” The stark contrast of his dour disposition armour with the neighbour's assistance when the
and her cheery and upbeat presentation of the knock came at the door. Everyone wanted to
obvious can be quite funny to witness. She’s also know who he really was, and why he’d never told.
quite chatty and not always able to contain
herself even when the situation requires silence. Human Fighter 7, AC 22, AB +5, #At 1 Scimitar +2,
Both Gunvor and Ragna have an Intelligence of 8. Dam 1d6+3, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 12, WIS 9,
Dwarf Fighter 7, AC 19, AB +5,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
#At 1 Warhammer +2, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 20', ML 9
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Scimitar +2,
STR 17 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 7 (-2),
Potion of Undead Control, Scroll of Protection
DEX 13 (+1), CON 18 (+3), CHA 6 (-1) from Undead
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Ragna the HP 45 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Warhammer +2: Darkvision and detect sloping ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
passages ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 59 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

3. Beornræd Bannermane
Beornræd is a fighter. The Bannermanes have
always been fighters. His father is a fighter. His
grandfather was a fighter, until he died in a fight.
His great grandfather was also a fighter. His
great-great grandfather fought for a king, and
that man’s own father had also fought and died
for a king. Beornræd wishes he could fight for a
king. He also hopes to have a son of his own
someday. He’ll be a fighter, just as every other
Bannermane has been.

Halfling Fighter 7, AC 19, AB +5,

#At 1 Hand Axe +3, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 11, WIS 10,
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Hand Axe +3
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

5. Thora Gunhild 6. Fionnghuala Duanei

When she first started training as a fighter, one of There was a time in her life when she felt small
Thora’s instructors criticized her for her solitary and helpless. When she closes her eyes, it
tendencies. “Why aren’t you spending your doesn’t feel that long ago. Being a fighter makes
downtime socializing with your group?” he said. her feel strong, but it’s hard for her to control.
“High morale saves lives.” And so she made a And it’s hard to explain. The feelings are clear in
considerable effort to hang out, talk, and laugh her head but she doesn’t have the words to say
with others. It was fine, but also exhausting. them. Right now, she’s still trying to make sense
When she found a slot in a full-time adventuring of them. Hitting feels good. Anger feels good;
group it was necessary to do it all again; invest but it’s blinding. It becomes hard to know when
time and effort into getting to know the people to stop. Not everyone is deserving of it in equal
she’d be depending on. Now it’s done, but it amounts, but knowing when to stop or being able
seems like an inescapable expectation. to seems impossible. And there’s something
Whenever she goes out to the forest alone to lean satisfying in cruelty; for a moment at least. The
against a tree and listen to the Creator’s message shame comes quickly, but never lingers long
on the breath of the wind, inevitably she’ll be enough to prevent the same sequence all over
tracked and interrupted: “Whatcha doin’?” None again. She feels like a bad person doing bad
of them seem to understand how important it is things, and that she must have deserved the bad
for her to disengage and decompress. They think things that once happened to her. It’s so
there’s something wrong. Nothing is wrong. She confusing, like a tornado of thoughts swirling in
needs solitude. her head. She will never have the right words.

Halfling Fighter 7, AC 20, AB +5, Elf Fighter 7, AC 22, AB +5, #At 1 Battle Axe +1,
#At 1 Hand Axe +2, Dam 1d6+3, Mv 20', ML 9 Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 10, WIS 16 (+2), STR 15 (+1), INT 8 (-1), WIS 11,
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 11 DEX 15 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 12
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Hand Axe +2 Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +2, Battle Axe
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ +1
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ HP 44 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Dane Kerr Human Fighter 7, AC 19, AB +5,

#At 1 Longsword +1, Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
Upon the completion of a successful adventure, STR 15 (+1), INT 11, WIS 14 (+1),
Dane returned to an empty home. A neighbour
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 5 (-2)
broke the terrible news: his wife and children had
been taken in the middle of the night about a Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Longsword +1, Scroll
month before. The village looked but couldn’t of Protection from Undead
find them; no one knew how to reach Dane. For HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
the next 3 years, he searched. He walked every ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
road, talked to every stranger, and paid thieves
for information. Nothing. So he returned to the 8. Maon Duncans
road. He worked alone for a while before joining
a party, then quit to return to life as a mercenary. Maon remembers the first time he ever heard
He can’t feel close to people anymore. He’s tired people call him a hero. It flooded his body with
of people’s concerns and questions. No one energy and warmth. How did it all change?
could understand this emptiness. Killing was the Perhaps he did. When he returned from his next
only thing that filled the void, but it was always campaign people were pleased to see him and
over too soon. Then he realized that he asked how he’d been. No word of his deeds had
appreciated the distraction of pain. He sold his made it home. He felt cheated somehow. Then
shield and began taking on more dangerous jobs. the citizens became fearful of an encroachment
He hurts, but it’s a welcome diversion for his by monsters on the outskirts of town. Maon
attention. When the pain fades, the void is there assembled a team and drove them away. As a
again. Time to work. hero once again he was fulfilled for a while... and
then everything returned to normal. He’s
uncomfortable with normal. He wishes that
something would happen to the town so he might
have another chance to save it.

Halfling Fighter 7, AC 21, AB +5,

#At 1 Shortsword +2, Dam 1d6+4, Mv 20', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 10, WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 16 (+1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Shortsword +2
HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

Magic-Users (1d8) 2. Dagrun Eydis

1. Wymond Worthame Dagrun doesn’t look like you might expect a
wizard to look, being both more muscular and
Wymond, younger brother of Whitney (page 108) more poorly dressed. It’s in stark contrast to
might have embarked on a career educating peers at his level, and even in comparison to his
young minds, but he’d really rather mess with former self. There was a rumour going around
them instead. Not just young ones: all of them. that he gambled his money away, and Dagrun did
He’s not proud of it, but—actually, yes, he’s really not argue otherwise. In truth, he’s a wereboar
quite proud of it. Family get-togethers where and just became tired of wearing finery that may
both siblings are present are rather be destroyed should he have the need or desire
uncomfortable. to transform himself. It’s still something he’s
trying to keep secret. So far, the only ones that
Human Magic-User 7, AC 12, AB +3, have died—gored by his tusks and wriggling in his
#At 1 Dagger +1, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9 jaws—have been thieves foolish enough to attack
STR 11, INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), him on the road or at home. He poses no threat
DEX 12, CON 18 (+3), CHA 13 (+1) to anyone else. He’s content with doing his part
to take a bite out of crime.
Spells: charm person, ventriloquism, magic
mouth, mind reading, phantasmal force, Human Magic-User 7, AC 11, AB +3,
2x clairvoyance, confusion #At 1 Walking Staff +1, Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
Equipment: Dagger +1, Ring of Protection +1 STR 16 (+2), INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1),
HP 38 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 9
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Spells: darkness, detect magic, protection from
evil*, levitate, locate object, lightning bolt, slow*,
ice storm
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Scroll of Magic-
User Spells: passwall, protection from evil*,
HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

3. Ignifera Debellator (“Fire”) understand Levina. It’s not as easy talking with
her as it was with Gelàre… but now it’s difficult
Older sister of Levina (page 58) and non-identical talking with him, too.
twin of Gelàre Debellator (page 71), she is half of
the self-styled duo “Fire & Ice.” Ignifera wishes Human Magic-User 7, AC 12, AB +3,
she could go back a year ago to how things used #At 1 Walking Staff +1, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
to be with her brother. She doesn’t understand STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 8 (-1),
how, but at some point her studies became so DEX 13 (+1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 15 (+1)
much more important than playing games. “Fire
Spells: hold portal, magic mouth, sleep, levitate,
& Ice” was fun in its time, but then it began to
wizard lock, fireball, lightning bolt, ice storm
feel like a joke that wasn’t funny anymore.
Objectively, one can know how much something Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Scroll of Magic-
used to make you laugh, but also realize it just User Spells: conjure elemental
doesn’t affect you the way it once did. She HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
thought Gelàre felt the same, or would come to, ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
but he never seemed to let go of the fantasy.
What wizard gets by in the world using their one 4. Allura Whitneye
famous spell? Out in the field, that sort of
predictability gets you killed. She feels bad for Hesitant to do harm unless it’s unavoidable,
not noticing how poorly he was doing in his Allura is primarily specializing in illusion magic,
studies and not offering to help. She only had with a secondary interest in spells that stop
good intentions when she learned his “signature creatures without injuring them. She’s had
spell” and also that of her younger sister. She difficulty finding party members that appreciate
hoped to increase her abilities and become a this approach.
potential tutor to them. She’s trying to
Human Magic-User 7, AC 12, AB +3,
#At 1 Walking Staff +1, +3 vs. Undead,
Dam 1d4+2, +4 vs. Undead, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 10,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 17 (+2)
Spells: ventriloquism, magic mouth, sleep, mirror
image, phantasmal force, hold person, protection
from evil 10' radius*, hallucinatory terrain
charm person, mind reading, 2x clairvoyance,

Equipment: Walking Staff +1, +3 vs. Undead

HP 32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

5. Themistocles Spinther
Eldest brother to Achaicus Spinther (page 13) the
information magnate, Themi is said to have
taught his six younger brothers everything he ever
learned as he progressed upward in the magical
hierarchy. Gregarious and charismatic, he
demonstrates a nearly endless interest in people,
but is rather modest about his own activities and
achievements. It’s a family trait. The other
brothers, while successful in their own right,
chose lives away from the public eye. They all
meet regularly and remain incredibly close. All
are also perpetually aware of Achaicus’ special
status, but there is too great a sense of family
pride for there to be any jealousy. Ack’s natural
birthright is to eclipse everyone in the family, if
not most living men (and never call him Ack,
except in private). The two publicly famous
brothers deny any involvement with the Coalition
for Magical Cooperation. Strange, given that
Themi is a wizard and Achaicus is in the clergy.
They seem ideally suited to pass information
between the magical lines. Of course, they do—
but in secret. Unbeknownst to his brother, Themi
is also a shadow member of a covert group of
overseers—The Octad—led by his good friend
Leofsige Alvine (page 114). Themi regrets the
deception, but feels that Ack is already
endangered enough by secret involvement in one
organization, let alone a second one where the
risk is significantly greater. At all times he is
under the watchful eye of Maida Downere (page
87), unless Themi has dispatched her to watch
over his brother.

Human Magic-User 7, AC 15, AB +3,

#At 1 Walking Staff +1, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 11, INT 17 (+2), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 17 (+2)
Spells: light, magic missile, shield, detect
invisible, wizard lock, haste*, invisibility 10'
radius, dimension door
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Ring of Protection
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Valda Duerrg
Power hungry to the last, Valda rules from the
castle of her happily departed husband. Her
subjects pay her taxes and homage. No one
dares challenge her, let alone speak of the
treachery that brought her to rule. Paschalis
Sacerdos (page 22) remembers, but also remains
silent and distant. He was still a boy when he
watched his parents’ heads tumble into a basket.
Valda pays him no mind. Many children she knew
from that time drank themselves to an early
grave, starved, or froze to death sleeping in
ditches. Why would he have fared any better?
Still, she is well aware that she is hated and
prepares accordingly.

