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In mathematics, the factorial of a non negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all
positive integers less than or equal to n.
For example :
6! = 6 ï 5 ï 4 ï 3 ï 2 ï 1
also (n + 1)! = (n + 1) ï n!

Special case :
Zero factorial
This is a special case whose value is 1.
 0! = 1


There are 2 principles which form the basis of fundamental principle of counting.
If one operation / activity can be performed in m ways and a second activity can be performed
in n ways then.
1. the number of ways of performing both the operations will be m ï n , this is also known
as princ iple of multiplic a tion.
2. the number of ways of performing one of the two activities will be m + n . This is also
known as princ iple of a ddition.

Illustration 1
You have cleared IIT and you are going to a garment shop for purchasing some clothes for
yourself, which you will take to IIT. You select 5 jeans and 10 shirts from which you can
buy. In how many ways can you purchase
1. only 1 shirt and 1 jean ?
2. only one of shirt or jeans ?
Solution :
Though it is sad that you have to buy only one of shirts & jeans.
Lets solve the question now

(i) You have to buy a pair of shirt & jeans. If you take one jeans then you have 10 options
for shirt.
Same is the case for other jeans.
i.e. everytime you select a jeans, there are 10 options for a shirt.
 Total ways = 5 ï 10 = 50 (i.e. fundamental principle of multiplication)

(ii) Now you have to select only one of either shirt or jeans.
You can select 1 jeans out of 5 in 5 ways & 1 shirt out of 10 in 10 ways.


for selecting only one of them, you can have
(no. of ways of selecting one shirt) + (no. of ways of selecting one jeans)
 Total ways = 10 + 5 = 15 (i.e. fundamental principal of addition)

Illustration 2
Find the total number of ways of answering 5 objective type questions, each having 4
Solution :
There are 5 questions,

st nd rd th th
1 2 3
 4 5

5 questions

And each question has 4 options i.e. each question can be answered in 4 ways
 4 4 4 4 4

 Total no. of ways = 4 ï 4 ï 4 ï 4 ï 4

= 45
Note : We will solve the questions as if we are filling spaces.

Illustration 3
Five persons entered a lift cabin of a 8 floor building. Suppose each of them can leave the
cabin independently at any floor beginning with first. Find the total no. of ways in which
each of five persons can leave the cabin.
(i) at any of the 7 floors
(ii) at different floors
Solution :
Suppose there are 5 person A1 A2 A3 A 4 A 5

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
(i) for this part, any person can leave any floor i.e. all persons have 7 options to choose from.
7 7 7 7 7
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
 Total ways = 7 ï 7 ï 7 ï 7 ï 7 = 7

(ii) Now all persons have to leave at different floors. Suppose we start with A1, he drops at floor
2. Now A2 has (7 ă 1) = 6 options as he cannot leave at floor 2 according to the question.

7 6 5 4 3
So A3 now will (7 ă 2) options & so, on
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

 total ways = 7 ï 6 ï 5 ï 4 ï 3
= 2520

Illustration 4
In how many ways can six persons be arranged in a row ?
Solution :
Arranging a given set of n different objects is equivalent to filling n places.
Now suppose A 1, A2, A3, A4, A 5, A6 to be the six persons which are to be arranged in a row.
For 6 people there are 6 positions to be filled and at one position only one person can stand.
So if we start from A1, he has 6 positions to choose from. For A2, he has 5 as 1 position has already
been occupied by A1 & so on for A 3 A 4 A5 & A6
6 5 4 3 2 1
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

 Total ways = 6ï 5ï 4 ï 3 ï 2 ï 1
= 6!
Note : We can start from any person (A2 A 3... A6), in this example we started from A 1 but the
answer will be same for each case as it is just a representation.

Illustration 5
How many 3 digit numbers can be formed with using digits 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,
(a) without repetition (b) with repetition
Solution :
3 digit can be represented by 3 places

hundreds tenÊs oneÊs digits

for both the cases, 0 cannot be at hundreds place. (Obvious)
(a) With repetition
for this case, we can use the digits only once per number with 0 not at hundreds place.
5 5 4

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
  {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} ă 1 {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} ă 2
5 options = 5 options = 4 ways

 No 0 at   removing the one   removing the terms used 

     
 this place   used at hundreds places   in previous 2 places 


 Total numbers = 5 ï 5 ï 4
= 100

(b) With repetition

5 6 6

{2, 3, 4, 5, 6} {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

5 options excluding 0 = 6 options = 6 options
 The term used in previous 
 
 place can also be used 
 Total numbers = 5 ï 6 ï 6
= 180
Note : Unless stated in the question itself that repetition is allowed we do not take repetition.

Illustration 6
You have to invite 5 of your friends to your birthday party. In how many ways can you
send invitation cards to them, if you have 3 servants to carry the cards ?
Solution :
You can sent the card to any of your friend through any of your 3 servants.
 Each friend can receive invitation by 3 ways, i.e from 3 servents

3 3 3 3 3
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Total ways = 3 ï 3 ï 3 ï 3 ï 3
= 35 ways

Illustration 7
You have 5 digits 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
(i) find the number of 4 digit even numbers which can be formed by using above digits.
(ii) numbers which are divisible by 5 and are greater than 6000.
Solution :
(i) This part requires to find out even numbers. We know even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6
& 8 so our last digit has to be either one of them and from the digits given to us (4, 5, 6,
7, 8) 4, 6 & 8 are the possible options.
5 5 5 3

for the remaining 3 places we can take (4, 6, 8)

any digit from the 5 possible digits.



 Total numbers = 5 ï 5 ï 5 ï 3
= 375

(ii) For a digit to be a multiple of 5, its ones digit should be either 0 or 5. From the digits given
to us only 5 is the option. Also the should be greater than 6000,
so in thousands digit only 3 options are there i.e. 6, 7 & 8.

3 5 5 1

{6, 7, 8} {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} {5}

 Total numbers = 3 ï 5 ï 5 ï 1
= 75

Each of the arrangement which can be made by taking some or all things is called a permutation.
Let us understand this with the help of an example.
Suppose, India, Australia & Pakistsan are playing a triseries tournament. In how ways the result
can come out.

Ist position 2nd 3rd

Ist arrangement India Australia Pakistan
2 India Pakistan Australia
3 Australia India Pakistan
4 Australia Pakistan India
5 Pakistan India Australia
6 Pakistan Australia India

So there are 6 arrangements possible (though out of which we guys will prefer the first two.)
Note : You can see the order plays an important role in arrangement.
Now, write the number of permutations of letters A, B, C, D taking 3 at a time.
Let us see how many cases can we make I will start with A

 A B C  B A C  C A B  D A B
   
 A B D  B A D C A D D A C
 
 A C B  B C A  C B A  D B A
6 with A  6 with B  6 with C  6 with D 
 A C D  B D A  C B D  D B C
 A D B  B C D  C D A  D C A
   
 A D C  B D C  C D B  D C B
So in all there are 24 permutations possible.


Notation :
The number of permutations of n distinct things taken r at a time is given by n Pr or P (n, r ) and
its value is

n n!
Pr 
 n  r !
So if we apply this to the previous case we just covered, 4 things taking 3 at a time

4 4!
 P3   24 arrangements
Logic : Pr is equivalent to saying, the numbers of ways in which we can fill up r places, when
we have n different things to choose from.

n (n  1) (n  2) (n  3) (n  r  1)
1 2
 3 4
 r 
r places

Pr   n  n  1  n  2  ...  n   r  1 
n  r  !
Here notice that we have have considered the case when no repetition is allowed. {because then
only 2, 3, 4, ... places are filled by (n ă 1), (n ă 2) ... values}
Permutations when repetition is allowed
It simple to understand. Here again there are r places but

n n n n n
1 2
 3 4
 r

r places

now every place can take any of the n values, hence total permutations = n r

Some properties of nP r
1. P (n, n) = P (n, n ă 1)
2. P (n, r) = n. P (n ă 1, r ă 1)

Each of different selections made by taking all or some numbers out of defined objects,
irrespective of their arrangement is called combination.
In how many ways can be select 2 teams out of 4 to play for the final. Let the teams be India,
Australia, Pakistan & England.



We know we have to select 2 teams, let us see the possible selection.

India vs Australia ă 1
India vs Pakistan ă 2
India vs England ă 3
Australia vs Pakistan ă 4
Australia vs England ă 5

Australia vs India ï wrong case, this have already been covered in the I st selection.

Pakistan vs England ă 6
Other already covered cases
Pakistan vs India ă same as 2
Pakistan vs Australia ă same as 4
England vs India ă same as 3
England vs Australia ă same as 5
England vs Pakistan ă same as 6
 Total selections possible = 6
Again note, while selection ORDER is NOT IMPORTANT. So combinations ABC, ACB, CAB,
CBA, BAC & BCA are equal to 1 combination i.e. ABC, whereas they are 6 different permutations.

Notation :
Combinations of n different things taken r at a time.

 n n!
= nCr or C (n, r) or  r  = r ! n  r !
   

Properties of nC r
1. Cn = nC0 = 1
2. Cr = nCnăr
3. Cr + nCră1 = n+1

n n n 1
4. C r   C r1
 r

C r1  n 
5. n1
 
Cr 1 n  r 1 

6. if nC x = n
Cy, then x = y or x + y = n
Cr 1 n 1 
7. n
 
Cr r 1 


8. The greatest value of nC r, when
n is even, is nCn/2
n n
C (n 1) C n 1
n is odd, is or
2 2

Illustration 8
There are 10 candidates standing from your area in election. You all given the liberty of
giving votes to any 2 of them. In how may ways can you vote ?
Solution :
You have to select any 2 candidates from 10 where the order in which you choose does not matter.
Hence selecting 2 out of 10.

10 10!
= C2   45 selections possible.

Illustration 9
Suppose that IIT paper is divided into paper 1 & paper 2 each having 10 questions. You
somehow know that cut off to clear the paper is to rightly attempt 5 questions & 7 questions,
in paper 1 & paper 2 respectively. So in how many ways you can clear IIT ?
Solution :
See here also order does not matter, in fact the number of correct answers is the key. So total ways
of clearing IIT.
= Selecting 5 questions from paper 1 ï selecting 7 questions from paper II

= 10 C5  10C7

Illustration 1 0
In how many ways a committee of 6 members can be formed from 6 men and 6 women,
consisting of 4 men and 2 women ?
Solution :
You have to select 4 men from a total of 6 men and 2 women from 6, which could be done in
C4 ï 6C2 ways.
 Number of ways in which committee can be formed
= 15 ï 15 = 225 (also note that 6C4 = 6C2)

Illustration 1 1
If you invite 10 of your friends to party and all of you shake hands with each other, then
how many shake hands happen in the party ?
Solution :
Note that when you shake hands it is immaterial that in which order you shake hands. When



2 person shake hands it is counted as one shake hand only.

 Total number of shake hands
= number of ways of selecting 2 of your friends from 10
= C2 = 45

Illustration 1 2
(a) How many lines can be drawn through n points ?
(b) How many diagonals are there in a polygon with n sides ?
Solution :
(a) What is a line ? How it is formed ? Answer to these simple questions can solve this part for
A line is formed by joining 2 points on a plane. So for the formation of line we need 2 points.
 Number of lines possible when n points are there = nC2
(b) Taking of diagonals, they are also lines. Let us understand this by taking a small example

2 diagonals 5 diagonals

Total lines through n points = nC 2

lines used in making the polynomial of n sides = n
(you can check this that, quadrilateral = 4 sides, pentagon = 5 etc)
 Remaining lines must be diagonals

n nn  1 n  n 3 
= C2  n  n 
2 2

Illustration 1 3
In how many ways can a cricket team be selected from a group of 25 players containing 10
batsmen, 8 bowlers, 5 all rounders and 2 wicket keepers ? Assume that the team of 11
players India will be playing with will have 4 batsmen, 3 all rounders, 3 bowlers and 1
wicket keeper ?
Solution :
This is a very simple problem, we just have to choose from the available options for the different
1. Selection of batsmen ă 10C 4
2. Selection of bowler ă 8C 3


3. Selection of all rounders ă C3
4. Selection of wicket keeper ă 2C1
 The team will be formed by combination of all these selections
10 8 5 2
= C4 ï C3 ï C3 ï C1 ways

Illustration 1 4
(a) How many triangles can be formed through n points, given that no 3 points are
(b) How many triangles can be formed out of a Hexagon ?
Solution :
(a) Every problem can be understood if we try to break it down to a simpler & easy problem. For
a triangle we need three points which are non-collinear (remember this condition is important).
1 R

triangles possible when 4 points are there or 4 C3 = 4
 similarly for n points it would be nC3.
Similarly we can extend this for rn-sided polygon.
= nC m (m  n)
(b) Hexagon is formed by six points, and for triangle we need to select any three of them at a
time. Hence number of triangles = 6C3 = 20

Illustration 1 5
If m parallel lines in a plane are intersected by a family of n parallel lines. Find the number
of parallelograms formed.
Solution :
If you are not able to understand the problem, break the problem.

4 lines - 1 parallelogram (5 Lines - 3 parallelograms)

(2 points on each parallel line)



We can see that for parallelogram we need two pair of straight lines.
And from the question we have m ï n parallel lines So for a parallelogram to exist we just need
to select 2 straight lines from each set of parallel lines. This can be done in
m n
= C2 ï C2 ways

m m  1 n n  1 
= 
2 2

mn m  1   n  1 

Illustration 1 6

There are 10 points in a plane, no three of which are in the same straight line, except 4
points which are collinear. Find
(i) number of straight lines obtained from the pairs of these points.
(ii) number of triangles that can be formed with the vertices as these points.
Solution :
This question is different from the earlier ones as there are collinear points here.

(i) for number of lines,

total number of lines if all are not collinear = 10C ...(i)
So lines from 4 points = C2
& now we need to subtract this from (i), as these 4 points are collinear
 Total lines = C2 ă 4C2 + 1 = 40
{Why + 1, we removed all lines made by 4 collinear points but they will form at least &
atmost 1 lines containing all those 4 points. So we have to add that line too}

(ii) Here also we will apply the same procedure as followed in above part
Number of triangles possible joining
10 points taken 3 at a time = C 3 = 120
But 4 points are collinear,
otherwise if they had not been collinear
then number of triangles = 4C3 = 4
So now we have to remove this from total selections = 120 ă 4 = 116
(We subtracted the value 4C3 as there is no triangle possible through collinear points)


TIP Though there are formulas for both permutations and combinations for solving a question, we
advise you not to use that many formulas and to further eliminate confusion between which
formula to be used we will solve each question through combinations. In this way you will never
require to learn permutations formula.
For arrangement we will first select the required result and arrange them rather than using
We will demonstrate this concept by taking on following types :

Type 1 : Always including / excluding

Though for finding arrangements in such cases we have direct formulas of permutations, but we
will focus on following approach which do not requires any cramming of formula.

Formula included excluded

Permutation of n different objects
năp năp
taken r at a time of which p are r Prăp Pr

Now let us solve an example to illustrate the use of combinations so that we do not require to use
the above formulas.

Illustration 1 7
How many 3 letter words can be formed by letters of the word SOCIETY when
(a) S is always included
(b) S is always excluded ?
Solution :
See here we need to make 3 letter words from 8 letters. So before finding the arrangements we
need to select 3 letters and we will then arrange those letters.

(a) Now since S always have to be included, we can say that it has already been selected, and
thus we need to select only 2 object/letters from the remaining 7 letters.
This could be done in 7C2 ways
and now after finding such 3 letter words we can just arrange these 3 letters, which we can
do in 3! ways.
 Total words = 7 C2 ï 3! ways

(b) S is now not to be taken while selecting the letters. So effectively there are only 7 letters
to choose from. So effectively there are only 7 letters to choose from. So selecting 3 letters
from 7 can be done in 7C3 ways and the 3 letters can be arranged in 3! ways.



 Total such words = 7C 3 ï 3!

So you can see that we required no formula while solving this.

Type 2 : When some objects, always occur together/never occur together.

Illustration 1 8

In how many ways can the letters of the word PENCIL be arranged so that
(i) N is always next to E
(ii) N & E are always together.
Solution :
6 words

(a) N is always next to E : In these type of questions let EN be one word as they always have
to be together in the same order.
So now we just need to arrange 5 words, which can be done in 5! ways.

(b) N & E are always together

Now this question is almost similar to the previous part with the only difference being that
here order of N & E is not fixed.
So here N can be ahead/next to E i.e. NE/EN are two options.
Then total arrangements become = 5! ï 2!

no. of ways to no. of ways to

arrange 5 words arrange N & E
where EN is considered one word

Illustration 1 9

How many words can be formed from the letters of the words TRIANGLE, where the words
begin with T and end with E
Solution :
Here T & E have to be starting & ending alphabets respectively.

T __ __ __ __ __ __ E
6 places


There are 6 places to be filled in, which can be arranged in 6 ! ways.
Ans. = 6!
Now here is a very common error, students leave this question here only, though there are still
many more cases to sowe. Question did not define the no. of alphabets in the word, so the
following cases will also be counted.

Case 2 : 2 Letter Word TE = 1 way

Case 3 : 3 Letter Word T 6 E = 6
(since the middle word can have 6 words to choose from)
Case 4 : 4 Letter Word T 6 5 E = 30
Case 5 : 5 Letter Word T 6 5 4 E = 120
Case 6 : 6 Letter Word T 6 5 4 3 E = 360
Case 7 : 7 Letter Word T 6 5 4 3 2 E = 720
and we have already covered the case 8 for 8 letter word.
Adding up all the cases will give us the right answer
= 1 + 6 + 30 + 120 + 360 + 720 + 720
= 1957

M ixed P r ob lems

Illustration 20

You are going to join coaching classes for the preparation of IIT-JEE. You have 6 option
in mind. Find the numbers of ways in which
(a) you can choose any two of them.
(b) You can choose any two of them, one for regular program and one for correspondance
Solution :
This question is especially covered so as you can differentiate between selection and arrangements.
(a) This is an easy one, you just need to select any two out of six possible options.
 Total ways = 6C2 = 15 ways

(b) Here also you have to choose only 2 but note the difference here. Order matters here.
Regular Correspondance
1. Vidyamandir Zion
2. Zion Vidyamandir
are 2 different cases here.



So the solution becomes

= choose any two ï arrange the two
 
C2 ï 2 !

 total ways = 15 ï 2 = 30 ways.

Per mutat ions / Ar r angements when a ll ob j ects ar e not d ist inct

Formula : In a total of n objects if there are p, of one kind, p2 are alike of second kind & so
on, such that p1 + p2 + ... pn = n, the total arrangements possible

 n! 
=  
 p1 ! p2 ! p3 ! ... pn !

Note : If two p are alike of one kind & q are alike to second kind & all others are distinct,
then the formula boils down to simply

= p q {as others which are different will be adding 1! only}
! !

Illustration 21

How many words can be formed using the letter A thrice, letter B twice & letter C thrice ?
Solution :
In this question all objects are not distinct
A is repeated 3 times
B 2 times
C 3 times
in all 3 + 2 + 3 = 8 letter word

 Total words =  560
3! 2! 3!

Illustration 22

How many arrangements can be made with the letters of the word ÂMATHEMATICSÊ? In
how many of them vowels are together?
Solution :
There are 11 letters in the word ÂMATHEMATICSÊ of which two are MÊs, two are TÊs, two are AÊs
and all other are distinct. So,



Required number of arrangements =  4989600
2!  2!  2!
There are 4 vowels viz. A, E, A, I. Considering these four vowels as one letter we have 8 letters
(M, T, H, M, T, C, S and one letter obtained by combining all vowels), out of which M occurs twice,
T occurs twice and the rest all different. These 8 letters can be arranged in ways.
2!  2!

But the four vowels (A, E, A, I) can be put together in ways.
Hence, the total number of arrangements in which vowels are always together
8! 4!
=   120960
2!  2! 2!

Illustration 23
If all the letters of the word ÂAGAINÊ be arranged as in a dictionary, what is the fiftieth
word ?
Solution :
This is the common dictionary problem. Let us sec how to solve it.
1. In dictionary the words at each stage are arranged in alphabetical order. Starting with the
letter A, and arranging the other four letters GAIN, we obtain 4! = 24 words.
2. Thus, there are 24 words which start with A. These are the first 24 words.
Then, starting with G, and arranging the other four letters A, A, I, N in different ways, we
4! 24
obtain   12 words.
2! 2
Thus, there are 12 words, which start with G. So uptil now we have covered 24 + 12 = 36
first words.
3. Now, we start with I. The remaining 4 letters A, G, A, N can be arranged in  12 ways.
So, there are 12 words, which start with I.
Thus, we have so far constructed 48 words.
4. The 49th word will start from N. Then the next alphabet will be A, then A, then G &
then I, hence the word is NAAGI and hence the 50th word is NAAIG.

Illustration 24

The letters of the word ÂRANDOMÊ are written in all possible orders and these words are
written out as in a dictionary. Find the rank of the word ÂRANDOMÊ.
Solution :
In a dictionary the words at each stage are arranged in alphabetical order. In the given problem
we must therefore consider the words beginning with A, D, M, N, O, R in order. A will occur in



the first place as often as there are ways of arranging the remaining 5 letters all at a time i.e.
A will occur 5! times. Similarly, D, M, N, O will occur in the first place the same number of times.

 Number of words starting with A = 5!= 120

Number of words starting with D = 5!= 120
Number of words starting with M = 5!= 120
Number of words starting with N = 5!= 120
Number of words starting with O = 5!= 120

Number of words beginning with R is 5!, but one of these words is the word RANDOM. So, we
first find the number of words beginning with RAD and RAM.