Human Magic-User 7, AC 13, AB +3,

#At 1 Walking Staff +3, Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 10, INT 15 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 18 (+3)
Spells: charm person, sleep, magic missile, mind
reading, mirror image, clairvoyance, fireball,
bestow curse*
Equipment: Walking Staff +3, Ring of Protection
+1, Scroll of Protection from Magic
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
7. Sionn Magees
Sionn feels like he’s going through the motions,
waiting to become the wizard he wants to be.
His real interest is death magic and he’s already
begun conducting magical research in that area.
He pays a thief to “borrow” and return relevant
books from the secret library of the Temple of
Eternal Life. So far, no one seems to have
noticed. Too poor to construct a tower, he’s
converted his parents’ cellar into a passable
workshop. They were not in favour of the idea
and subsequently became his first test subjects.
They are no longer alive, but also not functioning
as undead in the way he had hoped. He needs to
do more reading and it may be necessary to
acquire other subjects.

Elf Magic-User 7, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1 Dagger +2,

Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: 3x read languages, mind reading, locate
object, clairvoyance, hold person, polymorph self
Equipment: Dagger +2
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

8. Runar Roald Thieves (1d8)

Powerful but cautious, Runar prefers to remain a 1. Slade Whittlee
safe distance away from harm at all times, or, if
that’s not possible, to be fully encircled by Slade has always been good at playing the long
Human meat-shields. No—companions. Yes, game. If there was a fortune to be made playing
that’s right. chess, he might have the mind for it. Instead, he
chose a life as an investment broker. Presenting
Elf Magic-User 7, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1 Dagger +1, himself as the middleman between budding
Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9 investors and businesses seeking capital, Slade
STR 15 (+1), INT 17 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), sells fictitious opportunities with the zeal of a
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1) preacher. Money comes in, a few early investors
receive dividends back, and then more investors
Spells: 2x magic missile, shield, 2x web, fireball,
give him money which he is happy to take. There
lightning bolt, bestow curse*
are even a few of the early investors that refuse
Equipment: 3 Silver Daggers +1 (balanced for the dividend, and ask for it to be reinvested.
throwing), map to 1d4 magic items Chumps. In the end, his rented office is emptied,
HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ lives are ruined, and Slade moves several towns
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ away to quietly start up again.

Halfling Thief 7, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1 shortsword,

Dam 1d6, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 11, INT 15 (+1), WIS 9,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, shortsword,
Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

2. Maida Downere
Maida serves as the personal bodyguard of
Themistocles Spinther (page 85). They are never
seen together, and he does not acknowledge that
he has a bodyguard—not even to his friends. His
brother Achaicus (page 13) knows of her, but
keeps his secret. Whether at home or outside,
Maida will be hiding where she can see and hear
him at all times. When both brothers are present
in the same place, she has been instructed to
prioritize the safety of Achaicus.

Halfling Thief 7, AC 15, AB +4, #At 1 shortsword,

Dam 1d6+2, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 9
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, shortsword,
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Zana Airòi
Zana doesn’t look dangerous, which is what
makes her so very dangerous. Her above average
skills across the spectrum make her very
successful in her highly specialized and sought-
after talent—making people disappear.

Elf Thief 7, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1 Longsword +3,

Dam 1d8+4, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1), CON 11, CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +3
HP 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

3. Lycaon Asellus
Lycaon has already made huge gains as a trader
spanning both the public and the underground
markets for rare and exotic items. If there’s
something obscure or specialized you want to
own legally and you’re willing to pay, he’s nearly
certain to be able to locate it for you. If you’re
not concerned where it came from and agree to
keep his secret, the same item can be had for
less. Of course, if you do expose him, his refusal
to do further business with you will be the least
of your worries.

Elf Thief 7, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1 Longsword +1,

Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 18 (+3)
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +1
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Seventh-Level Characters

5. Grayson Wescotte 6. Lindley Crawforde

Enamoured with his own mystique, it’s a miracle Lindley doesn’t seem to get along with others or
that he isn’t doing time. Grayson is a very good understand the importance of cooperation. All of
thief, but also a self-aggrandizing showboat. He her (alternately, his) former guild partners have
wears rings on eight fingers. He dresses in died in the field, even on simple missions that
expensive and flashy clothing that fits much too weren’t seemingly dangerous. People are now
tightly, and was clearly designed with much refusing to pair up. It hasn’t affected guild
younger people in mind. He brags about how it’s income. Lindley has a frightening level of
a crime that he shamelessly steals the way that dexterity, strength and grit. One of the four
he does. No one pays him any mind. First, he individuals that Leofsige Alvine (page 114) has
comes off as a pathetic, middle-aged twit. dubbed The Tetrad.
Second, people assume that he’s referring to his
shop, which actually serves as the front for Human Thief 7, AC 16 (theoretically), AB +4,
selling all the things that he steals. As a #At 1 Longsword +1, Dam 1d8+3, Mv 30', ML 9
Merchant-Thief, he’s careful with his inventory. STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
Only common items make it to the shelves and DEX 18 (+3), CON 17 (+2), CHA 3 (-3)
display cases. Unique items are sold or traded
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +1
with other Merchant-Thieves that are part of his
guild’s network. On some rare occasions he has HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
been approached by people he’s stolen from in ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
order to see about getting a replacement. In a
few cases he’s “miraculously” been able to
furnish one—after extensive polishing and
refurbishment to ensure it looks better and
newer than it did when stolen. Clearly he’s not
as stupid as he seems.

Human Thief 7, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,

Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 12, WIS 8 (-1),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 16 (+2), CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Shortsword +2
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Seventh-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Aldway Ashe 8. Ludo Tegula

Owing to the incompetence of the town guards, Ludo uses his considerable intellect, dexterity,
Aldway has carved out a healthy and mostly-legal and charm to greatly increase his success at
business as a private detective. When he started games of chance. Outcomes are no longer
out he wasn’t terribly fussy about who paid him, random, luck-based, or skill-dependent in any
but as he has started to develop a reputation for game where he is a player—cards, dice, roulette,
results he’s strategically moved toward keeping anything. You probably should think of quitting
himself busy with legitimate clientele. He’s anyway.
aware the town guards are watching, and he’s got
a lot to lose by working for criminals. Most have Halfling Thief 7, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1 battle axe,
already found other thieves to take their business Dam 1d8, Mv 40', ML 9
anyway. STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 12, CHA 16 (+2)
Elf Thief 7, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,
Mv 30', ML 9 Equipment: Leather Armour +3, battle axe (two-
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
DEX 15 (+1), CON 12, CHA 12
Equipment: leather armour, Longsword +1
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

Eighth-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) stop it, but at least there will be an accurate
record. They haven’t given much thought as to
1. Rodachan Whaleni who might be left alive to read it, but then, there
isn’t the time.
Minister to the Fallen and devoted brother of the
Temple of the Invisible, Rodachan’s mission is to Elf Cleric 8, AC 21, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
reach out to the very worst sinners and convince Mv 30', ML 9
them to disappear from the lives they have, and STR 14 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 12,
become someone better. He attracts much DEX 13 (+1), CON 11, CHA 12
ridicule and occasional violence from those who
Spells: cure light wounds*, detect magic, light*,
are proud of the evil they’ve done—though this
resist fire, spiritual hammer, growth of animals,
has decreased somewhat since the town guards
striking, sticks to snakes
realized he was a magnet for people they wanted
to arrest. An ex-thief of no reputation, he was Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Warhammer
himself saved from these same streets by an +2
elder mentor now long since passed. As a HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
sanctuary not open to the public, those who ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
enter the Temple leave their clothes and any
other material possessions at the entrance for 3. Mungan Yorke
donation to the poor. Inside, they receive an old
robe, a new name, and a chance to reinvent Mungan is under considerable stress. He’s always
themselves—provided they are open to parting felt a close connection with his Deity; not just
with their non-material possessions. Many do, while at prayer, but everywhere. Lately though,
and disappear inside the sanctuary for years, or she has been entering his dreams. She is greatly
permanently. The very best are allowed out on concerned that the scriptures, while never
day passes, like Rodachan. properly understood, need to be read again and
taught with the meanings she intended. Mungan
Elf Cleric 8, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3, has been chosen as her prophet. Lacking the
Mv 20', ML 9 seniority and council membership to have any
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 12, input into the current practices of the Temple, he
is terrified. His enactment of her proclamation
DEX 15 (+1), CON 17 (+2), CHA 11
will, in the very least, get him excommunicated
Spells: 2x detect magic, remove fear*, bless*, because of the threat he poses to the
resist fire, remove curse*, speak with dead, establishment. But more likely he would be
create water executed as a heretic. What to do? She’s
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Mace +2 assured him his powers are safe, whatever the
HP 46 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Temple may say to the contrary. He could always
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ strike out and start his own temple as some older
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ and wiser clerics have done... but would they
leave him to it?
2. Zephyrinus Rutilus Halfling Cleric 8, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
Resigned to accept that humanity’s fate is sealed, Mv 20', ML 9
Zeph works as a historian in the metaphysical STR 14 (+1), INT 9, WIS 15 (+1),
cartography department of the Temple of the DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Abyss. His job is to research and maintain a
Spells: cure light wounds*, protection from evil*,
complete record of events pertaining to the
purify food and water, find traps, resist fire, cure
imminent extinction of all life. In part, this
disease*, growth of animals, speak with plants
includes historical examples of declining morality
in society, major scandals, wars, plagues, Equipment: plate mail, shield, Light Mace +2
astrological phenomena, weather, and any other HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
tidbits that are arguably indicative of an ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
approaching apocalypse. They may be helpless to

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Dahlia Ware Elf Cleric 8, AC 12 (home) or 20 (travelling), AB +4,

#At 1, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 20', ML 9
No one remembers what Dahlia looked like. It STR 9, INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
might have been a good idea for someone to paint
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
a portrait of her remembered appearance before
her body was destroyed, but any who might have Spells: 2x cure light wounds*, purify food and
been able to have long since passed on. Dahlia water, speak with animals, charm animal, cure
perished in the service of her Deity under terrible blindness, cure disease, cure serious wounds*
conditions. Abducted and tortured, her body was Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Mace +1, Potion
never released, and the head was placed in an of Giant Strength
iron box atop a castle tower where it remained HP 42 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
under guard for most of the winter, until it was ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
recovered by mercenary specialists. Her peers ☐☐
rushed her back to the Temple of the Impure
where her brain was preserved in a reinforced 6. Mallory Freemane
crystal cylinder. By the Deity’s will she is able to
detect individual presences (including those who Mallory’s mother is probably the most Creator-
are invisible), converse, answer questions, and fearing person she’d ever known—at least before
cast spells. She can detect evil or detect magic befriending Averil Warwicke (page 95). At the
in her presence at will and is immune to all time of her pregnancy, Hailie Freemane was
scrying effects such as clairvoyance and mind concerned by what she feared were the initial
reading. signs of an approaching apocalypse. Mallory,
which means “Ill-Omened” was a name meant to
Human Cleric 8, AC 20, AB +4, #At 0, Dam by impart to her daughter the importance of
spell, Mv 40', ML 9 vigilance. Mallory joined the clergy to be well
STR 0, INT 17 (+2), WIS 18 (+3), placed to both watch the world for signs of evil,
DEX 0, CON 15 (+1), CHA 3 (-3) and be in position to do something if the signs
persisted. So, when she was approached by
Spells: remove fear*, 2x cure light wounds*,
Leofsige Alvine (page 114) and heard what he had
spiritual hammer, hold person, remove curse*,
observed, she knew they needed to work together
speak with dead, cure serious wounds*
in secret to mount a defence. They co-founded
Equipment: None The Octad—a covert group of overseers that
HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ chose its name as a response to The Tetrad, the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ group it now watches. It has been some time
since she heard that her brother Conrad (page 52)
5. Brìghde Jewelle had left the Temple of Thorns. What is he up to?