No. of words starting with RAD = 3! = 6  with the remaining 

 
No. of words starting with RAM= 3! = 6  3 alphabets 

Now, the words beginning with ÂRANÊ. One of these words is the word RANDOM itself.
The first word beginning with RAN is the word RANDMO and the next word is RANDOM.
 Rank of RANDOM = 5 ï 120 + 2 ï 6 + 2 = 614

Illustration 25
How many four letter words can be formed using the word ÂINEFFECTIVEÊ ?
Solution :
There are a total of 11 letters in the word INEFFECTIVE

3 ă EÊs
2 ă FÊs
2 ă IÊs
1 ă C, T, N, V

The 4 letter word can be made in the following manner

Case 1 : 3 alike letter & 1 different

Case 2 : 2 alike letters of one kind & 2 letters alike of other kind.
Case 3 : 2 alike letters & 2 different
Case 4 : all different.

Note : No case like 1 alike, 3 diff. As it makes no sense.


Case Combination Arrangement

6 4!
Case 1 1
C1 ï 6
C1 C1   24

{choosing from remaining letters, including
repeated letters only once

3 4!
Case 2 3C C2   18
2 2!2!

options from EF, FF, II we treat them as
groups so there are 3 groups out of which
2 have to selected for making 4 letter word

3 4!
Case 3 3
C1 ï 6
C2 C1  6 C2   540

Selecting a group from EE, FF or II

Selecting 2 different from remaining letters

i.e. (C, T, N, V, F, I) supposing if E is
selected in Ist part. If E is selected then we
can she choose one F or one I

7 7
Case 4 C4 C4 ï 4! = 840
There are 7 distinct letters i.e.
I, N, E, F, C, T, I, V & we have to
choose 4 from it.
 Total number of 4 letter words
= 24 + 18 + 540 + 840
= 1422


It is divided in 3 parts i.e.



Different items Identical Both Identical &

items different items



I. Selection from Different Items :

The number of ways of selecting one or more items (Atleast one) from a group of n distinct items
is 2n ă1.
Logic : For atleast one, the selections can be done in the following manner.
C1 + nC2 + nC 3 ... nC n
But we know that C0 + nC1 + n C2 ... nC n = 2n
 C1 + nC 2 ... nCn = 2n ă 1 {removing the case of no selection}
Hence the answer

Illustration 26

You want to invite 5 of your friends to your party. In how many ways can you invite atleast
one of them.
Solution :
They all can or may be some of them turn up for your party. But atleast one of them turns up.
So every person has 2 options, One to come to party, the other being not turning up for party.
So accordingly to the previous formula the answer is 25 ă 1 = 31 ways. Sub tracting the case when
all of them do not arrive for the party.

II. Selection from Identical Items :

(a) The number of ways of selecting ÂrÊ items out of n identical items is 1.
Logic : There is no meaning of arrangement & selection in identical items.
for ex. take 3 identical black balls &
3 different black balls B 1 B 2 B 3

B B B B1 B2 B3

BB  B1 B 2 
 
BB  same case repeated B1 B 3  3 selection possible
 
BB  B2 B 3 

You can see, selecting 2 out of 3 results in only 1 case, whereas there are 3 ways for
different balls.

(b) The total number of ways of selecting zero or more i.e. atleast one item from a group of n identical
items is n + 1

Logic : From case a, we know that selecting any number of items from n identical can be done
in 1 way only. So


Selecting none = 1
1 item = 1
2 items = 1
n items = 1
adding all, total ways = n + 1

(c) The total number of ways of selecting some or all out of p + q + r items where p are alike of one
kind, q are alike of second kind and rest are alike of third kind is [(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1] ă 1

Logic : Again from the previous case, if

we select 0, 1, 2 ... p items  (p + 1) ways

0, 1, 2 ... q items  (q + 1) ways
0, 1, 2 ... r items  (r + 1) ways

Since any of them can be selected, separately or in combination.

 Total ways = (p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1)
Subtract 1, so as to remove the case of no selection i.e. 0 items of type p, 0 items of type q & r.
Note this will be just one case not three.

Illustration 27

Find the total number of factors of 7875

(a) including 1
(b) excluding 1 i.e. proper factors
Solution :
We can write 7875 = 32 ï 5 3 ï 71
Now this question is analogous to previous case as we can consider 3 groups of identical items
as Â3Ê group having 2 identical 3Ês
Â5Ê group having 3 identical 5Ês
Â7Ê group having 1 identical 7Ês
Now solving the parts
(a) including 1
for 1 to be one of the factors, it should be 3Ĉ ï 5Ĉ ï 7Ĉ
i.e. selecting 0 from each group.
And hence answer is
(2 + 1) (3 + 1) (1 + 1) = 24 factors
(Note : No Âă 1Ê as we have to take the case when none is selected, which we initially subtracted
from the formula)



(b) excluding 1 / proper factors

Now we just have to remove the case when 1 is also the factor which only in 1case
 Total ways = 24 ă 1 = 23 factors

III. Selection fr om a gr oup containing both identical and differ ent items.
The number of ways of selecting one or more items from p identical of one kind, q identical items
of second kind, similarly for r and n different items is

(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) 2 n ă 1

Logic : We can come to the answer by using the results derived earlier. p, q, r can be selected
in (p + 1), ( q + 1) & (r + 1) ways, as done earlier. Now for distinct elements there are only 2 options
for them, i.f. either they are selected or rejected. So for n such distinct terms there will be
2 ï 2 ï 2 ... (n terms) ways of selecting one of them.
Combining both identical & distinct elements
 Total ways = (p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) 2n
Subtract 1 to remove the case of no selection.

Illustration 28

Let a number be represented by a 3 b 4c 5 def where a , b , c , d , e , f  prime numbers. Find the

number of factors of such a number.
Solution :
Here in this question there are 3 identical group of aÊs, bÊs & cÊs. Whereas d , e & f are distinct

Group of a having 3 aÊs

b 4 bÊs
c 5 c Ês

 Total factors = (3 + 1) (4 + 1) (5 + 1) 2 ï 2 ï 2
= 960 factors
If we exclude factor 1 then there are 959 factors.

Divisor s of a G iven Nat ur al Number

Let n N and n = p11 . p22 . p33 . .... pkk , where p1, p2 , p3, ... pn are different prime numbers and

1 , 2,  3, ... k are natural numbers then :


Ć the total numbers of divisors of N including 1 and n is
= (1 + 1) ( 2 + 1) (3 + 1) ... (k + 1)
Ć the total number of divisors of n excluding 1 and n is
= (1 + 1) ( 2 + 1) (3 + 1) ... (k + 1) ă 1
Ć the sum of these divisors is

 1 2 
= p1  p1  p1  ....  p1 1  p0
2  
 p21  p22  ....  p1 2 ..... p0k  p1k  p2k  ....  pk 1 
(Use sum of G.P. in each bracket)
Ć the number of ways in which n can be resolved as a product of two factors is

 1  1  2  1 ....  ak  1  , if n is not a perfect square

[ 1  1   2  1  .... a k  1], if n is a perfect square

Ć the number of ways in which a composite number n can be resolved into two factors which
are relatively prime (or coprime) to each other is equal to 2kă1 where k is the number of
different factors (or different primes) in n.

Illustration 29

If n = 10800, then find the

(a) total number of divisors of n
(b) the number of even divisors
(c) the number of divisors of the form 4m + 2
(d) the number of divisors which are multiples of 15
Solution :
n = 10800 = 24 ï 33 ï 52
Any divisor of n will be of the form 2a ï 3b ï 5c where 0  a < 4, 0  b 3, 0  c  2
For any distinct choices of a, b and c, we get a divisor of n

(a) total number of divisors = (4 + 1) (3 + 1) (2 + 1) = 60

(b) for a divisor to be even, a should be at least one. So total number of even divisors

= 4(3 + 1) (2 + 1) = 48 [no (4 + 1)]

(c) 4m + 2 = 2(2m + 1). In any divisor of the form 4m + 2, a should be exactly 1. So number
of divisors of the form 4m + 2 = 1 (3 + 1) (2 + 1) = 12

(d) A divisor of n will be a multiple of 15 if b is at least one and c is at least one. So number
of such divisors = (4 + 1) ï 3 ï 2 = 30

Illustration 30

Find the number of divisors of 428652000 excluding the number and unity. Find also the
sum of the divisors.
428652000 = 25 . 37 . 53 . 72
Solution :
Any divisor of the given number has to be a combination of the 2Ês (five); 3Ês (seven); 5Ês (three)
and 7Ês (two).
There are 5 + 1 = 6 ways of selecting none or one or two etc., or all the 2Ês. Similar argument
repeats for the other numbers.
 The number of divisors = 6 ï 8 ï 4 ï 3 = 576
This includes 1 and the given number also.
Excluding these two, the number of divisors 574

With regard to the sum of the divisors

Any divisor is of the form 2p 3q5s7t where 0  p  5; 0  q  7; 0  s  3 and 0  t  2
Thus the sum of the divisors is
(1 + 2 + ... + 25) (1 + 3 + ... + 3 7) (1 + 5 + ... + 53) (1 ă 7 + 7 2)
= (2 6 ă 1) (38 ă 1) (54 ă 1) (73 ă 1)/48

C ir cular p er muta tions

Until now we have read about arranging objects in a row. Now we will consider the cases in which
things are to be arranged along a circle.



(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Let us consider that persons A, B, C, D are sitting around a round table. If all of A, B, C, D are
shifted one place in anticlockwise order, then we will get fig. (ii) from fig. (i). Again if we shift
A, B, C, D in anticlockwise order, then we will get fig. (iii). If we shift again we will get fig. (iv).
If we again shift, then we will get fig. (i).


Thus we see that if 4 persons are sitting at a round table, then they can be shifted four times
and four arrangements thus obtained will be same because anticlockwise order of A, B, C, D does
not change.
But if A, B, C, D are sitting in a row and they are shifted such that last occupies the place of
first, then the four arrangements will be different.
Thus if there are 4 things, then for each circular arrangement number of linear arrangements
= 4.
Similarly if n different things are arranged along a circle, then for each circular arrangement,
number of linear arrangements = n
 number of linear arrangements of n different things
= n.(number of circular arrangements of n different things).
 number of circular arrangements of n different things.

= (number of linear arrangements of n different things)

= . n  n 1

C lockwise and ant iclockwise ar r angements :



Let the four persons A, B, C, D sit at a round table in anticlockwise direction and clockwise
directions. These two arrangements are two different arrangements. But if four flowers R (red),
G (green), Y (yellow) and B (blue) be arranged to form a garland in anticlockwise and in clockwise
order, then the two arrangements are same because if we see the garland from one side the four
flowers R, G, Y, B will appear in anticlockwise direction and if seen from the other side the four
flowers will appear in the clockwise direction. Here the two arrangements will be considered as
one arrangement because the order of flowers is not changing rather only side of observation is
changing. Here two permutations will be counted as one.
Therefore, when clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements are not different i.e. when observation
can be made from both sides, then number of circular arrangements of n different things

n 1



Illustration 31

In how many ways 5 Indians and 4 Englishmen can be seated at a round table if
(i) there is no restriction ?
(ii) all the four Englishmen sit together ?
(iii) all the four Englishmen do not sit together ?
(iv) no two Englishmen sit together ?
Solution :
(i) Total numbers of persons = 5 + 4 = 9. These 9 persons can be seated at the round table in
8 ways.

 Required number = 8

(ii) Regarding 4 Englishmen as one person we have only 5 + 1 i.e. 6 persons.

These 6 persons can be seated at the round table in 5 ways. But 4 Englishmen can be

arranged among themselves in 4 ways. I


 Required number = 5 4

(iii) Total number of arrangements when there is no restriction = 8 ;

number of arrangements when all the four Englishmen sit together = 5 4

 number of arrangements when all the four Englishmen do not sit together = 8  5 4

(iv) Since there is no restriction on Indians therefore, first of all we arrange the 5 Indians.

Now 5 Indians can be seated around a table in 4 ways.

If the Englishmen sit at the places indicated by ÂXÊ, then no two Englishmen will sit together.
Now there are 5 places for 4 Englishmen therefore, 4 Englishmen can be seated in, 5 P4
ways. (or 5C 4 ï 4! ways)
 Required number = 4  5P4  4  5




Illustration 32
In how many ways can 5 Indians and 5 Englishmen be seated along a circle so that they
are alternate ?
Solution :
5 Indians can be seated along a circle in 4 ways.
If the Englishmen sit at the places indicated by cross ÂXÊ then Indians and Englishmen will be
alternate. E


(i) (ii)
Now there are 5 places for 5 Englishmen.
 5 Englishmen can be seated in 5 ways.

 Required number = 4 5

Illustration 33

A round table conference is to be held between 20 delegates of 20 countries. In how many

ways can they be seated if two particular delegates are always to sit together ? [I.I.T.70]
Solution :
Regarding two particular delegates who are to sit together as one person, we have only 18 + 1
= 19 persons. These 19 persons can be seated at the round table in 18 ways.

But two particular persons can be arranged among themselves in 2 ways.

 Required number = 18  2

Illustration 34

Find the number of ways in which n different beads can be arranged to form a necklace.
Solution :
Since in forming a necklace clockwise and anticlockwise arrangements of beads are not different,
therefore, n beads can be arranged to form a necklace in ways.

 Required number = n1




Before going to formula and questions on division and distribution, let us understand the difference
between the two.
Let us take an example to get hold of the point

F1 F2 F3

This part is division E1 E2 E3

 E2 E1 E3

All such cases are part of distribution  E3 E2 E1

 E2 E3 E1

(where F1, F2 & F 3 are three group & E 1, E2 & E 3 are items put in these groups)
 We can say that,
In division, the order of selection (division) does not matter.
Generally we say
Division among group
Distribution among people
because groupÊs order does not matter where as order of people do matter as they can not
be identical.

You can say that division  selection

distribution  arrangement

Division & Distribution


groups of groups of groups of equal as

unequal sizes equal sizes well as unequal size

So, we have divided division & distribution into 3 cases and we will now do them in detail


I. Groups of Unequal Size

Number of ways to divide (m + n) items into 2 unequal groups containing m & n items respectively

 m  n !
m! n!

Logic : It is simple. Just select m elements first from (m + n) things & then n out of n remaining

m n m n  m  n !
i.e. Cm  n Cn  Cm 
m! n!

we will call this as basic result

 m  n !
 Basic result =
m! n!

Now, distribution
 The number of ways to distribute (m + n) items into 3 person in the groups containing m
& n items respectively is

= (no. of ways to divide) ï (no. of groups)

= Basic result ï (no. of groups)!

 m  n!
=  2!
m ! n!

 For case 1 :

No. of ways to divide Basic result

No. of ways to distribute (No. of ways to divide) ï (no. of groups)!

Illustration 35

(a) Divide 6 balls in 3 boxes of different sizes such that one box contains 1 ball, another
contains 2 and remaining contains 3.
(b) Divide 6 balls in 3 boxes of different sizes such that box 1 contain 1 ball, box 2
contains 2 balls & box 3 contains 3 balls.
(c) Divide 6 balls in 3 identical boxes where one box contains 1 ball, another contains 2
balls & rest contains 3.



Solution :
This is to illustrate you, how to figure out the difference between division and distribution, and
then apply the formula.
First let us find out the basic result

1 2 3

 Basic Result =  60
1! 2! 3!

Now we will see the difference,

(a) 6 balls in 3 boxes, no other constraint except that 1 box contains 1, other 2 & remaining 3.

Let G1 be group of balls containing 1 ball

G2 be group of balls containing 2 balls
G3 be group of balls containing 3 balls

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3

G1 G2 G3 

G1 G3 G2 

G2 G3 G1 
 there all are possible cases
G2 G1 G3 

G3 G1 G2 
G3 G2 G1 

Now here there will be more cases where we can shift groups also i.e.

G1   ball 1 or G1   B 2
G2   B 2, B3 G2   B 1, B6
G3   B4, B 5, B6 G3   B 3 , B4, B5
and so on
But this is not division, infact this is distribution now using formula
for distribution = Basic Result ï (no. of groups)!
= 60 ï 3!
= 360


(b) Now here it is fixed that box 1, contains 1 ball
Box 2 contains 2 & Box 3 contains 3 balls

 Box 1 Box 2 Box 3

B1 B2 ă B3 B4 ă B6 3 is valid

B2 ă B 3 B1 B4 ă B6 ï not valid

 This means that this is only division, no distribution possible

 Total ways = Basic Result
= 60

(c) Now it is given that boxes are identical i.e. all boxes are same & they cannot be differentiated.
No such box 1, box 2, box3 now.
So it becomes a case of division only.
 Total ways = Basic Result
= 60

Case 2 : Groups of Equal Sizes

This case is the division/distribution of items into different or number or groups, where groups
contain equal no. of items.

Basic Result
No. of ways to divide =
 No. of groups !
No. of ways to distribute = Basic Result

Let us understand the concept with the following illustration.

Illustration 36

(a) 9 different balls in 3 different boxes, equally.
(b) 9 different balls in 3 identical boxes, equally.
(c) divide 52 cards equally in 4 parts
(d) 52 cards equally among 4 players.



Solution :
(a) 9

3 3 3

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3

B1 ă B 3 B4 ă B6 B7 ă B9
B4 ă B 6 B7 ă B9 B1 ă B3 3 valid shift
 case of distribution
 Total no. of ways (using the formula) = Basic Result

3! 3! 3!

(b) Now here boxes are identical

 There is no distribution between Box 1, Box 2 & Box 3. So the shift which was valid
in case (a) above is not valued here as there is no Box 1, Box 2 or Box 3.
 Its a case of division only.

Basic Result
 Total ways = no. of groups !
 

(c) Welcome to cards question (I)


13 13 13 13

(This is analogous to game of sweep)

The question says dividing in 4 parts. Here parts are indistinguishable or we can say parts
are identical.
 Clearly its a case of division only.

52! 1 52!
Total ways =  
 13! 13! 13! 13! 4!  13! 4  4!


(d) Now we have to divide in 4 players

P1 P2 P3 P4

C1ă13 C4ă26 C27ă39 C40ă52

C14ă26 C27ă39 C1ă13 C40ă52 3 shift valid

Now here these cases matter

Hence it is case of distribution
 Total ways = Basic Result

13! 

C a se 3 : Groups of Both Equal & Unequal Sizes

In this case we find out the total ways in which we can divide/distribute items into groups
containing equal as well as unequal groups. For ex.

3 3 2 2
This is an example of case 3 as we have 2 kinds of groups here.
Ist group has 3 elements &
2nd group has 2 elements
& hence both have unequal sizes.
Here also there will be case of division and distribution but distribution is divided in 2 parts.

Basic Result
No. of ways to divide =
 of equal groups !

No. of ways to distribute completely = (no. of ways to divide) ï (no. of groups) !

No. of ways to distribute = Basic Result
among equal groups (DAEG)

Illustration 37
Five balls of different colours are to be placed in 3 boxes of different sizes. Each box can
hold all five balls. In how many different ways can we place the balls so that no box
remains empty. [IIT 81]



Solution :
Since there is no distinction between boxes this becomes a case of distribution as we have seen
in previous cases also.

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Case No. of ways

1 2 2 III Ways to distribute

equal & completely
 5!  1
groups =     3!
 2!2!  2!
= 90

1 3 1 III ways

 5!  1
=  3! 1! 1!   2!  3!
 

= 60

There are only two cases possible.

Hence total ways = 90 + 60
= 150

Illustration 38
7 departments are to be divided among 3 ministers such that every minister should get
atleast 1 & atmost 4 departments. In how many ways can this be done ?
Solution :
This is a very practical problem which we encounter at the time of elections. Though it is clear
from the question only that this is a case of distribution only, as any minister can have any
number of departments.
Making the table to see the no. of possible cases
M1 M2 M3 case formula Basic Result No. of ways

1 2 4 I distribution  105 105 ï 31 = 630
1! 2! 4!

7! 140
1 3 3 III distribution  140  3! = 420
1! 3! 3! 2!

7! 210
2 2 3 III distribution  210  3! = 630
2!2!3! 2!


We can not make more cases as there is a maximum limit of 4 departments per minister.
Also note that here case 1 falls into the category of (case-I) i.e. distribution among unequal
groups, so you have to be careful while deciding cases.
 Total ways = 630 + 420 + 630
= 1680
We will conside an example of DAEG case later on.


Number of ways to divide n identical things in r groups.

n +r ă1
Result 1 : Such that each group gets zero or more items = Cră1
(empty groups are allowed)
Result 2 : such that each group gets atleast one item = C ră1
(empty groups are not allowed)
Result 3 : such that groups contain atleast p items & atmost q items  follow „PROCEDURE‰
let us see how to solve questions of these types.

Illustration 39

How can we divide 8 identical balls among three boys that each get atleast two balls ?
Solution :
Let us solve this question by Integral equation method {PROCEDURE}
x1 be the number of balls given to Boy 1
x2 be the number of balls given to Boy 2
x3 be the number of balls given to Boy 3

So assuming this equation becomes

x1 + x 2 + x3 = 8 ...(i)
as there are a total of 8 balls.
also condition defined by question (CDQ)
x1  2, x2  2, x3  2 i.e. atleast 2 balls to be given to each child.
now we will find the logical constraint (L.C.), i.e. the maximum balls each boy can get
 Max. [x1 ] = 8 ă Min [x2 ] ă Min [x3]
= 8 ă 2 ă 2 = 4
Since there are same constraints on x2 & x3
 i.e.  Max [xi ] = 4, i = 1, 2, 3



So a boy can have a minimum of 2 balls and a maximum of 4 balls.