Brìghde built her home at the hub of a circle of Dwarf Cleric 8, AC 18, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1,
outlying communities. She is not affiliated with Mv 30', ML 9
any temple. She believes the Creator is STR 11, INT 12, WIS 15 (+1),
everywhere, in all substances and in all beings.
DEX 8 (-1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Her home is open to any local residents or
passing travellers in need of help, but she’s also Spells: cure light wounds*, remove fear*, resist
known to make home visits. She refuses no one; cold, charm animal, speak with animals, cure
not even suspected criminals, and she has never disease*, speak with dead, neutralize poison*
been robbed. Unknown to her, there exist Equipment: Plate Mail +1, shield, Warhammer +1
unwritten directives within the regional thieves HP 42 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
guilds that she is not to be harmed—ever. She ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
does not request coin for her services, but it is ☐☐
gratefully accepted. The villages and towns also
help see to her needs, bringing her seasonal
produce, firewood and textiles in gratitude.

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

7. Helo Faddah 8. Corliss Hogarthe

Oh dear. He looks irritable. He is irritable. A A self-designated Holy Avenger, Corliss has made
saint wouldn’t have the patience to deal with the it his (alternately, her) mission to hunt down
endless string of amateur comedians Helo heretics and other enemies of the Temple—that
encounters in a typical week. Most of them just is, any perceived enemy of any temple. While
snicker at him as they file past. Yes, he is aware Corliss calls himself a “non-denominational”
of how his name sounds. Think carefully before Cleric, it’s more accurate to say that none of the
trying to make a joke about it—and never ever sects have formally accepted his offer to seek
address him as Father Faddah, or worse, Faddah out justice under their banner. However, they’re
Faddah. He is guaranteed to break your foot with all paying very close attention and are
his mace without warning—and then instantly occasionally pleased by his work, but also often
pray for his own forgiveness. embarrassed and occasionally even horrified.
Still, on the whole, it’s generally acceptable work
Human Cleric 8, AC 19, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+4, that everyone is somewhat thankful for more
Mv 40', ML 9 often than not, so long as it doesn’t have their
STR 18 (+3), INT 12, WIS 13 (+1), names attached to it.
DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Human Cleric 8, AC 20, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1,
Spells: 3x cure light wounds*, charm animal, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9
spiritual hammer, cure blindness, remove curse*,
STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
neutralize poison*
DEX 17 (+2), CON 17 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Shield +2, Mace
+1 Spells: cure light wounds*, detect magic, remove
fear*, resist fire, spiritual hammer, cure
HP 43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
blindness, growth of animals, animate dead
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐ Equipment: plate mail, shield, Warhammer +1, +3
vs. Special Enemy, Scroll of Protection from
HP 48 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Fighters (1d8) get out on the road again because he doesn’t

want to be at home with his wife and children.
1. Knox Burnhame He never wanted it.

Knox has gotten older and yet has still failed to Dwarf Fighter 8, AC 19, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3,
grow. It’s true that all men remember their +4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 30', ML 9
younger, wilder, stupider years with some STR 17 (+2), INT 9, WIS 12,
fondness, and to some degree a bit of that DEX 11, CON 16 (+2), CHA 15 (+1)
immaturity never entirely leaves. Knox’s inner
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, shield, Longsword +1,
child became a teenager and never moved out.
+2 vs. Special Enemy
He works sporadically, bathes occasionally, and
sleeps and lounges excessively. He’s charming HP 56 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
enough to get meals paid for and a place to sleep ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
most of the time, and for the remaining times ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
there are haylofts and free-range poultry. He’ll
work if he’s desperate and the money is good.
Pay him daily at the end of the day, no matter
what story he tells you. Any coin provided in
advance will disappear, along with your

Halfling Fighter 8, AC 21, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,

Mv 20', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 13 (+1), WIS 5 (-2),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Shortsword +2
HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

2. Tomas Cockes
Tomas’ father’s reputation as “the town drunk”
caused him no end of embarrassment as a youth,
but what came home every evening was worse.
When he was old enough, he fled the family home
and took up whatever jobs he fancied and drifted
in and out of relationships, treating women like
livestock. At one father’s insistence, he married
the girl rather than face the consequences, but
he was unhappy. His father-in-law used
connections and got him a plum job as a
manager, but he was unhappy. Several children
were born, but he was unhappy. The only things
that seem to fulfill him are fighting, money, and
fame. Tomas fights, then spends on himself
extravagantly. He wants to be seen about town,
well-dressed and looking successful, rubbing
shoulders and patting backs with people he
desperately wants to impress. He fights again; he
wins; he crows his victory loudly and proudly.
Then he goes to the pub and drinks because he
doesn’t know what else to do. You might see him
there. He’ll gladly work for you. He’s anxious to

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

3. Abeline Hunte 5. Averil Warwicke

Filled with boundless energy and enthusiasm, it St. Averil is what she’s called by others. Some
fails to register with Abeline that she’s a bit intend it sincerely as a compliment and others as
taxing on people. Always ready for another a pejorative. Helpful, kind, truthful, chaste,
adventure; always the first to introduce herself to Creator-fearing, law abiding—she is so obviously
someone new; never concerned that someone selfless and pure that it grates on the nerves of
might not be interested to know her; never the morally ambiguous. So it was that she came
worried that the person might be dangerous. to the attention of Mallory Freemane (page 92),
She’s well able to defend herself if need be, but who made Averil many cups of tea and asked
in her mind the bad person is always an outlier in many more questions of her, before agreeing she
the beautiful world, and she’s never dissuaded. was as close to a living saint as anyone she’d ever
known—including her mother. At a meeting over
Elf Fighter 8, AC 18, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d10+2, +3 tea with Leofsige Alvine (page 114) and Tuesday
vs. Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 Rey (page 118), Averil gave her solemn vow to
STR 15 (+1), INT 12, WIS 13 (+1), never speak of the subjects discussed that day.
DEX 13 (+1), CON 15(+2), CHA 12 Then, a second vow whereby she pledged her
service for life to The Octad as its fourth
Equipment: plate mail, Pole Arm +1, +2 vs.
member. Keeping the secrecy of the
Special Enemy, Scroll of Protection from
organization’s existence is the closest thing to
lying she’s ever done.
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Human Fighter 8, AC 19, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,
Mv 20', ML 9
4. Gage “Sirius” Wickhame STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1),
Called “Sirius” by his close friends for his DEX 12, CON 11, CHA 16 (+2)
tendency to stargaze, Gage is struggling day-to- Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Longsword +1,
day with depression. Stargazing simultaneously +2 vs. Special Enemy
fills him with a sense of wonder and of his own HP 39 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
insignificance. He’s seemingly unaware of his ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
own value. On better days he is full of charm and
wit, and on any day he is a better fighter than
most. But on the very worst days he wonders
why he was brought into a world by those that
clearly never wanted him there. If it’s even an
answerable question, it’s not one he’d feel better
hearing. It’s difficult to be his friend during these
times. The way he tortures himself feels cyclical
and infinite. He doesn’t need an argument, or
even an answer. He needs a hug and some
reassuring truth—that his life has bettered the
lives he’s touched, and that his absence would
leave a hole in that universe.
Halfling Fighter 8, AC 21, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
Mv 30', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 14 (+1), WIS 10,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 12, CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Shortsword
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

6. Erling Hugleikr 8. Orvar “The Arrow” Inghild

If he had a gold piece for every time someone Like the tail of a comet, it’s easy to see Orvar’s
said, “You’re tougher than you look,” Erling could path of destruction when he’s been angered. He
purchase a tract of land, build a pub on it, flings himself forward—hard—and just keeps
challenge all-comers to a nightly prize-fight, and going. It’s in his name and his nature. A nomad
still make enough money to open a second and born of nomads, he prefers simple living with few
third location the following year in adjoining material possessions. Armour, weapons, a few
towns. Even if hooch sales were slow, he’d still tools, and coins for food and drink. He’s quite
be saving the time and money he normally spends cheerful until “caged”—that is, holed up in an inn
drinking and fighting at other public houses—and somewhere having meetings with shady
they’d be only too pleased to see him go. characters. Then he becomes quite grumpy;
never yelling, but making a near-constant muffled
Dwarf Fighter 8, AC 18, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3, grumbling. He is also not a fan of trips to the
Mv 20', ML 9 market. Anything of any real value is pulled away
STR 13 (+1), INT 10, WIS 12, from the bodies of the dead.
DEX 11, CON 16 (+2), CHA 17 (+2)
Human Fighter 8, AC 20, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,
Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +2 Mv 30', ML 9
HP 60 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 16 (+2), INT 7 (-1), WIS 8 (-1),
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
DEX 11, CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Plate Mail +2, shield, longsword, map
7. Briar Wilmere to 1d4 magic items
HP 56 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
It’s the end of the road for Briar. She ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
(alternately, he) knew her time as a fighter would ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
punish her body, and she’s now nearing the limit
of what she’s prepared to take. Her community
shuttered her cottage and has kept an eye on the
roof for leaks since she’s been away, so now it’s
just a question of making it back home. Perhaps
one last adventure, so long as its along the way?
Halfling Fighter 8, AC 20, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
Mv 20', ML 9
STR 12, INT 10, WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 11
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +1, Hand Axe +3,
map to treasure Type A
HP 45 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

Magic-Users (1d8) 2. Leofflæd Beane

1. Eldrid Somerled Born missing his left foot and only a partial shin,
Leofflæd was nearly drowned at birth by his
There’s something weird about this person. If he father. It was his mother that fought vehemently
is, indeed, a person. Either he’s pretending to for his life, insisting that whatever the Creator
have considerably less power than he does, or had withheld from his body would be paid back
he’s pretending to be something other than what tenfold in some other way. She hoped it was
he is. Don’t speculate aloud. All those that musical talent, paying for tutoring from a retired
previously did have disappeared. One of four bard—but Leofflæd was hopelessly tone deaf. It
individuals that Leofsige Alvine (page 114) has was his discovery of cantrips to help with chores
dubbed The Tetrad. around the house that cued his mother that it
was a great and powerful wizard she’d given birth
Human (?) Magic-User 8, AC 15 (theoretically), to all those years ago. As an apprentice, he made
AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40', ML 9 incredible strides—and not just with his mind,
STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), but with his seemingly effortless charm and
DEX 18 (+3), CON 17 (+2), CHA 3 (-3) positiveness. He is destined for greatness. His
prosthetic is of his own design, and the hollowed
Spells: charm person, magic mouth, read
shin doubles as a case for wands and scrolls.
languages, continual darkness*, invisibility, mind
reading, haste*, hold person, polymorph self, Elf Magic-User 8, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d4+3,
wall of fire Mv 40', ML 9
Equipment: walking staff, Ring of Protection +1, STR 12, INT 18 (+3), WIS 16 (+2),
Scroll of Protection from Elementals
DEX 3 (-3), CON 14 (+1), CHA 17 (+2)
HP 41 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Spells: floating disc, hold portal, magic mouth,
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
continual light*, knock, wizard lock, dispel magic,

protection from evil 10' radius*, confusion,
Equipment: Walking Staff +3, Ring of Protection
+3, map to treasure Type A
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

3. Zanna Chadwicke Human Magic-User 8, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1,

Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
Despite her attractiveness, charm, and warmth, STR 8 (-1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 16 (+2),
Zanna has never been in a relationship. Her
DEX 14 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
depth of intellect and wisdom, especially for her
age, can be intimidating to others—and she Spells: floating disc, shield, sleep, detect evil*, 2x
wouldn’t waste her time with anyone who had to knock, fireball, haste*, ice storm, wizard eye
struggle with that. In any case, there’s been Equipment: Walking Staff +2
years of intense study and difficult work HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
occupying her time in order to reach the level ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
she’s achieved. She was starting to make peace
with the fact that her career would consume her 4. Brandywynn Harforde
whole life, and that it was more than satisfactory
to her. She never thought she would meet Brandywynn has it all going for her, and she
someone that she might fall in love with, but then knows it. She has a good heart, but she can
came Carling Truemane (page 116), who is quite come off as cold when she first meets people.
unlike anyone she’s ever met. His intellect She is long used to captivating people’s attention.
ensnares her. The amount of time he’s spent There was a time when she earnestly tried to
learning and exploring the world to accumulate acknowledge each and every person vying for her
the knowledge he has is truly startling, and he’s attention, but there were so many it was
an open and endless book of stories. They’ve exhausting. To get hers, you have to make her
spent nights awake just talking. No matter how wait for yours. She is apt to spot others with a
much time they’re together, it never seems like similar mix of intellect, talent and charisma, and
enough. If that’s not the beginning of love, what ask to make their acquaintance.
is? The best thing about him: because of his long
pursuit of knowledge, he’s never been in a Human Magic-User 8, AC 13, AB +3, #At 1,
relationship either. They could explore this new Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', ML 9
experience together. STR 10, INT 15 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: charm person, detect magic,
ventriloquism, continual light*, detect invisible,
web, haste*, protection from evil 10' radius*,
hallucinatory terrain, wizard eye
Equipment: Silver Dagger +1, Ring of Protection
+2, Potion of Giant Strength, Scroll of Protection
from Undead
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

5. Lioba Fenne 6. Lane Fairburne

As the elder sister of Minna (page 22) and Athela Dressed in his very finest robes, Lane walks the
(page 70), it fell to Lioba to navigate magical road alone. He prefers it that way; he’s more
learning with not a friend to turn to. Now well likely to be attacked. That way, when he lays
into making something of herself, she still feels waste to his opponents—they had it coming.
like she’s yet to make a name. At the beginning Absolutely no guilt; not that he’s ever been driven
of all of this it seemed certain that her success by conscience. It was never this satisfying being
would open up some of the closed circles that a member of a party. Fighters in particular seem
pre-dated her family’s appearance. Now it’s clear to think that it’s their role to be up front, hacking
that one generation isn’t nearly enough to be mindlessly away. So it’s particularly enjoyable
taken seriously by the establishment. Perhaps when one of those “muscle-bound sword
she’s been looking for the wrong peoples’ monkeys” stops him in the road and demands his
approval all these years. Maybe they would fare valuables. Lane’s favourite trick is to pretend to
better in finding another group of recent arrivals. rummage through his sack, mumbling to himself
as the ape demands that he hand the loot over.
Elf Magic-User 8, AC 12, AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d4+3, Then he pulls a fireball out and roasts him alive.
Mv 40', ML 9 So very satisfying.
STR 10, INT 15 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
Human Magic-User 8, AC 13, AB +3, #At 1,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 14 (+1)
Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
Spells: darkness*, magic mouth, shield, mind
STR 15 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 12,
reading, invisibility, levitate, fireball, haste*,
growth of plants*, wizard eye DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: Dagger +3, Scroll of Protection from Spells: magic missile, charm person, sleep, mirror
Elementals image, web, phantasmal force, protection from
normal missiles, fireball, hallucinatory terrain,
HP 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
ice storm
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Ring of Protection
HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

7. Ailish Fylani nor is there mention in any of the books she’s yet
read. Curious.
Ailish knows what she appears to be to others,
but still isn’t sure what she actually is. She Elf Magic-User 8, AC 13, AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d4+2,
awoke one morning, a full-grown adult “Elf,” Mv 40', ML 9
enveloped within a cocoon and standing inside STR 13 (+1), INT 18 (+3), WIS 17 (+2),
the recess of a hollow tree. Tearing herself free, DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 12
she fell to her knees, wriggling face down and
Spells: 2x floating disc, read languages, detect
backwards, out the open bottom of the trunk.
invisible, levitate, wizard lock, haste*, protection
When she emerged naked from the forest,
from evil 10' radius*, dimension door, polymorph
confused and without language, mouths hung
open. An elven woman covered her with a cloak
and led her to what would become home. She Equipment: Dagger +1, Ring of Protection +1
learned to understand elvish in a month and HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
speak it fluently in three. Common took another ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
two weeks. She chose her name out of those
listed in a family scrapbook. She chose the 7. Cyprian Ovicula
woman as her mother. The tree that she’d been
born from had vanished from the forest, and Cyprian is a Mage-Investigator, who uses his
when she described it, none had any recollection considerable skills to solve crimes and locate
of having known of such a tree. Magic came missing persons when the town guard is unable
naturally to her, like another language. Curious to—which is often. After the sudden
about her origin but cautious about revealing disappearance of his right hand, Halle Haldor
herself, she speaks of her birth casually and in (page 102), master criminal Eònan Donohuei
the third person. No one’s heard of such a thing, contracted Cyprian for assistance. He’s
interviewed several witnesses that confirmed she
was seen entering the Temple of the Invisible, and
there’s been no sightings of her since. So long as
Eònan pays, Cyrpian will continue looking for any
trace of Halle outside of the Temple.

Elf Magic-User 8, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1, Dam 1d4+2,

Mv 40', ML 9
STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 17 (+2), CHA 16 (+2)
Spells: 3x charm person, 3x mind reading, hold
person, clairvoyance, polymorph self, wizard eye
Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Scroll of Magic-
User Spells: floating disc, geas*, locate object,
magic jar, sleep
HP 39 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

Thieves (1d8) 2. Kendrick Hawke

1. Roderick Wylie Kendrick may be the only thief ever to leave a
place he’d just broken into due to the lack of
Roderick is someone who you hate when he has cleanliness. Despite the effort it took, he just
his attention on you, but love when he’s casting it couldn’t bring himself to touch anything in order
somewhere else. Roderick’s hobby is correcting to search. Hands that could make a mess like
others. For example: constantly correcting other this couldn’t possibly have anything of value. His
people’s grammar (“I think you meant to say…”) own place is meticulous. You’d never believe that
or vocabulary (“I don’t think that word means a criminal lived there, but it explains a lot about
what you think it does. I think you meant to him and his success. He wouldn’t be caught dead
say…”). But his very favourite thing to do is pick in a wasteland, wilderness, dungeon, or
at details in stories where the veracity is catacomb. He’s strictly commercial and
doubtful, and this is how Waldenburg Bradleye residential properties. And his adverseness to
(page 103) came to regard Roderick as his sworn filth extends doubly to people. He won’t shake
enemy. It’s strictly a one-sided feud. Roderick hands, won’t eat food that he didn’t cook himself,
loves him, and considers “Wallybug” his favourite and won’t even allow others close enough where
plaything. “Are you sure about that, Wallybug?” they might exhale air that he might then breathe.
Needless to say he wears gloves and a mask at all
Halfling Thief 8, AC 15, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1, times. His thievery record is similarly spotless.
+3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9 Leaving no trace of his entry, search, theft, and
STR 12, INT 16 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), egress, there are some jobs where the thefts
DEX 15 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 11 were never reported because the owners never
realize that anything was stolen.
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Longsword +1, +3
vs. Special Enemy Elf Thief 8, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,
HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Mv 40', ML 9
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 13 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 15 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 11
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Battle Axe +1
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Eighth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