 Number of solutions of the equation.
= coefficient of x8 in the expansion

x  x  x   x  x  x  x  x  x 
2 3 4 2
  
3 4 2 3 4

boy 1 boy 2 boy 3

= coeff. of x8 in (x2 + x3 + x 4) 3
= coeff. of x8 in x6 (1 + x + x2) 3
= coeff. of x2 in (1 + x + x2) 3

1  x3 
= coeff. of x in 
2 
 1  x 

= coeff. of x2 in [1 ă x 3]3 (1 ă x) ă 3

= coeff.of x2 in   C1 x  C2 x  C3 x   1  x
3 3 3 3 6 3 9

only this term will be able to give x2 term from (1 ă x)ă3 as other terms are of greater power
than x 2
 Solution = coefficient of x2 in 3C 0 ï (1 ă x)ă3
= C2 = 4 C2 = 6

Tip : in the expression of (1 ă x)ăn = a0 + a1 x + a 2x 2 + ... 

coefficient of xr = ar = n+ră1

(take n positive in the formula)

T r ick

To get rid of 1 expansion and reducing our calculation use this method.

< 
< <
i.e. CDQ < LC i.e. CDQ  LC
then max value = CDQ i.e. expansion take max value =  i.e. expansion will become
will be (1 + x + x2 + ... xn) where n is 1
(1 + x + x2 ... ) = 1 x forget CDQ here
defined by CDQ 


for ex. take the previous illustration only
condition defined by question :
xi   2 i = 1, 2, 3
& no mention of maximum value so we can take that to 

Logical constraint

xi  4 i = 1, 2, 3
Now you an see
CDQ > 4 as ( > 4)

 we can take the expansion (x2 + x3 + x4 ) as (x 2 + x3 + x4 + ... )

so now questions becomes
= coeff. of x8 in (x2 + x3 + x 4 + ... ) 3
= of x8 in x6 (1 + x2 + x2 ... )

1  x 
= coeff. of x2 in (1 ă x) ă3
exactly what we have done earlier, but saves us from the trouble of solving (1 ă x)3.

Illustration 40

Find the number of integral solution for the equation x1 + x2 + x 3 = 10 where 2  xi  4 ?

Solution :
Constraint defined by question
Min [x i] = 2
Max [xi ] = 4
Now we will find logical constraint
Max [x1] = 10 ă Min [x2] ă Min [x3]
= 10 ă 2 ă 2
= 6
Now CDQ < LC
 we cannot expand the series to .

( x 2  x 3  x 4) 3
 Solution = coeff. of x10 in   
because 2  xi  4



or coeff. of x10 in x6 (1 + x + x2) 3

or coeff. of x4 in (1 + x + x2)3
coeff. of x4 in (1 ă x3 )3 (1 ă x)ă3

coeff. of x4 in ( 3C 0 ă 3C1 x3 + 3
C2 x6 ă 3C 3 x9 ) (1 ă x)ă3

only these 2 terms will be able to give the term x4 as (1 ă x)ă 3

= 1 + x + x2 + ... 

 Answer = 3C0 ï coeff. of x4 in (1 ă x)ă3 ă 3C1 ï coeff. of x 1 in (1 ă x) ă3

= 3C0 ï 6
C4 ă 3C 1 ï 3
= 15 ă 9
= 6

What if we can somehow remove the part of solving expansion series and can directly use
formulas for dividing things such that zero or more and atleast one items be used.
Yes, we can but only when
There is NO maximum constraint on any of the variable, in the question.
Let us understand with the help of an illustration.

Illustration 41

How many integral solutions are there to x + y + z + w = 29, where x  1, y  2, z  3 and

w  0 ?
Solution :
For applying Mapping Method

STEP 1 : Check if there is any maximum constraint on any variable.

If yes  we can not apply this method
If no  we can go to step 2

STEP 2 : In this step we will try to bring each variable to a position where we can give
zero or more elements to it rather than the min constraint define by question.
We do this step, so that we can use the direct formula (Resultă1)

Now x  1, y  2, z  3, w  0

if we replace

x = X + 1  X can take 0 or more

y = Y + 2  similarly Y can take 0 or more



z = Z + 3  
 similarly z & w
w = W + 0  

i.e. Old value = new value + Min. (old value)

putting these values in equation x + y + z + w = 29 it becomes

(X + 1) + (Y + 2) + (Z + 3) + (W + 0) = 29
 X + Y + Z + W = 23

here each variable can have 0 or more items

 using result 1, no. of solutions = C4ă1
= C3

Illustration 42

Find the number of non-negative integral solutions of x + y + z + 4t = 20

Solution :
First of all note that we have to find non negative solutions i.e. each variable can take 0 or more
Now let us see how to solve these type of questions.
Rewriting the equation as
x + y + z = 20 ă 4t ...(i)
now the sum of x, y, z will vary according to the value of t. Note here that all variable are non-
negative so L.H.S. can not take negative values.

t x+ y+ z No. of ways

1. 0 20 20+3ă1 C = 22C
3ă 1 2
16+3ă1 18
2. 1 16 C3ă 1 = C2
12+3ă1 14
3. 2 12 C3ă 1 = C2
4. 3 8 8+3ă1 C = 10C
3ă 1 2
5. 4 4 C3ă 1 = 6C 2
6. 5 0 C2 = 1

adding all of them will give us the final result.

 Total number of integral solutions
22 18 14 10
= C2 + C2 + C2 + C2 + 6 C2 + 2C2
= 536
Now we will attempt upgraded version of this question.



Illustration 43

Find the number of non-negative integral solutions of 2x1 + 3x 2 + x 3 = 20.

Solution :
Now this is different & difficult from the question done above. So how we go about it ?
Rule : Shift highest coefficient to R.H.S. i.e. 3x2 in this question. The logic is simple, you will
subtract bigger term & hence the number of cases will be less. Let us solve it to unders tand it
So equation becomes
2x1 + x3 = 20 ă 3x2

Cases x2 2x1 + x3 S

1. 0 20 Now solve this case as

2x1 + x3 = 20
x3 = 20 ă 2x1
x1 x3
0 20

1 18 
2 16  11 ways

: : 
10 0
 Total ways = 11

2. 1 17 doing similarly as above = 9

3. 2 14 8

4. 3 11 6

5. 4 8 5

6. 5 5 3

7. 6 2 2

 Total ways = 11 + 9 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 2
= 44

Solvin g I n t egr a l I n eq u a t ions :

We will explain the procedure of this type by taking an example.



Illustration 44

Find the positive integral solutions of the inequality x + y + z  10

Solution :
Again, the first step is to note that we are asked to find positive integral solutions i.e. x, y, z can
takes values  1 but not zero.
Now come to inequality part
x + y + z  10
Then there is no loss in writing
x + y + z + w = 10
where w is a non-negative (i.e. can also take 0) integer.
But now x, y, z are positive integers & w is non negative integer. Making all of them non-negative
integer using mapping method.

x= x ă 1
y= y ă 1
z= ză 1
w = w

 Equation becomes
(x + 1) + ( y + 1) + (z + 1) + w = 10
 x+ y+ z+w = 7
This is just dividing 7 objects into 4 groups where each group contain zero or more items.
7+4ă1 10
 Total ways = C4ă1 = C3 = 120

Some I mp or t a nt R esults

1. Dearrangement
If n items are arranged in a row, then the number of ways in which they can be rearranged so
that no one of them occupies the place assigned to it, as

 1 1 1 1
n ! 1    ...  1n
 1! 2! 3! n! 

Illustration 45

There are 5 letters and 5 envelopes. Find the number of ways in which all letters are put
in wrong envelopes.
Solution :
Just apply the formula used above where n = 5



 1 1 1 1 1
 Total ways = 5!  1      
 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 

5! 5! 5! 5!
= 5!  5!    
2! 3! 4! 5!

= 60 ă 20 + 5 ă 1
= 44

2. Sum of digits
Sum of the numbers formed by n non-zero digits is

 10n  1 
= (sum of the digits  n  1 !  
 10  1 

let us do the logic for this formula through a question.

Illustration 46

Find the sum of all five digit numbers that can be formed using digits 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Solution :
There are 4 digits in all and hence 4 ! numbers can be formed. Therefore we have to find the sum
of these 24 numbers.

Each of the numbers 2, 3, 4 & 5 will repeat times at each position (i.e. unitÊs place, hundredÊs
place, thousandÊs etc.)
Now summing up terms at oneÊs place

 (2 + 3 + 4 + 5) ï 3! = 84

and this sum will repeat for 10Ês place also hence by symmetry we can say
sum = 84 (100 + 101 + 102 + 10 3)
= 93324
& hence the formula

3. Exponent of prime p in n!
Let p be a prime number & n be a positive number then the last integer amongst (2, 3 ... (n ă 1)

divisible by p is given by  p  where [ ] denotes greatest integer function.
 


Now if instead of n, it is n!
Then exponent of p in n! is given by

n  n   n 
E p       ...  t 
 p   p2   p 

where pt  n < pt+1

Illustration 47

Find the exponent of 3 in 100!

Solution :
Let E p(n) denote the exponent of p in n.

n   n  n
Then, E p  n!      2   ...   s 
 p   p   p 

where s is the largest positive integer such that ps  n < p s+1, here the greatest value for S is 4
i.e 34 = 81 < 100 as 3 5 > 100

 100  100  100  100 

So, E 3 (100!) =        
 3   32   33   34 

= 33 + 11 + 3 + 1 = 48
Hence, the exponent of 3 in 100! is 48.

Illustration 48
Prove that 33! is divisible by 215. What is the largest integer n such that 33! is divisible by
2n ?
Solution :
Let E p(n) denote the exponent of prime p in n.
Then, we know that

 n  n   n   n
E p  n!      2    3   ....   s  , where s is the largest integer such that ps  n < p s+1
 p   p   p   p 

Here n = 33, p = 2  25 < 33 > 26  s = 5

 33   33   33   33   33 
So, E2  33! =     2    3    4    5 
 2  2  2  2  2 

= 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 31



Hence, the exponent of 2 in 33! is 31 i.e. 33! is divisible by 231. But 2 31 is divisible by 215 also.
Hence, 33! is divisible by 215 and the largest integer n such that 33! is divisible by 2 n is 31.

Illustration 49

Find the exponent of 15 in 100!

Solution :
We have : 15 = 3 ï 5
Now, E 3 (100!) = 48

 100  100 
and, E5 (100!) =      20  4  24
 5   52 

 Exponent of 15 in 100! = min (24, 48) = 24

Illustration 50

Find the number of zeroes at the end of 100!