3. Selby Torbjorn (page 100) to investigate whether her entering the

Temple was an act of conscience or a clever
Selby now desperately wishes he (alternately, deception.
she) hadn’t ridiculed that old Cleric lady. He was
feeling a bit too full of himself and lashed out at Dwarf Thief 8, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,
her to make himself feel an even bigger man. As Mv 40', ML 9
if she’d read his mind, she waved the back of her STR 9, INT 12, WIS 10,
hand in his direction and said, “Understand how it DEX 17 (+2), CON 17, (+2), CHA 11
feels to be small.” At the time he didn’t know
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Longsword +1,
what she meant, but after a few months he
Potion of Undead Control
started to notice the change. After a year he was
an entire foot shorter than he once was. His HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
bones ache; his clothes don’t fit; he can’t work. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Lately, he’s been hanging out by the Temple of
the Muse, because it’s nearest to the place that 5. Everild Baines
they passed each other. But he’s never seen her
again. It must have been a coincidence because Everild has recently been released after a lengthy
that Temple seems to be devoted to egos and stay in prison. A combination of inmate
idols. No one there will help him; they’re far overcrowding and the irritating protesters
more arrogant than he ever was. assembling daily outside his walls convinced the
ruler to let a handful of prisoners go free. “Are
Dwarf Thief 8, AC 15, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+2, you right or left handed?” the guard asked, before
Mv 40', ML 9 chopping off his left hand without waiting for an
STR 12, INT 13 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), answer. Everild has basic equipment again,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 8 (-1) which he’d stored in a cousin’s barn.
Incarceration gave him a lot of time to busy his
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Shortsword +2,
mind while his body atrophied. He’s torn
map to treasure Type A
between retraining as a wizard or trying to
HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ continue his old trade with his new disability.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Either path might be on hold while he considers
revenge against the guard who maimed him.
4. Halle Haldor
Human Thief 8, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1, +3
Halle remembers well the day she woke up and vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
decided she couldn’t live with herself anymore.
STR 12, INT 17 (+2), WIS 15 (+1),
She considered walking straight into the Temple
of the Invisible, but then went to find Willow DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 17 (+2)
Averille (page 107) instead. Willow was shocked. Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Longsword +1, +3
Halle was the right hand of Eònan Donohuei, a vs. Special Enemy, preserved left hand in a jar
master criminal who’d recently expanded from HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
smuggling to slave trading. Halle’s primary role ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
was as his protector and occasional assassin-at-
arms, and now she offered her protection
services to Willow and her organization. But
Willow, fearing that Halle would be killed for
desertion, escorted her under armed guard to the
Temple of the Invisible. In the presence of many
witnesses, curious to see who was going in, Halle
entered the Temple and was not seen again—
until the following morning. Emerging in her robe,
face hidden by the shadow of the cowl, Halle
walked the streets, keeping a respectable
distance from her new employer, ever watchful.
She repeats this each day, unaware that her
former employer has retained Cyprian Ovicula

Chrysogon's Coterie Eighth-Level Characters

6. Ciara Ó Conailli 7. Rylee Thatchere

Elder cousin of Niamh (page 31), she might work Smart, but not nearly as smart as she
with him if she didn’t view him as a direct (alternately, he) thinks she is, Rylee will never
competitor to getting what she believes is work in the information trade because she is
rightfully hers—everything. She’s just as arrogant constantly alienating people. While initially very
as he, but better at concealing it. She’s noticed charismatic, it’s a ruse. Rylee will tell anyone
many successful criminals who damaged both whatever it is they want to hear, to get whatever
their external reputation and inside loyalty by it is she needs out of them, then replace that
assuming that demonstrating fierce, erratic person with a better one when the opportunity
behaviour would make them look strong. Ciara is presents itself. Not an effective way to build a
extraordinarily reserved. Her delicate tones and network. She does seem to have missed her
carefully weighed words are stupefying. The calling as a trader, though.
quieter she speaks to you, the more trouble
you’re probably in. With this softly menacing Halfling Thief 8, AC 17, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,
approach she’s amassed a number of dedicated Mv 40', ML 9
followers. Their next assignment may be to STR 12, INT 14 (+1), WIS 9,
remove Niamh from the running before he gets DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
the same idea about her.
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Longsword +1
Elf Thief 8, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', (two-handed)
ML 9 HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
STR 12, INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+1), ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
DEX 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 10
8. Waldenburg Bradleye
Equipment: leather armour, Battle Axe +1
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Sworn enemy of Roderick Wylie (page 101) and
☐☐☐☐ possibly the best thief to ever practice the trade,
or so his stories would lead you to believe. No
matter what tales of derring-do are shared over
the firelight, Waldenburg has one to top it. He
did it first, better, and faster. He travelled
farther, dug deeper and climbed higher. He
picked the lock with his right hand while parrying
with his left. It’s hilarious until it’s stupid and
you wish it would stop. Best you can do is look
for another fire and hope that he doesn’t follow

Human Thief 8, AC 16, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,

+4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 14 (+1), INT 12, WIS 11,
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Battle Axe +1, +3
vs. Special Enemy
HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

Ninth-Level Characters
Clerics (1d8) 2. Jarl Fuhrmanng
1. Valentina Vibulanus Formerly of the Temple of Now, Jarl sensed a
growing undercurrent of hatred forming for the
One of four of the individuals that Leofsige Alvine non-Human members of the sect. While he
(page 114) has dubbed The Tetrad. Anyone known considered it a betrayal, given that the early
to have been left alone in her presence is never success of the Temple was directly attributable
seen or heard from again. to the membership and work of non-Humans, he
also realized it was inevitable. It’s what the
Human (?) Cleric 9, AC 23 (theoretically), AB +5, Humans do. But he also realized that he’d
#At 1, Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20' (theoretically), ML 9 learned a lot about designing, creating and
STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), managing such an organization, and marketing it
DEX 18 (+3), CON 17 (+2), CHA 3 (-3) effectively to grow membership. He founded the
Temple of Deimos: god of terror and dread. He
Spells: cause light wounds*, darkness*, purify
wasn’t even sure that Deimos still lived—not until
food and water, hold person, resist fire, silence
the spells worked, anyway. But now he believes
15' radius, growth of animals, striking, 2x poison*
in Deimos, though not quite as much as he
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Morningstar +2 believes in himself. This stands an excellent
HP 59 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ chance of scooping up so many isolated, angry
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ and disillusioned citizens, and is almost
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ guaranteed to absorb the entire non-Human
member base of the Temple of Now, when it
finally boils over.

Dwarf Cleric 9, AC 19, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d6+2,

Mv 30', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 12, CON 14 (+1), CHA 9
Spells: cure light wounds*, darkness*, light*,
bane*, find traps, silence 15' radius, 2x locate
object, 2x sticks to snakes
Equipment: Chain Mail +1, Shield +2, Warhammer
+1, Scroll of Protection from Undead
HP 45 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

3. Euphemia Servilianus 4. Hjalmar Ingeborg

Euphemia loves the sound of her own voice. How If leaving his community physically distanced
fitting it is that she would become a priestess of Hjalmar from his Halfling roots, joining the
the Temple of New Birth, a clerical startup in Temple of Now severed any remaining similarities
need of research marketing. Religion is on the between who he was then, and who he is now.
decline and where there is a trend downward it’s Leaving home began as a simple walk after an
always a sign that the current providers have lost argument with his family. But then he just kept
touch with the needs of the people. Euphemia walking. The further he went, the more self-
hit the marketplace to find out why. The major assured he felt that he was right and the less
complaint of those leaving faith behind is the reason there was to acquiesce. Joining the clergy
amount of work involved with piety. It’s not just was an impulse. He needed food and a place to
the good behaviour within oneself that’s sleep. They offered. All he had to do was listen.
exhausting, but the need to extend that effort to He did, for a few months, and then set off again.
everyone else. Compassion, empathy, generosity As a travelling man of the cloth he found many
—the list is endless. Who has the patience— doors opened to him and knew then that his walk
which is another tiring virtue—to give that much had sent him on the path he was meant to follow.
to others with no expectation of receiving any of He entered any door that was opened, listened to
it back—another ridiculous requirement of the any sermon that was given, and ate any meal that
old scriptures. So, as a member of the Temple of was provided. When his mind and body was full,
the New, you need only provide a monthly tithe he moved on. When he reached the Temple of
and your personal assurance that you’re trying Now, he stopped. Here he found people
your best. If you’re a happy person inside and not frustrated with declining values in an overly
intentionally harming anyone else, you’re golden. permissive society. Here he heard people decry
Profits are up a little this month; just think of all the tolerance of social movements and protests
those shiny souls! and marches—the sudden obsession with rights.
Here he saw clerics who took their message to
Elf Cleric 9, AC 21, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1, +2 vs. the streets, but also their maces—beating down
Special Enemy, Mv 20', ML 9 the rebels and reprobates who were unwilling or
STR 11, INT 12, WIS 13 (+1), unable to be saved from themselves. If this isn’t
DEX 13 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 4 (-2) the solution to saving a society quickly crumbling
under the weight of its wickedness, it’s the
Spells: detect evil*, light*, resist cold, bless*,
closest thing his travels have found. He is ready
resist fire, speak with animals, growth of
to die in its service if need be.
animals, remove curse*, cure serious wounds*,
dispel magic Halfling Cleric 9, AC 21, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1,
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Mace +1, +2 vs. Mv 30', ML 9
Special Enemy STR 12, INT 17 (+2), WIS 14 (+1),
HP 53 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 8 (-1)
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Spells: detect magic, light*, purify food and
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
water, bless*, find traps, hold person, cure
blindness, speak with dead, dispel magic,
protection from evil 10' radius*
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Warhammer
HP 41 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Godiva Lockshorne 6. Maitane Airaldii

As a high priestess of the Temple of New Birth, Maitane distinguished herself early in her clerical
Godiva walks among the people as her doctrine career for her ability to work well with others
prescribes—just as her Deity made her. In this without emotional entanglement. Because of
place and at this time it’s not considered this, she’s gradually been invited to to share more
shocking. It’s a stark reminder of commonality, a of her abilities with the inner circle of the temple.
warning against secretiveness, and an appeal for Now sitting at the table of elite, she’s disturbed
more truth and vulnerability in daily interaction. by the amount of dysfunction. The pure-intent to
A relatively new sect, it’s gained a lot of traction do right is still there, but the council’s desire to
by those concerned by the amount of crime and have complete harmony has seriously affected its
corruption festering in society—especially in decision-making process. No proposition put
cities. What isn’t certain is whether this before them is able to pass until it has been
message, presented in this format, will actually added to and deleted from until it bears only
do anything to influence anyone. passing resemblance to the original. There’s no
anger. In fact, everyone is on their best
Dwarf Cleric 9, AC 13, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d3+1, behaviour. But the need to accommodate all
Mv 40', ML 9 opinions so that the finished product reflects
STR 15 (+1), INT 10, WIS 13 (+1), everyone’s viewpoint is creating some terrible
DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 16 (+2) policy. It could lead to a mass-exit of faithful
and a collapse of the Temple at a point where it
Spells: 2x cure light wounds*, detect evil*, hold
is already struggling to remain open.
person, 2x resist fire, growth of animals, locate
object, 2x create water Elf Cleric 9, AC 21, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,
Equipment: None Mv 30', ML 9
HP 32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 12, INT 13 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 11
Spells: cure light wounds*, detect evil*,
protection from evil*, charm animal, find traps,
speak with animals, speak with dead, striking,
neutralize poison*, protection from evil 10'
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Mace +1
HP 39 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

7. Willow Averille that’s what saved her? No—definitely not—at

least not alone. She was always a disciplined and
Friend of Blossom Averye (page 113) and a co- organized person, a tireless worker, and very
founding member of the famed Coalition for focused on having a successful career someday.
Magical Cooperation, she’s also the foster mother But her intense drive and early success turned
to Carlyn Donovani (page 9). Although she her past the point of confidence and
appears strong and confident externally, Willow assertiveness and into arrogance and self-
often reflects on how she might have become an aggrandizement. She became insular and
entirely different person. Clearly, she had the completely self-centred and for a time refused to
ingredients to become the success she is, but have any involvement with others unless she was
there was much about her as a younger woman granted control. In the process, she drove away
that might have steered her wrong—especially every friend she’d ever made. All except
during her teens. She was always good at Blossom. Blossom persisted through the rage,
thinking about things in the long term. Perhaps until the anger fractured into tears, and
eventually into realization, regret and reform. It
wasn’t the magical transformation from
children’s fairy tales. It took years, and she’s still
not convinced that she isn’t still broken inside.
She also understands that her behaviour didn’t
come from nowhere, but that there’s no point in
blaming. Regardless of what’s been done to you,
who you become is a choice you make for
yourself. Thank the Creator for Blossom. It was
Blossom that convinced her that there were
wrongs to be righted everywhere, and that it
could be their mission to use magic to do it.
She’d never felt so small in a long time, until she
realized that it was her inflated sense of urgency
to protect herself constantly that was gone. In
being given a purpose, she’d been returned to her

Human Cleric 9, AC 19, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3,

Mv 30', ML 9
STR 9, INT 16 (+2), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 12, CON 16 (+2), CHA 18 (+3)
Spells: 2x detect magic, protection from evil*,
charm animal, 2x speak with animals, remove
curse*, striking, cure serious wounds*, sticks to
Equipment: Chain Mail +2, Shield +1, Mace +3,
Scroll of Protection from Undead
HP 54 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Whitney Worthame Fighters (1d8)

Elder sister of Wymond (page 83). Deeply devoted 1. Viggo Ragna
to her faith but non-traditionally open-minded
and free-thinking, one might think that Whitney Viggo thought he was finished with his fighting
would be an adherent of the Temple of the New career, then his castle was struck by lightning,
or the Temple of Now. She’s not certain that causing a fire that killed most of his men and
either of those are legitimate. At best, she thinks destroyed a lifetime’s possessions. He is not
they are vanity organizations founded by power- happy. Money that was set aside to keep him
hungry Clerics that were unable to get control of well in his retirement has now gone to rebuilding.
the organizations they came up in. The Temple of He needs to replace decades of income as quickly
Worms is an ancient sect founded on simple as possible so he can enjoy life while he still has
truths. Where worms are active, the soil some good years left in him.
prospers and beauty grows. Where worms are
absent, beauty withers and evil takes root. The Human Fighter 9, AC 21, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,
Temple of Worms seeks to spread their numbers Mv 30', ML 9
and leave evil with nowhere to grow unchecked. STR 13 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
It’s an old wisdom, not as trendy or edgy as the DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12
alternatives, but not ready to disappear into the
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Longsword
past, either. With new generations of clergy like
her and Wilton Waters (page 64) — non-
judgmental, not dogmatic, more connected to HP 53 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
society — the Temple is holding its own. And ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
with young people like Brianag Mohani (page 38) ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
coming in the front door, these “next-generation”
temples may disappear as quickly as other local
fads. Come to think of Wilton, she’s actually
quite worried about the health of her friend. He’s
just not himself recently.

Human Cleric 9, AC 21, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,

Mv 20', ML 9
STR 10, INT 18 (+3), WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 11, CHA 12
Spells: detect magic, protection from evil*,
remove fear*, 2x resist fire, silence 15' radius,
growth of animals, remove curse*, create water,
sticks to snakes
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Mace +1, Potion
of Growth, Scroll of Protection from Elementals
HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

2. Bliktrud Dürrg troop. He’s grown a beard and changed his name.
While technically he was abandoned by the
With the usual nagging ailments fighters get from Warlord, he still fears recognition and discovery.
physically punishing themselves day after day,
Bliktrud had no reason to worry when he visited Human Fighter 9, AC 23, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
the Healer-on-Duty at the Temple of Wounds. He +4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 30', ML 9
did begin to grow concerned when that Cleric STR 17 (+2), INT 13 (+1), WIS 14 (+1),
asked his advisor for a second opinion. The news DEX 18 (+3), CON 16 (+2), CHA 12
was grim. If they cut off his leg, he might live a
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Shortsword
full life. If not, he might have a year. It was
+1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Cursed Scroll
devastating. He stood, turned, and walked out of
the Temple without saying a word and without HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
looking back. Even as he did it, he knew what it ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
meant. He thought that he had a lifetime to live.
Now, he has only the question of what to do with
the time he has left.

Dwarf Fighter 9, AC 21, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,

Mv 40', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 17 (+2), WIS 12,
DEX 14 (+1), CON 12, CHA 11
Equipment: Leather Armour +3, Shield +3,
Longsword +1
HP 46 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

3. Wulfstan Hunte
Wulfstan was conscripted into military service by
a warlord at the age of 7. An army swept through
his hamlet, forcibly taking all boys who looked
like they could be of use. Any parents that 4. Ivor Solveig
resisted the abductions were killed. He
“He’s an idiot, but he’s our idiot,” is what his
witnessed other parents being killed by soldiers,
friends say. He’s not insulted by it. He knows
but not his own. He was assured that they were
what he’s bringing to the fight and it’s not witty
also killed for their attempts to deceive and
quotes from literature. He never learned to read
conceal. As part of an assessment process,
anyway. But he’s strong, fast, and good for a
Wulfstan was tested with various responsibilities
laugh. Not too ugly either, especially for a Dwarf.
including food preparation, equipment
management, looting, intelligence gathering, field Dwarf Fighter 9, AC 22, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,
medical assistance, and squire duty. Eventually Mv 30', ML 9
he graduated into a soldier, rising to officer class
STR 17 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 9,
through a combination of bravery, talent, and loss
of leaders from ongoing casualties and occasional DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 13 (+1)
desertion. At 17, distressed by the duties of his Equipment: Plate Mail +2, shield, Shortsword +1
role, Wulfstan collapsed after taking non-lethal HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
damage and lay in a pile of bodies pretending to ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
be dead. In his army there was no ceremony.
Fallen soldiers were left to rot where they lay.
When the Warlord departed, Wulfstan salvaged
some equipment and set off to work for the next
18 months as a courier, bodyguard, guide and
mercenary for hire, but he misses being part of a

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

5. Pantaleon Ponticus 6. Pádraigín O'Doylei

He’s one of those Elves. You know the ones; a It’s a sad tale. The first time he fought in armed
superiority complex from here to eternity. Don’t combat, Pádraigín wet himself. It’s common for
invite him to join your party; not unless you are a first timers, he heard, but he was so embarrassed
party entirely comprised of Elves. He would only he never returned to that town again except to
work for that type of party anyway. If you see pack his things and move on. On to the next
him at the pub—and you’ll probably hear him first town, and the next, and the next, and surely the
—accidentally spill a drink on him and then last one—but no. He had the physicality of a
apologize profusely. Then, you can spend the fighter, but not the courage. While his fighting
rest of your night listening to him complain about didn’t improve he did get rather good at using his
you, as you drink and giggle about what an nimbleness to scoop up better equipment for
insufferable whinger he is. Then, tip your servers himself. Halfling-sized magic armour was hard to
and go your merry way without him. Not a bad come by, but when he finally saw it, there wasn’t
night out. a lineup for it. Now very protected, he wets
himself considerably less, but still needs to
Elf Fighter 9, AC 20, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3, change towns now and again when the “Pee Pee
Mv 30', ML 9 Pádraigín” chants start up again, inevitably.
STR 16 (+2), INT 12, WIS 11,
Halfling Fighter 9, AC 23, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d6+2,
DEX 10, CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
+4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 30', ML 9
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Scimitar +1,
STR 15 (+1), INT 11, WIS 12,
map to treasure Type A
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
HP 44 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Equipment: Plate Mail +3, Shield +1, Shortsword
☐☐☐☐ +1, +3 vs. Special Enemy
HP 46 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

7. Isold Gerverg
A career-long monster hunter, she started from
humble beginnings killing rats in pub cellars for
food and lodging, to her current trade—killing
much more terrifying beasts for food and lodging.
And coin—lots of coin. But it’s surprising how
much she enjoys going to work when it’s
someone else’s responsibility to ensure she is fed
and rested. She’s enjoying road trips less and
less as she gets older, so she’s now making travel
arrangements the client’s responsibility. Choose
carefully. If she doesn’t like what you send to
pick her up, she’s not coming to fight your

Dwarf Fighter 9, AC 21, AB +6, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3,

Mv 20', ML 9
STR 17 (+2), INT 9, WIS 14 (+1),
DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
Equipment: plate mail, Shield +2, Longsword +1,
Scroll of Protection from Undead
HP 56 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

8. Marlee Denmane Magic-Users (1d8)

Marlee has a tragic backstory. She’ll tell it to you 1. Ortrud De Vend
if you really want to hear it; she’s not bothered
by it anymore—but it has nothing to do with the Eldest sibling to Aloysia (page 57) and Sighilde De
person she’s become. She’s heard more than her Vend (page 20), it feels like a long time since he
fair share of moaning from drunken thieves gave any thought to the historical family business
complaining about what ruined their lives and led —general merchandise sales. He didn’t hear the
them to their desperate existence. What a load calling, as much as his father might have wished
of road apples. It’s people like them that left her it. As the first child to break away, he dove
an orphan. Why would she do what was done to headlong into his arcane studies at the risk of
her, to another person? She wouldn’t, that’s being disowned, but his father loved him much
what. If she did slip in that direction, it would be more than he ever realized. Nothing Ortrud could
as a vigilante—removing people like them. But, do would be a true disappointment, so long as it
that’s not who she is. She’s not quite invested was performed at a level of greatness. Rising
enough in the social welfare system to volunteer toward the top of the wizarding class, he began
any time helping one of the local do-good to see it for what it was: a political minefield. If
organizations. She’s not a saint, and the world there is some glorious golden room where mages
still isn’t doing her any favours. Maybe when she embrace and reflect on the good that they’ve
doesn’t have her own problems to manage. accomplished putting their powers to work,
Ortrud hasn’t found it. There’s a back room,
Human Fighter 9, AC 20, AB +6, #At 1, certainly, but one filled with schemers plotting
Dam 1d10+3, +4 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 30', ML 9 how to concentrate power into as few hands as
STR 16 (+2), INT 16 (+2), WIS 10, possible. Perhaps it’s time to go back to the
DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 12 store, at least for a while. Taking stock of his
life, it feels much more draining than taking stock
Equipment: Plate Mail +2, Two-Handed Sword
on the shelves once did.
+1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, map to treasure Type A
HP 65 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Elf Magic-User 9, AC 11, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d4+1,
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ +2 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 12, INT 15 (+1), WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 11, CON 15 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: darkness*, detect magic, magic mouth,
locate object, mirror image, phantasmal force,
fireball, invisibility 10' radius, hallucinatory
terrain, remove curse*, passwall
Equipment: Dagger +1, +2 vs. Special Enemy,
Potion of Invisibility
HP 32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