Solution :
In terms of prime factors 100! can be written as 2a , 3b, 5c, 7d...

100   100   100   100   100   100 

Now, E2 (100) =  2   2   3   4   5   6 
   2   2   2   2   2 

= 50 + 25 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 97

 100   100 
and, E5 (100!) =      20  4  24
 5   52 

100! = 297 ï 3b ï 524 ï 7d ï ... = 2 73 ï (2 ï 5) 24 ï 7 d ï ...
= 1024 ï 2 73 ï 3 b ï 7 d ï ...
Thus, the number of zeroes at the end of 100! is 24.

4. Number of rectangles of any size in a square of size n ï n is r

r 1

& number of squares is r

r 1


Ć Number of rectangles of any size in a rectangle of m ï n
= (1 + 2 + 3 ... m) (1 + 2 + 3 ... n)

m m  1  n m  1 
2 2

& no. of squares =   m  r  1 n  r  1

r 1

5. If there are m items of one kind, n items of another kind and so on, then the number of ways
of choosing r items out of these items = coeff. of xr in (1 + x + x2 ... xm ) (1 + x2 + ... xn )

A little twist
If atleast one item of each kind is included in every selection then
= coefficient of xr in (x + x2 ... xm) (x + x 2 + ... xn)

6. The number of ways of selecting r items point a group of n items in which p are identical is
năp năp năp năp
 Cr + Cr–1 + Cr–2 ... C0 if r  p 
 
 năp
Cr + năp
Cr–1... năp
Crăp if r > p 

7. No. of ways to divide n different things in a groups such that each groups gets 0 or more is given
by r n.
whereas, no. of ways to divide such that each group gets atleast one item is given by
r n ă r C1 (r ă 1)n + rC 2 (r ă 2) n ... + (ă 1) ră1 r Cră1

Tip : to remember r n 1 remember (receiver)

Illustration 51

There are 5 tourists and 3 hotels. In how many ways they can stay ?
Solution :
Here receiver is hotel
 Solution = (hotel)tourists
= (3)5



Illustration 52

In how many ways can 5 different balls be placed in 3 different boxes such that atleast one
ball should go in each box ?
Solution :
This is case 2 of the rule we just did above.
Applying formula to get the solution
= 35 ă 3C1 (3 ă 1)5 + 3C2 (3 ă 2)5 + 0
= 243 ă 3 (32) + 3
= 150




Illustration 1

Evaluate n
Ck  
j 0
n j
C k1

Solution :
Value = Ck + ( nCkă1 + n + 1
Ckă1 + n + 2
Ckă1 + ... + n + m
Ckă1 )
n n n+1 n + 2 n + m
= ( Ck + Ckă1 ) + ( Ckă1 + Ckă1) + ... + Ckă1)
= Ck + (n+1Ckă1 + n+2
Ckă1 + n + m–1
Ckă1 + n + m
Ckă1 )
n+1 11+1 n+2 n+m–1 n+m
= ( Ck + Ckă1 ) + ( Ck–1 + ... + C kă1 + C kă1
= Ck + ( n+2Ckă1 + ... n+m–1
Ck–1 + n+m–1
C kă1 + n+m
= .................................................................
= C k + (n+mă1 C k + n+m
C kă1)
n+m n+m
= k
C + Ckă1
= Ck .

Illustration 2

A man has 7 relatives 4 of them are ladies and 3 gentlemen; his wife has also 7 relatives 3
of them are ladies and 4 gentlemen. In how many ways can they invite a dinner party of
3 ladies and 3 gentlemen so that there are 3 of the manÊs relatives and 3 of the wifeÊs
relatives ? [I.I.T. 85]
Solution :

ManÊs relatives WifeÊs relatives

No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of ways
ladies men ladies men

4 3 3 4
Case I 0 3 3 0 C0 ï C3 ï C3 ï C0

4 3 3 4
Case II 1 2 2 1 C1 ï C2 ï C2 ï C1

4 3 3 4
Case III 2 1 1 2 C2 ï C1 ï C1 ï C2

4 3 3 4
Case IV 3 0 0 3 C3 ï C0 ï C0 ï C3

 Required number = 1 + 144 + 324 + 16 = 485



Illustration 3

Six „X‰s have to be placed in the squares of the figure given below, such that each row
contains at least one X, in how many different ways can this be done? [I.I.T. 78]
Solution :

Number of marks in
Ist row 2nd row 3rd row No. of ways (no. of selections of squares)
2 4 2
1 3 2 C1 ï C3 ï C2 = 8
1 4 1 2C ï 4C ï 2C = 4
1 4 1
2 4 2
2 2 2 C2 ï C2 ï C2 = 6
2 3 1 2C ï 4C ï 2C = 8
2 3 1
 Required number = 8 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 26

Second Method :
Number of ways of putting six cross marks in 8 squares when there is no restriction
= 8C6 = 28
Number of ways when the six cross marks are put in first and second rows = 6 C6 = 1
Similarly one case for second & third row.
Hence subtracting these two cases.
 Required number = 28 ă 2 = 26

Illustration 4
A person writes letters to six friends and addresses the corresponding envelopes. In how
many ways can the letters be placed in the envelopes so that (i) at least two of them are
in the wrong envelopes. (ii) all the letters are in the wrong envelopes.
Solution :
(i) The number of ways in which at least two of them are in the wrong envelopes

6  Here D is dearrangements for r litters. We choose 

 
= 
r =2
C n r D r  letters in which dearrangement has to be done 
 & then apply the dearrangement formula. 
 

= nCnă2 D2 + nC nă3D 3 + nCnă4D4 + n

Cnă5D5 + nCnă6D 6
Here n = 6



6  1 1 6  1 1 1  1 1 1 1
= C 4.2!  1     C 3.3!  1      6C 2.4! 1     
 1! 2!  1! 2! 3!  1! 2! 3! 4!

 1 1 1 1 1 6  1 1 1 1 1 1
 6C1 . 5! 1        C 0 6! 1       
 1! 2! 3! 4! 5!   1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 

= 15 + 40 + 135 + 264 + 265 = 719

(ii) The number of ways in which all letters be placed in wrong envelopes

 1 1 1 1 1 1
= 6! 1       
 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 

1 1 1 1 1 
= 720  2  6  24  120  720 
 

= 360 ă 120 + 30 ă 6 + 1 = 265.

Illustration 5

From a well-shuffled pack of 52 cards, a player is given 5 cards. If the cards have consecutive
values then it is said that the player has a run and if they are also from the same suit it
is said that the player has a running flash. In how many different ways can a player hold
a (i) run (ii) running flash ?
Solution :
There are 4 suits of cards in a pack of 52 cards, each suit having 13 cards, the values being
1 (= A), 2, 3, ... 10, 11 (= J), 12 (= Q), 13 (= K).
In a game of cards A is also given the next value above K.
 Our problem is to select 5 consecutive cards to have a running flash when the cards of a
suit are arranged as follows :


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

The number of selections of 5 cards of consecutive values from the pack = 10 ï 45,
because in each place we have 4 choices of suits.
 the total number of running flashes
= 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40
and the total number of runs = 10 ï 45 = 10240.



Illustration 6

In how many ways can a committee of 10 be selected with at least 4 women and 4 men from
9 women and 8 men if
(i) Ms X refuses to work with Mr Y
(ii) Ms X and Mr insist to work together?
Solution :
The number of committees of 10 with at least 4 women and 4 men :
Possibilities Combinations

9! 8!
4w, 6m 9
C4 ï 8
C6 = 
4! 5! 6! 2! 8.7
=   3528
24 2 8.7.6
5w, 5m 9
C5 ï 8
C5 =   7056
24 6

6w, 4m 9
C6 ï 8
C4 =   5880
6 24

 total number of committees of 10 with at least 4 women and 4 men

= 3528 + 7056 + 5880 = 16464
The number of such committees in which Ms X and Mr Y are present :
In this case we have to find the number of committees of 8 with at least 3 women and 3 men from
8 women and 7 men. As above, the number of committees in which Ms X and Mr Y work together
= 8C3 ï 7
C 5 + 8C 4 ï 7
C4 + 8C 5 ï 7

Illustration 7

In how many ways can 5 identical black balls, 7 identical red balls and 6 identical green
balls be arranged in a row so that at least one ball is separated from balls of the same
Solution :
The required number of ways
= (the number of ways without restriction)
ă (the number of ways when balls of each colours are consecutive)



18! 
=  3! there are altogether 18 balls in which 5, 7
5! 7! 6! 
 and 6 are identical; and considering balls of
 the same colour as one thing there are 3

 things, there being no arrangement between
 balls of the same colour

= 5! 6! 7!  6 .

Illustration 8

How many words can be made with letters of the word INTERMEDIATE if
(i) the words neither begin with I nor end with E
(ii) the vowels and consonants alternate in the words
(iii) the vowels are always consecutive
(iv) no vowels is between two consonants
(v) the relative order of vowels and consonants does not change
(vi) the order of vowels does not change?
Solution :
(i) The required number of words
= (the number of words without restriction)
ă (the number of words beginning with I)
ă (the number of words ending with E)
+ (the number of words beginning with I and ending with E)
(because words beginning with I as well as words ending with E contain some words
beginning with I and ending with E).
The number of words without restriction

12 !
= ( there are 12 letters in which there are two Is, three Es and two Ts).

The number of words beginning with I = 3! 2!

( with I in the extreme left place we are left to arrange remaining 11 letters NTERMEDIATE
in which there are two Ts and three Es).



The number of words ending with E =
2! 2!2!

( with E in the extreme right place we are left to arrange 11 letters INTERMEDIAT in
which there are two Is, two Es and two Ts).

10 !
The number of words beginning with I and ending with E = 2! 2!

( with I in the extreme left and E in the extreme right places we are left to arrange 10
letters NTERMEDIAT in which there are two Ts and two Es).
 the required number of words

12! 11! 11! 10!

=   
2! 3! 2! 3! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2!

10 ! 83  10!
= 2! 3! 2! 12 . 11  11 . 2  11 . 3  6   24

(ii) There are 6 vowels and 6 consonants. So the number of words in which vowels and consonants
= (the number of words in which vowels occupy odd places and consonants occupy even
+ (the number of words in which consonants occupy odd places and vowels occupy even

6! 6! 6! 6!
=   
2! 3! 2! 2! 2! 3!

6! 6!
= 2.   43200
2! 3! 2!

(iii) Considering the 6 vowels IEEIAE as one thing, the number of arrangements to this with
6 consonants

= ( there are two Ts in the consonants)

For each of these arrangements, the 6 consecutive vowels can be arranged among themselves

in ways.
2! 3!


 the required number of words

7! 6!
=   151200
2! 2! 3!

(iv) No vowel will be between two consonants if all the consonants become consecutive
 the required number of words
= the number of arrangements when all the consonants are consecutive

7! 6!
=  (as above)
2! 3! 2!