2. Philocrates Murena
Philocrates took notice when he saw thieves
already eyeing his tower as it was still being
constructed. He realized he needed to build a
trap so fiendish that any thief that dared to enter
would never leave. Then, upon further reflection,
he thought there might need to be more than
one. Security works best in layers. His first
protection was darkness. Other than the single
entrance, there are no portals and no windows.
The only light inside is magical. There are
candles, but they trigger a silent alarm. Second,
there are clues at the entrance that suggest the
presence of a trap, and additional clues in the
foyer once the thief breaches the door. These are
decoys intended to be found. Disarming them
provides a soft but satisfying-sounding click, but
otherwise has no effect. Third, there are many
Magic Mouths strategically placed along the
walls; so many that they look like an extension of
the tower’s overall Gargoyle decor motif. These
remain completely silent when passed by Philo or
one of his designates, but scream at maximum
volume when passed by an intruder. Depending
on where a thief has managed to get to, one or
several trap doors may open in the intruder’s
proximity. Type I contains acid; Type II is filled
with rats; Type III is filled with undead; Type IV is
a standard spike pit that already imprisons a
gelatinous cube. Variations of these also exist
with an illusionary floor instead of a trap door.
Philo is very pleased by the early results and
would love to get more accurate statistics from
the tally he’s been keeping, but there’s been a
sudden loss of interest in breaking in. Still, he’s
thinking of adding some bronze golems, for that
classy suit-of-armour decor look, but also as a
means of driving thieves to the deadliest

Human Magic-User 9, AC 12, AB +4, #At 1,

Dam 1d4+3, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 11
Spells: darkness*, light*, protection from evil*,
detect invisible, invisibility, wizard lock, hold
person, protection from normal missiles, bestow
curse*, growth of plants*, telekinesis
Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Ring of Protection
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

3. Blossom Averye
Best friend of Willow Averille (page 107) and co-
founding member of the famed Coalition for
Magical Cooperation (CMC), a loose partnership of
high level Magic-Users and Clerics intent on doing
good. But it seems that the mandate may have to
grow beyond what it originally was. Her sources
say that four invaders—The Tetrad—have been
linked to many disappearances and deaths. The
CMC may not have the strength or the numbers
to fight them. It would not be the first time that
Blossom had to meet a challenge. It’s been a
necessity since her youth. Blossom is an only
child and regards Willow as the sister she never
had. For a while, she felt like she could only
watch helplessly as Willow hurtled into despair.
It looked like rage and megalomania to a lot of
people, but Blossom knew where it had come
from and what it meant. Remaining as the only
listening ear while so many abandoned Willow
was the most difficult thing she’d ever done. At
times it felt like Willow screamed just to force
people out of her life. She felt so empty and
worthless, anger became part of fulfilling a
destiny that was inevitable. She deserved no one,
everyone would leave her eventually anyway—
why not just get it over with quicker? But
Blossom wouldn’t leave. She didn’t know then
whether Willow felt the sense of sisterhood that
she did. Probably not. Willow didn’t understand
family. But allowing Willow to disappear into
herself was something Blossom wouldn’t allow.
So, she weathered the torrent, waited for the
clearing, and pulled her friend back to shore. It
wasn’t quick; the current against them was
strong. But in the end they not only saved a
friendship, but became like family, and later
formed “the famed Coalition for Magical
Cooperation.” ‘Til death do them part.

Human Magic-User 9, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1,

Dam 1d4+1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 11, INT 16 (+2), WIS 17 (+2),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 16 (+2), CHA 18 (+3)
Spells: read languages, darkness*, shield, detect
invisible, knock, web, fly, invisibility 10' radius,
growth of plants*, wall of fire, passwall
Equipment: Dagger +1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Ring
of Protection +2
HP 43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Leofsige Alvine
Elder cousin of Alvina (page 31) he has all of the
maturity she currently lacks, but was always a
radically different personality. He reads
voraciously, networks extensively, and ponders
deeply. Face to face with him you discover
someone that is extremely laid back and carefully
measured. He eases into things slowly before
fully committing and isn’t given to changing his
mind without a compelling reason. He is
idealistic, loyal, and a firm adherent of law and
morality. To that end, he’s become greatly
concerned by a number of people he’s come to
refer to as The Tetrad. They seemingly have
nothing in common except their utter disdain for
others, and the number of injuries, deaths and
disappearances that coincide with their
proximity. They seem to have no clear motive or
discernible plan. Leofsige brought his concerns
to the one person he knew would understand the
gravity as well as himself, Mallory Freemane
(page 92). Together they began secretly
assembling a surveillance force, The Octad, to
gather intelligence in preparation for a response.
While he often functions in the role of official
Lead, at its heart The Octad is a partnership. The
members comprising five of the six remaining
places were selected by Mallory based on her
own contacts. The final slot, occupied by
Themistocles Spinther (page 85), was at
Leofsige’s invitation because of their long and
trusting friendship.

Elf Magic-User 9, AC 11, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d4+5,

Mv 40', ML 9
STR 16 (+2), INT 12, WIS 12,
DEX 11, CON 15 (+1), CHA 17 (+2)
Spells: detect magic, protection from evil*, sleep,
detect invisible, invisibility, knock, hold person,
invisibility 10' radius, wall of fire, wizard eye,
Equipment: Walking Staff +3, map to treasure
Type E
HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

5. Vidar Ebbe 6. Odovacar Alcimus Libo

His names combined mean “strong boar,” but An influential public personality, he—perhaps
because his interests were arcane, not athletic, more than any other living Magic-User—has
he was occasionally teased as the “strong bore.” brought more new hopefuls into the discipline
A smack upside the head from his dexterous than any wizard before or since. Long past his
hand generally convinced people that he wasn’t dungeon crawling days, his public presentations
all just book-smarts. This is especially true after are a calculated and thrilling combination of
successfully dodging the blows that sometimes violently spectacular spellcasting and thrown
came in return. Because of those days, he steel. We’ll never know how many Magic-Users
doesn’t enjoy working with “big dumb fighters” began collecting discarded daggers in a sack and
but he’s no snob. If he feels respected and learning the art of throwing after having watched
appreciated he’s happy to throw his lot in with a Odovacar pierce strawmen with deadly accuracy,
group of adventurers. If he just could find a before burning them to the ground with a flick of
decent bunch, he’d really prefer just to settle a pinky finger. You’re imagining it right now,
down and stop looking. He’s worth talking to. He aren’t you? Far from a hack showman, he’s
throws knives like that wizard at the fair did last reticent to calculate (and would just as soon
year. You know the one. Everyone has heard of forget) the number of living monsters that died
him, even though they don’t always recall his horribly as he honed his skills in combat. On his
name. personal time, he memorizes a different set of
spells—ones useful in protecting himself from
Elf Magic-User 9, AC 16, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d4, obsessed fans, and enemies. In the event he is
Mv 40', ML 9 threatened and outnumbered, he typically kills
STR 12, INT 17(+2), WIS 12, the strongest attacker he sees in gruesome
DEX 17 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 14 (+1) fashion, then animates the body to turn on its
former party members. This is quite effective
Spells: read languages, shield, ventriloquism,
with the intense psychological terror it induces.
mind reading, invisibility, locate object, fireball,
Upon ceasing control, he’ll then leave the body as
fly, ice storm, wall of fire, telekinesis
a warning to would-be criminals of the dire
Equipment: 3 silver daggers (balanced for consequences of tangling with a wizard.
throwing), Ring of Protection +3, map to treasure Definitely not a charlatan. Whatever the crowd,
Type A whatever the circumstances, he knows exactly
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ how to create the desired effect in his audience.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Human Magic-User 9, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1,
Dam 1d4+3 or 1d4+1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Mv 40',
ML 9
STR 12, INT 18 (+3), WIS 12,
DEX 14 (+1) CON 16 (+2), CHA 17 (+2)
Spells: floating disc, shield, sleep, invisibility,
detect invisible, mind reading, hold person,
lightning bolt, ice storm, massmorph, animate
Equipment: 3 Silver Daggers +3 (balanced for
throwing), Dagger +1, +3 vs. Special Enemy, Ring
of Protection +2, bag of holding with unknown
HP 43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

“Human” Magic-User 9, AC 14, AB +4, #At 1,

Dam 1d3+2, Mv 40', ML 9
STR 16(+2), INT 18 (+3), WIS 17(+2),
DEX 9, CON 17 (+2), CHA 15 (+1)
Spells: sleep, charm person, floating disc, detect
invisible, phantasmal force, web, invisibility 10'
radius, slow*, confusion, wall of fire, teleport
Equipment: Ring of Protection +3, Scroll of
Magic-User Spells: hold person, levitate, slow,
dimension door
HP 45 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

8. Gautbert Gravese
Gautbert’s specialty is the acquisition and
training of special creatures to become familiars.
He is most certainly not interested in going on
any adventures; his inventory of creatures cannot
be left unsupervised. However, he may be able to
provide spell tutoring for Magic-Users and
provide magical research equipment and
7. Carling Truemane materials for cost plus a nominal service fee. At
any given time, there is a 50% chance that his
In private, Carling laughs at his name. It suggests
training facility in the dungeon of his tower may
that he is what he seems to be, whereas he’s
contain 1 brownie, 1 (Infernal) imp, 1
actually a Cloud Dragon (Age Category 6). It’s an
pseudodragon, and 1 (Infernal) quasit (roll for
interesting time to watch Humans. They’re closer
each creature type). He does not offer cats,
now than they’ve ever been to extinction, and
crows, dogs, hawks, owls, ravens, toads, or
he’s got a front row seat. He has knowledge of
weasels. For those, talk to Godabert Grieves
more spells than he should for a wizard of this
(page 72). Yes, people do get them mixed up all
level, but in the interest in staying undercover
the time. They’re used to it. And no that is not a
he’s dutifully keeping a modest selection (at the
hawk behind him, It’s a very naughty brownie
GM’s option, he could have the full number his
trying to get your attention. And that raven is an
age permits). His treasure is far away and he’s got
imp who’s going to be in very big trouble unless
nothing to lose except his seat. If he is somehow
she stops shape-changing right this instant.
found out, he will use whatever defensive means
he can to create a distraction, then teleport Elf Magic-User 9, AC 15, AB +4, #At 1, Dam 1d4+2,
away. He’ll then appear in a different region with Mv 40', ML 9
a new name and a new appearance, but the same
STR 13 (+1), INT 16 (+2), WIS 12,
desire to witness what might be the end of the
world, as it happens. For now though, things are DEX 17 (+2), CON 15 (+1), CHA 9
splendid. He’s even opening his mind to exploring Spells: shield, sleep, hold portal, 2x mind reading,
a romantic relationship with a Human female, web, clairvoyance, protection from evil 10'
Zanna Chadwicke (page 98), as a cover, but also radius*, 2x charm monster, hold monster
as an experiment he’s yet to attempt over his Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Ring of Protection
long years. +2, Potion of Invulnerability
HP 23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

Thieves (1d8) 2. Conrad Bösch

1. Clayton Turnbulle Conrad isn’t exactly old, but you wouldn’t know it
by the way he constantly vents about aches,
Clayton desperately aspires to become a leader pains, and the intimate details of his bodily
but doesn’t understand what that entails. He has functions. Bad knees, fallen arches, lower back
a certain charisma and intellect and his physical pain, pulled groin—he freely shares all the things
prowess is significant, but he hasn't found a way no one wishes they knew, with anyone within
to put it all together into a package that earshot, whether they like it or not. Gas pain,
commands attention. He’s not a gifted speech- bloating, bowel troubles, flatulence—an endless
maker nor a tactical genius nor an organizational litany of symptoms. If he wasn’t an independent
visionary. He can briefly inspire interest, but his he would have been banned from his guild. He’s
lack of ideas and poor social skills quickly not a popular mercenary these days, even with
dissipates it. He dreams of scores of underlings, the steep discount.
following with blind loyalty. Those around him
wonder how it is that he's so enamoured with Dwarf Thief 9, AC 17, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,
himself. Mv 40', ML 9
STR 12, INT 14 (+1), WIS 9,
Human Thief 9, AC 16, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3,
DEX 16 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
Mv 40', ML 9
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Longsword +1,
STR 14 (+1), INT 11, WIS 12,
Scroll of Protection from Undead
DEX 17 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Leather Armour +1, Longsword +2, ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
map to 1d4 magic items
HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 3. Nicomedes Varus
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Nicomedes found himself vaulted into a
leadership role due to his talent for brokering
peace between the other contenders for the role.
No one enjoyed the squabbling, but no one
wanted to be the one to show weakness and
acquiesce either. Nicomedes stepped into that
gap and won hearts and minds as the reasonable
alternative between warring factions. It’s an
illusion. He’s no less power hungry, but does
have a talent for reading a room, understanding
how a course of events will unfold, biding his
time, choosing his words very carefully, and
delivering his message in a way that inspires calm
confidence. Once he’s affirmed in a formal
position of power, his ruthlessness will be
allowed out to play. He is unforgiving of those
who might cross him, and with the contest
already won he will not waste time with a
measured response.

Elf Thief 9, AC 16, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2,

Mv 40', ML 9
STR 15 (+1), INT 12, WIS 13 (+1),
DEX 15 (+1), CON 10, CHA 17 (+2)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Longsword +1,
Potion of Speed
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

4. Tuesday Rey 5. Embla Jorunn

Senior member of a covert group of overseers, A horse lover since she was a young girl, it was
The Octad. She was Mallory Freemane’s (page always a dream of hers to have a big, beautiful
92) first selection for candidates to add to the farmhouse under the shelter of plenty of shady
then-fledgling organization she co-founded with elm trees, and stable full of beautiful
Leofsige Alvine (page 114). Never a killer, Tuesday thoroughbreds out back. She didn’t put a lot of
was a robber of dungeons and catacombs—and thought into how much this dream might cost,
perhaps incidentally, one or two monstrous but in the end she didn’t need to. You paid for it;
Humans—before switching to the information or if not you, people like you. It all started at a
trade as she grew more experienced. Extroverted tavern. She saw a group of adventurers sitting
and intuitive, she excels at getting people to talk around a table planning their next sojourn, and at
about things they later can’t believe they said. the end of the night she followed them home.
She’s also excellent at getting into places where Two had rooms upstairs at the tavern’s inn; two
she’s likely to overhear valuable information. In were townies whom she already recognized. It
her early days this was mostly through skilled was a difficult night, but in the end those men
climbing and disguise kits. Now she can pretty had no other choice but to go adventuring—she’d
much talk herself into any room. left them with nothing but the coins in the
pockets of the clothes they slept in. She realized
Elf Thief 9, AC 15, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+2, she had a business model. She has to be careful
Mv 40', ML 9 not to be seen in the same taverns too often, and
STR 9, INT 17 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), she lets a few parties go here and there just to
DEX 12, CON 13 (+1), CHA 17 (+2) allay suspicion, but it keeps the horses fed.
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Battle Axe +2, Thief 9, AC 17, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1, Mv 40',
Scroll of Protection from Undead ML 9
HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 12, INT 14 (+1), WIS 11,
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
DEX 16 (+2), CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Hand Axe +1,
map to 1d4 magic items
HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

6. Corliss Dunne Halfling Thief 9, AC 15, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d6+3,

Mv 30', ML 9
Intelligent and wise but world-weary, Corliss is STR 9, INT 12, WIS 15 (+1),
demonstrating wear and tear from her
DEX 16 (+2), CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
(alternately, his) scrapes with earthly creatures
over the years. Her once care-free, live-and-let- Equipment: leather armour, Shortsword +3, Scroll
live approach has nearly evaporated. Measured of Protection from Undead
words have given way to jarring pronouncements; HP 36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
polite white lies discarded for bitter truths. She’s ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
aware that she’s a drastically different Halfling
now than the adventurous, patient, good- 7. Harper Durand
humoured one that once was. She does her best
to do a good impression of that person when Friendly-seeming but greedy and conscienceless,
meeting old friends. But for strangers and new Harper was a natural fit for estate auctions and
acquaintances, she just couldn’t be bothered. property sales. If only he was the one authorized
Anyone expecting the warmth and sociable charm to settle the affairs of the departed. A lot of his
her race is famous for will be sorely disappointed work is done through finders. He pays dozens of
—and she doesn’t care. She attributes the low-level thieves to travel and case the region for
change to too much time spent around Humans. prospects, staying at inns at his expense. The
It’s not a bad thing. It’s just reality. Choices have elderly and ill are first picks, but the middle-aged
consequences, and she is the product of her and isolated or estranged are also often
experiences. promising. Surveillance determines whether the
property and contents warrant further action.
Should the prospect linger too long, a moderate
dose of poison generally speeds things to a
conclusion. It is then that Harper makes his
appearance to handle the disposition with his
practised blend of authority and sensitivity.

Dwarf Thief 9, AC 17, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+1,

Mv 40', ML 9,
STR 10, INT 12, WIS 16 (+2),
DEX 16 (+2), CON 12, CHA 15 (+1)
Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Longsword +1,
map to treasure Type H
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Ninth-Level Characters Chrysogon's Coterie

8. Chrysogon Mnemosyne
I questioned whether or not I should write an
entry for myself. It seems egotistical, and yet I
must acknowledge that I am a person of interest
—if only as the author of all these glimpses into
the memories and motivations of others. When I
die—or if I abruptly leave this place and start
over somewhere else, as I’ve so often done
before—I know this book will be discovered and
read. So, I will record something of my life here
as an indulgence of your curiosity. Just know
that this book was never intended for you. It was
written for me.

Many of the names in this book have meanings,

and where I thought it was appropriate, I noted
how the person’s destiny either upheld or
disgraced the one they had been given. My name
means “Gold Born” and in my childhood I wanted
for nothing. My father was a ruler. My mother
was the daughter of another. While it is often the
custom that sons are married to daughters to
create political alliances and concentrate wealth
and power—and my parents were no exception—
they grew to love each other in the way we all
wish to become true for our own unions.
needing to begin anew in another city. I had no
They lavished attention, affection, praise, culture, interest in leadership. Watching the chaos
education, and opportunity upon me, and one incited by my abrupt exit from a thriving
would assume that I grew up happy and enterprise was incalculably satisfying—creating
appreciative of my good fortune. I did not. With dependence and then causing a void. An
no basis of comparison, my life felt perfectly implosion of greed, entitlement, betrayal and
ordinary to me. There were no obstacles, violence. Beautiful madness.
disappointments, or heartbreaks; no epiphanies,
achievements, or transformational experiences. I It took many repetitions of this behaviour to
just was, and the emptiness was intolerable to realize that the void that had always existed
me. inside of me was infinite. Nothing filled it, and I’d
learned instead to rejoice in spreading emptiness
With my father’s position, I had an inordinate to others. It took longer still for me to
level of freedom which I exploited fully. I stole, I understand that nothing about this path in life
lied, then stole even more. I spread rumours of had done anything more than keep me a step
others’ culpability then planted evidence in ahead from being consumed by the emptiness.
support of it. I looked for people with enviable
success and strong relationships and used all the And then I quit. And I could, because I had
skills I possessed to leave them humiliated, somewhere to hide from it all. For all my
isolated and broken to the point where some wandering, I’d at one point realized I needed a
chose not to live anymore. place for my treasure and I bought a castle—not
a guild. Naturally I couldn’t trust thieves to
When I feared that I was about to be discovered I manage my affairs in my absence, but a number
bade my parents goodbye, but not before taking of men who fully understood my capabilities
the inheritance I believed would have been mine signed on as my hired staff. Having solved
eventually. I would never return. I discarded my serious problems for each of them, they were
name and lived under dozens of others. I rose loyal through a mix of fear and awe. When I
swiftly through the many guilds that were my returned unexpectedly I found that all was well,
home, rising to the top only to become bored and and they’ve served me faithfully to this day.

Chrysogon's Coterie Ninth-Level Characters

I live under the pseudonym I created solely for It is not a surprise to me to see pages upon pages
the ownership of this castle and I am never seen. of individuals who chose to squander their lives
Everything I need is brought to me, and anything I as foolishly as I did. More striking are the
send is delivered by trusted hands. I am content numbers who chose to do good, despite the
to be known to the common folk as a wealthy existence of the rest of us, with no expectation of
and possibly insane eccentric. It keeps them glory or reward, but just doggedly doing good for
from scaling the walls. good’s sake.

This book that you hold was not written for you, I can’t understand why.
but for me. It has allowed me to escape myself,
but to do so alone. While I never was able to And now that I’ve indulged you, this exercise is
feel, I quickly mastered the capacity to recognize complete. I don’t know how it is that you’ve
feelings in others. While I never was able to truly come to read this, but it is not my legacy or a gift
befriend anyone, I was always a very good to living-kind.
listener. And while I never felt I could belong
If I’m to be remembered at all, understand that
anywhere, my indelible memory allowed me to
the greatest kindness I showed the world was not
retain the names and details of those whose
to contribute, but to withdraw.
paths I crossed, which are now catalogued here.
Dwarf Thief 9, AC 17, AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8+3,
Time spent distracting myself recording these
Mv 40', ML 9
lives has made mine more tolerable. Seeing
these words, plainly staring back at me from the STR 12, INT 18 (+3), WIS 18 (+3),
page, has made them more consequential than DEX 13 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+1)
was the case when they were bits of Equipment: Leather Armour +3, Longsword +3:
unconnected trivia filed in my head. Reflecting Charm person on command, Scroll of Protection
on the work in its totality has given me much to from Magic
think about.
HP 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐


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