= 151200

(v) The relative order of vowels and consonants will not change if in the arrangements of letters
the vowels occupy places of vowels, i.e. Ist, 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th places and consonants
occupy their places, i.e., 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th places.
 the required number of words

6! 6!
= 2! 3!  2!  21600

(vi) The order of vowels will not change if no two vowels interchange places, i.e., in the
arrangement all the vowels are treated as identical.
(For example LATE, ATLE, TLAE, etc. have the same order of vowels A, E. But LETA,
ETLA, TLEA, etc., have changed order of vowels A, E. So LATE is counted but LETA is not.
If A, E, are taken as identical, say V then LVTV does not give a new arrangement by
interchange V, V.)
The required number of words
= the number of arrangements of 12 letters in which 6 vowels are treated as identical

= ( there are two Ts also)
6! 2!

Illustration 9

In how many ways 30 marks can be alloted to 8 questions if each question carries at least
2 marks.
Solution :
Here a question can be of minimum 2 marks & hence
Max = 30 ă (Min sum of remaining 7 question
= 30 ă 7(2) = 16

 Each question has following options 2, 3, 4... 16

 Required number
= coeff. of x30 in (x 2 + x3 + .... + x16) 8
= coeff. of x30 in x16 (1 + x + ... + x14 )8

 1  x15 
= coeff. of x in  
 1 x 

= coeff. of x14 in (1 ă x) ă8 (as x15 will not give x14 term, obviously)

21 8.7.9....21
= C14   116280 .

Second Method :
Let first, second, ...., eighth questions be allotted x1, x2 , ..... x8 marks respectively, then
x1 + x2 + ... + x 8 = 30, where x1, x2, ..... x8 ...(1)
Let yi = xi ă 2 (mapping method)
Then y1 + y2 + ... + y8 = (x 1 + x2 + ... + x8) ă 16
or y1 + y2 + ... + y8 = 14, where y1 , y2, ..., y8  0 ...(2)
Required number = number of solutions of equation (1)
= number of solutions of equation (2)
= number of ways of distributing 12 identical things among 8 persons when each person gets
zero or more things
n + r ă 1
= Cr Here n = 8, r = 14
8 + 14 ă 1
= C14
21 21
= C14 = C7 = 116280

Third Method :
Number of ways in which each of the 8 questions can be allotted 2 marks out of 30 marks
(equivalent to 30 identical things)
= 1 ï 1ï 1 ï 1ï 1 ï 1ï 1 ï 1= 1
Number of ways in which remaing 14 marks can be allotted to 8 questions when any question
may be allotted zero or more marks.
n+ră1 8 + 14 ă 1 21 21
= Cr = C14 = C14 = C7 = 116280



Illustration 1 0
Find the number of factors of the number 37800. Also find the sum of the odd proper
divisors of the number.
Solution :
Here 37800 = 378 ï 100 = 3 ï 126 ï 22 ï 52
= 3 ï 3 ï 42 ï 22 ï 5 2
= 3 ï 3 ï 3 ï 7 ï 2 3 ï 52
= 2 3 ï 33 ï 52 ï 7
 the required number of factors
= the total number of selections from
(2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3), (5, 5), (7)
= (3 + 1)(3 + 1)(2 + 1)(1 + 1) ă 2
{excluding 2 0 . 30 . 50 . 70 , i.e., 1 and 23 . 33 . 52 . 7, i.e., 37800 as factors}
= 4 ï 4 ï 3 ï 2 ă 2 = 96 ă 2 = 94
For second part we need to find odd proper divisors. For that we have to remove any factors of
2 as this will make the factor even.
The required sum
= (30 + 31 + 32 + 33)(50 + 5 1 + 52 )(70 + 71 ) ă 1
{2 n as a factor and 1 as a divisor are to be excluded}

Illustration 1 1
There are 5 mangoes and 4 apples. In how many different ways can a selection of fruits be
made if
(i) fruits of the same kind are different
(ii) fruits of the same kind are identical?
Solution :
(i) The number of ways to select any number of mangoes
= 5C0 + 5 C1 + 5C 2 + ... + 5 C5 = 25 .
The number of ways to select any number of apples
= 4C0 + 4 C1 + ... + 4C4 = 24 .
 the required number of ways to select fruits
= 25 ï 24 ă 1 {excluding the way in which 0 mangoes and 0 apples are selected}
= 29 ă 1
(ii) The required number of ways
= (5 + 1)(4 + 1) ă 1 = 6 ï 5 ă 1 = 29



Illustration 1 2
Two different packs of cards are shuffled together. Cards are dealt equally among 4 players,
each getting 13 cards. In how many ways can a player get his cards if no two cards are from
the same suit with the same denomination?
Solution :
Here, there are 52 distinct cards, each card being 2 in number. As no two cards are to be of the
same suit with the same denomination (i.e., two cards are identical), 13 cards are to be selected
from 52 cards where each card is two in number.
The number of selections of 13 cards from 52 distinct cards = C13.
But each of the 13 cards can be selected in 2 ways (belonging to either of the two packs)
 the required number of ways

52 52 !
= C13  2 13  .2 13
13 ! 39 !

Illustration 1 3
In an examination the maximum marks for each of the three papers are 50 each. Maximum
marks for the fourth paper are 100. Find the number of ways in which the candidate can
score 60% marks in the aggregate. [Roorkee 89]
Solution :
The candidate must score 150 marks.
 Required number
= coeff. of x150 in (1 + x + ... x50) 3(1 + x + ... + x100)

 1  x51   1  x101 
= coeff. of x 150 in    
 1x   1 x 

= coeff. of x150 in (1 ă x51 )3 (1 ă x101)(1 ă x) ă4

= coeff. of x150 in (1 ă 3x 51 + 3x102 ă x 153) (1 ă x101)(1 ă x) ă4
= coeff. of x150 in (1 ă 3x51 + 3x 102 ă x101)(1 ă x) ă4 {neglecting the powers greater than 150}
[leaving terms containing powers of x greater than 150]
= coeff. of x150 in (1 ă x) ă4 ă 3 coeff. of x99 in (1 ă x)ă4
+ 3 coeff. of x48 in (1 ă x) ă 4
ă coeff. of x 49 in (1 ă x) ă4
153 102
= C150 ă 3 . C99 + 3 . 51 C48 ă 52
C 49.

153.152.151 102.101.100 51.50.49 52.51.50

=  3.  3. 
6 6 6 6

= 110556



Illustration 1 4
How many numbers of five digits can be made with the digits 1, 2, 3 each of which can be
used at most thrice in a number?
Solution :
We have the digits 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 to make numbers of five digits. The digits will be as
follows (constructionwise) :
(i) three identical, one pair (for example : 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 etc.)
(ii) three identical, two different (for example : 3, 3, 3, 1, 2 etc.)
(iii) two pairs, one different (for example : 2, 2, 1, 1, 3 etc.)
Tip : In order to cover all the possibilities start with all identical digits and go on reducing the
number of identical digits, ultimately reaching all different digits.
Case (i) The number of selections of three identical digits, one pair = 3 C1 ï 2

Corresponding to each selection, the number of numbers that can be made =

 the total number of numbers of three identical digits and one pair

3 5! 5 4
= C1  2C1   3 2  60 ...(1)
3!2! 2

Case (ii) The number of selections of three identical digits and two different digits = 3C1 ï 2
 the total number of numbers of three identical digits and two different digits

3 5! 120
= C1  2 C 2   3  60 ...(2)
3! 6

Case (iii) The number of selections of two pairs, one different digit = 3C 2 ï 1
 the total number of numbers of two pairs and one different digit

3 5!
= C2  1C1   3  30  90
2! 2!

 the required number of numbers

= 60 + 60 + 90 = 210

Illustration 1 5
How many integers between 1 and 1000000 have the sum of the digits 18 ?
Solution :
Any number of between 1 and 1000000 must be of less than seven digits. Therefore, it must be
of the form
a1 a 2 a3 a 4 a5 a6



where a1, a 2, a3, a 4, a 5 a6  {0, 1, 2, ..., 9}

According to question sum of the digits = 18
Thus a1 + a2 + a 3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 18 ...(1)
where 0  ai  9, i = 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
Required number = coefficient of x18 in (1 + x + x2 + ... + x 9)6
 1  x10 
= coeff. of x in 
18 
 1x 
= coeff. of x18 in [(1 ă x10)6 (1 ă x) ă6]
= coeff. of x18 in [(1 ă 6C1 x10) (1 ă x)ă6 ]
[leaving terms containing powers of x greater than 18]
= coeff. of x18 in (1 ă x)ă6 ă 6 C1. coeff. of x8 in (1 ă x) ă6
= 6+18ă1 C18 ă 6 (6+8ă1 C8) = 23
C5 ă 6 (13C 5)
= 33649 ă 7722
= 25927

Illustration 1 6

Find the number of non-negative integral solutions to the system of equations x + y + z +

u + t = 20 and x + y + z = 5.
Solution :
Given x + y + z + u + t = 20 ...(1)
x+ y+ z= 5 ...(2)
Given, system of equations is equivalent to x + y + z = 5 ...(3)
and u + t = 15
Number non-negative integral solutions of equation (3)
n+ră1 3 + 5ă1
= Cr = C5 = 7 C5 ,
Number of non-negative integral solutions of equation (4)
n+ră1 2 + 15ă1 16
= Cr = C 15 = C15
7 16
Required number = C5. C15 = 336

Illustration 1 7

Find the number of positive integral solutions of the in equality 3x + y + z  30.

Solution :
Let w be a non-negative integer such that
3x + y + z + w = 30


Let a = x ă 1, b = y ă 1, c = z ă 1, d = w, then
3a + b + c + d = 25, where a, b, c, d  0 ...(1)
Clearly, 0  a  8. If a = k, then b + c + d = 25 ă 3k ...(2)
Number of non-negative integral solution of equation (2)
= Cr
3 + 25 ă 3k 27 ă 3k 27ă3k
= C25 ă 3k
= C 25 ă 3k
= C2

 27  3k  26  3k 


3 k2  53 k  234 

 3k 
3 2
 Required number = 2  53 k  234

3  8  9  17 89 
= . 3.  53  234  9   1215
2  6 2 

Illustration 1 8

Find the number of positive unequal integral solution of the equation a + b + c + d = 20.
Solution :
Given a + b + c + d = 20, a, b, c, d  1. ...(1)
For the time being let us assume that a < b < c < d
Let x = a, y = b ă a, z = c ă b, t = d ă c
 a = x, b = y + x, c = x + y + z, d = x + y + z + t
From (1), we have 4x + 3y + 2z + t = 20 ...(2)
Sum of minimum values of 4x, 3y, 2z and t = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10
Required number = number of positive unequal integral solutions of equation (1)
= number of positive integral solutions of equation (2)
= coefficient of x20 ă 10
in (1 ă x4)ă1 (1 ă x3 )ă1 (1 ă x2) ă1 (1 ă x) ă1
= coeff. of x10 in [(1 + x 4 + x8)(1 + x3 + x6 + x9) (1 + x2 + x 4 + x6 + x8 + x10)
(1 + x + x2 + x3 + ... + x10 )
[leaving terms containing powers of x greater than 10]
= coeff. of x10 [{(1 + x 4 + x 8 + x3 + x7 + x 6 + x10 + x9)}
{1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + x10 + x + x3 + x5 + x7 + x9 + x2 + x 4 x6 + x8 + x10 + x3 + x5 + x7
+ x9 + x4 + x6 + x8 + x10 + x 5 + x7 + x 9 + x6 + x8 + x10 + x7 + x 9 + x8 + x10 + x9 + x10 }]



= coeff. of x10 in {(1 + x3 + x 4 + x6 + x 7 + x 8 + x9 + x 10)

(1 + x + 2x 2 + 2x3 + 3x4 + 3x5 + 4x6 + 4x 7 + 5x8 + 4x9 + 6x10)]
= 6 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 23

But a, b, c, d can be arranged in 4 ways

 Required number = 23 ï 4 = 552

Illustration 1 9

Find the total number of selections of 5 letters from five As, four Bs, three Cs and two Ds.
Also find the number of 5-letter words that can be made.
Solution :
There is one letter A to take 5 identical letters, two letters A, B to take 4 identical letters, three
letters A, B, C to take 3 identical letters and four letters A, B, C, D to take pairs. There are only
four different letters.
Possible structures, selections and arrangements are given in a tabular form as below :
Possibilities Combinations Permutations
1 5!
5 identical 1
C1 C1 

4 identical,  2 5!
 2
C1 ï 3
C1 C1  3C1 
1 different  4!

3 identical, 
1 pair 
3 3 3
C1 ï C1 C1  3C1 

3 identical,  5!
2 different 
3 3 3
C1 ï C2 C1  3C2 

2 pairs,  5!
1 different 
4 2 4 2
C2 ï C1 C 2  C1 

1 pair,  4 3 5!
3 different 
4 3
C1 ï C3 C1  C3 

 the required number of selections

= 1C 1 + 2C 1 ï 3C
+ 3 C1 ï 3C
+ 3 C1 ï 3C
+ 4C 2 ï 2C
+ 4C1 ï 3C
= 1 + 2 ï 3 + 3 ï 3 + 3 ï 3 + 6 ï 2 + 4 ï 1
= 1 + 6 + 9 + 9 + 12 + 4 = 41


The required number of words (i.e., permutations)

1 5! 2 5! 5! 5! 4 5! 5!
= C1   C1  3C1   3C1  3C1   3C1  3C2   C2  2C1   4C1  3C3 
5! 4! 3! 2! 3! 2! 2! 2!

= 1 + 30 + 90 + 180 + 360 + 240 = 901

Note : The number of selections is also equal to the coefficient of x5 in
(x0 + x1 + x2 + ... + x5)(x0 + x1 + x 2 + x3 + x4) ï (x0 + x 1 + x2 + x3 )(x0 + x + x2)

1  x6 1  x5 1  x4 1  x3
= coefficient of x in . . .
1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x

= coefficient of x5 in (1 ă x6 )(1 ă x5 )(1 ă x4 )(1 ă x 3)(1 ă x)ă4

= coefficient of x5 in (1 ă x5 ă x6 + x11)(1 ă x3 ă x 4 + x7 )

 4.5 2 4.5.6 3 4 .5.6.7 4 4. 5 

ï  1  4x  x  x  x  x  ...
 2! 3! 4! 5! 

= coefficient of x5 in
{1 ă x3 ă x4 ă x5} ï {1 + 4x + 10x 2 + 20x3 + 35x4 + 56x5}
neglecting powers higher than x5
= 56 ă 10 ă 4 ă 1 = 41.

Illustration 20

Five balls are to be placed in three boxes. Each can hold all the five balls. In how many
different ways can we place the balls so that no box remains empty, if
(i) balls and boxes are all different
(ii) balls are identical but boxes are different
(iii) balls are different but boxes are identical
(iv) balls as well as boxes are identical
(v) balls as well as boxes are identical but boxes are kept in a row?
Solution :
As no box is to remain empty, boxes can have balls in the following numbers :
Possibilities 1, 1, 3 or 1, 2, 2
(i) The number of ways to distribute the balls in groups of 1, 1, 3
= 5C 1 ï 4
C1 ï 3
C 3.
But the boxes can interchange their content, no exchange giving a new way when boxes
containing balls in equal numbers interchange.



 the total number of ways to distribute 1, 1, 3 balls to the boxes

= 5C1 ï 4
C1 ï 3
C3 ï

Similarly, the total number of ways to distribute 1, 2, 2 balls to the boxes

= 5C1 ï 4
C2 ï 2
C2 ï

 the required number of ways

3! 3!
= 5C1 ï 4
C1 ï 3
C3 ï + 5C 1 ï 4
C2 ï 2
C2 ï
2! 2!

= 5 ï 4 ï 3 + 5 ï 6 ï 3 = 60 + 90 = 150
Note Writing the whole answer in tabular form,
possibilities combinations permutations

5 4 3 5 4 3
1, 1, 3 C1 ï C1 ï C3 C1 ï C1 ï C3 ï 2 !

= 5 ï 4 ï 3 = 60

5 4 2 5 4 2
1, 2, 2 C1 ï C2 ï C2 C1 ï C2 ï C2 ï

= 5 ï 6 ï 3 = 90
 the required number of ways = 60 + 90 = 150
(ii) When balls are identical but boxes are different the number of combinations will be 1 in
each case.
 the required number of ways

3! 3!
= 1 2 !  1  2 !  3  3  6

(iii) When balls are different and boxes are identical, after giving 3 balls to a box, the remaining
2 are to be divided in two equal groups because the boxes are identical. Similarly, after
giving 1 ball to a box, the remaining 4 are to be divided in two equal groups.
 the required number of ways

5 C1  1C1 5 4
C 2  2C2
= C3   C1   10  15  25
2! 2!


(iv) When balls as well as boxes are identical, the number of combinations and arrangements
will be 1 each in both cases.
 the required number of ways
= 1 ï 1+ 1ï 1= 2
(v) When boxes are kept in a row, they will be treated as different. So, in this case the number
of ways wil be the same as in (ii).

Illustration 21

These are 12 seats in the first row of a theater of which 4 are to be occupied. Find the
number of ways of arranging 4 persons so that :
(i) no two persons sit side by side.
(ii) there should be atleast 2 empty seats between any two persons.
(iii) each person has exactly one neighbour.
Solution :
(i) We have to select 4 seats for 4 persons so that no two persons are together. It means that
there should be atleast one empty seat vacant between any two persons.
To place 4 persons we have to select 4 seats between the remaining 8 empty seats so that
all persons should be separated.
Between 8 empty seats 9 seats are available for 4 person to sit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 options available

Select 4 seats in 9 C4 ways.

But we can arrange 4 persons on these 4 seats in 4! ways. So total number of ways to give
seats to 4 persons so that no two of them are together = 9C4 ï 4! = 9P4

(ii) Let x0 denotes the empty seats to the left of the first person, x i (i = 1, 2, 3) be the number
of empty seats between i th and (i + 1) st person and x4 be the number of empty seats to
the right of 4th person.

x0 1 x1 2 x2 3 x3 4 x4

4 persons



Total number of seats are 12. So we can make this equation :

x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 8 ...(1)
Number of ways to give seats to 4 persons so that there should be two empty seats between
any two persons is same as the number of integral solutions of the equation (1) subjected
to the following conditions.
Conditions on x1, x 2, x3 , x4
According to the given condition, there should be two empty seats between any two persons, i.e.,
Min (xi ) = 2 for i = 1, 2, 3
Min (x0 ) = 0 and Min (x4) = 0 (as Here can be empty seats at starting & at end)
Max (x0 ) = 8 ă Min (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4)
= 8 ă (2 + 2 + 2 + 0) = 2
Max (x4)= 8 ă Min (x 0 + x 1 + x2 + x 3)
= 8 ă (2 + 2 + 2 ă 0) = 2
Max (xi ) = 4 for i = 1, 2, 3
No, of integral solutions of the equation (1) subjected to the above conditions
= coeff of x8 in the expansion of (1 + x + x2) 2 (x2 + x 3 + x4) 3
= coeff of x 8 in x6 (1 + x + x 2) 5
= coeff of x2 in (1 ă x3) 5 (1 ă x)ă5
= coeff of x2 in (1 ă x)ă5
5 + 2 ă 1
= C2 = 6 C2 = 15
Number of ways to select 4 seats so that there should be atleast two empty seats between
any two persons = 15
But 4 persons can be arranged in 4 seats in 4! ways.
So total number of ways to arrange 4 persons in 12 seats according to the given condition
= 15 ï 4! = 360

(iii) As every person should have exactly one neighbour, divide 4 persons into groups consisting
two persons in each group.
Let G 1 and G2 be the two groups in which 4 persons are divided.
According to the given condition G1 and G2 should be separated from each other.
Number of ways to select seats so that G1 and G2 are separated = C 2 = 9C 2
But 4 persons can be arranged in 4 seats in 4! ways.
So total number of ways to arrange 4 persons so that every person has exactly one neighbour
= 9 C2 ï 4! = 864



Illustration 22

A man has to take 9 steps. He can move in 4 directions. In how many ways he can move
9 steps such that
(a) he can move any no. of steps in any direction
(b) atleast one step in each direction
(c) he finishes journey one step away from starting position
Solution :
(a) This one is easy. The person has 4 directions to go to for all 9 steps.
So answer becomes 4 9.
(b) Now he has to move atleast one step in each direction.
So just using the formula for division where each group gets atleast one item
 Total ways 4 9 ă 4 C1 39 + 4C2 29 ă 4 C3 1 9

(c) Now in this part he has to land up only one step away from starting position either in right,
left, north or south direction.
We will consider the case whom he finishes in north direction. For total ways the answer
will be multplied by 4 due to symmetry (covering all the directions)
for one step in north direction

SW = S E
SN = S S + 1

Now making table for such constraints

SN SS SW SE Case formula No. of ways
5 4 0 0 III or I DAEG 5! 4!

4 3 1 1 III DAEG
4! 3!

3 2 2 2 III DAEG
3! 2! 2! 2!

2 1 3 2 III DAEG 2! 1! 3! 3!

1 0 4 4 III DAEG
1! 4! 4!
Total =



Why DAEG ?
let S1ă9 represent the 9 steps, then


S1ă4 S5ă7 S8 S9  This is DAEG, distribution in equal

 groups. This is allowed.
S1ă4 S5ă7 S9 S8 
S1ă4 S9 S 5ă7 S8  Not allowed, because new person will
 not be one step in forward direction

 Complete distribution is not allowed.


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